by Michail Tzvetanov

There are many factors that determine how long an athlete will stay at the top of their game and will be able to deliver great performances. Genetics, the environment their body and organism were formed in, the method of training and regeneration, diet and several others play a role. In this article, I have focused only on the factors that can be reliably influenced by coMra-Therapy. Let’s take a look…

Fatigue and depletion of energy reserves

When it comes to over-training, every athlete who works hard on themselves and tries to constantly improve is balancing on a very thin edge. We will not rest until we see that we’re better, faster, stronger and have more endurance. And once we achieve those, we want to go even further. It frequently happens that we don’t give our bodies enough time or space to breathe and draw new life force. Stress and fatigue accumulate, and the body’s regeneration processes slow down. This poorly chosen path only leads to further injury or to illness caused by seasonal viruses because our bodies have deficient immunity.
CoMra therapy accelerates regeneration, recharges the body’s energy reserves and thus reduces the risks due to over-training. To put it simply, thanks to the regular use of coMra in their routine, athletes recover faster and can train more often. In addition, coMra also supports the normal function of the immune system and helps the body to defend against pathogens.

Ageing and slowing down the regeneration process

“It’s not what it used to be …” We’ve all heard this, and we may have even said it. I myself am convinced that a slowdown of the body’s regeneration due to ageing isn’t caused by physiological changes alone. Lifestyle is also to blame. When you are young, you can focus mainly on yourself and your own interests but age brings other responsibilities. At one point, you begin to invest a great deal of energy into areas of life that previously didn’t bother you. As the years go by, the body’s ability to regenerate gradually decreases; it is a natural process taking place at a cellular level. A combination of these factors leads to an increase in the amount of time required for the body to recover after exercise. A few hours or a day isn’t enough to regenerate any more. Suddenly, you need two, three and often more days at a time to be able to deliver top performance again.

The fuel of all processes in the body, including regenerative processes, is ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is produced and stored in our cells (specifically in mitochondria). The higher the levels of ATP in our cells, the better our bodies are able to function and defend themselves. Therefore, coMra with its four components effectively stimulates the creation of ATP in mitochondria. As a result, cells are able to restore their function much faster and then all of the regenerative or defensive systems and mechanisms in the body function optimally.

Chronic injuries

Sports with a focus on top performance may not always be healthy for the body. Even recreational athletes know that injuries appearing here and there simply persist, do not subside and sometimes have the tendency to reoccur. This is the reason why many people end their sports careers for good or in better cases they change disciplines but give up their dreams of peak performance.

Actually, coMra has a very successful case history in the treatment of long-term and persistent chronic injuries. Its primary added value in this regard is in the support of the tissue regeneration through a holistic approach. In practice, this means that in addition to the direct treatment of the wound site, regeneration can be accelerated by supporting the optimal function of the body’s control systems involved in the regeneration process. Additionally, coMra can be applied to stimulate the lymphatic or nervous system in combination with the treatment of selected organs, such as the heart or adrenal glands. This stimulates and intensifies the process of tissue regeneration and initiates the treatment of persistent injuries and problems.

Regenerating nerve fibers after injury

A frequent reason why professional athletes end their careers early is the accumulation of untreated injuries. This is due, for example, to a sped-up return to activity after an injury. Unfortunately, it usually happens because an athlete feels good and, at first glance, has no external signs of injury after rehabilitation (such as pain and other discomfort during exercise). But many delicate processes in the body have not yet been completely restored. These are mainly processes that are taken care of by delicate tissues such as nerve fibers. With tissue injuries, such as a ruptured ligament, nerve signalling disorders – the process of transmitting information from the brain to the body and back – can also occur. Interrupting the flow of information between the locomotor system and the brain can lead to cognitive dysfunction. In simple words, this may negatively affect the speed and fluidity of the musculoskeletal system response. Unlike muscle fibers, tendons or bones, nerve fibers regenerate much more slowly and the time it takes to fully recover is much longer.

Impairment of cognitive functions as a result of injuries to the musculoskeletal system do not usually pose a great danger for people in everyday life. But for professional athletes in a competitive environment, where everything often takes place within hundredths of a second, the situation is different. All it takes is one slower reaction and the original injury is renewed or a completely new one occurs. It is therefore not out of the ordinary for athletes go from one injury to the next and to practically never be able to recover fully.

In a very gentle and effective way, coMra supports the natural healing process in every cell of the body and also contributes to the accelerated recovery of damaged nerve fibers. Thanks to coMra, not only can an athlete speed up their return to activity after an injury, but at the same time they can ensure a high-quality recovery. All of that while lowering the risk of an incomplete healing of nerve fibers and a restored cognitive function of the musculoskeletal system.


