Neuropathic pain is a serious health problem when people suffer constantly from mild to severe nerve pain. The causes could vary from infections, injuries, neurological conditions to diabetes, cancer or alcoholism. Sometimes, it occurs after surgery or medications treatment but very often it could have no identifiable cause. In these cases, neuropathic pain is linked to post-traumatic disorders, constant stress and depression. The body is not separate from the mind and the emotions, so every situation which throws the person totally out of balance could lead to many health conditions and sometimes this could be neuropathic pain as well.

How neuropathic pain is usually treated?

The conventional approach to pain aims to soothe the condition with all kinds of medications like anti-epileptics, antidepressants, opioids, nerve blocks, electric nerve stimulation etc. The side effects are many and people often experience dizziness, headaches, drowsiness, nausea or total numbness. It is more than obvious that although these pharmaceuticals provide a momentary relief, they cannot be a long-term solution. In most cases, there is no improvement and the cause of the condition is still there even after years of taking painkillers and other medications. Now, there is actually another solution - coMra Therapy.

Why do you need coMra?

Cold laser or low level laser therapy has proven to be very effective when we speak about pain of any kind. However, coMra is something more as it combines the power of the laser with magnets and LEDs. All of these components were very specifically modulated to create a field with great potential on the human body. Even after a few treatments, the energy levels in the cell are increased together with improved communication and hormonal balance. You can apply coMra Therapy both as a pain relief or healing method. In a very gentle but firm way, coMra induces the inner healing abilities inside each cell and in the body. It helps the body with restoring the balance and the coherence between the systems and the organs. The more the body is close to its coherent state, the more the person experiences health and well-being.

How to treat neuropathic pain with coMra?

If you are new to coMra Therapy, then the first thing you will need is to have the coMra User Guide on your computer or on your phone. The devices of coMra are very simple to use and you can learn to operate them in no time. All of the treatment protocols are described in detail in the coMra User Guide, for everyone to start applying them on their own at home. For neuropathic pain of different kinds you will need to search in the Neurology section of the treatment protocols. It is a good idea to search for your specific condition as you will need to treat also the primal cause of the pain. The coMra Universal treatment protocols are a good way to support the whole body into healing and can be used to modify the protocol to match your specific condition. For the nervous system, you will need to apply Universal Treatments 5 and 7 which can be a great supportive treatment after you experience healing of the primal cause of neuropathic pain.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.rney.

It is well known that emotional stress can cause various conditions like digestive issues, diabetes, migraine and many more. However, it often leads to prolonged physical pain in the muscles and nerves. Chronic pain can be caused by injuries, inflammation, nerve damage and emotional issues. Many people with prolonged pain are suffering from post-traumatic disorder, depression, anxiety and emotional breakdown. The more anxious and stressed you are, the more there is a chance that with time it will affect your nerves and muscles making them tight and tense. The next phase is when the constricted muscles become fatigued and inefficient disturbing your ability to move. Chronic neuropathic pain occurs when nerves are damaged or inflamed for a long period of time.

Emotional stress

If there is pain in your mind that you are not aware of, your body will show it as phantom pain in different parts of it. All the time your thoughts and mental patterns lead to emotions which literally change the inner environment of your body. It is hard to say which is first - the pain or the emotional issues as they are both interconnected. However, each health condition starts in the emotional body and the mind first, before it finds its way to manifest as a disease on the physical level. But once the body is in pain, your emotional balance will soon be compromised too. After several days of illness, even if it is an ordinary flu, people tend to feel sad, depressed and unmotivated. So, imagine how it is if you are in pain all the time. On the other hand, trauma and stress can lead to chronic pain. Here is the vicious circle. Is there another solution other than painkillers?

What is well-being?

