The symptoms of the anxiety are so well-known these days – to feel upset and obsessed with problems, circling and worrying thoughts and even panic attacks. Anxiety can be mild to severe as a reaction to the stressful and hectic lifestyle so many people have. So, you probably want the opposite of it. But what is the opposite of anxiety, how to heal the condition from the root?

Being present

Obviously, the anxiety is the total lack of inner peace and harmony that is throwing you into the middle of a turmoil of negative thoughts, emotions and even physical pain. How to get to the point where the peace is just natural? There are some methods that are proved to help you achieve that – breathing exercises, mindful meditation, awareness about what is going here and now. Just take a deep breath and ask yourself “Where am I now? What do I wear? How do I feel the air in the room? Am I feeling my back touching the chair” and so on. The point is to focus on the present moment by observing your breathing, your body and everything around you. In addition, being present will create alignment with your heart, you will be able to feel what is that you really desire at this moment.


Another thing that is totally opposite of anxiety, is vitality - when you are motivated and full of energy to do things rather than just to overthink what is bothering you. So, the easiest way to get there is to move your body. Exercises, yoga, dancing, running or even walking, just do it. We tend to sit for hours in front of the computer or with the phone, but the body is feeling good with movement and we definitely need more. You can support your body to have more energy with a healthy diet, food supplements and even with innovative technology like coMra Palm. All of the details on how to use it are in the coMra User Guide. When your body is toned, your brain and your gut will produce more “feeling good” hormones. Use any alternative method to heal without aggressive chemicals entering your system.



You need to trust life and people around you, and most of all – yourself, as trust is another opposite of the anxiety. If you know that everything will be alright and all will get well eventually, then there is no room left for the anxiety. Trust is something that you choose rather than create, it is a decision that you can make and see how it feels. When a person is anxious, the fear prevails and it looks like nothings goes the way it should be. But if you trust that all is for your good and that a way out of each situation is possible, you can calm down and move on with your life.

The stress is a reaction to the situation and it depends on how we choose to see the things in our life, it is not life itself that is stressful but how we decide to act upon it. Some things will always be out of our control but there are so many variations and opportunities of how a situation could unfold. The opposite of anxiety is not one thing, but if you manage to deal with it, you will know it, as the lack of anxiety is good already.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

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