Can I use coMra Palm on my own? Is it difficult to operate the device and will I learn how to apply coMra therapy soon? Where do I start from? Which are the first things I need to know about using the device? Where to find all the information that I need? Will someone answer my specific questions if there is something that is unclear about my treatment protocols? Will coMra Therapy be suitable for my condition and how to incorporate it in my daily routine? Ever wanted to know the answers of these? Here is what you need to know about coMra Therapy that will help you to start applying it on your own at home.

Everyone can apply coMra therapy

If you are still wondering whether to purchase your own coMra Palm and how to use it, this article is for you. Everyone can use coMra devices as the process was made as simple as possible. If you are following this blog, you know that coMra Therapy is a powerful and effective method to heal and support your body. It combines infrared low laser, magnets and LEDs to enhance the metabolism and the communication inside the cell. This leads to regeneration of the tissues and healing of the organs and systems. On top of that, all of the components were modulated in such a way that there are no negative side effects on the body whatsoever. Which means that as soon as you know how to change the frequency and time, you can start using coMra devices today. It is that easy!

What do you need to know in advance

In order to apply coMra treatments on your own, you will need some instructions. All you have to do as a first step, is to download the coMra User guide. Read the introduction as there you will find some of the main guidelines on how to apply the treatments. For example, if you place the device on your heart, you always have to choose 5Hz. After the pre-word, start exploring the coMra User Guide and find your condition or something similar to it. If you cannot find the name of your disease, search by organ or system. When you support the suffering organs with coMra, your body will do the rest of the healing. Your body has its own intelligence, so you only have to provide some additional energy. It will use it for healing and regeneration. Here is where coMra Therapy comes. In a very coherent way, it induces the healing process inside the cell by improving hormonal communication, metabolism and energy. It is very effective and you can treat a wide range of conditions from headaches to cancer and diabetes.

Prevention and daily treatments

There is a section in the coMra User Guide called Universal Treatments. The protocols which you will find there can be applied both as a healing treatment or as a prevention procedure. They address the major organs and systems in the body as a way to maintain overall health. On the other hand, a key segment of coMra Therapy includes also injuries and pain relief. Once you start applying it on a daily basis, you will see even more occasions to use the device. Soon, you will take your own coMra Palm with you wherever you go. Anytime you have an injury, a wound or just some pain, you can place the device on that point to speed up the recovery process. You can use coMra Therapy on you, your kids and your pets. During periods of stress, extreme weather conditions or the flu season, apply coMra Universal Treatment protocols 3, 4 or 6 to support your body. In addition, you can combine all the treatment protocols in the User Guide according to your specific needs.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Musculoskeletal conditions are a group of more than 150 diseases and disorders that affect the muscles, bones, joints and connective tissues of the body. They are the leading cause of disability worldwide, affecting approximately 1.71 billion people. Musculoskeletal conditions can cause persistent pain, impaired mobility and function, reduced quality of life and disturbed mental well-being, together with an increased risk of developing other chronic diseases. The prevalence and impact of musculoskeletal conditions increase with aging but they also might affect younger people, often during their peak income-earning years. Musculoskeletal conditions pose a significant burden on individuals, families, health systems and societies, and are expected to rise due to population growth and aging [1] [2].

Given the magnitude and complexity of the problem, the effective management of musculoskeletal conditions requires a comprehensive and holistic approach that addresses the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of these conditions. However, many people with musculoskeletal conditions do not receive adequate or timely care, and often face barriers such as a lack of access, affordability, awareness and education. Moreover, many of the available treatments are not based on the best available evidence or in many cases are not tailored to the individual needs and preferences of the patients [3].

Therefore, there is a need for more research, innovation and implementation of evidence-based interventions that can improve the outcomes and quality of life for people with musculoskeletal conditions. In this article, we will briefly review some of the most common musculoskeletal conditions and their management options, with a special focus on coMra therapy, a novel regenerative technology that combines low-intensity laser, colour, ultrasound and magnetic field to support the body's natural healing response.

Common Musculoskeletal Conditions and Their Management Options

Musculoskeletal conditions can be classified into different categories according to their causes, symptoms and affected body parts. Some of the most common categories are as follows:

Musculoskeletal Injuries: These are injuries that result from trauma or overuse of the muscles, bones or joints. They include fractures (bone breaks), sprains (ligament injuries), strains (muscle or tendon injuries), dislocations (joint injuries) and amputations (loss of limbs).

Overuse Injuries: These are injuries that result from repetitive stress or overuse of the muscles, bones or joints. They include tendinitis (inflammation of tendons), bursitis (inflammation of bursae), stress fractures (small cracks in bones) and osteoarthritis (degeneration of cartilage).

Spinal Injuries: These are injuries that affect the spine or the nerves that originate from it. They include herniated disc (protrusion of intervertebral disc), sciatica (compression of sciatic nerve), spondylolysis (stress fracture in vertebra) and spinal stenosis (narrowing of spinal canal).

Joint Injuries: These are injuries that affect the joints or the structures that surround them. They include shoulder injury (tear in shoulder tendons), knee injury (tear in knee ligaments or cartilage), hip injury (fracture or dislocation of hip joint) and gout (inflammation of joint due to uric acid crystals).

Chronic Conditions: These are conditions that persist for a long time or recur frequently. They include low back pain (pain in lower back), neck pain (pain in neck), fibromyalgia (widespread pain and tenderness), rheumatoid arthritis (autoimmune inflammation of joints) and systemic lupus erythematosus (autoimmune inflammation of multiple organs).

Management and Treatments

The management options for musculoskeletal conditions vary depending on the type, severity and duration of the condition, as well as the patient's preferences and goals. Some of the most common management options are:

Physical therapy: This is a type of therapy that involves exercises, stretches, massage and other techniques to improve the function and mobility of the affected muscles, bones and joints. Physical therapy can help reduce pain, inflammation, stiffness and weakness, as well as prevent further injury and disability.

Medications: These are drugs that can help relieve pain, inflammation and other symptoms of musculoskeletal conditions. Depending on the type and severity of the condition, different medications may be prescribed, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), acetaminophen, opioids, muscle relaxants, corticosteroids or disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs).

Ultrasound: This is a deep heating treatment that uses sound waves to create heat in the tissues. Ultrasound can help improve blood flow, reduce swelling, soften scar tissue and promote healing.

Surgery: This is a type of therapy that involves cutting or removing part of the affected tissue or bone. Surgery is usually reserved for severe or complicated cases of musculoskeletal conditions that do not respond to other treatments. Surgery can help remove tumors, repair fractures, replace joints or reconstruct ligaments.

Prolotherapy: This is a type of therapy that involves injecting a solution (usually a sugar or saline solution) into the injured ligaments, tendons or joints to stimulate the body's natural healing response. Prolotherapy can help reduce pain, improve function and strengthen the connective tissues.

Dry needling: This is a type of therapy that involves inserting thin needles into the trigger points or tight bands of muscle that cause pain and dysfunction. Dry needling can help release the muscle tension, improve blood flow and reduce inflammation.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy: This is a type of therapy that involves injecting the patient's own blood plasma that has been enriched with platelets into the injured area. Platelets are cells that contain growth factors and other substances that promote healing and tissue regeneration. PRP therapy can help accelerate the healing process, reduce pain and improve function.

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT): This is a type of therapy that involves applying high-energy sound waves to the injured area. ESWT can help stimulate the blood circulation, increase the metabolism and activate the healing response. ESWT can help reduce pain, improve mobility and enhance the quality of life.

