Why people at a certain age sometimes look younger and others look older? Which is the key factor in slowing down the aging process and how can we affect it positively? Are the lifestyle and the mindset that we have, able to slow down the aging? What we can do in order to look and feel younger and energetic for many years?

There are a specific DNA protein structures at the both ends of each chromosome, called telomeres. With each cell division, a part of this DNA is lost. Once the telomere becomes too short, the cell is not able to divide any more and it dies. The length of the telomere can show the lifespan of a cell and respectively the whole organism. The question is, why the telomeres are getting shorter and is there a way to influence the speed of this process? Recent researches found that the lifestyle of a person is affecting the DNA indirectly and certain habits can either shorten or preserve the length of the telomeres. If the shortening of the telomere is slowed down, the aging process will be slower too.

Stressful thoughts

It is a very subjective thing if a situation will be perceived as stressful or not. Another person in the same situation may find it motivating or inspiring. It is the negative self-talk that leads to the experience of stress. And stress is accelerating the shortening of the telomeres therefore speeding up the aging process. You can heal the effects of stress on your body with the coMra therapy, however the roots of the problem is what you have to face. The coMra therapy can help you regenerate and rejuvenate your organs, but the mindset is something that you have to change in order to not create the same condition again.

Diet and weight gain

Unhealthy diet, lack of exercise and overweight may lead to many health problems and will increase the pace of aging. A diet rich in antioxidants will slow down the shortening of the telomeres, together with a healthy lifestyle, a lot of fresh air, movement and a positive attitude towards the challenges in life. The coMra therapy can help you address the effects from an unhealthy habits on your body, but again it is up to you to change your daily routine and to incorporate more exercise and a lot of fruits and vegetables to your diet.


Another factor that is related to the shortening of the telomeres, is smoking. The number of the smoked cigarettes per day is important too, more they are, more accelerated the aging process is. The oxidative stress of the cells is increased and they get old quicker. Smoking could also lead to respiratory and heart problems. The coMra therapy has shown very good results with such medical conditions like asthma or heart disease, however the cause of the issues is what you want to eliminate.


Telomeres at the end of each chromosome could not be increased, you can only try to slow down the rate with which they get shorter. You can heal yourself and prevent from diseases with a certain lifestyle changes, however the mindset and your thoughts are very important too. Because your thoughts will lead to emotions and the negative emotions are destroying the sensitive balance in your body, that you call health. This a part of the holistic approach that we have embraced, when the coMra therapy was created, we wanted to help people to be more responsible about their health and try to awaken their hidden, natural abilities to heal and to be full of energy.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Have joyful moments and stay healthy!

How to heal yourself during the pregnancy period? Most of the medications are not recommended to be used, so are there safe ways to approach the sick days? How to reduce inflammations and pains during this very special period of your life?

The pregnancy is the time when most of the women try to avoid anything that might be harmful for the baby like caffeine, alcohol, nicotine and almost all of the medications. Women are very cautious not to get sick as the pills in the pharmacy are often harmful for the baby and not everyone knows how to approach a severe cold or high temperature with only foods and herbs. However, nature always provides ways to help your body to restore the balance and to heal.


On the other hand, some herbs too are potentially unsafe to be used during pregnancy. For example the blue and black cohosh or the passion flower are to be avoided while you are pregnant. However, herbs like the peppermint and ginger are highly beneficial and could help you fighting the cold symptoms, for example. You can make herb teas to drink in order to get better and to reduce the inflammations.

Essential oils

Essential oils are another alternative way to get better or at least to make the symptoms more bearable. You can use peppermint, frankincense, lavender, ylang ylang, citrus oils etc. in order to deal with inflammations, sore throat, sleep disorders, bloating or any other condition that you experience during your pregnancy. However, be very careful as there are a lot of essential oils that could be dangerous during that period. You need to avoid using oils like dill seeds, oregano, sage, basil, black seed, carrot seeds etc. Most of these essentials oils are to be restricted also during the breastfeeding period.