“Health” is a word that is everywhere these days, it seems like everyone is interested in restoring health. But what does that mean, do we remember how it feels to be healthy? It could be said that health is actually well-being. Moreover, it is the coherent state in which all your parts are working together in harmony. You are a being that has a body, a mind, emotions, a soul... and you express yourself on so many levels simultaneously. Everything that is part of yourself is interconnected and has its own intelligence. Your mind, emotional body, physical body, spirit … all of it makes you who you are and how you will experience this life. So, if you suffer from chronic pain, it is not a physical issue only and will not go away if you try to numb the body. About the solution - yes, there is another way to address chronic pain. It is called coMra Therapy.

Why do you need to try coMra Therapy if you suffer from chronic pain?

A very gentle but effective way to heal and support your body, is coMra Therapy. The specifically modulated cold laser, magnets and LEDs create a field of energy which helps your body to “remember” how it feels to be healthy. On the physical level, coMra will heal the cells providing them the additional energy they need. However, on a subtle level coMra will improve the communication in the cell and between cells, in the organ and between organs, in the body and between the body and your other parts. It creates this coherent field which helps your body to restore its primal balance, its well-being. That is the reason why coMra has such good results on various people with all kinds of complex conditions. Because it heals the person as a whole not only the condition, not only the disease. In short, coMra therapy is a holistic method which can be used as a healing protocol, as a prevention or as a pain relief. But in any case, it will support the body intelligence in its attempts to restore the health and well-being of the whole.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

READ: The Results of Emotional Stress On Your Health

The human body is a perfect system which has its own intelligence and ways to maintain its inner balance. However, the quality of food, water, activities, emotions etc. affect this system and very often cause disturbance. The body has it way to communicate with the mind when there is something wrong in an organ or a system - through pain. Whenever there is a condition, an inflammatory process or even a harmful emotion, pain will occur. If the pain is a message that is vital for the overall health, then how do you handle it and respond to it is crucial. Do you want to listen to and support your body or you prefer to shut down the signals when something is not right?

Is there a choice?

When we talk about pain, how do you think is there a choice in the way of treating it? Probably, most of the people will reach out to strong pills which promise to soothe the pain immediately. What they actually do, is to block the signals coming from the place of pain. However, the moment their impact on the nerves is over, the pain is back and is even more severe than before. Although, there are cases of emergency when you really need to shut down the body for a while to make a surgery, for example, it is a harmful habit. The aggressive chemicals in pills make the signals of pain disappear for a while but the cause of the problem is still there. In fact, the cause for the problem is most probably getting worse if we speak about chronic conditions and diseases. So, is there a choice? Yes, there is. You can use coMra therapy as a pain relief but there is more to that.

More than a cold laser therapy

Cold laser therapies are getting more and more popular as they are effective and give you a choice over the harmful pharmaceuticals used as painkillers by millions. Although, coMra therapy uses a low level laser, it offers even more. The laser is precisely modulated in order to cover and support your specific needs for healing. You can choose from several options of frequencies depending on what do you want to treat. But there is more to that. In coMra therapy, magnets and LEDs are used to enhance the power of the laser. All the components work coherently to provide the healing effect for the cells. The additional energy is used by the cells then to heal the inflammation or injury. If there is not any urgent need or condition, the cells will use the energy from the coMra device for regeneration and rejuvenation.

coMra for pain relief

So, what about pain relief then? You can use coMra therapy as a pain relief without any negative side effects for your health. The device can be placed on the stomach, your wrist, the heart, the neck or any other point of the body where you feel pain. While coMra will provide pain relief at the moment, it supports also the healing of the damaged organ. In a gentle and non-invasive way, coMra therapy induces the recovery of the affected cells. In fact, it awakens the natural healing abilities of your body without interfering in a negative way. The coMra treatment protocols can be used on everyone including your beloved pet. Apart from them, you can treat the painful area of the body as 5Hz is used for inner organs and 1000Hz is used when treating the skin.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.