The coMra therapy: This is a type of therapy that involves combining low-intensity laser, colour, ultrasound and magnetic field into a united coherent vortex that comprehensively supports self-regeneration of the body. coMra therapy can help stimulate the blood circulation, increase the metabolism and activate the healing response. coMra therapy can help reduce pain, improve mobility and enhance the quality of life.

coMra Therapy: A Novel Regenerative Technology for Musculoskeletal Conditions

The coMra therapy is a novel regenerative technology which combines low-intensity laser, colour, ultrasound and magnetic field into a united coherent vortex that comprehensively supports self-regeneration of the body. The name coMra stands for coherent multi-radiance therapy, which reflects the synergy of different radiances in stimulating the natural healing response [4].

The coMra therapy is based on the principle that every cell in the body has its own optimal frequency of vibration which determines its health and function. When this frequency is disturbed by injury, disease or stress, the cell becomes dysfunctional and may die. The coMra therapy aims to restore the optimal frequency of vibration by delivering a coherent vortex of radiances that matches the natural resonance of the cell [4].

The Radiances Used in coMra therapy

Low-intensity laser: This is a type of light that has a single wavelength, high coherence and low power density. The low-intensity laser can penetrate deep into the tissues and stimulate various cellular processes, such as ATP production, DNA synthesis, cell proliferation, gene expression and cytokine release. The low-intensity laser can also modulate inflammation, pain perception, immune response and tissue repair [5].

Colour: This is a type of light that has different wavelengths, low coherence and low power density. Colours can affect the mood, emotions, hormones and the nervous system of the body. Colours can also improve the function of different organs and systems by stimulating specific acupuncture points or energy centers (chakras) [6].

Ultrasound: This is a type of sound that has high frequency, low coherence and low power density. Ultrasound can create mechanical vibrations in the tissues and it enhances the effects of the low-intensity laser and colour diodes by increasing their penetration depth and diffusion area. Ultrasound can also improve blood flow, oxygen delivery, nutrient exchange and waste removal in the tissues [7].

Magnetic field: This is a type of force that has low frequency, low coherence and low power density. The magnetic field can create an optimal environment for the cellular function by aligning the water molecules in the tissues and facilitating their interaction with the low-intensity laser and the colour diodes. The magnetic field can also regulate the electrical potential of cell membranes, ion channels and nerve impulses [8].

The combination of these radiances in coMra therapy creates a coherent vortex that resonates with the natural frequency of the cell and enhances its vitality and function. coMra therapy can be applied locally to target specific areas of injury or pain, or systemically to support general health and well-being [4].

The coMra therapy has been shown to be effective for various musculoskeletal conditions, such as back pain, osteoarthritis, tendonitis, bursitis and fibromyalgia [9] [10] [11][12]. coMra therapy can help reduce pain, improve mobility and enhance quality of life by stimulating the natural healing response of the body.

coMra therapy is also safe, non-invasive and easy to use. coMra therapy does not cause any adverse effects or complications, unlike some other treatments that may have side effects such as bleeding, infection, addiction or organ damage. coMra therapy can be used by anyone, regardless of age, gender or health status. coMra therapy can be applied at home or in a clinic, using a portable device that has different modes and frequencies for different conditions [4].

coMra therapy is a novel regenerative technology that offers a promising solution for the global burden of musculoskeletal conditions. coMra therapy can help millions of people who suffer from chronic pain and disability to improve their outcomes and quality of life. coMra therapy can also help prevent the development and progression of musculoskeletal conditions by supporting the natural self-repairing ability and self-sufficiency of the body.


Musculoskeletal conditions are a global threat and a challenge for effective management. Musculoskeletal conditions affect billions of people worldwide and cause significant disability, reduced quality of life and increased risk of other chronic diseases. Musculoskeletal conditions require a comprehensive and holistic approach that addresses the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of these conditions. However, many people with musculoskeletal conditions do not receive adequate or timely care, and face barriers such as lack of access, affordability, awareness and education.

There are various management options for musculoskeletal conditions, such as physical therapy, medications, ultrasound, surgery, prolotherapy, dry needling, PRP therapy and ESWT. However, many of these options are not based on the best available evidence or tailored to the individual needs and preferences of the patients. Moreover, some of these options may have side effects or complications that may outweigh their benefits.

coMra therapy is a novel regenerative technology that combines low-intensity laser, colour, ultrasound and magnetic field into a united coherent vortex that comprehensively supports self-regeneration of the body. coMra therapy can help reduce pain, improve mobility and enhance quality of life by stimulating the natural healing response of the body. coMra therapy is also safe, non-invasive and easy to use. coMra therapy can be applied locally or systemically to treat various musculoskeletal conditions, such as back pain, osteoarthritis, tendonitis, bursitis and fibromyalgia.

coMra therapy offers a promising solution for the global burden of musculoskeletal conditions. coMra therapy can help millions of people who suffer from chronic pain and disability to improve their outcomes and quality of life. coMra therapy can also help prevent the development and progression of musculoskeletal conditions by supporting the natural self-repairing ability and self-sufficiency of the body.


[1] Woolf AD, Pfleger B. Burden of major musculoskeletal conditions. Bull World Health Organ 2003;81:646-56.

[2] GBD 2019 Diseases and Injuries Collaborators. Global burden of 369 diseases and injuries in 204 countries and territories, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet 2020;396:1204-22.

[3] Briggs AM et al. Reducing the global burden of musculoskeletal conditions. Bull World Health Organ 2018;96:366-8.

[4] Surazakov A. Principles of regenerative therapy with low-intensity laser, colour, ultrasound and magnetic field (coMra) Therapy. Available at:

[5] Chow RT et al. Efficacy of low-level laser therapy in the management of neck pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised placebo or active-treatment controlled trials. Lancet 2009;374:1897-908.

[6] Wunsch A et al. A critical analysis of chromotherapy and its scientific evolution. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2005;2:481-8.

[7] Robertson VJ et al. Therapeutic ultrasound for chronic low-back pain. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2006;3:CD003530.

[8] Markov MS et al. Static magnetic fields for treatment of fibromyalgia: a randomized controlled trial. J Altern Complement Med 2011;17:139-43.


[10] Treating pain, headaches, joint conditions and lower back pain with coMra laser therapy

[11] coMra-Therapy testimonials: fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, Ligia Correa, 67 years old female

[12] Living Life Again - coMra for fibromyalgia, arthritis, back and hip pain. An interview with Barbara.

1. Looking for hope

These doctors have no clue…WHY???

Give me hope please...

When we are facing excruciating neuropathic pain, the most natural response is to do whatever it takes to make it stop. And today, a nearly universal response to this urgent need is to suppress pain with pharmaceutical drugs or surgery. These methods may provide some temporary relief but eventually pain comes back thus destroying the long term quality of life. So, if a person has had trigeminal neuralgia or some other type of painful neuropathy for 5, 10, 30 years, it is fully understandable to feel despair and disillusionment when communicating with doctors. Indeed, doctors, medical science and technology are facing huge challenges when it comes to diagnosis and treatment of these conditions. But here comes a catch.

The challenge of neuropathic pain seems to be without a solution ONLY if we assume that pharmaceutical/surgical suppression of pain is the only possible solution. This may seem strange but the chronic nature of neuropathic pain arises from this assumption. In order to have hope of ever healing a disease like trigeminal neuralgia, at the very least we need to consider the possibility that there is more to the picture! We have to simply acknowledge what we already know about the nature of neuropathy and pain in general.