Pain is an everyday part of athletes’ lives. Top-level performances in top-level sport simply hurt. Many athletes turn to painkillers to deal with the pain. It’s quite common for athletes to take analgesics before a match, race or competition just to prevent any pain that might put them out of the action. As a result of long-term abuse of analgesics, internal organs are damaged (liver, kidneys, heart) and athletes are shut out of active competition.

In that sense, coMra can be used both for the control of acute pain (rapid analgesic effect) and for the treatment of chronic pain. The application of coMra in cases of acute pain leads from partial to complete relief, and the repeated application of coMra can keep pain under control. At the same time, some of the comprehensive coMra treatment protocols can be begun (according to the type and origin of the pain) to support and stimulate natural healing processes and to treat injuries and infections. While coMra is non-invasive and gentle on the body it can be a good alternative to the various pain pills.

Mental balance

For athletes, psychology plays a huge part. It can turn around the best-played match or help the greatest outsider win a race. This is why nearly every top athlete nowadays has their own personal psychologist or life coach. The goal is to get to the optimal mental state to deliver maximum performance, to manage pre-start stress and jitters as well as to maintain mental balance during the long months of preparation. Even if you can’t afford to hire a personal sports psychologist, there’s still hope …

Applying coMra therapy will help you to induce a state of calm and mental composure thus overcoming feelings of anxiety and pre-start jitters. There’s nothing miraculous about it. Stress is the body’s reaction to a person’s emotional state, in which the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline flood the body. Our bodies react to situations that the brain perceives of as dangerous. Thanks to cortisol and adrenaline, the body awakens our hidden energy reserves and prepares to deal with situations that require either fight or flight. This state is influenced by various emotional perceptions. It can be very beneficial to use coMra in these situations because it will harmonize the hormone levels in the body and thus will contribute to the induction of a state of inner calm and mental balance.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..

Do you believe that Life is a powerful force and nothing happens as a coincidence? According to you - does Life support your healing or it works against it and makes you ill? Can you think of a proof to your beliefs? Here is the topic of the article today - the first principle is that Life is a regenerative process. How embracing that will change your journey through life? How can you relate this to the process of healing used in coMra therapy?

Life is Regenerative process

This is one of the principles of Life and it works with every living creature on the planet - animals, plants, insects and people. Perhaps, many people have forgotten this fundamental truth. If you do not trust the power of life, if you don’t see life as your biggest support, think again. When you cut your finger, what can you observe? In several days the wound is closed and in most of the cases, there is not even a scar left. Your body has regenerated itself and you cannot even control this process. But what about more serious conditions like diabetes or autoimmune diseases? Do you believe that regeneration is possible in such cases too?

Your Mind is the Obstacle

The body is a very complex system where all the organs are working together. But your thoughts lead to emotions and they influence the body directly. Maybe you don’t see if it happens one time but a repetition of a certain thinking pattern will eventually manifest in your body either as health or as a disease. If the regeneration is not happening, then something stands in its way. And that is the mind, the thoughts, your beliefs and all the things that you tell yourself day after day.

coMra Therapy Works in Harmony with Life

If you support this powerful force presented in every living being called Life, healing is possible and simple. But if you have been living in resistance and denial for a long time, your body will need some help. Using coMra therapy is a a very gentle way to support your body into remembering what it feels like to be in harmony with life. Not that it has forgotten but because it spends too much energy trying to recover from the negative emotions which affects the hormonal balance and the organs. coMra therapy will awaken the inner healing abilities of your cells providing the needed energy, information and mechanical support needed for the recovery.

What do you choose?

Your choices will show in your way of thinking, talking and acting. Are all of these in harmony? Is there any distortion between your beliefs and your actions? If you choose to support your body knowing that it has the ability to heal from any known disease, do you act on this belief? coMra therapy is a method of healing that is life-supportive. It does not go against what is natural for your body, not trying to manipulate it or harm it in any way. coMra therapy supports the Healer Within with its low level laser working in coherence with the magnets and the light diodes. This creates an environment for your cells to start working normal again, to align with the intention of a healthy body full of energy. And this is another principle of Life - The Intent of a Person defines the quality of Life.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Each movement of the body depends on the health of the joints - from the bending of the knees or the back, to simple walking or writing. It is very important to take care of the joints and the cartilage that cushions the bones, preventing them from rubbing. With the age, after too much weight or injury, the cartilage slowly wears off and sometimes inflammation in the joints occurs. The active and balanced lifestyle will support your overall health and your joints together with a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

However, there are some key factors for healthy joints that could prevent or heal inflammations and help you to get rid of the pain. Prevention is the best cure, especially when we talk about the joints as for them to recover back to their initial state is not a fast and easy process.