READ: Why coMra is a Different Cold Laser Therapy

READ: Health Benefits of Laser Therapy

The guardian of your health is your immune system. At any moment, it works hard to protect the body from all the bacteria and viruses that could easily enter the organism. The environment is often polluted with harmful chemicals, viruses or dust particles which can cause many unpleasant diseases. In general, if your immune system is strong then you should be healthy and full of energy. So, which is the best way to support the immune system? On one hand, you can turn to nature and use some herbs and supplements to boost its work. Another option is to use coMra therapy - to provide some additional energy to your body which could be used for healing or regeneration.

Treat inflammation and pain

If there is an inflammatory process in your body, your immune system is alarmed and is already working on the problem. The organs are affected in many ways by viruses, toxins and even as a result of your emotions. If an inflammatory process occurs over and over again then it means your immune system cannot solve the problem. In most cases, the trigger for the inflammation is still there like some foods, gluten, sugar, lactose or stress. High temperature and even pain are signs coming from your immune system which is on fire. With coMra therapy, you treat the inflammation without disturbing the work of the immune system with aggressive chemicals. The light coming from the low level laser supports the work of the immune system and the organ itself. In a very gentle but powerful way, it assists the cells into their own process of healing. You can treat acute pain or the inflamed areas directly without any negative side effects. If you want to treat an organ, use 5 Hz and if it is on the skin surface, use 1000Hz frequency. More details on how to apply coMra therapy could be found in the coMra User Guide.

Improve your digestion

In order to maintain a healthy weight which is crucial for your health, you need your digestive system to work properly. With age, the levels of the enzymes decrease dramatically and it is getting harder to digest the food. The other reason for poor digestion is the change in the microbiome or the bacteria living in your intestines. Some foods like sugar feed the “bad” bacteria in your body and at one moment the healthy balance is disturbed. Treating your abdominal area with a coMra Palm as a prevention is a very beneficial way to restore the good proportion of good and bad bacteria in your gut. You can find some treatment courses for the digestive system in the Gastroenterology section of the coMra User Guide. However, you can combine the treatments to create your own way to support the body.

How to apply coMra Therapy at home?

The device called coMra Palm is small, portable and easy to operate with it. Doing the daily treatments will actually heal your body without any negative side effects. You can also successfully address the reasons for the nerve damage like insulin resistance, high blood pressure etc. The coMra therapy is very gentle to your body but at the same time it is powerful enough to awaken the inner healing abilities of your cells and to support them to become strong and healthy again.

Manage stress and sleep

It is well known that stress can weaken your immune system very fast. People tend to get the flu virus if they are going through stressful periods more often compared to times when they feel calm. The high levels of cortisol released in the body as a result of stressful situation of perception are taking too much of the energy resource. This starts a chain reaction affecting the blood sugar levels, the cardiovascular system and could harm the major organs. Sleep deprivation could occur as a result of stress but could cause even more stress in your body. The Universal Treatments 5 and 7 could be very beneficial for your nervous system and will improve your sleep and adrenal health.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

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The low intensity laser therapy like coMra can be used for healing, regeneration and pain relief. It reduces inflammation in the body and enhances its natural functions and abilities to heal. It is also known as cold laser therapy or photobiomodulation while the lasers are of such low intensity which does not produce any heating effect. On the other hand, the cold laser therapy is very effective because it increases the energy levels in the cells by providing photons which are caught in the mitochondria and turned into energy. You can treat various conditions like diabetes, skin issues, heart disease, anemia, digestive problems and many more.

Safe and non-invasive

The cold laser therapy is totally safe as no heating effect is produced by the devices. There will be no burning or damaging and in general, there are no negative side effects. The treatment is absolutely painless, non-invasive and easily applied. You eliminate the need to take drugs or medications which disturb the chemical balance in the body. It is suitable to be applied at home following the pre-designed treatment protocols for the different conditions. These protocols for the coMra therapy could be found in the coMra user Guide. The cold laser therapy provides a chance for healing to people who do not respond well to other methods or therapies, often even makes the surgery interventions unnecessary.