sick during pregnancy
Safe and non-invasive healing method

The coMra therapy is a non-invasive way to approach many conditions without any side effects as no chemicals are involved in the process. The combined power of a gentle laser, magnets and light is the key to the good results with many diseases and symptoms, it awakens inner ability of your body to heal itself. The coMra Palm is a small device that you put on different points of your body as it is described in the coMra user guide. Although the coMra therapy is very gentle and good for the fetus too, we encourage you to rather treat yourself than the future baby. When you are healthy and strong, the baby will be growing healthy and strong too. Other than that, you can apply the coMra therapy for various conditions and to control the root of any inflammation in the body. The Universal Treatment 3 - Blood is a good way to support your cardiovascular system which is working even harder during the period of pregnancy. You can always contact us if you have any questions on how to use the coMra Palm during this most precious and important period of your life.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Have joyful moments and stay healthy!

Stress is very dangerous for your health, everyone knows that. However, when sometimes you go through emotional stress period,  you need to register this process in order to address it properly. When you overreact with emotional outbursts, that is a sign that you are already in an emotional stress period for a long time. It could start with slight worrying and turn into a constant anxiety in several weeks. The symptoms that could show you that some emotional stress is taking place are various but here are some of the most common ones like headaches, fatigue, muscle or chest pain, digestions issues, problems with your sleep etc.

The high cortisol and adrenaline levels in case of emotional stress are triggered by the emotional response to different life situations. You need to address the way you react to the challenges in life and revise it, to try to manage the stress with periods of relaxation and having fun, loving care, laughter and spending time with friends and family. Another way to support your body is to apply coMra therapy, the Universal Treatments 5 and 7 from the user guide are recommended in that case as you can combine them with any other treatment that you need. The emotional stress could affect almost each organ and system in your body and you will need more energy to heal and recover. The healing power of the coMra Palm is very gentle and yet effective, with no side effects. It could help you address each of the results of the emotional imbalance, so here are some of them.

Heart disease and high blood pressure

The strong emotions and the emotional imbalance are affecting the heart as we all are sensitive being and the heart is experiencing each feeling and emotion that we go through. You need to take care of your heart and support it in any possible way as it works all the time, every second pumping the blood so that each cell to receive oxygen and nutrients. The Universal Treatment 2 - Heart from the coMra user guide will help your heart to heal and The Universal Treatment 3 - Blood will regulate the high blood pressure and will strengthen your blood vessels.

Diabetes and hormonal imbalance

The body is producing huge amounts of cortisol and adrenaline during periods of stress. The hormonal imbalance due to that could lead to all kinds of conditions like diabetes, fertility problems, thyroid issues etc. The diabetes type 2 or the insulin resistance both of which could be a result of stress could be healed naturally and with the supporting help of the coMra therapy. You will need to change your diet and eat more fruits and vegetables, to include more exercising and stretching in your routine and to find a way to relax and breathe.

results of emotional stress
Weight gain and weight loss

People react differently to emotional stress, most of them are gaining weight very quickly due to the hormonal imbalance and the high levels of blood sugar in their bodies which lead to insulin resistance and not burning of the fat cells. However, some people tend to face the opposite issue, they start to lose weight so quickly that it could become really dangerous for them. As like all their energy is wasted into dealing with the stress, so their bodies are getting slimmer and slimmer, not able to sustain life. Changing your diet might have some results, but you need to look deeper and eliminate the main cause of these conditions which is the emotional stress. The Universal Treatments 5 and 7 from the coMra user guide are easy to apply and you will soon see the improvement of your overall health as they were specially created to support your recovery from emotional exhaustion.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Have joyful moments and stay healthy!

The inflammation of the bladder  is called cystitis and it can affect everyone, however it is most common for women. It could be a result of an infection which occurs when bacteria is entering the urinary tract and when it reaches the bladder may cause pain, urge to go to the bathroom very often and a burning sensation while urinating. Some medications, hygiene products, hormonal imbalance or other conditions also could become reasons for cystitis. There are some tips that will help you deal with cystitis and you can try them along with the healing program prescribed by your doctor or if you need to control the symptoms and heal the cause by yourself depending on how serious the inflammation or the infection is. In case that the cystitis occurs often to you, you need to incorporate some habits to your routine in order to prevent it.