Protein production

The collagen that your body produces, is used for many things as it basically holds everything together like in the skin, muscles, the joints and everywhere else too. For its production, you need a number of amino acids from which the collagen threads will be created. MSM and  glucosamine sulfate are the supplements that improve the collagen productions and some people even intake hydrolyzed collagen type 2 to supports the joints. The fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as the sprouts contain amino acids too. You can also add some forms of plant or whey protein to your diet if you want to increase the collagen and muscles in the body.

Tissue regeneration

The recovery of the cartilage could take some time however with the coMra laser therapy, in a very gentle and non-invasive way, your tissues will be regenerated and healed. The laser is very effective and easy to be used at home, it provides instant pain relief and long term support awakening the inner abilities of the body to heal itself. All the treatments are described in the coMra user guide where you can search your condition because the coMra Palm is a laser that could be helpful for a number of conditions and is providing healing for almost each organ and system in the body.

Omega 3 fatty acids

There are some foods that you have to include in your diet in order to support the joints, also the heart and the blood vessels. The natural sources of omega 3 fatty acids are chia and flax seeds, wild-caught salmon, sardines, mackerel, walnuts. The good fats like olive oil, avocado, fish and other plant oils are very beneficial for the health of the joints and other systems in the body like the cardiovascular and digestive ones. On the other hand, it is good to avoid refined sugar, trans fats and alcohol as they might make you feel stiff and your joints less flexible but more painful.

Essential oils

The massage with some essential oils as well as the aroma lamps usage could provide great relief and support for your joints and overall health, most of them have antioxidant and antiseptic effects on the body. The essential oils have very light molecules that quite quickly could reach your bloodstream and fight against the inflammations in the joints. The ginger, frankincense, myrrh, orange, turmeric, black pepper, lavender, rose, peppermint, jasmine, clary sage, bergamot and chamomile essential oils could be used diluted in base oils like jojoba, macadamia, coconut etc. and be applied locally with massage movements on the joints and the skin.


The proper moderate movement, the good stretching and muscles workout are great for the joints as they have to be used in order to keep them healthy. Yoga and other exercise systems like pilates, body shaping, dancing etc. will increase your durability and flexibility. In the same time they are teaching your muscles  how to make the right movements that will not injure the joints. The daily posture and ordinary activities like walking, sitting and lying on the bed sometimes are not done in the natural way and a harmful habit is developed. You have to pay attention to how you use your joints, especially if you like long walks or running in the park, as if these are done the wrong way that may put too much weight on the knee joint for example. The excess weight is also a problem for the joints, so the exercise routine will help you keeping up the good shape and stay strong and toned.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Why the role of the lymphatic system is so important for your health? How to support its better functioning incorporating some useful habits in your lifestyle? What not to do if you want to have a lymphatic system that works properly?

The lymphatic system is the body’s drainage net of small tubes that takes away the excessive fluid, called lymph, leaked from the blood vessels in the tissues and brings it back to the bloodstream through the lymph nodes. Another function of this system is its role in the immune defence of the organism against bacteria, fungus, waste products, toxins and any other dangerous substances and cells that may be found in the body. The lymphatic nodes and the organs connected to this system like the spleen and the thymus store white cells which are rapidly multiplied and released in the blood if any bacteria, virus or dying cells are detected.

If any disorders occur in the lymphatic system the overall health would be affected immediately, the lymph needs to move easily in the body, so the waste materials of any kind to be able to leave the organism. The lymphatic vessels doesn’t have their own pressure like the blood vessels and the lymph is moving upwards always. So, what can you do daily to support its work?


As soon as the lymph is not able to move on its own because of the lack of pressure in the lymphatic vessels, the only way to support its movement is through exercises and contraction of the muscles. The sitting or standing at one place for many hours is causing a great difficulty for the lymph to move around the body. Without this movement the function of the lymphatic system is interrupted and the toxins are stored in the body or in the lymphatic nodes. A daily exercise is vital for this system to work properly. Even a quick stretching each hour for several minutes would help the lymph to travel easily through the body. To put your legs higher than the waist is also a good idea that would support the lymph movement.