Highly effective

Low level laser therapy like coMra reduces inflammation and accelerates the regeneration of the tissues while promoting cell repair. Can be used as a pain relief, to restore the physical function of the body and the normal range of motion. It improves the vascular activities by stimulating the formation of new capillaries in damaged tissues. This speeds up the closing of wounds and the healing process in the organs. Cold laser therapy could be used to increase the metabolic activity while treating digestive issues. The results are often immediate as thousands of studies show and it has a very high efficacy rate, almost ninety percent.

Pain relief

If you decide to use alternatives to analgesics, you will find that cold laser therapy can provide a totally safe and quick pain relief. That is the reason why it is often applied in cases of sport injuries, acute pain or chronic conditions. It minimizes the time for recovery and is a great option especially for people who used addictive and aggressive corticosteroids for a long time. The low level lasers could be your chance for a drug-free pain relief and it has shown no adverse side effects. It completely eliminates pain together with the need to use harmful pharmaceuticals which could ease a symptom but destroy the fine balance in the body.

Applying low level laser therapy like coMra is easy as you only need to choose the wavelength and the time of treatment. Then place the device on the targeted area and let the cells in the body tissue to absorb the light coming from the laser. The damaged cells will use it to produce energy which could be utilized for repair, regeneration and healing.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Ear infections are painful conditions usually caused by a virus or food sensitivities. Children are affected very often and an ear infection could occur as a result of a long treated cold or flu. The condition is extremely uncomfortable and the inflammation is stubborn. It could last for several days and can even lead to more serious conditions because it is located close to the brain. You need to treat the infection as soon as possible to avoid the eventual consequences.

Healing and pain relief with coMra

A very natural and effective way to deal with the pain caused by the ear infection is coMra therapy. With coMra therapy you can treat yourself or your children, it is completely safe and gentle. You can use it whenever you need some relief from the pain. The method is non-invasive and has no negative side effects. The low frequency laser together with the magnets and the colorful diodes will induce and awake the natural abilities of the body to heal itself. It will help with reducing the inflammation and managing the infection naturally. You can treat the area around the ears with 50Hz for several minutes daily and as many times per day as needed. While this is a holistic approach to health, coMra treatments go well with all the other natural remedies listed below.

Garlic oil

Garlic and garlic oil have antiviral properties and are very beneficial in case of ear infection. You can dilute several drops in base oil like olive or coconut oil, then use a piece of cotton pad and place it gently in the ear. With the same effect you can use a piece of garlic and place it in the ear for an hour.

Tea tree oil

Another oil that could be helpful in these cases is tea tree oil. Instead of putting it inside the ear , you can gently rub it around the ear. It has strong antiseptic properties and will also be useful when fighting virus infections. You will need to use pure tea tree oil without any chemical additives and to test it with a drop for sensitivity. Always use essential oils diluted in base oil when treating children.

Chiropractic treatment

Another way to deal with ear infections is to visit a chiropractic practitioner usually it has very good results and increases the blood supply in the area of the head and neck. Some slow neck exercises can also be beneficial especially if you suffer from recurring ear infections. Try not to sleep on the affected ear and avoid uncomfortable sleeping positions which put some extra pressure on the neck.

Food intolerances and allergies

Very often children who have some hidden food intolerances or allergies may suffer from recurring ear infections. You might want to test yourself or the child for sensitivities to food groups like nuts, citruses, dairy, gluten, eggs etc. When there is an allergy, the immune system is constantly triggered and it is very difficult to reduce the inflammatory processes occurring in different parts of the body. Try to avoid the allergens and the trigger food groups especially if you observe the connection between the food intolerances and the ear infections.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Some medical conditions, injuries or inflammations may lead to nerve pain in various parts of your body. The nerves react to the changes in the chemical balance in your body and you will feel their damage as burning pain, cramping or even tickling. It is very common to feel numbness or sharp electric pain in your legs or arms if your peripheral nervous system is affected. Some autoimmune conditions, diabetes and heart diseases are linked to nerve damage too. A lot of people also experience difficulties with sleeping due to the pain, losing balance or discomfort when walking or moving, swelling of arms and legs. Sometimes reasons for nerve damage could be an exposure to toxins or cold weather and as a side effect from taking some medications.