Water Intake

The urinary tract is affected greatly by the amount and the quality of the water you drink, all the liquids that you intake will pass sooner or later through there. The dehydration may cause problems to the kidneys and will disturb the ability of your body to eliminate toxins and waste materials from the bloodstream. The water intake is very important when there is any inflammation in the bladder or the urinary tract as while the immune system is fighting with the infection, it needs sufficient amount of liquid in order to clean out the place and remove the dead cells from there using the lymphatic system. You have to drink enough clean, fresh and natural water also as a prevention and as a way to support the work of the urinary tract.

Reduce the inflammation

The pain is the main sign that there is an inflammatory process somewhere in the body and you need to take some actions and to pay attention to it. You can try some diet changes like eating only fruits for a day or water fasting as a way to manage the inflammation and some habits like exercising regularly in order to prevent it. However, if you need to take over it quite quickly, your body will need some support. The coMra therapy is using the combined power of a gentle laser, magnets and the light to awaken the inner healing abilities of your body. You can put the coMra palm device on your abdomen where you feel pain and use the 50Hz frequency  as it is described in the Nephrology 3 in the coMra user guide. The whole treatment is about 25 min as you need to treat other points too for better results. You can apply this treatment one or two times per day depending on your case. You can also add cranberries and Aloe Vera which could be taken as natural supplements as they could  help you reduce the inflammation in the urinary tract.

Hormonal  imbalance

During pregnancy, menopause, diabetes etc. the hormonal levels in the body are changed which can lead to different conditions and one of them is the cystitis. During the hormonal changes, especially in women, the urinary tract seems to become a weaker place and the bacterial infections to happen more often. So make sure to manage these changes with care and in cases like menopause or diabetes to address the symptoms accordingly. The coMra therapy would help you with the hormonal balance too as it is very gentle, effective and has no side effects, it could be used as a prevention routine too. The Universal treatment 6 -Vitality from the user guide is great to start with especially if you just want to increase your energy levels, to improve your immune systems and to prevent hormonal imbalance.

Manage Stress

Stress is in the root of every disease and condition, so managing it is vital for your well-being. Every person has to find the best ways to deal with it no matter if  that is walking in nature, painting or playing with kids. The high cortisol levels are messing around with each organ and function in the body, causing blockages of the energy and stiffness in the muscles. The coMra therapy could be useful in these cases too especially if you combine it with relaxation or breathing techniques. The Universal treatment 7 - Nervous system from the coMra user guide is a great way to deal with the emotional stress on a daily basis or in periods of time when you just feel that you need it. All the coMra treatments could be combined for better results.

Hot bottle and what to avoid

Many people find it very comforting to use a hot bottle on the abdomen in order to help the
muscles to relax as a way to treat spasms that might cause even more pain. Yoga, stretching and deep breathing could be helpful too if you have to deal with tight muscles. It is recommended to avoid cold water and cold showers, caffeine, alcohol, citruses and anything else that you know is an irritant for your bladder and will lead to even more pain if there is an infection or inflammation taking place there. So, the cleaner you eat during this period, the less toxins your body has to fight with and could use its energy to heal and recover.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Have joyful moments and stay healthy!

Many women are suffering from different fertility problems from the inability to get pregnant to irregular menstrual cycle or ovarian cysts. This is a huge part of the women’s health and the prevention is the best cure because it is easier to keep the balance that restoring it once it is lost. The hormones are working very precisely in the female body in order to maintain the right conditions for her to be able to give birth to a child or just to keep her skin youthful and beautiful during the years, or her nails and bones strong. If you are not yet in the menopause age, here are some tips on how to boost the fertility in your body.

Protein and iron

The non-organic animal based proteins in high amounts are connected to problems with fertility mainly because of the animal hormones which would mess with the hormonal balance in women and also with the animal fats that may be placed on the inner walls of the blood vessels. Lately, the chicken meat is even richer in artificial hormones, so you need to reduce the intake of meat if you want to deal with infertility or irregularity of your cycle. As you still need to get some proteins with the food, it is better to replace the sources with plants as beans, peas, lentils, sesame and chia seeds, seaweeds etc. These foods are also rich in plant-based iron which is beneficial for the blood and the speed of the red blood cells and their ability to catch the oxygen.

