Each movement of the body depends on the health of the joints - from the bending of the knees or the back, to simple walking or writing. It is very important to take care of the joints and the cartilage that cushions the bones, preventing them from rubbing. With the age, after too much weight or injury, the cartilage slowly wears off and sometimes inflammation in the joints occurs. The active and balanced lifestyle will support your overall health and your joints together with a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

However, there are some key factors for healthy joints that could prevent or heal inflammations and help you to get rid of the pain. Prevention is the best cure, especially when we talk about the joints as for them to recover back to their initial state is not a fast and easy process.

Protein production

The collagen that your body produces, is used for many things as it basically holds everything together like in the skin, muscles, the joints and everywhere else too. For its production, you need a number of amino acids from which the collagen threads will be created. MSM and  glucosamine sulfate are the supplements that improve the collagen productions and some people even intake hydrolyzed collagen type 2 to supports the joints. The fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as the sprouts contain amino acids too. You can also add some forms of plant or whey protein to your diet if you want to increase the collagen and muscles in the body.

Tissue regeneration

The recovery of the cartilage could take some time however with the coMra laser therapy, in a very gentle and non-invasive way, your tissues will be regenerated and healed. The laser is very effective and easy to be used at home, it provides instant pain relief and long term support awakening the inner abilities of the body to heal itself. All the treatments are described in the coMra user guide where you can search your condition because the coMra Palm is a laser that could be helpful for a number of conditions and is providing healing for almost each organ and system in the body.

Omega 3 fatty acids

There are some foods that you have to include in your diet in order to support the joints, also the heart and the blood vessels. The natural sources of omega 3 fatty acids are chia and flax seeds, wild-caught salmon, sardines, mackerel, walnuts. The good fats like olive oil, avocado, fish and other plant oils are very beneficial for the health of the joints and other systems in the body like the cardiovascular and digestive ones. On the other hand, it is good to avoid refined sugar, trans fats and alcohol as they might make you feel stiff and your joints less flexible but more painful.

Essential oils

The massage with some essential oils as well as the aroma lamps usage could provide great relief and support for your joints and overall health, most of them have antioxidant and antiseptic effects on the body. The essential oils have very light molecules that quite quickly could reach your bloodstream and fight against the inflammations in the joints. The ginger, frankincense, myrrh, orange, turmeric, black pepper, lavender, rose, peppermint, jasmine, clary sage, bergamot and chamomile essential oils could be used diluted in base oils like jojoba, macadamia, coconut etc. and be applied locally with massage movements on the joints and the skin.


The proper moderate movement, the good stretching and muscles workout are great for the joints as they have to be used in order to keep them healthy. Yoga and other exercise systems like pilates, body shaping, dancing etc. will increase your durability and flexibility. In the same time they are teaching your muscles  how to make the right movements that will not injure the joints. The daily posture and ordinary activities like walking, sitting and lying on the bed sometimes are not done in the natural way and a harmful habit is developed. You have to pay attention to how you use your joints, especially if you like long walks or running in the park, as if these are done the wrong way that may put too much weight on the knee joint for example. The excess weight is also a problem for the joints, so the exercise routine will help you keeping up the good shape and stay strong and toned.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

The heart is the most important organ in the body, it works all the time without any rest. When the pressure on arteries and the blood vessels is too high, it makes the work of the heart harder due to the distorted arterial wall. This may lead to heart disease, kidney malfunction, arterial damage, vision and memory loss, and metabolic disorders. The causes for the high blood pressure include emotional stress as this directly affects the heart, some substances abuse like alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, medications, drugs or unhealthy lifestyle habits like overeating, inactivity and poor high-salt diet.

The symptoms in the beginning could be not so obvious so the prevention is the best practice as in most of the cases when we talk about medical conditions. However if you notice frequent tiredness, vision changes, headaches or ear noises, chest pains or irregular heartbeat, you might need to check your blood pressure and to approach some changes to support your heart and blood vessels health.

Omega 3 and Minerals Intake

The Omega 3 acids are very good for the heart and the overall health, they could be found in the fatty fishes like the wild-caught salmon, flax seeds, chia seeds, olive oil, avocado etc. You need to include more of these foods in your diet in order to support your cardiovascular system. The efficient amount of magnesium and potassium is also an essential part in the healthy functioning of your body, you could take supplements or eat foods like dark chocolate, nuts, spinach, broccoli, bananas, sunflower seeds, garlic, tomatoes etc. You need to reduce the salt in your food and to avoid processed foods and trans or fried fats.