The first step would be to find out where in your body inflammatory processes are taking place. If you have digestive issues, high blood pressure, high temperature, an autoimmune disease etc., then your body experiences a continuous inflammation. In order to address it properly, you will need to heal the reasons not only covering the symptoms with painkillers and aggressive medications. If you already take such products, you know that the pain comes back the moment when they don’t work anymore and then you need another dose. However, while you cover the pain with medications, the nerves are getting worse and worse, the damage stays and there is no progress towards healing.

coMra therapy

This method is a non-invasive way to heal so many different conditions in your body as it naturally induces the healing potential of your cells. The laser, magnets and colour lights are working in harmony, providing your body with the needed energy to start the healing process and to restore the depletion. So, coMra therapy is one of the nerve pain treatment options for healing without medications . You can use coMra therapy as a pain relief but the important part is that your nerves will start slowly to regenerate, the inflammation will be reduced and you have the option to have them healthy again. On the other hand, you can treat the medical conditions that might be a reason for the nerve pain like insulin resistance, heart diseases, autoimmune conditions etc. Most of the conditions could be found in the coMra user guide but coMra therapy could also be successfully applied in any case of illness or disease.

Home treatments

It is very easy and pleasant to apply coMra therapy as no discomfort is a part of the treatments. The coMra Palm is a small and portable device, which is very simple to operate with. You can have it with you wherever you go and can include treatments in your routine even if you spend long hours in the office. All you need to do is to find the most suitable treatment for your condition in the coMra user guide. You can also combine two or more courses in order to adapt them to your needs. Then just choose the frequency and the time desired, place it on the point on your body and wait. You will not feel the work of the device but in your cells regeneration and healing process will begin. The coMra therapy has no negative side effects for you and can only help your body with restoring its balance and healthy state.


Incorporating gentle massage sessions in your healing course is another nerve pain treatment option that would be quite complementary to coMra therapy. Especially, if you try essential oils like lavender, lemon, cedar etc., which tend to have anti-inflammatory and calming qualities. They will help you calming down while the massage itself will restore the blood circulation around the damaged nerves. You can do the massage sessions even on your own using natural base oils like almond, sesame and coconut mixed with several drops of essential oils. Gentle stretching and exercising could also have a good effect on the peripheral nerves regeneration.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.





Chronic Nerve Pain 3 cases; Postherpetic Neuralgia Sciatic, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Median Neuralgia:

Dr Zlatev, MD, shares three cases of severe chronic nerve pain.

Herpes Zoster (Shingles/ Postherpetic Neuralgia) of the sciatic nerve at the hip, Trigeminal Neuralgia, and surgically damaged median nerve (2 carpal tunnel surgeries). All treated successfully with coMra protocols: Traumatology 9 (modified), Traumatology 19 (modified) Neurology 2 (modified), Neurology 4, Traumatology 7 (modified). More in coMra User Guide.

coMra therapy for cranial nerve damage:

Female had a brain tumour surgery and surgeons damaged the 6th cranial nerve accidentally, resulting in her right eye being completely turned in. Some swelling and damage to the optic nerve also noted. 6 months post surgery hospital sent her away nothing they could do. Case was considered hopeless. Then treated with coMra Neurology 3 (modified) protocol by Dr Larry Wallace, OD, Phd

Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis:

This report describes the results of use of the Delta Laser in treating Multiple Sclerosis. The case study participant, a 50 year old female, was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1999. She experienced 1-2 attacks per year that led to permanent neurological damage. Starting in September 2010, daily coMra-Therapy treatments resulted in a very significant reduction in a wide variety of different types of pain, and an improvement across a wider variety of symptoms, including greater vitality, increased coordination and balance, mobility and physical function.

