Most of the diseases that we know are caused mainly by the high levels of stress which the body is experiencing too often. Stress is the reaction of the body as if we are in danger and it produces hormones that will help us to gather all our power and run. The problem is that there is no such thing and we have to live through some imaginary dangerous situation day after day. If the body is aware that there is nothing scary around us, then we could calm down easily and reduce the level of stress. With yoga, we unite the mind and the body in order to recover the harmony between them.

Slow down

When we try to multitask, think about many things at once, when we are in a hurry and try to get somewhere on time, then we may think that we are more productive but our body experiences all of this as a reason to produce more of “stress hormone” - cortisol. The high levels of cortisol in the body for a long period of time, are harming the main organs and cause diseases. In yoga, we do everything very slowly and this gives the body enough time to adjust to the changes without producing so much “bad” hormones. The slow movements are beneficial for the body helping it to detoxify and to be in good shape.

Breath and observe

When practicing different breathing techniques, we become more aware of what is going on with the body in this particular moment. The mere observation of the breathing process is something that brings us back to the present moment and helps us to deal with the overthinking. As this is the root cause of all anxiety and depression, it is very important to teach ourselves to just think less thoughts at one and the same time.


When observing the breath long enough, we gently enter this specific state of mind called meditation or a mind without thoughts. Maybe it is hard at the beginning to even understand how it is possible to stop all of this chatting that is happening constantly in our heads, but it is getting easier with the practice. It is proved that after several minutes of meditation, the levels of cortisol are lower and we are actually even more concentrated and productive afterwards. The stress from the work is a big trouble when the thinking about the professional problems starts to interfere with our personal life. Meditation will help us to just relax and see the things from a different perspective.

Health issues and coMra therapy

Doing yoga on a regular basis will help you control your health issues and will ease some of the symptoms. However, some of the conditions could not be healed only with yoga practice but it is a good complimentary activity to coMra therapy. As this therapy is very gentle and non-invasive, it awakens the inner healing abilities inside you to give a full support into healing and recovery. In the coMra user guide you could find all the treatments and could apply them even as a prevention.

Healthy lifestyle

Actually, the cause for the stress at work is not only the problems that we need to deal with, but could be also how we take care of ourselves in general. Yoga is an ancient tradition that includes all areas of life. When practicing yoga, it is recommended to eat clean and healthy food, to go to a massage therapy regularly and to be active every day. When you eat whole foods, a lot of fruits and vegetables and other good food, you assist the body in its recovery and well-being. Applying coMra therapy, massage therapy and other alternative ways of healing would only make your yoga practice even more beneficial.

Maybe stress is not so much about what happened but more about how do you react to the issue, how do you handle and solve the problem. If you build a strong base inside yourself and create a confidence that will be always with you, you will live a more peaceful life. Yoga is all about connection, so when you connect the body with the mind and the soul, you could experience more joy and happiness in your life.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

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