Weight Loss

The additional weight puts an extra stress on the heart as the fat formations are placed on the walls of the blood vessels. You need to lose enough weight and to keep it in the healthy range if you want to protect your heart. The apple cider vinegar and lemon water have shown good results as they would help you lose weight, would destroy the excess fat in your body and would support the alkaline-acid balance of the organism.

Laser Body Conditioning

The coMra therapy is a very gentle way to heal your arteries and to support the work of your heart, together with all the other inner organs. The coMra Palm is a small portable laser device that is very easy to be used by everyone. In the coMra user guide you have all the instructions on how to heal your body with the laser as the Universal and the Cardiology treatments would the most beneficial for the cardiovascular system. The laser therapy with the coMra Palm is a good and easy way to strengthen your blood vessels and to protect your heart.


In order to support the circulation of the blood and the lymph in the body, you need to have a moderate activity every day. Walking, running, exercising, practising sports are essential for the health, so everyone has to find time to be active and to keep the muscles of the body strong and toned. At least 30 min per day away from the chair or the couch would guarantee you that the oxygen and the nutrients in the blood will reach the organs and the cells. If you have high blood pressure you need to avoid high intensity exercises and hot saunas as these put too much stress on the heart.

Stress Management

The emotional and mental balance are a good foundation for a healthy life and a strong heart. Relaxation is important as it leads to low levels of cortisol which is the “stress” hormone, so whatever makes you feel well would work. Music, art, laughter, social activity, meditation, spending time in nature, even your pet could be used as a good stress management. The pleasant experiences are essentially good for your health and your heart as far as they are healthy too. The coMra therapy could also be used as a way to control stress and to heal your body as it addresses various conditions and supports each organ and the overall health.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

The holistic approach to the time of sleeping is that the body, the mind and soul need this rest from the active life in order to recover, rejuvenate, restore the energy and repair the tissues. Some please sleep more, some less but the most important is the quality of it and if you really get the deep restorative hours of sleep. Even in very deep relaxation, the organism can rejuvenate like while sleeping, it is quite important for the brain and the mind, for the emotional health and the physical endurability.


More people each year are suffering from sleeping disorders due to stress, sleep deprivation, too much coffee and alcohol, hormonal imbalance, medications abuse, anxiety, depression or various medical conditions. The modern lifestyle has interrupted the natural schedule of sleeping so much that almost every third person lives with some kind of a sleeping disorder. Insomnia, sleepwalking, snoring, teeth grinding, sleep terrors are only of a few of the conditions that may be connected with insufficient and bad quality sleep. Then the nervous, immune and other systems in the body could be damaged as a consequence. What can you do to improve the quality of your sleep?


The sleeping patterns are created during the childhood and easily could be broken by not going to bed at the same time each night. If it is occasional, your brain would restore the pattern quickly however just for a week time, you can change your sleeping schedule totally. Going to bed at different time in the evening could be the cause for a mild sleeping disorder but if you have problems with the quality of your sleep, try to maintain some kind of regularity.


If you have managed to create the regularity, you now need to get enough sleep for yourself. If you are an adult, you may need between 6 and 9 hours of sleep per night for full restoration. Women tend to need more sleeping time due to their more complex hormonal balance. To oversleep is also not recommended as it could lead to low levels of energy during the day. You need to find out how much time do you need and to have in mind that a hour or two per night insufficiency of sleep, in a month time could lead to a sleeping disorder.

Hormonal balance

The cortisol is the hormone that wakes you up in the morning and the low levels of it would help you fall asleep in the evening. If the other hormones in your body  are not in balance then this could directly affect your sleep. In order to heal and maintain a good hormonal balance, it is very easy to apply a home laser therapy with the coMra Palm. In a very gentle and non-invasive way you can restore the healthy hormones production or can condition your body for it to reach its best shape. The Universal Treatments are a good way to support your body or you can choose the one you need from the coMra user guide. With the coMra therapy, your body slowly returns to its natural ability to heal, rejuvenate and recover.