Laser treatment for neuropathy is very beneficial as it heals the cause of the condition. Neuropathy is the damage of the nerves which can occur as a result of a disease, injuries, due to a virus or toxins. If you have symptoms like cramping, burning pain in the arms or the legs, poor sleep due to the pain, difficulties while walking, tickling feeling or sharp electric pain, loss of balance and numbness in some part of your body, then your nerves might be affected.

The nerve tissue is very hard to heal and the recovery process of regeneration takes a lot of time. In that case, many people turn to painkillers which do not solve the problem but merely cover the symptoms, so they are not a solution. On the other hand, laser treatment for neuropathy with coMra can provide a better solution without the negative side effects.

Deep tissue laser therapy significantly reduced pain and improved the quality of life of older patients with painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy.

Benefits of laser treatment for neuropathy

Low level laser therapy is very effective for people with chronic pain which comes together with inflammation, nerve damage, diabetes or other forms of neuropathy. Most of the people experience decreased levels of pain after the laser treatment protocol. In addition, it will improve the quality of life in terms of walking, sitting and all kinds of daily activities. Therefore, significantly reduced pain also affects the emotional state of the person in a positive way.

It is very common, pain often isolates people from social interactions and activities which leads to depression and anxiety. The treatments with low level lasers like coMra are pleasant without a feeling of heat, tickling or any other specific sensation while applying. In most cases, due to laser therapy, you can cut down the amount of medications taken.

Addition of either magnetic or laser therapy to medications could bring extra positive benefits to patients with Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy . Both magnetic and laser therapy can be applied with medications for the treatment of patients with Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy.

Why choose coMra therapy over standard laser therapy

coMra treatment protocols

In the coMra user guide, you will see all the details of the treatment protocols. In other words, the points where to place the device with time and frequency. Start to get familiar with coMra Therapy step by step. You can use it as pain relief but it also assists the healing of tissues on a deeper level. With daily treatments, the nerves and muscle tissues will be recovered without any negative side effects.

One of the many conditions which you can treat and successfully heal with coMra is neuropathy. If it is a result of an injury or a disease, you can combine several coMra treatment protocols for even better results. For example, if it is diabetic neuropathy, apply also the protocol that is for diabetes as you need to address the very root of the problem.

What can be treated?

CoMra therapy can be applied to support the body that is experiencing any abnormal condition, disease, injury, physical or emotional stress, as well as for disease prevention and improvement of quality of life.

CoMra therapy has an unprecedented, to our knowledge, benefit to risk ratio. It is fast acting and effective, so that it can be used in emergency medicine, for preparation for and after surgery or any other major medical intervention.

Equally, coMra therapy can complement and support any holistic medical practice. At the same time, it is completely safe, easy to use and portable, so that practically anyone, including children under supervision of adults, can use coMra therapy at home. And after our 10 year experience of coMra therapy in practice we are convinced that this life-supportive technology opens a world of opportunities in medicine and that it has a profound potential to transform the quality of our lives.

coMra therapy H E A L I N G W I T H C O H E R E N C E by Dr Arzhan Surazakov PHD

Pain and emotional state

It is an emotional downwards spiral for many people with chronic pain and especially severe cases like neuropathy and nerve inflammation. Usually, as a result of the constant pain people are not able to maintain their social contacts. As it was already mentioned, this often leads to depression and anxiety. The whole nervous system is alarmed which affects both the emotional and mental state.

In coMra Therapy, there are several treatment protocols which you can include in your healing program. Firstly, apply the Universal Treatments 7 as it focuses on the nervous system and on supporting the work of the cardiovascular system (Universal treatment 3- Blood is included in it). Another option is, to treat your belly with 5Hz with slow movements of the device on different points over the small intestines and the colon. It will benefit in improved gut health and increased production of serotonin.

