Thyroid issues are getting more and more common these days and one of the main factors for that is stress. The thyroid gland is very small but it is quite crucial for the whole metabolism in the body and the hormonal balance. When the energy is not used properly by the cells in the body, the whole organism suffers. When the thyroid's function is too low, it is called hypothyroidism and then it is overactive, it is hyperthyroidism. There are also several autoimmune conditions affecting the thyroid like Hashimoto’s disease and Graves’ disease.

Can stress damage your thyroid?

The cause of thyroid disorders is complex and definitely one of the factors which is making it worse, it stress. The high levels of stress hormones would suppress the metabolism even more and by slowing it down, you might gain weight. People with thyroid issues usually are experiencing prolonged periods of emotional stress which is either slowing the thyroid down or on the opposite can make it too active causing increased heartbeat, hair loss and anxiety. 

The effect of stress on your thyroid

Chronic stress will lead to a continuous production of cortisol and other stress hormones, which will affect the hormonal balance in the body, decreasing the thyroid and reproductive hormones, triggering insulin resistance and causing sleeping problems. When the cortisol levels are too high, the thyroid gland has to work even harder in order to produce enough thyroid hormones. 

How sleep deprivation can damage the thyroid?

When you are not able to have a good sleep at night, you will experience ups and downs of energy during the day and would not be feeling at your best. The adrenal glands are producing either too much or not enough cortisol which makes you feel tired all the time. Chronic fatigue, sleep deprivation and stress are all interconnected - the less you sleep in the night, the more stressed and tired you will feel in the day and that cycle would repeat itself. So, sleep deprivation would affect your thyroid just the same as high levels of stress and it can cause emotional stress, anxiety and depression. 

Can physical stress cause hyperthyroidism?

It is known that physical stress can cause thyroid storm or hyperthyroidism as your body is trying to speed up all the processes in order to handle the physical challenges coming from the outside. If you have Graves’ disease or hyperthyroidism, being hyperactive on the physical level would make things worse. It can also cause anxiety, anger issues, sleep problems and increased heartbeat. 

Can stress make hypothyroidism worse?

When you are stressed and your thyroid is hypoactive, the condition can become worse. Stress negatively affects the immune system, the hormonal balance of many hormones like estrogen, prolactin, insulin, etc. When you are stressed, a huge amount of adrenaline and cortisol is produced which suppress many functions in the body, the stress reaction is an attempt of your body to help you move away as fast as possible from the danger. However, if you feel stressed all the time, then this would deplete your body from resources as everything is used to the maximum and some functions would be literally shut down until you have more vital energy. Stress and sleep deprivation would actually increase the levels of TSH ( thyroid stimulating hormone) produced by the pituitary gland in an attempt to make the thyroid work better. 

How to support your thyroid and nervous system in a gentle but effective way

There is a very effective way to support your thyroid and the nervous system without the use of too many medications and that is to apply cold laser therapy. It is non-invasive, totally safe and gentle. The cold lasers like the one used in coMra devices are known to provide the additional energy needed by the cells in order for them to recover and regenerate. The laser in coMra is additionally supported by magnets, light diodes and even ultrasound (in Delta) in order to provide even more free energy which can be used for healing. The recommended coMra treatment protocols can be found in the coMra User Guide - Universal Treatment 5  for the nervous system and Autoimmune 4 to support the thyroid. Of course, you can apply additional protocols according to your conditions and your needs in order to have even better results with improving your health.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us

The quality of our sleep is so important for the overall health, the hormonal balance, the health of the brain, of the heart and more. You know how you feel when you can't sleep well, how your productivity and mood during the day is affected. But that is just the tip of the iceberg - with time poor sleep can lead to anxiety, weight gain, chronic fatigue, thyroid issues, depression and even a burn out. That is why it is good to have a sleeping routine which will support the quality of your sleep at night and here are some tips on how to create one that will work for you.