More good fats

Women need good fats in their diet as the fat soluble vitamins like A and E are very important for the fertility. It is better to eat less starchy foods like white flour, potatoes and white rice and strictly to avoid trans fats, refined oils or deeply fried foods. The fatty fishes like wild-caught salmon, tuna and mackerel are also a good source of fat and omega 3 acids. The chia seeds, hemp seeds and raw nuts are also rich in  good fat and omega 3 acids and will provide some more vitamins and minerals that your body needed to keep the healthy balance. Although, the virgin olive oil is better than the refined oils, it is still very heavy for the digestion system, so use it moderately and always prefer to get your fat from whole foods like avocado, sesame seeds or nuts.

More antioxidants, vitamins and minerals

The food that you eat is the fuel that your body uses to build new tissues and to replace the old cells, so if you want to stay healthy and to have energy, you need to think and plan a rich in nutrients diet. The antioxidants that are found in the fresh fruits and vegetables are fighting the free radicals which are stealing the energy from the cells. Make sure everyday to eat enough raw and clean veggies in order to support your body. As most of us are living in cities where the water, air and the food are polluted , it is better to find more organic sources of vegetables in order to feed your body with the best possible nutrients. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, soy and sugar.

Hormonal Balance and blood circulation

As it was already mentioned the hormonal balance is the key to fertility as if all the female hormones are sufficient then the whole organism will work perfectly. However, if the food contains artificial hormones and the stress is depriving the body from its energy that is needed to produce estrogen and progesterone, then you need to support your body a little bit. The coMra therapy was invented as a gentle and a non-invasive method, with no side effects that will heal and restore the balance of each organ in your body. For the hormonal imbalance and fertility problems you will need to go with the Gynaecology 2 course from the coMra user guide one or more times if needed. In order to improve the blood circulation which is critical for the women’s health too, you can apply the Universal Treatment 3- Blood. It will restore the health of the red and white blood cells and will heal your blood vessels. You can even combine two or more treatments if needed in order to reach the results needed.

Get active but take your time

Another way to improve the blood circulation and to activate the detoxification in your body is through movement and exercises. However, make sure that you are working out in a very moderate and appropriate for your body way as the excessive training is often connected with infertility in women. Choose an activity that will provide enough time and space for yourself to enjoy the practice rather than exploring your limits. Walking, yoga, swimming, stretching etc. could be good for you but you always have to take your time and don’t rush if you are struggling with fertility issues. In order to invite your female nature to go back to balance, you need to create a loving space for her.

Healthy weight

If you have put too much weight or you are too skinny, then you might experience some fertility problems are both conditions are not normal for your body and it will be hard for it to maintain the hormonal balance. So, through diet and activity program, you can achieve a healthy weight in order to heal and restore your fertility. The obesity is a condition that is often linked to estrogen dominance, diabetes, heart diseases etc. and very often irregularity in the menstrual cycles or sterility as the body is losing too much energy to deal with the other problems that might be life-threatening for it. To accept and love yourself, and to face the reasons for the abnormal weight, will help you go back to a place where do don’t overeat or you eat enough, in order to keep your health. You can apply the Universal Treatment 7 from the coMra user guide to address the emotional problems that may lead to obesity or eating disorders.

Breath - Relax

Many people find different breathing techniques very useful when dealing with stress and exhaustion. Relaxation is a good way to support the healing processes that you have started one way or another. Now, we all know that stress is the condition that leads to various problems and diseases, including infertility or irregular cycle. The body is giving a preference to the cortisol if you are stressed and if that continues, the female hormones like estrogen and progesterone are not released. So, find your way to achieve relaxation and make it a priority if you your goal is to restore your fertility and energy.