Simply put, it is an undeniable truth that in our perception any pain urgently calls forth a desire to be far away from that pain as soon as possible. However, in reality pain points to a need to heal the underlying injury.

And this is the most important point of our discussion because now we can see that there are two different approaches to treating neuropathic pain:

  1. The approach of managing perception of neuropathic pain is all about suppressing and controlling the pain. 
  2. The approach of healing the neuropathy is to support the natural process of regeneration of the injured nerves while encouraging the individual to resolve the cause of the nerve injury. 

Therefore, if you wish to find hope then our suggestion is to seek professionals and medical technologies who recognise these basic facts and which will help you to heal the underlying nerve injury. If you can find them, learn from them, ask for support and gradually gain confidence that you can increase your wellbeing. It is in this spirit that we are sharing with you the latest research and our clinical experience with coMra therapy.

2. Nerve injury

Why are doctors so quick to dismiss you or pass you off as a liar? I have had no relief in five years. Medicine just makes me not care that I’m hurt. Where do you go for help?

How does trigeminal neuralgia occur? How to cope with this pain?

Why do some of us suffer only periodically and others constantly?

What is the difference between neuropathic facial pain and trigeminal neuralgia? It sounds like the same thing but the doctor said I don't have trigeminal neuralgia but I have the first one.

To answer these questions, we need to look at the injury of nerves which in fact generates pain.

To state the obvious, pain signals about damage in the body. A skin cut or a burn are visible examples when the cause of pain is obvious. But sometimes pain appears "on its own", that is without an apparent damage to organs and tissues of the body. In such cases the source of pain could be within the nervous system itself. Normally, the nervous system acts only as a conduit of pain signals that travel from injured organs (for e.g. skin) to the brain. But an injured nerve may malfunction and start generating pain signals without an actual damage to other organs. 

Therefore, neuropathic pain is, by definition, pain due to injury of nerves. Neuralgia is just another term for nerve pain.

Apart from subjective pain sensation, a nerve injury could be difficult to confirm by a doctor thus a person with neuropathy often goes undiagnosed for a long time. An apparent major trauma to a nerve (for e.g. after a car accident) can be easily established. But a nerve injury can also accumulate at a microscopic level within nerve cells over many months and even years. Such microstructural damage is not readily detectable with the commonly available diagnostic tools. For example, in trigeminal neuralgia nerve fibers often have small segments where protective myelin sheath was stripped away. Without such protective cover a nerve fiber is highly susceptible to irritation and often "misfires" causing an extreme pain sensation. So the nerve may look fine on an MRI image but in fact it is suffering from internal microstructural problems that cause it to malfunction. Therefore, any nerve malfunction always points to an underlying nerve injury.

Neuropathic pain manifests differently depending on which nerve is injured and where. Consider, for example, facial pain. If one or more branches of the trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve V) are affected then facial pain presents as an electric-shock-like sensation which is typical for trigeminal neuralgia type 1. If the root of the trigeminal nerve is affected - the deeper part of the trigeminal nerve that goes to the brainstem - then pain presents as constant aching, throbbing or burning. This condition has been defined as trigeminal neuralgia type 2. In case of facial pain produced by an injured glossopharyngeal nerve (cranial nerve IX) the disease is called glossopharyngeal neuralgia. If it is unclear which cranial nerve is affected, then a doctor may diagnose the condition as persistent idiopathic facial pain.

Note that if a nerve injury progresses, then symptoms worsen over time: starting from slight changes in sensation, to more frequent and intense pain and finally to complete loss of function (numbness).

The bottom line is that any neuropathic pain is a call for help, an alarm bell signaling that a nerve is unhealthy. Consequently, neuropathic pain will persist for as long as an injury to the nerve is present. 

3. Methods of pain suppression

So, until this moment, the trigeminal neuralgia or occipital neuralgia are still mysterious for doctors to understand. And it needs a more in-depth study of how the solution does not have to rely on chemical drugs and surgery. It is necessary to study other solutions that can cure the two diseases.

Is surgery the only cure for trigeminal neuralgia?

Can trigeminal neuralgia return after ablation?

In order to discuss various treatment options for neuropathic pain, we need to be clear that the commonly used pharmaceutical and surgical methods offer only suppression of the pain.

Without going into too many details, pharmaceutical drugs aim to decrease our ability to perceive pain. In case of trigeminal neuralgia this is very difficult to do with regular painkillers because the trigeminal nerve is directly "hardwired" into the pain processing centers in the brainstem. Instead, antiepileptic medication like gabapentin is commonly used. It acts by suppressing the ability of cells of the nervous system to relay, to process electrical signals. The negative side effects such as fatigue, dizziness, dullness are direct results of the brain working sluggishly, with chemical "breaks" on. 

Various surgical methods, such as gamma knife radiosurgery, damage the nerve even further in order to make it stop working, that is sending pain signals to the brain. Microvascular decompression seeks to relieve external pressure on the trigeminal nerve that has been already weakened from the inside. But just like pharmaceutical drugs, surgery does nothing towards repairing the nerve injury.

We can clearly see that these tools help us manage our perception of pain. However, by merely switching off a ringing alarm bell we do not resolve the cause of the alarm. A nerve injury does not disappear simply because we become unaware of its presence. As soon as the effects of pain suppression wear off, injury announces itself again and pain comes back. Unfortunately, such pharmaceutical and surgical methods can never be a sound long term strategy because they are simply not designed to make the diseased nerves healthy again. This reality has to be fully acknowledged and understood if we are seeking to truly heal neuropathic pain.

So when we talk about solutions to actually resolve neuropathic pain, we need to look towards methods that repair the injured nerves. Obviously, pharmaceutical/surgical methods can still play a role but only as an emergency aid to alleviate suffering while we are restoring the nervous system.

4. Methods of healing nerve injury

What is the best natural management remedy?

Does trigeminal neuralgia ever go away? And though MVD surgery and gamma knife surgery are an option, are there any holistic methods that help?

Are there any new treatments for trigeminal neuralgia in the last decade or so besides the surgery and/or the neuro drugs like gabapentin? Has there been any headway made?

Is there any hope of healing or reducing pain from a stripped nerve? Jaw was also repaired with plates that are placed where the nerve enters the jawline. Been struggling with type 2 trigeminal neuralgia for over two years.

What are the latest non surgical treatments? I live in Hope!!!

Where do we go for help if we want to go beyond merely suppression of pain? Let us start with basic facts and common sense. We will share with you several simple guidelines that hopefully will help you make an informed choice rather than place blind trust in someone else's authority.

A Holistic Approach

Clearly, our aim is to heal an injured nerve, to make it whole again. Knowing well the destructive effects of surgery and long term medication usage, we seek for "natural” remedies, something that does not involve gross interference into the body. But what does it mean to heal naturally? The answer is simple and self-evident. Natural healing is a type of healing that occurs on its own accord when given enough time. In other words, what we are looking for are methods that somehow support, enhance and cooperate with the natural self-healing ability of the body.

The term self-healing implies that the best expert in repairing an injured nerve are the cells that compose that nerve. In fact, this is how we can define a difference between a living nerve and an electrical cable: living beings are capable of self-organization, self-maintenance and self-repair whereas faulty wiring in a car needs an electrician.

