How could your boost your digestion and deal with its problems without using any medication? What are the eating habits that are good for you? Can we heal our bodies naturally and  what to do to prevent the digestion problems?

Our food is now full of additives and we don’t know what exactly they cause to our bodies, they are in the processed foods but also in the fruits, vegetables and grains. They may lead to digestion problems however the eating habits, emotional condition, environment and stress levels could also may also become a cause for some pain and discomfort.


We need “good” bacteria for the normal process of digestion and if we have regular pains in the intestines, it is good to take probiotics every day for at least a month. If you choose a combination of several types of probiotic bacteria, the better, they will start living in your body and will be reproducing which will help the normal functions not only of the digestion systems but also of the fighting ability against any “bad” bacteria and fungus. The fresh and clean water is also supporting our microflora, so make sure you stay hydrated. The emotional balance and low stress levels are vital for the microbiome, so take enough rest and get more sunlight.

Eat the food by order

Another very important thing is the food order during each meal. There are three main rules about the food groups which will help your stomach to digest the food easily, effectively and quickly, and your body to absorb the maximum from the food intake in terms of nutrients.

a/From raw to cooked.

It means that first you eat the raw like the salad or fruits and then you can proceed with the cooked dishes. That’s why in the restaurants, the menu usually starts with a salad. The fruits and vegetables also come with the enzymes that improve their digestion and are moved forward to the intestines faster.

b/From liquid to dry.

This rule says that we need to eat the more liquid food first, like the soup, juice or water, after that the dishes with sauce and the last should be the dry and thick foods like baked dishes, cheese or other. The stomach will move the liquids first so the drier is the food, the longer it will stay in the stomach.

c/From carbohydrates to proteins.

The carbohydrates need less time to be digested compared to the proteins, so first we eat the carbohydrates like bread, potatoes, rice etc. and then the milk, fish, eggs or other proteins. The food groups are digested by different stomach juices, that’s why it is a good idea not to mix them too much or at all. The fat and the fresh vegetables are relatively neutral to the stomach liquids.

Alkaline vs acid

If you feel exceeded amounts of acids produced in the stomach, maybe you will need to add some alkaline liquids or foods to help you feel better on the spot. Such are baking soda, water with lemon, few drops of propolis tincture in water, cucumber juice, all the green leaves juiced or as a salad, not very sweet fruits. Your body needs a very gentle alkaline/acid balance in order to be healthy and going too much in one of the extremes is not good and will lead to diseases.

Prevention and healing

You could use the newest laser technology that will help your body to feel better, to heal and to deal with pain and stress. The coMra Palm can be used to heal digestion problems, as prevention or as a pain-relief.The treatment of the stomach and the other organs of the digestion system are very beneficial for the overall health and with the laser they will be gently supported to return to the normal functioning. All the details about the laser treatments which you could do at home could be found in the coMra user guide.

Water on the table – yes or no

The main rule about water is that you should never drink a full glass of water right after your meal as this will slow down your digestion process dramatically. If you are thirsty, the best is to drink as much water as you want before you start eating. If the dish is very dry or salty, a small sip now and then is fine but not more than that. You will need to give your stomach at least an hour and a half to digest the food and move it forward before drinking plenty of water again. Of course, you need to drink enough water to make sure you are not dehydrated just don’t mix it with the eating. During the digestion process, your body produces the exact stomach juices it needs and you don’t want to interfere with adding water to them.

Changing the eating habits could be a slow process and surely it needs your attention. However, that would not help instantly with severe digestion problems but if the situation is not so bad yet, the prevention is the best medicine. So, if you are more careful about your eating habits, your digestion will be better and your body will become strong and full of energy.

Muscle cramps are painful and can hit at any time but what would be the reasons for them to appear? How to get rid of that unpleasant condition at home without medications? Which foods and habits we need to include in our daily routine in order to prevent the muscle cramps from happening?

When the muscles are tight or they don’t have proper circulation, or they lack some minerals, or they are dehydrated, or due to some medical conditions the cramps may appear as sudden pain that lasts for several seconds or more. What can we do for healing and prevention?

Minerals from the food

The deficiency of magnesium and potassium may cause the muscles to get very tight and some cramps to be experienced many times per day. In order to fix the deficiency you can eat the foods that will supply the body with the needed minerals. Rich in magnesium are spinach, cocoa, almonds, pumpkin seeds, black beans, dried figs etc. To increase the potassium in your body, you will need to eat more bananas, avocados, sweet potatoes, apricots, pomegranate, wild salmon, coconut water etc.

 Improve circulation

If you suffer from cold feet and hands or you have muscle cramps very often, one of the reasons could be the poor blood circulation. The muscles need the nutrients coming from the blood in order to work properly. To improve it you can massage the legs and other areas where you have pains, you can use hot or cold compresses on the places of the cramps, the sauna and the steaming bath would be proper if you don’t have problems with the blood pressure. Enough movement each day will be also great for your body and will help your blood to rich each organ and cell.