Natural Supplements

There are some gifts from the nature that can support your healing process like bee pollen and propolis, maca powder and ashwagandha. You can add them to water, fresh fruit or vegetable juices and smoothies. Although, they alone may not heal you  but combined with the other methods you saw above and the coMra therapy, will feed your cells providing energy for them to heal. The superfoods are effective when you take them as a part of a healthy life and not only as an addition to the way of living that caused the issues in the first place. You can drink herbs like green tea, thyme, melissa (lemon balm), lavender etc. and use many essential oils on your journey back to a balanced and healthy you.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Have joyful moments and stay healthy!

Due to the quality and eating habits of the modern society, a lot of people are suffering from constipation nowadays. Except for the fact that is an uncomfortable condition, it also may lead to serious diseases and might compromise the overall health. Headaches, weight gain, high blood pressure and even cancer are some of the conditions that might follow the constipation. Let us go through some of the causes of it and how to treat them naturally.

Too much sugar

If you eat a lot of sugar and processed foods which contain white flour, corn syrup or other fast carbohydrates that will be turned into sugar, you may experience high blood pressure, brain fog, high blood sugar, chronic fatigue, hormonal imbalance, minerals insufficiency and among all these unpleasant conditions, constipation too. The sugar from the food also is feeding the bad bacteria in your intestines which may lead to yeast infection and overall toxification as these bacteria are emitting toxins in your blood. The digestion process is compromised directly and the nutrients from the food are not absorbed properly by the body. This would lead to weight gain and malnutrition of the cells. So try to avoid sugar in all its form and replace it will an intake of fruits.


The body needs water in order to function properly as water takes part in almost each process in the cells and the organs. The normal digestion process also depends on water as the food is turned into fluid that is moving through the intestines and the colon. If you don’t drink enough water, don’t eat enough watery fruits or salads, by the time the food reaches the colon, it is too dry to move freely through it. The walls of the colon then are slowly covered in waste products which may lead to various diseases and not sufficient absorption of the nutrients. Make sure you drink enough water daily to easen the digestion and to prevent from constipation.

Bad peristaltics

If you take laxatives to fight the bad peristaltics and to increase the bowel movement, your body will at one point get dependent on them and the bowel movement will get even slower. You need to increase the movement of the food inside your body naturally by exercising, drinking enough water and get on a healthy diet. Some foods like flax seeds, chia seeds, oat nuts, prunes and apricots will help you healing the causes of the constipation without the fast and easy effect of the laxatives. Try to avoid medications when you are healing from constipation and try get to the roots of this condition. You can strengthen your digestive system and heal the intestines and the colon with an innovative coMra therapy. In the Gastroenterology section of the coMra user guide, you will find the various treatment courses that will help you heal, recover and prevent from digestive issues. The coMra Palm device is very easy to use, gentle to the body and very effective without any side effects but only benefits for you.

Diet poor in fiber

You need to get enough fiber with your food in order to ease the digestions process and the movement of the food through the organs of the digestive system. Try to eat more vegetables, grains and other whole natural foods in order to provide the needed fiber. You can add raspberries, blueberries, beans and lentils, pears and apples etc. to your diet in order to get enough fiber that will ease and support your digestion.

Manage your stress

The high levels of stress means that the body is producing too much cortisol and this may affect many aspects of your health. The stomach and the whole digestive system could react very quickly to the emotional stress, so you need to find a way to manage your response to any kind of a stressful situation. Some activities may help you reduce the cortisol levels, however this varies from a person to another, some like to do yoga while others prefer walking in the nature. The coMra therapy is providing a very good way to treat emotional and mental stress. You could  find the Universal treatments from the user guide very helpful and easy to apply in order to control or prevent from experiencing high levels of stress. You can combine the Universal treatments with any other treatment course in order to heal constipation or other issues.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

The acne is common for teenagers however some people could fight with it for decades without any particular success. The treatment only of the symptoms with cosmetics will not work for long and actually the rubbing and cleansing the skin with too many aggressive products might increase the infection. You need to realize what is the main cause of this condition and to treat all the possible reasons for the symptoms as this is how the roots of the inflammation would be healed.