The lymphatic system is managing the fluids levels in the body so it needs enough liquids to enter the system in order to work properly. The water supply is vital for the lymphatic drainage as the lymph is used by the body to flush away all the waste products, bacteria and any other dangerous substances. If dehydration occur in the body, the lymph nodes would be blocked with the toxins so enough amount of daily water is essential for the immune system.

Tissue regeneration

The disorders in the lymphatic system might lead to tissue swelling as the lymph is not moving properly and the excessive liquids is not drained well. Sometimes this could be the result of not enough tone in the tissues and the muscles. To regenerate the tissues safely and without any side effects you can treat the body with the coMra Palm. The coMra laser therapy would gently support all your systems including the lymphatic one as it provides the tissue regeneration and total body conditioning, providing the cells and the organs with the extra energy they need in order to awaken its own healing abilities.

Spices and herbs

Some herbs and spices could help the immune system in its fight with the incoming bacteria, viruses and toxins from the outside world. The intake if garlic, chilli peppers, turmeric, ginger, clove, bee propolis, apple cider vinegar etc. might give your lymphatic system an extra push and support. Some herbs like the green tea, nettle and cinnamon could help the body to drain the lymph and excessive liquids.


The lymphatic system is an open one as all the waste products, dead cells and toxins must be pushed out of the body. The sweat is part of this system, the sweat is what the lymphatic system is using to maintain the inner temperature and to flush away the unneeded substances. This the main reason why the sauna and the regular intensive exercises are supporting the detox of the body. You should not try to seal the sweat glands as then the toxins are not going out and will return in the circulation.

Special Massage

The massage that is supportive for the lymphatic system would be the one that is done from downwards to upwards and not the other way around as most of the massage procedures are done. There are some specialists that are doing this special drainage massage that is improving the lymph movement through the vessels.

If your lymphatic system is working properly with all its nodes and organs, then the body is able to use its immune system in order to maintain the inner balance it needs. All the resources for cleansing and recovering are in the lymph movement to its open ends in the skin and other organs. When you support the lymphatic system, you actually help the regeneration and rejuvenation of the cells.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Today more and more are people choosing to stay away from invasive treatments and long-term dependence on pharmaceutical drugs. One effective and non-toxic healing modality which is becoming recognised is coMra-Therapy, which combines low-level laser light with magnetism, colour LEDs, and in some models ultrasound. Physiotherapists have used low-level lasers for the relief of pain for a long time. But nowadays they are being increasing used across a wide variety of medical disciplines, and are not limited to pain relief.

How can one explain this wide range of medical benefits? Low-level laser light in coMra-Therapy is of a power that stimulates tissue repair. This regenerative ability means that it has a wide range of beneficial applications. For example, cells respond to laser light by increasing respiratory activity, enhancing cell proliferation which leads to tissue regeneration and improving resistance of cells to toxins, hypoxia and other stress factors.

Today, more and more ordinary people are benefiting from the healing effects of coMra-Therapy in the treatment of both acute conditions, such as cuts, burns, muscle and tendon injuries, as well as chronic conditions, from persistent back pain to multiple sclerosis, and from intestinal disease to sciatica.

Claudie Lemoine is a clinical massage therapist, who uses coMra-Therapy to add a new dimension to her work. Here Claudie talks about one of the areas in which coMra-Therapy has helped her clients.

“A lady came with unbearable pain on the top of her foot. She had been treated with cortisone and other medicines for 8 years for arthritis and osteoporosis. Her legs, and especially her feet, were purple with red patches, spider veins and varicose veins and some were completely black already.

When she came for the second treatment, she said that the top of her foot was no longer painful, although the external side was bothering her now. I asked her permission to treat her for sciatica as I do with deep tissue massage, but using the laser machine instead. She gladly agreed, even though she was a bit sceptical. Well, it proved effective!

By the ninth treatment, the improvement was radically visible, and she could from then on walk straight, without limping or pinching her lips. That day, she phoned the receptionist from town and said to let me know that she “is in town, walking all over the streets as never before and she has no pain whatsoever!"

There is no doubt that coMra-Therapy is fast becoming the medicine of choice, and this is not just due to its effectiveness. It is also becoming popular, because it is safe to use, even on a long-term basis, is fully portable and is completely non-invasive.

An early 2011 study published by 2 scientists working for the FDA in the United States concluded that:

"After nearly 45 years of low intensity level light applications in humans with lasers (or any other optical to near infrared light sources) there are no known reports of any adverse side effects to the best of our knowledge."*

*Laser therapy: A review of its mechanism of action and potential medical applications

Darrell B. Tata and Ronald W. Waynant

Laser & Photonics Reviews


To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

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