Heal your spine

Each organ is connected to the spine and sometimes the nerves can get pinched which will cause pains and cramps all along the nerve. The good posture will be very beneficial for the spine as the unnatural curves may cause a lot of problems to the inner organs. You can use laser therapy to improve the movement in the spine and to support its healing. The portable device can be used at your home, office or wherever you need some pain relief. The laser will gently help your body to heal the inflammations, the damaged nerves and muscles. The details about the different treatments are in the coMra user guide provided.

Stay hydrated

Depending on the season and the temperature, the body has different need of water however dehydration may cause many problems in the organs, the skin, in the muscles and will affect the overall health after a period of time. Make sure you keep your body well hydrated as water takes part in too many processes and reactions.


The natural opposite movement of the tight muscles that experience cramps and pains would be the slow and gentle stretching. While you are stretching the muscles get lean, strong and have the opportunity to take out the toxins and waste materials from the metabolism. Always warm up before exercises or working out. This will prevent from the injuries in your muscles and joints.

If you continue to experience muscle cramps after applying these methods for some time, you may need to see a doctor as some medical conditions as diabetes, liver or thyroid disorder could be the cause of the cramps. The coMra laser therapy will be beneficial for you in this case too and will give your body the extra energy it needs to heal and recover.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

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How can you help your body with the fat burning process naturally? What conditions does the body need in order to start using the fat storage as a fuel instead of the glucose? Can we stimulate the process without using chemicals and artificial supplements?

The fat burning process depends on the hormone called insulin produced by the pancreas,  it regulates the metabolism and the glucose levels in the blood. The factor connected with the fat burning is that when there is insulin in the blood, the body is producing and storing fat cells. When the levels are low, then the body would turn to the fat cells in order to use them as a fuel source. Whenever we eat something, the body is producing insulin. The different foods are causing a different insulin response. So if we want to burn more fat, we need to keep the levels of the insulin low.

Cut off the sugar

All the fast carbohydrates as sugar, white flour, white rice are causing very high amount of insulin to enter the blood for a short period of time. All the energy from the sugar will be turned into fat and stored in the body. After these foods are digested, the glucose levels are going down very quickly and we want to eat something sweet again. So, we need to replace the “fast sugars” with complex carbohydrates are brown rice, whole grains bread etc. The sugar from them will go slowing into the blood and the level of the insulin will be low too.

No snacks

If we eat something sweet every two hours, even a small one, the blood sugar levels will go up and down and the body will continue with producing and storing the fat cells.In order to keep the insulin levels low and in moderate range we need to give the body some rest from the digestion as each food we take would cause higher levels of blood sugar. So, if you  eat only 2-3 times per day and there are no snacks in between, your body would have the time to maintain the glucose levels in its health range. Even the short period fasting will have great benefits for the fat burning process.

Fibers not juices

If you eat the whole fruit, the fibers in it would slow down the glucose entering the blood and the body would not need to produce a high amount of insulin at one time. On the contrary, if you drink the fresh juice without the fibers from the fruit, your glucose levels would go high and the body will need to produce insulin to maintain them. The juices may contain vitamins and minerals, but this will not help with the fat burning process. All the vegetables have very little sugar in them, so a good amount of them daily is highly recommended because of the fibers, vitamins and minerals they contain.

Health issues

In case that you have insulin resistance, hormonal imbalance, pancreas disease or any other condition connected with the blood and the levels of the insulin, your body would need healing. The coMra laser therapy covers a wide range of disorders and is very effective as your body is stimulated to find its own natural ability to heal. The Universal treatment is a good start and in the coMra user guide you will find all the details about other treatments as well. The laser would help your body to recover in a very harmonious and gentle way without any side effects.

Good fats

The fats from the avocado, eggs, butter, coconut oil, nuts etc. are good for the body and they help with the fat burning process. They don’t cause high blood sugar levels, are good source of energy and the body is getting rid of its own fat cells when we eat these good fat food. Of course, the amount intake is relatively low as they have a lot of calories. It may sound as a paradox but actually the body is burning more fat in the presence of digestible fat. Refined oils, fried foods, hydrogenated fats are not recommended and are poisonous for the body.

Moderate protein

The protein your body needs is not so much as it produces its own protein chains from the amino acids in the food. You can intake plant based protein or animal based but you need to know that the digestion of the protein chains is requiring a lot of energy, so keep it moderate if you  want your body to burn the fat cells instead of your glucose storage.The eggs are regulating the blood sugar levels and they are a great idea for a breakfast if you don’t want to start your day with a high amount of insulin in the blood.

Working out, less stress

If you are working out regularly it will help greatly with the fat burning process but only if you haven’t eaten any “fast sugar” food before that. Even a small amount of sugar will trigger the insulin production and during the workout you would burn the glucose in the body but not the fat cells. If you eat protein, slow carbohydrates and good fats foods an hour or two before your training, as soon as the glucose is over, the body would start burning the fat cells. You also want to keep your stress level low and have a good sleep in order to support the recovery. The cortisol is affecting all the other hormones, so you need your body to have a little as possible of it.

The basic information on the insulin production, the blood sugar levels and how the foods we eat are causing a different response in the body, is useful when we talk about the fat burning process. It is not only that you can lose weight like this but also you can turn the fat cells into muscles and have a good ratio between muscles and fat in the body and the organs. The healthy organism is regulating all the hormone levels naturally, so you need just to support it.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

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