Hormonal Imbalance

Due to the puberty, the body is producing more hormones and the androgens are connected with the acne symptoms. If you are not a teenager but you have some kind of a hormonal imbalance, that still might turn into a reason for acne or other skin disorders like skin rashes, dermatitis etc. The glands are producing different hormones and if any of them is not functioning well, an imbalance may occur. The stress is also among the leading factors to worsen the imbalance while stress is mainly an overproduction of cortisol. You can address the hormonal imbalances in a natural way and to apply the coMra therapy too. This method is very gentle and non -invasive but very effective at the same time. To support your body into restoring the balances of the hormones, you can apply the Universal Treatment 6 - Vitality from the coMra user guide. You will find the instructions on how to do this at home, the device is easy to use and has no side effects.

Skin Infections

When you touch your face with dirty hands or you wear a hat each day, or you put the telephone on the skin etc., an infection may occur if some bacteria goes inside the pores. Especially if you have wide pores or it is very hot outside and the pores are tending into opening very easily. The hygiene is very important in that case as you need to wash your hands many times per day and your face at least two times. The very aggressive cosmetics may dry the skin so much that the infection to spread even more easily than to disappear, so it is good to choose gentle and natural products to clean your skin. The too oily products are also not recommended for a skin with acne issues. The tea tree oil is a natural way to control the infections and help the skin to heal the inflammations. The coMra therapy is very effective with all kinds of inflammations, so you can use it topically too. You can apply the coMra Palm over the affected pores keeping it on each one for three to five minutes daily. In order to prevent from spreading the infection, you need to clean the device with hydrogen peroxide water or colloidal silver before applying it on a new point on the infected area.

Diet Issues

The main problem is the sugar in the food and especially the refined, white sugar that will be turned into fat when it is digested. The fruits also contain sugars but it is rarely glucose and they  have fibers, vitamins, minerals and amino acids. It is very much recommended to replace all the processed foods that contain sugar with fresh fruits if you crave the sweet taste. The excess amount of sugar will mess also with the hormonal balance in your body in long-term, so if you have acne issues you need to avoid it. Another thing is the milk as many people cannot digest the lactose in the milk and the skin would show with acne and other irritations. So if you have acne problems, try to cut off the dairy products from your diet and just observe the changes.

As the skin is the biggest organ, it often shows internal problems and this is a sign to look deeper for what is the real issue than just treating the skin with some cosmetics and expect a miracle. The clean, healthy lifestyle and diet would always show on your skin, it will look better and more glowy. The stress is not a direct cause of acne but can make the things worse, so some control over the stress would result in a better overall health anyway. The coMra therapy could be useful for various conditions as it is supporting the body into awakening its own healing abilities. You can combine different treatments from the user guide for even better results.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Can you protect the lungs naturally and how to prevent from respiratory diseases? Which are the healthy habits that you need to incorporate in your life in order to help your respiratory system? How to heal inflammatory processes in the body without medication in the most gentle possible way which is at the same time effective and actually heals the roots of the condition?

Inhale, exhale … we do this constantly, many times per hour, every day of our life. The lungs are  major organs found in the thoracic cavity of the human body. The respiratory system consists of the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs. The structures inside the lungs end in really small air sacs called alveoli. From there the red blood cells collect the oxygen and bring it along the body to reach each cell. This is also the place where the carbon dioxide would leave the blood. If any part of the lungs suffer, the breathing process is affected as the lungs are working all the time, expanding and relaxing without any rest.

The lung diseases are very common due to the polluted environment, smoking, emotional stress or infections. These include medical conditions like bronchitis, asthma, pulmonary embolism, respiratory distress, respiratory tract infection, pneumonia and others. Some of these conditions are the result of a constant inflammatory process taking place in the lungs for years, others are infections that could be developed rapidly and some are chronic diseases often relapsing during times of high levels of emotional and mental stress.

Calm or Deep Breathing

As the breathing is the main function of the respiratory system, you need to pay more attention on how do you breathe. You can practice moderate exercising several times per week in order to make the breathing more profound and faster. The same way you train your muscles, you can train your lungs and this will increase their capacity and condition. Another way to make your lungs stronger is to try breathing techniques like the ones taught during yoga classes. The deep and slow breathing will provide many benefits for the condition of your lungs, heart and overall health.