Certain ability to self-repair is inherent within each living cell because it has to continuously rebuild itself from the inside. Without this ability a cell would die within days or weeks. This is unavoidable because as the cell functions, for example when a nerve cell sends an electrical signal, it spends certain resources and accumulates “wear and tear”. Therefore, to stay healthy, a nerve cell has to continuously replenish its resources and rebuild itself. However, if the rate of replenishment slows down below the rate of wearing and tearing, then the cell starts to accumulate various deficiencies. This is a sign that a health promoting process of regeneration has now turned into degeneration, a path towards disease. In time, the temporary deficiencies may accumulate into serious structural defects (a cell injury) that manifest as various cell malfunctions such as neuropathic pain.

The process of self-repair of nerve cells is most noticeable after a sudden trauma. For example, a patient with trigeminal neuralgia may choose radiosurgery in order to have some pain relief. The procedure aims to partially destroy the nerve so that it stops transmitting signals. At this stage a patient may experience pain relief. But later on, as the nerve regenerates itself, it starts to function again and pain returns. The patient may see this as a failure of the surgery to provide prolonged pain relief but in reality it is just the nerve trying to repair/heal itself in response to trauma. The real problem is that the nerve's limited ability to self-repair often leads to incomplete healing and the nerve continues to generate neuropathic pain rather than rebuilding itself to a fully healthy state.

Therefore, holistic methods of treating neuropathy are those therapies that do not interfere with the inherent ability of the nerve cells to self-repair but rather help them to overcome various deficiencies that limit that ability. In addition, in order to repair the nerve injury, we also need to resolve the initial causes that led to nerve injury in the first place. 

Altogether, a holistic approach to neuropathy should lead to restoring wholeness to the injured nerve and the body, as well as the personality and spirit of a human being as one coherent whole.

Therapies for Nerve Regeneration

Since the early 1980s there has been a series of groundbreaking discoveries that showed how low intensity physical energies promote repair of nerve cells. We are referring to therapeutic methods that are known as Low Level Infrared Laser Therapy, Photobiomodulation, Magnetic Field Therapy, Low Level Ultrasound Therapy, Ultrasound Neuromodulation, Electrotherapy and many others:

These methods use different forms of energy that are so low in their intensity that they do not destroy cells but rather increase their capacity to self-repair. This is an opposite approach to high intensity radiation methods that blast cells with such amounts of energy that they break apart and die.

There are thousands of research articles published on the topic, so it is easy to get overwhelmed, even for a medical professional. However, if we come back to the holistic approach, we can keep it very simple. Remember that we need to help diseased nerve cells to overcome deficiencies in their basic aspects of internal housekeeping - energy, matter and information:

  1. Lack of energy in a cell inhibits self-repair and normal function;
  2. Sluggish transport of necessary nutrients and removal of waste slows down healing; 
  3. Lack of regenerative messages for engagement of stem cells.

So when you are investigating different holistic therapies you can understand for yourself what you should be looking for. Below we list for you some of the best therapies and provide links for further information.

Low Level Laser Therapy, Magnetotherapy

In the area of providing energy support for nerve repair, a low level infrared laser and magnetic field have been shown to stimulate the cellular power station, mitochondria. After application of these radiances, cells have up to 2-3 times more energy to accelerate regeneration of nerves expressed as repair of myelin sheath, improving electrophysiological function, decrease inflammation and so on. 

To get a general idea we recommend watching the following video and at least glance at these articles:

As nerve cells repair themselves, they stop generating pain signals. This most natural outcome of healing is confirmed by clinical studies on trigeminal neuralgia and other painful neuropathies. The following research articles can be considered as top level clinical evidence because they review other published clinical evidence (randomised clinical trials) and sum up their findings:

Ultrasound Therapy

The repair of any cell injury is also a massive transport challenge. A cell needs to bring in nutrients, expel waste and reorganise cellular structures. Low level ultrasound encourages microscopic movement sufficient to accelerate molecular transport but it avoids disruption of the sensitive apparatus of cells. Therefore, application of low level ultrasound supports faster repair of nerves and thus leads to relief of chronic pain:

Light Therapy

Living cells employ specific messages in order to communicate with each other and coordinate their activities. Repair of a significant injury to a nerve involves cooperation between adult cells and young stem cells that replace those cells which were irreparably damaged. The mechanistic idea of injecting stem cells into the site of injury and inducing regeneration by chemical signals, did not produce an effective solution. Visible colour light (red, green, blue) on the other hand, has shown a remarkable property of providing specific messages that engage nerve stem cells into reparative activity:

coMra Therapy

The coMra therapy coherently combines infrared laser, magnetic field, ultrasound and colour light in one therapeutic device. Therefore, the fundamental research done on each of the low level energies also applies to coMra but with one principal difference - coMra directly supports regeneration as an holistic biological process rather than addressing only one particular cell deficiency at a time.

From the point of view of physics, regeneration of an injured cell is a process of rearrangement of disrupted flows of energy, matter and information into a coherently functioning whole. A diseased cell never experiences a deficiency only at an energy level, or only at a structure level or only at an information level. Biological self-repair is an indivisible holistic process involving all three aspects.

The word coMra stands for “coherence achieved through Modulation of different radiances”. To illustrate this, think of a professional quartet - each of the four can play solo to great effect but if we put all four together with a conductor, playing a specific piece, where each musician knows where, when and how to come in – then we have a thoroughly inspiring, stimulating and powerful experience. coMra applies this same principle. This all translates into a highly efficient and fast method of healing.

Here is a brief explanation and a more technical explanation of cellular processes involved:

5. coMra: can it help with ... ?

I have had trigeminal neuralgia for almost 30 years. I have had two operations, the first lasted 18 years, the second was in 2010. I react to the pharmaceuticals prescribed to manage trigeminal neuralgia. Would coMra be suitable, especially as now I also have cluster headache?

Could coMra be used for an injured infraorbital nerve caused by a dental injury?

Can coMra help with glossopharyngeal neuralgia?

The coMra therapy can actively support regeneration of the peripheral as well as of the central nervous systems. In other words, coMra helps practically in every situation where a nerve cell was injured: be it structural damage and/or functional exhaustion. For example, one can use coMra therapy to recover from a particularly stressful exam in school, trauma such as concussion, cluster headaches, neurodegenerative diseases and so on. The exact cause of cell injury is not so important in order to gain benefit of coMra therapy.

Regenerative effects of coMra are not limited to one specific type of cells, tissue or organ. For example, in case of neuropathy of a cranial nerve, the fundamental processes of self-repair are the same also for trigeminal, glossopharyngeal, facial nerves. And we observed positive results even with a very long history of disease:

Users of coMra devices successfully treated neuropathic pain caused by dental surgery, trauma, infection, vaccine or so-called idiopathic origin (unknown origin). As long as we can establish the location of the injured nerve, we can apply a coMra therapy device to the site of the injury in order to initiate recovery.

How coMra would work since the cause of my trigeminal neuralgia is a varicose vein attached to the right trigeminal nerve that was deemed inoperable. I was born with arteriovenous malformations in my head.

In a case of a blood vessel/nerve contact with changes in the structure of trigeminal nerve, coMra still can help even without vascular decompression surgery. Why? Consider the following facts. There are people who have neurovascular contact and do not have trigeminal neuralgia. And there are people who have trigeminal neuralgia without neurovascular contact. So a much more probable explanation is that trigeminal neuralgia is caused by internal nerve degradation (degeneration) that makes it susceptible to irritation even by a slight external pressure. It means that regardless of the presence of a neurovascular contact, we still have to heal the primary injury inside the nerve. And coMra therapy can help with that.

How many sessions of coMra treatments are required based on studies for a patient to experience improvement with trigeminal neuralgia? 