Having a light meal at least 2 hours before going to bed

Your body needs to rest during the night and also most of the negative and healing processes are happening while you are sleeping. So, you definitely do not want to load your body with heavy meals right before going to bed. Instead of resting and cleansing the tissues, it will be busy with digestion and the horizontal position is not supporting the digestive system at all. If you eat heavy in the evening and then there is not enough time for the food to be digested, it will affect the quality of your sleep, not allowing you to reach the deep sleep phase, can cause bloating, gas and abdominal pain, it can even cause bad dreams and nightmares. So, try to have a light meal at least 2-3 hours before going to bed and if you like to snack late in the evening, have a fresh vegetable or fruit instead of chocolate or sweets. 

Going to bed at the same time each night

Although it could be hard to do this every single night, it is very beneficial if you could set a time to go to bed each evening and stay with it. If you go to bed and wake up at a particular time, your body will adjust and will start producing the hormones regulating your energy expenditure on a regular basis. In the evening, it will decrease the levels of cortisol and will produce melatonin which will make you fall asleep faster. In the morning, the levels of cortisol will rise up at the same time each day, waking you up. If you travel and experience jet lag, try to get back to your normal sleeping hours as soon as possible. Sleeping during the dark hours is highly beneficial for your health, so try not to stay too late and then wake up before 9 am in the morning for an optimal health condition. 

Reducing screen time in the evening

In order for your body to start the melatonin production, which will help you fall asleep, it is better to avoid looking at screens at least 2 hours before going to bed. Screens are known to emit blue light which is waking up the brain and causing troubles sleeping. Also when you are checking your social media in the evening, it actually clutters your mind with too much information which has to be processed and will keep you wide awake. Diminishing the light in the room where you stay in the evening reading a book or listening to calm music will help your body to prepare for a good rest. 

Calming down your nervous system

As mentioned you can listen to calm music or read a book in the evening. In order to calm the nervous system down, you can also take a shower, do some slow stretching, drink a calming cup of herbal tea or make a cold laser treatment. Universal treatment protocol 5 from coMra user guide, for example, is supporting your nervous system and will help you calm down. It can be applied to balance your hormones and to support neuropathic healing too. As a non-invasive procedure, coMra is very beneficial for a wide range of conditions but can also be used as a way to fall asleep faster and to support your immune system. Combining it with a cup of warm milk with cardamom and nutmeg will help you fall asleep even faster. 

Breathwork and essential oils

Imagine having your diffuser with the favourite aromas of lavender or sandalwood essential oils on, you are sitting or lying down still, diving deep in your calm and ever existing presence. Setting up a meditation or breathing practice each evening is proven to help with falling asleep and having a good night sleep. If you are new to meditation, you can listen to a recorded meditation or just focus on your breath for several minutes, trying not to think about anything else. When you are observing your breath, it helps you stay in the moment and all the distracting thoughts will slowly disappear, leaving in the tranquility of your own presence. 

Oil massage

There is an ancient ayurvedic practice to do a self-massage in the evening with warm sesame oil in order to promote better health and sleep. You can slowly spread the oil on your body being mindful and full presented, giving your cells some extra love. If you are in a hurry, you can massage only the feet and your scalp as there are thousands of nerve endings there connected to each organ in your body. This procedure is like a ritual for a better sleep as it will help your tissue regeneration and will calm down your nervous system even more. 

Letting it all go 

The day is over and you need to leave all the worries of the day behind in order to fall asleep. Avoid thinking about the next day tasks or the problems that you have at the moment. Whatever is there to be done, you can do it tomorrow. If you are overthinking all the things that trouble you, you will end up spending the night worrying instead of sleeping and the next day, you will have zero energy to actually deal with what is urgent. The art of letting go in something that we all practice each evening when we are already in bed. Breathe out all your worries and troubles, preparing yourself to have a good and relaxing sleep. This will give you the energy and maybe even new ideas on how to tackle your challenges in the morning. Practicing gratitude for all the great things in your life is an inspiring way to end your day on a good note.

Avoiding stimulating activities 

Having a dynamic work out just before going to bed or watching a movie with some disturbing images, will not help with your sleep. If the levels of adrenaline rise, it will take some time to calm down again. All the really stimulating activities should be left for the day time and in the evening you can concentrate on very slow and soothing practices like Yin yoga, slow stretching, drawing or your favourite quiet hobby. The less is there for your mind to process, the better your sleep will be. That is why you need to be very mindful of what type of content you are watching or listening to before going to bed. Disturbing images and sounds will affect your sleep and might even cause nightmares. 