Less stress

The high levels of stress mean that the cortisol levels are high and if they stay like this in the evening, you would experience problems with falling asleep. If you don’t sleep enough in the night, that makes you really tired during the day and the body is producing even more cortisol to keep you awake. It all becomes a circle where not enough sleep causes stress and stress causes problems with the sleep. So, whatever you like to do that calms you down would do - yoga, walking, bicycling, singing or drawing, just anything that would make you feel relaxed and well. The stress is in the core of many conditions, so everyone has to find a way to work it out.

Less coffee, medication and more

If you have problems with the quality of your sleep, you might need to look at your coffee, alcohol or medications intake. These are basically chemicals and they mess with the chemical balance in the body, so if you have to restore your natural inner balance, the intake of these needs to be reduced to the minimum. The black tea and other plants also contain high amount of caffeine, even the dark chocolate may keep you awake if you eat it late in the evening. So, if you drink coffee and cannot sleep at night, you might have to get the last cup of it before the late afternoon, so that there would be enough time for the caffeine to be taken out of the bloodstream.

Healthy lifestyle

The healthy habits and your lifestyle would directly affect your sleep quality. To eat rich in nutrients foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains would provide your body with vitamins, minerals, amino acids etc. that are needed for maintaining good health. Regular exercises, spending time in nature would reduce the stress levels and also would support the healthy sleeping patterns.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

It is very important for the overall health to take care of the liver, to know how to detox your liver and support it regularly if you want to feel healthy and strong. It is a major organ in the body regulating digestion and elimination. When the liver is not working properly due to alcohol or drug abuse, malnutrition or exposure to toxins, some symptoms may occur like over-sweating, chronic fatigue, bloating, anxiety, high blood pressure, weight gain and more. When the work of the liver is disturbed, you may experience problems with the metabolism of the carbohydrates and the fat, conditions like diabetes, estrogen dominance and thyroid issues are rooted in the liver functioning.

The liver is the organ that protects the body from the toxins coming from the outside or produced by the metabolism. It also takes part in the decomposition of the old blood cells, the breaking down of the alcohol and medications, the procession of the nutrients etc. The liver is the place where some minerals are stored and it produces certain proteins that are essential for the normal functioning of the whole organism.

Foods for liver regeneration

The rich in nutrients diet will help your liver and your body to detox and recover, so you will need to have more raw, fresh whole foods like fruits and vegetables. The potassium is the mineral that will help your liver, so make sure that you eat enough sweet potatoes, tomatoes, beans, beet roots, bananas, spinach, leafy greens. The fresh vegetables like carrots, broccoli, cabbage, ginger will also detox your body and will supply it with vitamins and minerals.

There are some foods which support the liver and changes in the diet are vital for its work. You do not want to consume too much sugar, alcohol or any other substances which will put additional overload to it. Here is the list of the foods which helps the regeneration of the liver:

If you suffer from any health condition linked to liver malfunctioning, you need to stick to this way of eating for several months. Once the liver condition has cleared up completely, then gradually one can go back to eating normally. But this must be checked by a medical doctor to ensure that the condition has cleared up before doing so.

However, coffee is especially harsh on the liver, and therefore if you had a liver condition you should abstain from coffee for at least 12 months after it has cleared up. The reason for this is that liver needs time to restore itself fully. The same goes for alcohol, although one can have 1 or 2 glasses of wine with dinner after the condition has cleared up, but should avoid heavy drinking and hardtack for at least 12 months after.

How to detox your liver

In order to detox the liver, you need to eliminate as much toxins as possible from your diet and your environment. The processed foods, refined sugar, dairy products, alcohol, drugs, medications etc. are very dangerous for the body and it is on the liver to deal with the ingredients entering your blood with them. All the additives in the processed food and the chemicals in the cleansing products have to go through the liver in order to be eliminated by it and taken out of the body. If it fails in this, the toxins will be stored somewhere in the body usually covered in fat as there decomposition is postponed for some other time. So, all the junk, fast and processed food has to go away. You need to cleanse your surrounding environment too and to reduce the usage of toxins in your household and the exposure to polluted air.

Emotional Balance helps to heal your liver

Another thing is the emotions and your state of being as the stress is affecting the liver together with the anger, resentment and frustration. The liver is compensating for the emotions as when the hormonal balance is changed, all the excessive hormones, proteins and other waste products have to be removed from the bloodstream. So, work with your emotions and your mindset if you want to take care of your liver. Observe yourself, how many times per day you get angry or upset, start noticing how your emotions are affecting your state of being. What triggers these emotions, what is the perception and the belief behind them?