Initial improvements of acute symptoms are felt after the first 1-5 days of daily treatments. However, if there is a systemic disease present (e.g. multiple sclerosis) or other comorbid conditions, then improvements will be less pronounced and significant improvement will take more time.

We need to be clear that beneficial effects of coMra manifest differently compared to invasive methods of pain suppression. Surgery or medications block the pain signal by a sudden, disruptive action on the nerve. On the other hand, coMra works by gradually rebuilding the nerve's structure and incremental restoration of the nerve's normal function. Therefore, coMra does not "take away the problem" in a single procedure but rather needs several treatment sessions or even many courses of sessions to reduce symptoms.

Can a person achieve full, long term recovery from a disease of the nervous system? Generally speaking, yes. But individual outcomes strongly depend on the extent of nerve injury, how chronic the condition is and the presence of the factor that initially caused the nerve injury. For example, in case of a recently diagnosed trigeminal neuralgia and the absence of other chronic diseases, one week of daily coMra treatment could be sufficient. In case of a chronic trigeminal neuralgia plus other disease like diabetes mellitus, significant improvements also are noticeable during the first 1-2 weeks of treatments. However, more courses of treatments could be necessary over the next 6-12 months to support the process of healing and gradual reduction of symptoms. Further improvements vary from person to person and depend mostly on how dedicated is the person in his or her holistic approach to healing. The good news is that we've observed that even in cases of the most severe nerve injury, gradual improvements are still noticeable over 1-3 years of regular coMra treatments.

How effective do you feel coMra would be for a trigeminal neuralgia sufferer that had a failed MVD & failed rhizotomy? Also there is some numbness from the glycerol rhizotomy that was done a year ago. Is this effective for trigeminal neuralgia type 1 and 2? Thank you.

Interested if coMra will help after destruction of the nerve.

Prior surgeries, partial destruction of the trigeminal nerve decreases the already diminished ability of the nerve to self-repair. In these cases the progress of recovery is much slower and full recovery may not be possible.

Perhaps the only exception to applicability of coMra therapy is when all fibers in a nerve were completely destroyed. Permanent lack of any function (sensation, pain) suggests that the entire nerve is no longer viable. In such cases there are no living nerve cells that coMra can assist in self-repairing. However, in case it is uncertain whether there are any living nerve fibers left in the injured nerve, we recommend doing coMra treatments for at least 3 months of daily sessions without breaks and look for any changes in the condition. Even small positive changes would indicate that further coMra therapy may help in recovery of at least some function.

I had to have a tooth removed in the front of my mouth, but have refused an implant for fear that it may set off the nerves. I would like more information about that. Thank you.

You may watch the following clinical case that illustrates preventative use of coMra therapy before a dental surgery:

How can coMra help with stroke and recovery of vision? Heminopia?

Pain after stroke or some other cause is coMra applicable?

I'm interested in all your information, I have Trigeminal Neuralgia & neuropathy in both of my legs from my hips to my toes!

Will coMra work for multiple sclerosis? Any research on this?

The coMra devices have been used for preservation of existing function and partial recovery of vision in different conditions:

The coMra therapy showed positive results and significant improvement of quality of life after stroke: physical and mental function, speech, pain relief. In a case of multiple sclerosis, coMra therapy showed the most promising results in arresting degeneration and improving the condition of the nervous system:

6. coMra: How can I ... ?

What to do when there is undiagnosed trigeminal neuralgia or difficult to diagnose facial pain?

You may do coMra treatments without waiting for confirmation of a specific diagnosis. If you suspect that trigeminal nerve is involved then you may start with Neurology 4 protocol from coMra therapy User Guide:

Similarly, if there is a possibility of facial nerve injury then start with Neurology 3 protocol. If you are unsure which nerve is involved then scan the areas of the face where you have changes in sensation, pain or muscle paralysis using Neurology 3 as a guideline.

Is coMra device available for at home use and costs to the patient?

Yes, coMra devices are very easy to operate and primarily they were designed for personal use at home. You can order them at coMra online store:

Is coMra available in my region?

If you are looking for a local doctor or a clinic where you can experience coMra therapy, we recommend getting in touch with us at and we will recommend someone close to you.

7. coMra: Safety

Is coMra therapy dangerous, could it cause cancer?

The coMra therapy is completely safe to apply given you adhere to simple safety precautions listed in the BEFORE YOU START section of the coMra User Guide. Additionally, coMra is non-invasive and non-damaging for our body by design. How is it possible that coMra is both totally safe and effective at the same time? coMra only creates optimal biophysical conditions in which any cell can function to its fullest capacity.

Furthermore, coMra therapy does not cause cancer because it does not damage DNA or any other part of a cell. Over 50 years of worldwide clinical experience with low level laser therapy, magnetotherapy, photobiomodulation, ultrasound therapy confirmed that these therapeutic radiances do not cause cancer. Moreover, the highest degree of safety allowed application of these therapies during oncologic diseases.

What are the precautions for an 86-year-old male with pacemaker, peripheral arterial disease, high blood pressure, with big toe amputation? He is not a diabetic, but needs to be treated as one, per his podiatrist.

Do not place coMra devices within 30 cm of the heart and the pacemaker to avoid interference with electronics in the pacemaker. 

With any chronic disease at an advanced stage when the body is severely exhausted, always use the 980 nm laser (Delta Terminals or the coMra Palm) to do the first 1-2 courses of treatments in order to build up the body’s resources. Once the body has overcome the initial exhaustion and depletion, gradually introduce the 905 nm laser (Delta Pro 905 Terminals) for a more intensive healing process.

How safe (close to head) is to use coMra Delta 980 nm for earache that lingers for awhile? How many times a day is recommended?

The coMra devices should be placed directly on the skin/hair of the head as shown in the coMra User Guide. In case of acute problem, pain, local inflammation, etc. you can safely increase the treatment time per point up to 5-10 minutes if necessary. Longer treatments will also be safe but less effective. A much better strategy is to use shorter treatment times but 3-4 times per day.

Can coMra therapy be used safely with medications too? The medication is doing it’s job for me at present but I’d love to be off of it eventually and wondered how that would work?

I haven’t heard of coMra. Can you use it and drugs at the same time? Are there other comorbidities it does not work well with?

Can coMra be combined with other methods? 

The coMra therapy can be safely combined with pharmacological drugs. Moreover, because coMra enhances cellular metabolism, medications work better and require less dosages to achieve the same results. As coMra healing proceeds, patients typically significantly reduce their medication intake or completely stop pharmacotherapy. This occurs completely naturally. Once symptoms start to decrease (pain, weakness, various other dysfunctions, etc), the need in symptom management also becomes less and less.

While coMra acts differently from pharmacotherapy it does not have negative side effects or contraindications. Instead, a much more common feature of coMra therapy are the so called positive side effects. They manifest as improvements in the condition of organs and systems that were not treated directly with a coMra device. For example, when we use Universal protocols (see coMra User Guide), improvements are felt throughout the entire body - from better sleep, to better digestion and faster healing of damaged organs anywhere in the body.

Can you use it while driving and such? Is it dangerous to be left lying around the house and a toddler gets a hold of it?

You can do coMra treatments before or after driving a car. However, coMra devices cannot be used while operating any machinery since coMra Delta or coMra Palm has to be manually held in locations as shown in coMra protocols and placed directly on skin. 

The coMra device is a complex electronics apparatus and must be kept out of the reach of children and animals. Under NO circumstances should the laser light be allowed to come into contact with open eyes! See BEFORE YOUR START section in coMra User Guide for a complete list of safety precautions.