Sleep is the time of the day when we regain our energy and rest. On the physical level, the body is recovering, healing, cleansing and regenerating. On the emotional level, we get some peace and quiet away from the madness of the world outside. That is why, we need to be mindful about these moments just before going to bed and be aware of what thoughts occupy the mind. These are the moments when we can really observe deep inside and embrace the depth of our own being, when we can cherish the true nature of life, when we can experience deep and soothing inner peace. 

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

The holistic approach to the time of sleeping is that the body, the mind and soul need this rest from the active life in order to recover, rejuvenate, restore the energy and repair the tissues. Some please sleep more, some less but the most important is the quality of it and if you really get the deep restorative hours of sleep. Even in very deep relaxation, the organism can rejuvenate like while sleeping, it is quite important for the brain and the mind, for the emotional health and the physical endurability.


More people each year are suffering from sleeping disorders due to stress, sleep deprivation, too much coffee and alcohol, hormonal imbalance, medications abuse, anxiety, depression or various medical conditions. The modern lifestyle has interrupted the natural schedule of sleeping so much that almost every third person lives with some kind of a sleeping disorder. Insomnia, sleepwalking, snoring, teeth grinding, sleep terrors are only of a few of the conditions that may be connected with insufficient and bad quality sleep. Then the nervous, immune and other systems in the body could be damaged as a consequence. What can you do to improve the quality of your sleep?


The sleeping patterns are created during the childhood and easily could be broken by not going to bed at the same time each night. If it is occasional, your brain would restore the pattern quickly however just for a week time, you can change your sleeping schedule totally. Going to bed at different time in the evening could be the cause for a mild sleeping disorder but if you have problems with the quality of your sleep, try to maintain some kind of regularity.


If you have managed to create the regularity, you now need to get enough sleep for yourself. If you are an adult, you may need between 6 and 9 hours of sleep per night for full restoration. Women tend to need more sleeping time due to their more complex hormonal balance. To oversleep is also not recommended as it could lead to low levels of energy during the day. You need to find out how much time do you need and to have in mind that a hour or two per night insufficiency of sleep, in a month time could lead to a sleeping disorder.

Hormonal balance

The cortisol is the hormone that wakes you up in the morning and the low levels of it would help you fall asleep in the evening. If the other hormones in your body  are not in balance then this could directly affect your sleep. In order to heal and maintain a good hormonal balance, it is very easy to apply a home laser therapy with the coMra Palm. In a very gentle and non-invasive way you can restore the healthy hormones production or can condition your body for it to reach its best shape. The Universal Treatments are a good way to support your body or you can choose the one you need from the coMra user guide. With the coMra therapy, your body slowly returns to its natural ability to heal, rejuvenate and recover.

Less stress

The high levels of stress mean that the cortisol levels are high and if they stay like this in the evening, you would experience problems with falling asleep. If you don’t sleep enough in the night, that makes you really tired during the day and the body is producing even more cortisol to keep you awake. It all becomes a circle where not enough sleep causes stress and stress causes problems with the sleep. So, whatever you like to do that calms you down would do - yoga, walking, bicycling, singing or drawing, just anything that would make you feel relaxed and well. The stress is in the core of many conditions, so everyone has to find a way to work it out.

Less coffee, medication and more

If you have problems with the quality of your sleep, you might need to look at your coffee, alcohol or medications intake. These are basically chemicals and they mess with the chemical balance in the body, so if you have to restore your natural inner balance, the intake of these needs to be reduced to the minimum. The black tea and other plants also contain high amount of caffeine, even the dark chocolate may keep you awake if you eat it late in the evening. So, if you drink coffee and cannot sleep at night, you might have to get the last cup of it before the late afternoon, so that there would be enough time for the caffeine to be taken out of the bloodstream.

Healthy lifestyle

The healthy habits and your lifestyle would directly affect your sleep quality. To eat rich in nutrients foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains would provide your body with vitamins, minerals, amino acids etc. that are needed for maintaining good health. Regular exercises, spending time in nature would reduce the stress levels and also would support the healthy sleeping patterns.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

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