How to heal liver

The coMra therapy has shown good results with liver diseases and hepatitis as well as supporting the liver and to prevent future problems. With the coMra Palm you can heal, detox and regenerate the liver in a very gentle and non-invasive way.

The coMra therapy is a method that is very easy to apply at home on your own. Low level (LLLT) infrared laser working together with magnets, colour LED lights and ultrasound is a very effective and non-invasive approach. It induces the natural healing process in any cell of the body and is beneficial for damaged nerves too. In addition to that, it will improve the communication in the cell and between the cells, together with the hormonal balance and metabolism.

Healing Effects 6a

All the details about the treatment are in the coMra user guide and it is very easy to be done. You will see the scheme about the frequency,  the time and the point on the body that needs to be treated. The picture of the human body gives a better view on exactly where to apply the laser.

Detox and Heal Your Liver

You can use the coMra Palm as a pain relief too, to support the liver and to prevent the medical conditions. The laser will awake the body’s inner ability to heal and will regenerate the tissues of the inner organs.

It is concluded that LLLT following acute hepatectomy most probably stimulates a significant enhancement of liver regeneration conducive to both the formation of new hepatocytes and MSCs and angiogenesis in the regenerating liver.


Herbs Supplements

Some herbs like the dandelion and the milk thistle are great supplements for the liver together with the turmeric. They will eliminate the heavy metals from the cells and will support the functions of the liver and the other organs. The combination of these supplement has shown good results especially if you combine them with the laser coMra therapy for the better performance of your liver.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

The main cause for most of the modern diseases is the inflammatory processes that occur in the body and sometimes they could even become chronic. When the body is constantly in inflammatory mode, it is weak and the immune system is no longer able to provide the protection needed. What can you do to stop the inflammation quickly and how to avoid it by including some daily habits that will support your natural protection abilities?

In its core, the inflammation is the natural response of the body when an injury occurs. The immune system reacts and sends white blood cells at the place of the wound to aid the healing process. But when this response is triggered very often, the body would be in a long-term inflammation which is highly dangerous and is connected with heart disease, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, high blood pressure, asthma, colitis ect. In order to support your overall health and the regeneration abilities of your body, you need to reduce the inflammation before it leads to any severe or serious medical condition.

Less alcohol, less cigarettes

Both smoking and drinking would decrease the inner natural strength of the body against the bacteria and toxins coming from the outside world. Smoking is bad for your brain functioning, it is  related to the plaque deposits built in the arteries, less oxygen entering the cells, less energy and aging. Alcohol is also a substance that is affecting the brain causing severe dehydration, together with bad consequences for the liver, the stomach and the nervous system. If you feel that you don’t feel well and some kind of inflammatory process is taking place, it is highly recommended to cut these two habits immediately until you get back well or never return to them at all, if you want to be healthy and energetic.

Moderate exercise

It is not about highly intensive workouts which are not for everyone however at least thirty minutes per day like walking, exercising, stretching, dancing, bicycling or any other activity that you like, will reduce the inflammation and will act as prevention too. The modern lifestyle is connected with too much sitting at one place, so five minutes of each hours to stand up and walk around the room is the minimum to help the heart, the blood vessels and the lymphatic system work better.

Home laser therapy

With the coMra Palm, now the home laser therapy is possible and it is very easy to use and apply it every day. The device is small and portable, so you can have it with you also at the office, the gym etc. The universal treatments which are described in details in the coMra user guide are perfect for affecting the inflammatory process directly and reverse it in a very gentle and non-invasive way. The regular use of the coMra Palm will help your body to rebuild its immune system by reducing the inflammation and supporting your own healing abilities. The laser coMra therapy has given great results with a wide range of conditions connected to inflammation, it could be used as prevention, to aid the tissue regeneration and for a whole body conditioning.

Anti-inflammatory foods

The refined sugars and the processed fats in the packed foods might lead to constant inflammation so if you want to change your diet in order to support the healing process, you need to avoid them. The diet rich in raw fruits and vegetables will aid your body and increase its energy and health. In order to reduce the inflammation, you need to add more broccoli, pineapples, blueberries, walnuts, flax seeds, chia seeds, wild-caught salmon, beets, celery etc. to your diet. Basically, the raw whole foods would cause less inflammation in the body, so the fresh salads prior to each meal is a great prevention too.