Here are the video recordings of Part 1 and Part 2 of the Live Webinar where you will find lots of information, case studies and reseach results of the holistic approach to Trigeminal neuralgia and other neuropathic diseases:

Alzheimer’s is a disease which affects millions of people worldwide. It is a type of dementia which causes severe damage of the nerve cells in the brain. The best way is prevention, however if you or a close one suffers from this condition, there are still things to do to soothe the symptoms and even regenerate some of the nerve cells. One of these methods is cold laser therapy, and more specifically coMra which is more than just a low level laser, it also includes a magnetic field, light therapy and (in Delta) ultrasound. Cold lasers have shown very good results when treating nerve damage but you will need to give the body some time to partially recover the loss of so many nerve cells.

Symptoms of Alzheimer’s 

Which are the most common symptoms and body signs of Alzheimer’s? If you notice some of these, you will need to check the health of the brain and to see if this condition is the cause of the problem. The condition is developing in time, so not all the symptoms will be experienced simultaneously. 

Which Factors Increase the Risk of  Alzheimer’s Disease 

The cause of Alzheimer’s is not clearly known as it obviously is not only physical. The emotions, thoughts and lifestyle habits are affecting the physical body and if there is an underlying emotional conflict expercined for years and years, at one point it will manifest in the body as a disease. Alzheimer’s might be a result of constant inflammation or accumulation of beta-amyloid plaque, however these are only the results of something which is very deep. In addition, look out also for some of these as factors which increase the risk of Alzheimer’s:

In conclusion, everything which compromises the health of the brain can become a potential cause of Alzheimer's in the late years. Taking good care of your emotional and mental state would be the best way to keep not only your brain healthy but the whole physical body. 

Strategies to Prevent Alzheimer’s

There are some strategies to follow in order to prevent Alzheimer’s but there is no guarantee as the root cause of all diseases and conditions is the perception in the first place, either a perception of stress, danger, conflict, resistance, etc. On the obvious side, you can eat and live as healthy as possible to keep your physical body healthy, but try to turn towards your inner world and cleanse the invisible toxins in your mind and emotions too. 

Why Cold Laser Therapy for Alzheimer’s?

Low level lasers are totally safe and non-invasive, showing no negative side effects whatsoever. On the other hand, cold lasers are highly effective in supporting the healing processes in the body, inducing its own inherent abilities to heal and regenerate. In coMra, the laser is additionally supported by a magnetic field, light diodes and in coMra Delta, there is also ultrasound. All of these different radiences are coherently modulated to work together creating a field of energy which supports each cell which is receiving the irradiation. The cell then uses this available energy using it for its own needs as healing, recovery or regeneration. The coMra treatment protocol for Alzhemer’s is described in detail in the coMra User Guide under the name Neurology 1 and the whole protocol would take about 20 mins daily for at least two weeks. Of course, you can combine this particular protocol with other protocols if you need to treat more than one condition. 

More Remedies for Alzheimer’s 

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Everything in life and in our body is interconnected, there is nothing that is completely physical or solely emotional, or just mental, or only spiritual, they are all connected. When you experience panic attacks or severe anxiety, or obsessive thoughts, or mood swings, etc. you need to look at your being as a whole, as these are not only emotional, mental, or physical. How do panic attacks occur? The reason is complex - it could be an unresolved situation, some irrational fears or it could be a hormonal imbalance. Same with anxiety - you will see that most of the stress related diseases and conditions are happening as a result of high stress and anxiety is one of the symptoms.

What If It is Hormonal Imbalance?

A lot of people are searching for psychological help and very often they start taking antidepressants as a way to soothe panic attacks or anxiety attacks. However, there are stories of women who would go for years on medications not knowing that the body is experiencing hormonal imbalance which is affecting the mind and the emotions. The hormonal balance in women changes with age - the estrogen gets higher or lower, the thyroid hormones are going down, the stress hormones are going up. And it is not only about age, during different periods or phases in your life, the hormonal balance in your body will change responding to the change that is outside, for example, pregnancy, marriage, loss of a parent, changing jobs, etc. 

How then a hormonal imbalance would affect your mental and emotional state? All the hormones in the female body are interconnected - the thyroid hormones are low and the estrogen is going up, the prolactin levels are high and the stress hormones are going up too, the estrogen is high and the stress hormones are going up too. Which is the first to get out of order is hard to say as they all influence the other. 

Thyroid Issues, Panic Attacks and Obsessions

Do you know that if you suddenly start experiencing panic attacks, it could be a sign that your thyroid gland is not functioning properly? As it is mentioned above when the thyroid is in hypofunction, the estrogen and stress hormones are also going up. It could also be the opposite, the low cortisol will also affect the thyroid gland. Obsessive thoughts, emotional breakdown, severe anxiety, etc, they all can occur if your thyroid is not functioning the way it should be. So, if you experience some of these, check your thyroid hormones as one in four women worldwide is having a thyroid issue nowadays. 

Estrogen Dominance, Anxiety, Insomnia and Mood Swings

When the estrogen if too high, the thyroid hormones would not be optimal, the stress hormones would be too high or too low (like very low cortisol) and you might experience also mood swings, hot flashes, anxiety, insomnia, increased irritability, sudden anger or sadness, obsessive thoughts, fears, migraines, etc. This is a pretty impressive list and that is only a part of it. Due to the spread of plastic usage in our society, to the chemicals in food and cosmetics, many women are going through an estrogen dominance phase in their life without even knowing it. And most of them are looking for psychological help only when they would need to take steps to increase the progesterone, to lower the prolactin and to get rid of this excess estrogen from the liver and the fat tissue. 

Adrenal Fatigue, Burnout, Panic Attacks, Anxiety and Chronic Fatigue

When there is a continuous stress in your life, the adrenal glands are trying to cope with it and produce a lot of the stress hormones like cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenaline. At one point, these little glands would get overwhelmed and mild adrenal fatigue would occur coming with symptoms like inability to fall asleep or sleeping too much, chronic fatigue, brain fog, anxiety and panic attacks. The severe adrenal fatigue is called burnout when the adrenals are just not functioning. As it was mentioned above, the higher the stress hormones are, the lower are the thyroid hormones, the higher are prolactin and estrogen. The stress response is the root of all that and you might need a psychologist to help you with your stress response and patterns, or you can try yoga, meditation or mountain bike, but after all you need to take of everything that is a part of your being, as it is all interconnected. 

*Recommended coMra treatment protocols for Hormonal Imbalance from the Web App of the coMra User Guide: Endocrinology 2 and Universal 5

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

The large intestine or the colon is the place where water, minerals and most of the nutrients are absorbed. As part of the digestive system, its health is responsible for the good elimination of the waste materials from the body. It is vital for the overall health that all the waste is taken out on a regular basis as if that is not happening, it is the colon where the toxins are reabsorbed again in the bloodstream. Due to stress, lifestyle habits and nutrition, the health of the colon might be compromised which will lead to a chain reaction in the other systems. In order to keep your colon clean and healthy, you will need to drink a good amount of water daily, to eat high-fiber foods, also if needed to take probiotics or herbal teas. However, what can you do at home if you suffer from colon disease? Have you heard how effective cold lasers are?

The Difference Between Colitis, Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s disease

Colitis occurs when there is an inflammation of the colon as a result of various causes like viruses, nutritional deficiency, bacteria infections, etc. On the other hand, ulcerative colitis is a long-term inflammation of the colon which is an autoimmune condition and often is chronic. The difference with Crohn’s disease, which is also a chronic autoimmune disease, is that Crohn’s can occur anywhere in the digestive system while ulcerative colitis affects mainly the colon. 