Support the Immune system

In order to be able to fight the infections that may occur due to bacteria or viruses coming from the outside world, you need your immune system to work properly. The healthy diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables will provide your body with the antioxidants it needs, however due to the way of living nowadays, this might not be enough. A very effective way to support your immune system and to heal the infections, is the coMra therapy. It is very gentle to the body, with no side effects but leading to very good results in time. The coMra Universal treatments 2, 3 and 5 and the Pulmonology 1,2,3  from Section 7 in the coMra user guide are the ones recommended if you want to heal or protect your lungs. They address the health of the heart, the blood and the major organs in the body. You can start with any of them or combine them.

Stress Management

A stressful situation often affects the way a person breathes. This puts very high pressure on the lungs and the heart, the stress hormones are released in the blood at the same time and the breathing is getting even harder and irregular. If you are to run at this moment, that would help as the cortisol is the hormone used by the body to alarm all the systems that a dangerous situation needs attention. However, in our modern life, we are not in a real danger but the body reacts as if we are, so we need to manage the stress response. Try to avoid emotional stress as much as possible to protect your lungs and your heart. As a prevention in such periods of time, you can again turn to the coMra therapy and apply the Universal Treatment 5 or Pulmonology treatments from the coMra user guide as a prevention method.

Quit or Avoid Smoking

Smoking is blamed as one of the main factors when we speak about serious respiratory conditions, so quitting smoking or not starting it, is obviously one of the best things you can do for your lungs. Not to forget that if you stay in a room where everyone smokes will do almost the same to your lungs as if you are smoking yourself. The smoke of any kind is to be avoided if you want to protect your lungs and the respiratory system, so for example, near the barbecue the smoke is also very dangerous if it is inhaled. The polluted air on major streets in a busy city also has very undesirable effects on the lungs, so you can try to avoid walking or bicycling  there.

Clean Environment

You need the environment where you live to be free of toxins, dust, dirt or chemical pollutants if you want to protect your lungs. The mold is quite dangerous, so make sure that your home is clean of irritants. You have to open the windows every day to refresh the air in the house or to use a proper ventilation system. The filters of which and of the air conditioners have to be washed often to avoid irritants flowing back and forth in the house. It is a good idea to get rid of any synthetic air fresheners or candles and to use natural essential oils diffusers or aroma lamps instead.

Today we want to share with you some information on the key treatments in the coMra user guide that could be very beneficial when healing various medical conditions or as a prevention. These are the Universal treatments 1-8.

Have you ever wondered where to start from with coMra-Therapy at home or at the office? How to organize your treatment program in order to be most effective with your condition? Which coMra treatment from the user guide to refer to if you want to take preventative care of your health? If you can combine treatments in order to support your body in the healing process more accurately?

Due to the interrelated nature of health, all the systems in our body work together and there is a constant communication between the organs as they are a vital part of the maintenance of overall health. As you can see in the coMra user guide or in this introductory article about the Universal treatments, treatments cover the main systems or major organs in the body. If you apply these treatments long enough to observe improvement and then continue with them, you could heal the organs, get pain relief, control the symptoms and prevent new attacks in the future.

The “core” of the Universal Treatments is number 3 - Blood, since the blood is the main tool of the body to maintain communication and nutrition of each cell. As part of our holistic approach to health, this treatment is fundamental for general well-being. The goal of it is to irradiate non-invasively the full volume of the circulating blood in order to increase the oxygen-carrying capacity, to improve blood rheology, to enhance the microcirculation, to biomodulate immunity etc. It is very beneficial to be applied during the healing of inflammation processes, the presence of viruses, toxins, etc.

The application of the Blood Universal treatment alone or in combination with others, will lead to normalization and stimulation of any regenerative process as well as regulation of the carbohydrate, fat, protein and intracellular bioenergetic metabolism. The red blood cells are supported to become more flexible and to move faster. When the blood moves freely in the body, it is less thick and the blood vessels are stronger, clotting and waste sediments are removed from the bloodstream, and the whole body has more energy to deal with the healing of the organs which need it.