Reduce stress, have fun

Stress could cause inflammation in an indirect way, so you need to take some time for yourself and have fun. It doesn’t  matter if you choose music, books, nature, yoga, art or anything else as far as it helps you relax and enjoy life again away from the pile of tasks waiting for you.

The body is a perfectly working system which when is in balance, could overcome most of the pollution and stress factors coming from the outside world. If you want to support your body, just turn to its natural abilities to heal and be very careful when you intake medication as it is not familiar to your cells. Prevention is the best medicine, so the natural way would always be the good way to go. The laser coMra therapy was invented to be in harmony with the nature, to give a very gentle push to the cells and help them to return to their inner sources of energy and health.

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To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Have joyful moments and stay healthy!

Why the role of the lymphatic system is so important for your health? How to support its better functioning incorporating some useful habits in your lifestyle? What not to do if you want to have a lymphatic system that works properly?

The lymphatic system is the body’s drainage net of small tubes that takes away the excessive fluid, called lymph, leaked from the blood vessels in the tissues and brings it back to the bloodstream through the lymph nodes. Another function of this system is its role in the immune defence of the organism against bacteria, fungus, waste products, toxins and any other dangerous substances and cells that may be found in the body. The lymphatic nodes and the organs connected to this system like the spleen and the thymus store white cells which are rapidly multiplied and released in the blood if any bacteria, virus or dying cells are detected.

If any disorders occur in the lymphatic system the overall health would be affected immediately, the lymph needs to move easily in the body, so the waste materials of any kind to be able to leave the organism. The lymphatic vessels doesn’t have their own pressure like the blood vessels and the lymph is moving upwards always. So, what can you do daily to support its work?


As soon as the lymph is not able to move on its own because of the lack of pressure in the lymphatic vessels, the only way to support its movement is through exercises and contraction of the muscles. The sitting or standing at one place for many hours is causing a great difficulty for the lymph to move around the body. Without this movement the function of the lymphatic system is interrupted and the toxins are stored in the body or in the lymphatic nodes. A daily exercise is vital for this system to work properly. Even a quick stretching each hour for several minutes would help the lymph to travel easily through the body. To put your legs higher than the waist is also a good idea that would support the lymph movement.


The lymphatic system is managing the fluids levels in the body so it needs enough liquids to enter the system in order to work properly. The water supply is vital for the lymphatic drainage as the lymph is used by the body to flush away all the waste products, bacteria and any other dangerous substances. If dehydration occur in the body, the lymph nodes would be blocked with the toxins so enough amount of daily water is essential for the immune system.

Tissue regeneration

The disorders in the lymphatic system might lead to tissue swelling as the lymph is not moving properly and the excessive liquids is not drained well. Sometimes this could be the result of not enough tone in the tissues and the muscles. To regenerate the tissues safely and without any side effects you can treat the body with the coMra Palm. The coMra laser therapy would gently support all your systems including the lymphatic one as it provides the tissue regeneration and total body conditioning, providing the cells and the organs with the extra energy they need in order to awaken its own healing abilities.

Spices and herbs

Some herbs and spices could help the immune system in its fight with the incoming bacteria, viruses and toxins from the outside world. The intake if garlic, chilli peppers, turmeric, ginger, clove, bee propolis, apple cider vinegar etc. might give your lymphatic system an extra push and support. Some herbs like the green tea, nettle and cinnamon could help the body to drain the lymph and excessive liquids.


The lymphatic system is an open one as all the waste products, dead cells and toxins must be pushed out of the body. The sweat is part of this system, the sweat is what the lymphatic system is using to maintain the inner temperature and to flush away the unneeded substances. This the main reason why the sauna and the regular intensive exercises are supporting the detox of the body. You should not try to seal the sweat glands as then the toxins are not going out and will return in the circulation.

Special Massage

The massage that is supportive for the lymphatic system would be the one that is done from downwards to upwards and not the other way around as most of the massage procedures are done. There are some specialists that are doing this special drainage massage that is improving the lymph movement through the vessels.