Symptoms of Colitis and Ulcerative Colitis

While ulcerative colitis is one the many types of colitis, the symptoms are similar. However, as it was mentioned above the main difference is that ulcerative colitis is a chronic long-term condition which is known to be autoimmune too. Here is a list of the possible symptoms and signs that the colon is inflamed. 

Why is Cold Laser Therapy Effective for Acute and Chronic conditions?

The cold or low level lasers are known to be a great alternative to invasive procedures and treatments. The coMra therapy is a new generation of cold laser therapy as it combines the power of an infrared laser with the magnetic field and the light diodes therapy. This treatment method is totally safe and has no negative side effects whatsoever. The sensation on the skin is pleasant and actually, with a coMra device you might feel nothing while it is working. However, your cells will know the effect as this energy coming in the form of light to them by the laser will assist the healing and regeneration processes. The coMra devices work with the body and not against, in order to awaken and induce the inherent healing abilities of the cells and the body as a whole. Many patients have experienced great results with coMra treating all kinds of conditions and diseases. 

The coMra Treatment Protocol for Colitis 

All the coMra treatment protocols are described in detail in the coMra User Guide which is available online and also as a mobile app. The protocol that you need for colitis is found by the name Gastroenterology 6 with all the points, time and frequency that you need to apply. The whole treatment protocol is about 20 mins long but you can make it even longer if that feels good. You will need to apply it for at least two weeks and then rest, allowing time for the body to recover and regenerate. For this treatment protocol you can use coMra Palm or coMra Delta and you can apply it at home on your own as we provide all the needed information in the User Guide. 

The coMra Treatment Protocol for Ulcerative Colitis

This treatment is a bit longer and as it is described in the coMra User Guide, it will take about one hour. Most of the points can be treated both with coMra Palm and Delta, however in order to be able to execute the whole protocol you will need coMra Delta device. The recommended course is at least 3 weeks and then to take a rest, repeat if necessary. Ulcerative colitis is a chronic condition and it will take longer to recover from it, however you will see improvement even after the first course. In the coMra User Guide, this  treatment protocol is found by the name Gastroenterology 11 and as a part of it, you will need to apply Universal treatment 3 - Blood in order to strengthen the blood vessels and to improve the blood circulation.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

The hormonal balance of the reproductive hormones is crucial for the health of the woman. Although prolactin is not taking part in the reproduction process, it is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland which stimulates the breasts to produce milk in pregnant women and new mothers. That is why it is normal for a woman to have very high levels of prolactin if she is pregnant or breastfeeding, however in non-pregnant women these levels should be relatively low*. Why high levels of prolactin are considered a condition and how it is potentially dangerous for the woman’s reproductive health.

Which Are the Symptoms and Signs of High Prolactin? 

First of all, you need to know if the levels of prolactin are abnormally high. The best way to check that is with a blood test. However, your body will still show some signs and symptoms that your prolactin is too high because the main issue is that women with high prolactin find difficulties getting pregnant. Here are the most common signs and symptoms of high prolactin. 

What Causes High Prolactin in Non-Pregnant Females?

The high levels of prolactin is a sign that the hormonal balance is compromised and usually it is an indicator that there is a problem in one or more glands like the pituitary gland or the thyroid. 

Some factors can cause a temporarily increase of the prolactin levels:

How Stress Affects the Prolactin Levels?

When you are under stress, the levels of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline are increased. These hormones can inhibit the production of other hormones, in that case the gonadotropin-releasing hormone. Stress hormones in fact increase the prolactin production and also the estrogen levels. When the prolactin levels are very high though, it can cause a decrease in the reproductive hormones like estrogen and progesterone. Especially if the high prolactin is caused by a tumor in the pituitary gland (prolactinoma).

How Cold Laser Therapy Can Help the Regulation of Prolactin? 

A new way to treat hormonal imbalances is by applying cold laser therapy. It is getting more and more popular because it shows great results with a variety of conditions, is totally safe and non-invasive and is very easy to apply even at home, without the need to visit a medical center. In coMra therapy, the cold laser is assisted by magnets, light diodes and in some devices, ultrasound which makes it even more effective when inducing the healing process in the body. 

Effective coMra Laser Protocols for High Prolactin 

In the coMra User Guide, you will find numerous treatment protocols for various conditions and diseases with all details needed to apply a treatment at home on your own. In order to balance the reproductive hormones, you can use coMra Treatment Protocol Endocrinology 2 - Hormonal Imbalance and Universal 5 - Nervous system. Additionally, it will be very beneficial if you also include a protocol for the liver in the treatment course. 

Which Are the Side Effects of High Prolactin on Women’s Health?

*The levels of prolactin in non-pregnant females are 5 to 40 ng/dL (106 to 850 mIU/L), relatively levels above 25ng/dL are considered high.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Hashimoto’s disease is an autoimmune condition which is affecting the thyroid gland and usually occurs together with hypothyroidism, however the thyroid can be both underactive and hyperactive when you suffer from Hashimoto’s. The cause of the condition is not clearly distinctive but there are some factors which could make it worse and can deepen the issue. Which are the underlying factors which can make Hashimoto’s worse and how to naturally treat it in order to manage the symptoms and to restore the healthy condition of the thyroid gland?

Hormonal Imbalances and Stress

This is the biggest trigger of an autoimmune condition like Hashimoto’s disease because the normal functioning of the gland depends on the work of the other endocrine glands. When for example the reproductive hormones are out of balance, they will negatively affect the thyroid in women. High estrogen, low progesterone and high prolactin will actually additionally suppress the thyroid function making it underactive. High levels of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline also lower the thyroid hormones. In order to balance the hormones, you need a gentle strategy which is effective and to count on the body’s ability to maintain the hormonal balance by itself. There is an alternative solution: A non-invasive and effective treatment of hormonal imbalances is cold laser therapies like coMra, it is safe and has not any negative side effects. 

Food Sensitivity and Intolerance

Certain foods can cause sensitivity in some people and can additionally suppress the work of the thyroid. A well known intolerance towards gluten is one the most common cases of a food sensitivity compromising the thyroid. You can either have a mild form of gluten intolerance or Celiac disease which is actually allergy to gluten, but in both cases this specific protein in the conventional wheat grain called gluten mimics the properties of the thyroid hormones. The intolerance occurs when you eat wheat which has been grown with the use of aggressive chemicals and is less while consuming bio or organic grains in products without yeast. 

Leaky Gut Syndrome and Hashimoto’s

Chronic inflammation of the intestines is causing food particles entering the bloodstream which is known as leaky gut syndrome. This condition is common for most of the patients with autoimmune conditions like Hashimoto’s, for example. It can cause other autoimmune disorders too. The walls of the intestines become “loose” and that is causing toxins, waste materials and other substances to leak into the bloodstream causing inflammation in other parts of the body too. You can apply coMra on the abdominal area to support the recovery of the intestines. 

Viral Infections and Hashimoto’s 

Some viruses like Epstein-Barr or tick-borne infections like Lyme disease can also worsen the autoimmune response of the body causing even more irritation and inflammation. The Epstein-Barr virus is from the family of Herpes viruses which are known to stay latent in the body and become active during periods of high emotional stress or when you catch a cold. With coMra you can support both the nervous and the immune system. 