You can start with treating the area of the body or a point where you feel acute pain or injury and combine it with the Universal Treatment 3 - Blood, in order to provide a systemic energy support for your body. The Universal treatments 4 and 6, which focus on the major organs, are to be used if you need physical conditioning, restoration of energy or combatting chronic fatigue, also if you are an athlete or following a training program. The Universal treatments 5 and 7, which focus on the neuroendocrine system, are key for emotional and mental health. The Universal treatment 1 for the head is to be applied if any headaches occur or you want to heal chronic migraine, support your vision, eyes and your brain, after long hours of computer work etc. The Universal treatment 2 is for the health of the heart and is also a key one when dealing with stress, exhaustion and heart weakness.

When you do coMra treatments at home please read the instructions in the user guide in order to understand the main principles of the therapy. The method is very gentle and non-invasive, without any side-effects, however cells have limitations in absorbing energy, so in acute cases several short treatments per day are recommended instead of only one but long. Please note that not all conditions that can be treated with coMra-Therapy are to be found in the user guide, since possibilities with coMra-Therapy are unlimited in relation to physical, emotional and mental health.

We hope you are having a wonderful time and enjoying the feeling of well-being and health!

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

When do you need to apply the Universal Treatment 2- Heart alone or along with other treatments? How it will affect and support the body functioning? Which conditions will acquire this treatment in order to heal or at least to control and ease the symptoms?

This course was created to support and heal the heart in every possible way. When you treat the heart regularly with coMra, the coronary blood flow will gradually increase in time, which is very important as the heart has its own blood supply. The vessels of the heart will become stronger and even more vessels will be built in order for the heart to be able to pump more blood. The muscles of the heart will be supported in their constant work as the coMra therapy will provide the heart with even more energy. As a result there will be less stress on the heart as this Universal treatment is very supportive and beneficial for it.

This treatment will help with many cardiological conditions like in cases of a weak heart, insufficient coronary blood flow, ischaemic heart, arrhythmia, hypertension, cardiomyopathy, tachycardia, angina pectoris and any other issue connected to the heart. Regular coMra application will make your heart stronger,  will slowly improve its function, will heal the issues and will ease the symptoms. You can apply it also when you have low immunity, high levels of bad cholesterol or you go through a period of much emotional stress.

You always have to use the 5Hz when you apply coMra on the area of the heart. Please read carefully  the instructions in the coMra user guide and do not use it on the heart if you have heart transplants, artificial valves or cardiostimulators. The other frequencies are not to be used on the heart at all, however the 5Hz is healing and supporting the heart work and you can apply the coMra therapy whenever you feel the need for it. Universal treatment 2 - Heart takes 13 mins and is to be applied 2 times per day. You can apply the coMra even more time than it is stated in the user guide if you feel the need of it as the coMra therapy is very gentle and non-invasive. Please refer to the pictures in the user guide to see the exact location of each point on your body. Gently place the coMra Palm on the skin and wait for the signal that the time has finished before changing the point treated.

You can apply this Universal treatment 2 daily until you feel improvement and then continue at for at least another week time, then you can rest and repeat again after 2 weeks if needed. It will be effective when done alone or in combination with other treatments as the heart is a major organ in the body, so any healing process will benefit if you include the heart treatment in your course. The better heart work will support all of the systems in the body and will help you to improve your immunity and energy levels. This Universal treatment 2 is vital for the overall health and could be used as a prevention during stress periods, physical exhaustion or daily just in case your heart needs more energy to build up more muscles or blood vessels.

If you want to have good results sooner, it is highly recommended that you combine the coMra treatments with other positive changes in your lifestyle, in your diet and in your way of thinking. The laser will awaken the natural ability of your body to heal and to recover, so you want to support this process with your actions in every possible way. To be more in contact with the nature, to do moderate exercises or any other healthy habits will increase the ability of your organism to heal and get better. To take care of your emotional balance and to find joy in your life is also very supportive for your heart.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

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