If your lymphatic system is working properly with all its nodes and organs, then the body is able to use its immune system in order to maintain the inner balance it needs. All the resources for cleansing and recovering are in the lymph movement to its open ends in the skin and other organs. When you support the lymphatic system, you actually help the regeneration and rejuvenation of the cells.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

How a woman can balance her hormones without medication and hormone pills? What do you need to be careful about when we talk about hormonal balance? Which are the factors that might affect it and what do you have to avoid or reduce in order to keep yourself healthy?


The balance of the different hormones in the woman’s body is essential for her health. If the levels of the steroid hormones like estrogen, cortisol and testosterone are too high or too low, various symptoms will occur and the overall good condition of the organism is affected. Fatigue, sleep disorder, mood changes, weight gain or loss, hair falling, digestive issues, infertility etc. are some of the symptoms. Of course, the body is producing far more other hormones such as the protein, amine and peptide ones however we will focus on the hormones that are most important for the women’s health.

The high stress levels, poor diet, weight gain and emotional imbalance are some of the factors that may affect the hormone production. Some medical conditions as diabetes, obesity etc. may also lead to it. The age is also a key as after a certain age, women are going through a hormonal imbalance called menopause which is a part of the natural cycle in the life of a woman. What can you do to balance your hormones naturally without medication?

Omega 3 fatty acids

There are good fats and bad ones, the good fats are providing the body with the lipid source that it needs in order to produce the hormones it needs as well as the fat soluble vitamins. Women need to get friend with the fat but of course, with the good one - the fats that contain Omega 3 fatty acids and not the Omega 6. The good fats could be found in  the extra virgin olive oil, avocado, almonds, fatty fish like salmon, chia seeds, flax seeds. You need to eat more of them and to reduce the intake of sunflower oil and all other refined oils, hydrogenated oils and trans fats.

The Importance of Avoiding sugar

The big amounts of refined sugar, white flour and even white rice, can be very unhealthy as it starting the production of insulin, the blood sugar level get high and the whole hormonal system is getting out of balance. Then the body needs to make it up and return the balance. Again the source of sugar is vital as in fruits, fructose is released slowly in the blood due to the fibers that fruit contain opposed to the fast refine sugar products that make the glucose levels in the blood rising up very quickly. The moderation is important and very important if you want to maintain good hormonal condition.

Cruciferous vegetables

Cauliflower, broccoli,  kale and the other cruciferous vegetables are very healthy but also will help you keep the estrogen levels in balance. The active ingredients in them are detoxifying the body and are binding to the excess estrogen, helping the body to get rid of the waste products. They are good for the microbiome, they provide vitamins and minerals that the woman’s organism need.

Improve Your Gut Health

The less amount of sugar, gardening, walking barefoot, the intake of the fresh fruits and vegetables are good for your gut and the microbiome in it. The gut is the place where the health starts, if you lack some good bacteria in the gut, your body might suffer from inflammations, digestive problems, mood changes, weight gain and hormonal imbalance.

You can take probiotics to help the production of good bacteria and also the coMra laser therapy which is also very beneficial for the balance of the microbiome and the hormones. In the coMra user guide you could find all the details about the treatments of hormonal imbalance and digestive problems. The gut modulates the hormone levels, you normal weight and the absorption of the nutrients from the food. The laser therapy that you can do alone at your home with the coMra Palm has shown very good results with all kinds of hormonal imbalance, you just need to follow the instructions and use the laser for not more that half an hour per day.

The hormonal balance in women could be very delicate as it is also quite dynamic due to the cycles through which each woman passes each month and after a certain age. The healthy diet, enough sun and fresh air, time for yourself and gentle care will support your body and your hormones, and will help you feel energetic, young and beautiful. Find out more in our webinar recording below:

Stress Control and More Sleep

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The stress is the condition when the body is producing too much cortisol, another hormone that in great amounts would lead to general hormonal imbalance. In order to keep it in the norm, you need to find your way to feel good - spending time in nature, sport, meditation, breathing exercises, enough sleep, massages etc. Anything that will help you feel more relaxed, motivated and uplifted will reduce the cortisol amounts in your blood. Each extreme emotion is also causing great changes in the hormones production in the body, so you need to maintain emotional balance too.

The Role of Essential oils In Restoring Hormonal Balance

The essential oils are affecting the emotional state and the hormones production in a very gently way as their molecules are so light they can reach each cell in the body for less than twenty minutes. Clary sage, lavender, thyme are some of the oils that can help you keep the estrogen levels in norm. You can use them in aroma diffuser or mix several drops in your massage oil.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

How could you support your body if you have diabetes or if you are at risk to face it? Is there an effective treatment and a prevention that is safe, medication free and without side effects? What can you do at home in order to affect the diabetes in a positive way? Is there any innovation that can be used to fight the causes of diabetes, the symptoms and to heal the body?

