Candida is a type of bacteria that naturally exists in the body and helps with the digestion and absorption of the nutrients in the intestines. However, if overgrowth of candida occurs, it becomes a serious condition that could affect the major organs and systems. If you have white coated tongue in the morning, brain fog, bloating, joint pain, hormonal imbalance, fatigue, sinus or allergy issues, then maybe candida is the cause of all of them. The overgrowth of candida affects the natural balance of bacteria in the gut and often leads to leaky gut and pain after eating.

What Causes Candida Overgrowth?

Mood swings and premenstrual syndrome could also be a sign that candida is too much and you need to take care of it. The usual causes for candida overgrowth are antibiotics which kill the good bacteria in your body, consumption of too much sugar, diabetes, weak immune system and digestive issues. On the other hand, candida is linked to diseases like hypothyroidism, urinary tract infections and skin fungal issues. As it tends to be very stubborn you need to embrace a complex and persistent approach in order to deal with it which includes diet changes and coMra treatments.

Candida Symptoms

1.Digestive issues

If you often experience excessive gas, bloating, constipation or other digestive issues, the cause of them could be candida overgrowth. When these bacteria reach the intestinal tract, they start reproducing there depending on the environment there. The health of the gut is a constantly changing balance of the bacteria living there, some are good for you and some are bad. When the balance is disturbed, the healthy bacteria cannot fight the infections which is known as dysbiosis. Treating candida overgrowth can bring relief. 

2.Mood swings and anxiety

While the gut is affecting our mood so much, it is not a surprise that all that byproducts from the candida infection can cause mood swings, anxiety, irritability and even depression. The so-called gut brain is directly affected by the bacteria balance in the gut and how well the digestive system is functioning. While candida is feeding mostly on sugar, you can start observing how you feel after eating something sweet. In the next few hours or even on the next day, you might notice signs of irritability or anxiety and that is often linked to excessive candida growing because of the sweet treat. That is why the diet for candida eliminates all the refined sugar and limits the consumption of carbohydrates.

3.Chronic fatigue and brain fog

If you suffer from chronic fatigue and experience difficulties concentrating, together with poor memory, then it might be a sign that you have candida overgrowth. Usually, the fatigue lasts for more than a month or two, it is often accompanied by headaches and lack of any physical energy or motivation to be active. Brain fog often occurs after consumption of sugar or carbohydrates, it is a common symptom of candida infection too.

4.Urinal and Vaginal Infections

The recurrent infections of the urinary tract and the vagina are in most cases caused by candida. While there is some quantity of the bacteria there, the overgrowth can cause health issues which are difficult to heal and have the tendency to come back when you experience stress. During an active infection, women need to avoid tight underwear and hot baths. Cold laser therapy is a good non-invasive option for chronic and recurrent issues of the urinary tract. 

5.While coating on your tongue and mouth (oral thrush) and bad breath

One of the most common symptoms of candida infection is the white coating on the tongue in the morning caused by the overgrowth of the bacteria. This can cause bad breath and gum problems if left untreated. It is a very helpful practice to clean your tongue in the morning after you wash your teeth in order to prevent the bacteria spreading to your digestive tract, heart, liver, etc.

6.Fungal infections on the skin and nails

Nails fungal infection and skin issues might be caused by candida and this shows that your immune system is very weak. Prolonged infections are a sign that you have a yeast infection which stems from a bacteria similar to candida. You will need a systematic approach and a cold laser treatment program in order to address the issues both from the inside and outside. 

7.Hormonal imbalance

When candida overgrowth is untreated, it might cause hormonal imbalance as the substances from its metabolism are mimicking the hormones, especially in women. It can throw the estrogen out of balance, disturbing the abilities of the body to eliminate the excess estrogens from the body. The estrogen dominance occurring then can cause thyroid and fertility problems. All hormonal imbalances can also be addressed and treated with cold lasers without hormone replacement therapies with even more estrogen.

Support the spleen and the liver

Spleen is often weakened if there is candida overgrowth in the body, so coMra therapy supporting its functioning would be very beneficial. Liver is the other organ which is trying to compensate while dealing with the toxins released from the bacteria. The Universal Treatment 6 - Vitality from the coMra user guide is a healing course which will support the body in case of any physical exhaustion and could be used to treat candida overgrowth too. You can apply several more minutes on the spleen and the liver the first two weeks as daily treatments are essential for the good results.

The Gut Health and Your Diet

The other important part of the healing is the food that triggers the yeast overgrowth. Most of the candida symptoms will show problems in the abdominal area causing digestive issues. First, you need to eliminate processed food and sugar from your diet.Then to reduce the consumption of grains, especially wheat and other gluten containing foods. Sugar feeds the bad bacteria in your intestines causing the candida overgrowth and grains also are turned into sugar. It is better to eat starchy vegetables like squash or sweet potatoes while dealing with candida. Beans are good for you if you soak them in advance and if your body can digest them properly. You need to eat more leafy green vegetables like spinach, kale, lettuce etc. as they contain a lot of fiber and vitamins. Avoid cold foods as they affect the spleen and suppress the digestion process, choose more soups and warm vegetable dishes.


Fermented foods like kimchi or sour pickles contain a huge number of natural probiotics which will help the growth of the good bacteria in your body. You can also take probiotics as a supplement and to apply coMra therapy on the abdominal area in order to restore the balance. The ratio between good and bad bacteria in your intestines is crucial for your immune system and candida overgrowth is also liked to re-occurring inflammations or infections. It even affects your emotional state and may lead to depression or anxiety. If you feel the craving to eat more and more sweet, feeling bad after that, then you have to help your good bacteria with probiotics and foods like ginger, garlic or turmeric.

Working with your mindset and emotions

The body itself is the physical part of our being and it is directly connected to the mind. Any health issue is firstly born in the mind and the emotions, then it shows itself on the physical plane as a health issue or a disease. When there is an imbalance of any kind or a condition, it is a sign that there is an inner conflict going on. There are also some thoughts or emotional patterns which are harmful for the body. So, if you want to be healthy, you need to do the inner work too. Candida is linked to thoughts of self-hatred, to inability to accept life as it is, and a lack of trust in the process of life. Try working with this while you are treating yourself with coMra laser therapy and changing your diet and lifestyle.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.