Exposure to Toxins and Heavy Metals

Toxins affect the endocrine system in women creating havoc and hormonal imbalances. Heavy metal, aggressive and harmful chemicals, environmental toxins, etc. can enter the body through daily products, food, water and air. They might be the cause of hypothyroidism and can worsen the autoimmune responses in cases of Hashimoto’s. Try to avoid endocrine disruptors as much as possible and to support the detoxification of the body by embracing a balanced and clean lifestyle. 

coMra Treatment Protocols for Hashimoto’s

Applying coMra is a way to support the inherent healing abilities of your body. This method of healing is totally safe, non-invasive and highly effective when treating a wide range of conditions and diseases. In the coMra User Guide you can find the treatment protocols described in detail in order to apply them on your own at home. The treatment protocol for Hashimoto’s is in the User Guide under the name Immunology 4 and it takes about 50 mins to be applied daily until you see a noticeable improvement. Then you allow two weeks rest and repeat if necessary.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Why coMra?

Why choose coMra as your treatment method? It is totally safe and non-invasive, at the same time it is highly effective for all kinds of conditions. In a very gentle but firm way, coMra is providing additional energy for the cells to heal and regenerate, awakening the inherent healing abilities of the body. It works with and not against. There are no negative sensations during the treatments and no negative side effects. The coMra therapy is combining different radiances which are modulated to create coherence, these are a cold laser, a magnetic field, light diodes and (in Delta) ultrasound.

Where to find the coMra User Guide?

We have a main coMra User Guide which you can use as a Web App or get the App for iOS or Android mobile application versions.

In the Downloads sections of the website, you can also download the Beauty and Wellness User Guide, the Training and Performance User Guide and the main coMra User Guide as PDF files to have them with you whenever you need them.

In which languages the new coMra User Guide Web/Mobile App is available?

The new updated version of the coMra User Guide is now available in three different languages - English, Spanish and German. Just choose your preferred language when you open the application and then continue with the next steps of finding the best protocols for your condition. 

What do you want to treat and how to find the protocol? 

There are two ways to find the most suitable treatment protocols for yourself. 

The first option is to write in the search bar the name of the condition and to see if it is listed there. If your exact condition or disease is not listed in the search bar, continue to the second option of finding the protocol that you need. 

The second option is to go to the relevant section (for example, Cardiology) and search the protocols there, finding the most suitable one for your condition. Choose it by similarity, by the main organ or system affected or by the most similar symptoms. For example, if it is a type of heart disease, check the Cardiology section and apply the protocol for the condition which is the closest to yours. 

Protocol Sections and Conditions

Before going to the protocols section you can read the “Foreword”, the “Before you start” section and the Operating Instructions. In the old versions all the protocols for the different conditions were called treatments and now you will find all the treatments under the name “protocols”. All the treatment protocols are separated in different sections and you can look at them when searching for the most suitable protocols for your conditions. You can also combine different protocols if you suffer from various conditions or diseases. 

Pictures and points

All the points which are to be treated with coMra devices are shown visually in the coMra User Guide in the form of pictures with the exact location of each point on the body. 

How to contact coMra Team directly?

Find the green Chat Button at different places on the coMra websites and write to use directly. We do not use bots to provide ready answers but real human representatives will make sure to guide and support you the best way they can in order to answer all your questions.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

In the following video, Dr Arzhan Surazakov PhD explains Treatment Protocols with coMra - Why, What and How to Treat? How to Make Your Own Treatment?

"Where do I start in creating health for myself and my loved ones?"

This is one of the most important questions we ask ourselves. And there is no single correct answer to it, because there are so many methods of treating various diseases and even more paths to a good quality of life.  And yet we all share the same means for our human experience of life – our  body, emotions, feelings and thoughts. So if we are to learn how to increase health and choose among many methods of medical treatment, we need to understand how these aspects of a human being interact in manifesting wellbeing or disease.

holistic health

It is quite obvious that if we want to fully partake in life - in a family unit, in a business or a friendship - we need a resilient physical body, emotional balance and a sound mind. It is also important to understand that all of these aspects of our being very closely interact in order to generate health or disease. To put it very briefly:

Let us look at this sequence in more detail. If we have a keen and fluid perception, then we register knowledge that is accurate to what is actually going on in the present moment. Using such knowledge we can make wise decisions and act to increase our quality of life.

But if our perception is too limited or somehow skewed we get a distorted picture of reality. Frequently we are stuck in outdated mental and emotional patterns that once were helpful, but although life has moved on, these patterns have not changed. Such a mismatch between perceived reality and what actually is going on generates internal conflict or a dis-ease in our awareness. So when we reactivate the same outdated pattern of perception over and over again, we heavily tax and then deplete organs and cells in our body that are responsible for our physiological response to that specific pattern. The dis-ease in perception becomes illness in the physical body.

Take, for example, a person who is crossing a street and suddenly sees a speeding oncoming car. Instantly the heart and breathing rates accelerate, pupils dilate, his muscles and the whole body are prepared for running away. Such a response to the emotion of fear is necessary to  preserve one's life. However, if a person lives in a constant state of fear after, for example, a traumatic event in childhood, then the accumulated stresses, that can be triggered by completely unrelated incidents, will  inevitably result in a full blown illness, such as endocrine disease or a psychological disorder or both.

In fact, the emotional colouring of our perception has such a powerful effect over our physiology that in medical research the so called "gold standard" of estimating efficacy of a treatment is to compare it to placebo, such as a sugar pill. Up to 30 to 60% of the effect of pharmacological drugs is due to expectation of the patient that the drug will help. Just as powerful is the effect of "nocibo" when the patient expects a negative effect. Obviously, the body itself cannot read and understand the prescription labels. Instead, it tunes in to the emotional clues arising in our awareness and adjusts its physiology by manifesting real, measurable changes in cellular bioenergetics and chemistry, organ function and structure, and finally symptoms.

We can picture health and disease as result of interaction between the following fundamental aspects of our being:

We can define health, therefore, as a state when a human being is arranged into a harmonious and coherent whole thus enabling the Self to fully manifest and partake in life. Illness, on the other hand, is essentially the same learning process except that it happens in presence of an imbalance originating from physical, emotional or mental aspects. This imbalance impedes the coherence of the whole and thus the learning is occurring through pain and suffering. In other words, apart from obvious causes such as physical injury, pathological changes in the body is a final outcome of a long chain of causes and effects.

We need to clarify here that the physical body, like all animals in nature with whom it shares its evolutionary past, constantly recreates itself through a process of regeneration. This inherent ability to self-regenerate enables the body to maintain itself during its entire life span, to adapt to changes and to heal itself after injury or disease. Therefore self-healing is very much a natural ability of the organism that functions without our conscious control. However, after millions of years of evolution the human physical body has become a perfected response apparatus to the emotional urges that stem from feelings and thoughts. What it means is that the body also carries the burden of being a vehicle for our learning. So when the socially conditioned human being resists learning and insists on behaviour that clearly overuses and damages certain cells and organs, then the self-healing ability of the body becomes impaired, leading to incomplete recovery after a stress. These incompletely healed lesions accumulate over time leading to what is known as chronic disease.

So, generally speaking, when a disease manifests in the physical body, it points to a certain lack of knowledge of life. To heal a disease we need to support the body in its task of self-healing and also use our emotions as a compass to navigate to that distortion in perception and uncover what actually took place in reality. Therefore, true holistic healing is always a journey of discovery and learning!

In this video, Radiant Life Technologies’ Dr Arzhan Surazakov explains how the laser works, and how the combined radiances work together to provide a unique therapy that works at a fundamental level to promote healing in the body:

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

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