Diabetes is the condition of the body when the blood sugar is too high. There are two types of diabetes -  the type 2 could be healed and reversed because it is caused by insulin resistance. The type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease, so the body is not able to produce  insulin because the immune system is attacking the pancreas. This type can only be controlled by healthy lifestyle and the body to be supported to keep going even with this condition. This treatment would affect both conditions however only the type 2 could be completely healed.

The safe and effective home treatment of diabetes is coMra laser therapy. This is a very easy way to reduce pain, to heal and support your body, it is totally safe, non-invasive with no side effects and does not need any medication to be used with it.

How does it work?

The coMra Palm is the portable laser that you will need in order to apply the therapy. The laser is precisely measured to be highly effective in the healing process and at the same time to be very gentle and not to hurt or push the cells too much. It is combined with magnets and lights so the device to provide a coherent support to the body awakening its own abilities to heal. In the case studies of diabetes the results with type 2 are very good as the laser therapy is helping the cells, organs and gland to return to their normal function giving them the extra energy they need.

How to apply it ?

The details of the diabetes treatment can be found in the coMra user guide mobile application and you need to follow the instructions for the period of time that are provided there. Daily treatments would be most effective as you can do them as often as you like, there are no side effects and you will feel even better. To use the coMra Palm is very easy and simple, you only need to switch it on, to select the frequency and the time and to put it on the points of  the body that are recommended in the user guide for each particular treatment . You need to use the laser on naked skin as the laser have to touch the skin for best performance. You can check the user guide app for all the other conditions that the laser could help your body to heal because diabetes is only one of them.

Your lifestyle would also affect the way you experience diabetes and if you are trying to prevent it from happening. You will need to avoid sugar especially refined one, to control your body weight, to exercise regularly to tone the muscles and the organs, to eat healthy foods with a lot of fresh vegetables in order to supply your cells with vitamins and minerals. Although diabetes is a very tough condition, the laser coMra therapy combined with lifestyle changes would surprise you with the results in a very easy and safe way. The laser is very useful for healing and supporting each of the organs, as pain relief, and also for prevention as it provides a total conditioning for the body, tissue regeneration and overall health.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Your heart needs your attention, it is working restlessly each and every day, pumping an enormous quantity of blood. It is very easily influenced by the emotions and everything else that is going on with the organism. How to strengthen this most important organ or to reverse and heal if the heart disease is already there? What are the ways to naturally support the heart without chemical medication or surgery? How to change your lifestyle in order to have a strong and healthy heart?

The causes of the heart disease are complex and because everything in the body is connected, the heart starts to suffer if the overall health of the organism is out of balance. Several conditions are related to the weak heart such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, eating disorders, obesity, too much free radicals and fats in the blood, smoking, alcohol addiction and many others. The inflammation processes wherever in the body are weakening the heart too, so let us go through the ways you can support your heart and prevent or reverse the heart disease.

Activity is vital

The blood needs to move around the body all the time and if you don’t have enough activity all the responsibility for the circulation will fall on your heart. Too much sitting or staying at one place without enough physical activity would cause many problems to your body and your heart. You need to exercise, walk or workout regularly if you want to improve the blood circulation, to increase your endurance and energy levels, to have stronger bones, to reduce stress and to maintain healthy body weight. Your heart will thank you for that and you will feel toned and energized.

Healthy heart diet

The most important thing in your diet that will affect your heart directly is the difference between good and bad fats. The body needs the omega-3 acids that could be found in fatty fishes, walnuts, flax seeds and finds great difficulties to cope with very thick animal fats or artificial trans-fats. Some minerals as magnesium – from the dark chocolate and almonds, potassium – from broccoli, cauliflower, spinach etc., are necessary for the proper function of the heart and have to be included in your diet. You will need also good amounts of foods that are generally rich in antioxidants like fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Laser Treatment at Home

The coMra therapy could be highly effective for healing the heart and as prevention. Always use the 5Hz option when you are treating the heart with your coMra Palm at home. This laser therapy is very gentle, totally non-invasive and have no side effects as your heart will be supported to go back into its normal functions and condition. All the details about the treatment are in the user guide however to keep your heart healthy, you can do several minutes for a couple of times per week on the heart with 5Hz just to make sure that it receives some extra energy to do its work better. The immune system also will be improved under the influence of the laser and the inflammatory processes will be reduced and healed.

Keep the body hydrated

Make sure your body is well hydrated as the dehydration could cause difficulties to the heart to pump the blood which would become thicker if there is not enough water in the organism. The water is part of many internal processes and is needed by the lymphatic system too, so the toxins and waste materials to be taken away.

Reduce the stress

The stress and extreme emotions are very harmful for the heart, they change the hormonal and chemical balance in the body, so all the organs should work on the maintaining it back starting with the heart. Breathing techniques are very effective to calm down the heart rate and to supply the blood with enough oxygen, enough sleep will also be greatly beneficial in lowering the stress responses. Everything that makes you feel better will work if it is in harmony with your health like walks in the nature, sport, laughter, music, art etc.

It is not hard to take care of your heart especially if you approach this subject with love as the heart is also the center of love. When you appreciate the body that you have and that serves you for many years, when you look after the internal organs and especially the heart, there will be harmony and health, you will have the energy to do whatever you like.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Sports are a great way to keep the body fit, to lose or gain weight and to maintain your health with many benefits for the circulation, the heart, the digestion system etc. Another important part is the recovery phase as then the body regenerates or creates new muscles and tissues. What can you do to help your body in that phase and how to organize it properly?

Stretch and breath

Stretching is very important for the muscles not to become stiff and shorten after the workout and in order to avoid the muscle fever. Also it will cool you down, will make the blood and the lymphatic liquid reach each and every cell in your body, will reduce the adrenaline and the stress in your body. Your breathing returns to its normal rhythm so your body and mind can enter the relaxation phase after the good work.

Intake good nutrients

The proper nutrition is vital for the whole organism as during the sport activity many nutrients could be depleted and you need to cover the losses. The intake of food depends very much on the intensity of your training program, maybe you use weights or you do long cardios etc. however the rich in  protein sources, fruits and vegetables and good fats will supply your body with the amino acids and minerals you need after the workout.

Give it some time

Some training programs or sports are very intensive and then your body would require a longer period to recover, something like 2 days. If your exercises are not so hard then even 24h could be enough. In any case you need to consider the time as a major factor in your program as your body needs it for regeneration. Some people workout two times per day and others once in two days but everything depends on the intensity and the type of sport.

Sleep enough

The good sleep will provide low levels of your stress hormones in the body and the energy could be used to build new muscles or to burn fat. In case you don’t sleep enough, you will not have enough energy to keep up with your training program, many minerals depot would be depleted and it is potentially harmful for your health to keep on working out in that case.

Regeneration and conditioning

The conditioning of the muscles and the tissue regeneration could be boosted in a very natural and gentle way, without any medication or supplements. The non-invasive laser therapy that you can make at home with the coMra Palm will support your body in its recovery giving it the extra energy it needs. The laser will harmonize and will improve the functions in the cells which is highly beneficial during the recovery phase.

Stay hydrated

Your body needs water in order to function properly so drinking pure water during most of the workouts is highly recommended however do not forget to drink enough water after that too. Water is needed in the creation of new proteins that will become muscles and also for the waste products to be taken out of the cells. Dehydration should be avoided in any case as it could affect your performance and is dangerous for your health.

Shower or sauna

The water in the shower will clean your skin from the toxins, sweat and other elements that your body wants to get rid of so never skip it after your workouts. In order to prevent your muscles from pain, tightness and fever, going to the sauna also could be a good idea but only in case you have a bottle of water with you. After a very intensive workout or sport routine your body could be a little dehydrated so staying in the sauna should be done with attention and awareness.


A nice way to recover your muscles and tissues is going to a massage expert who have to be informed if you had worked out prior to the visit. The massage is good for the circulation, detoxification, healing of the tissues and the joints. If your training program is highly intensive having a recovery massage is recommended at least once a week in order to support your body in the building of the new muscles.

It is a good way to understand what are the needs of your body after the different types of exercises if you observe how do you feel, what are the results and how is your level of energy. The after workout habits are vital for your health, they help you to avoid injuries and to accomplish your training goals.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.