Healing as a holistic approach

We recommend approaching your health in a holistic way. So, you need to treat your body as a system which is fully able to maintain its own balance. The problem is, there are too many things to be taken care of. However, the good news is that your body has its own intelligence and you do not need to manage each and every process in it. What you can do, is to support it in the best possible way - without aggressive methods and substances.

Start by applying the laser treatment according to the coMra protocol. Observe yourself, how do you feel, is there any change? In addition, you can include massage, diet changes and exercising in your routine as a way to improve your physical condition even more. All of that will improve the quality of your life which is very important for overall well-being.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.


Chronic Nerve Pain 3 cases; Postherpetic Neuralgia Sciatica, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Median Neuralgia:

Dr Zlatev, MD shares three cases of severe chronic nerve pain. As of 2019, Dr Zlatev is no longer alive. He made a great contribution to coMra practice when he was alive.

Herpes Zoster (Shingles/ Postherpetic Neuralgia) of the sciatic nerve at the hip, Trigeminal Neuralgia and surgically damaged median nerve (2 carpal tunnel surgeries). All treated successfully with coMra protocols: Traumatology 9 (modified), Traumatology 19 (modified), Neurology 2 (modified), Neurology 4, Traumatology 7 (modified).

coMra therapy for cranial nerve damage:

In the following video, you will see the story of a female who had a brain tumour surgery. The surgeons damaged the 6th cranial nerve accidentally, resulting in her right eye being completely turned in. Some swelling and damage to the optic nerve were also noted. What happened next?

Six months post surgery, doctors from the hospital sent her away as there was nothing more they could do. In other words, the case was considered hopeless. Soon after that, she got familiar with coMra therapy. Then she was treated with coMra Neurology 3 (modified) protocol by Dr. Larry Wallace, OD, Phd. Watch the video to find out how this changed her experience and what results were achieved.

Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis:

This report describes the results of using the Delta Laser when treating Multiple Sclerosis. The case study participant, a 50 year old female, was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1999. She experienced 1-2 attacks per year which led to permanent neurological damage.

Starting in September 2010, daily coMra-Therapy treatments resulted in a very significant reduction in the numerous different types of pain. Also, an improvement across a wider variety of symptoms, including greater vitality, increased coordination and balance together with better mobility and physical function.

Why the low power laser devices for pain relief and healing are getting more and more popular? Can you use them at home and how to know what do you need to do in order to get the better results? Are they effective and why they are much better than the traditional medicine which use chemicals in order to soothe the symptoms?

coMra therapy

The information in this article is about the coMra devices which more than ten years are used successfully by many people worldwide. The Delta and Pro Series and the coMra Palm are both portable and non-invasive devices which combine the power of a low power laser, magnets and light diodes in order to support the body in the healing process. You can apply the coMra therapy as a pain relief while the laser will also heal the cause of the problem. With this therapy, you not only soothe the symptoms but you actually heal, regenerate and rejuvenate your cells, organs and systems. The treatments are very well described in the coMra user guide, so that everyone to be able to use and apply the therapy at home. The low laser has shown wonderful results with so many conditions like diabetes, heart disease, anemia, migraines, injuries and almost any other that you can think of.

Safe and Gentle

The main advance about the low power laser devices for pain relief and healing, is that they are totally safe. You can apply coMra therapy on each person or animal without any negative side effects. It is suitable for children, pregnant women and old people too. The coMra therapy is a gentle, non-invasive and safe method to awaken your cells inner healing abilities and to restore your healthy condition. You can experiment with the time and the position of the devices on the body in order to get the better results for yourself. The treatments courses are flexible and easy to follow. The procedures are pleasant, you will not feel anything special as the laser waves are communicating very softly with your cells. The different frequencies are used for deep, medium and surface treatment as all of the instructions could be found in the coMra user guide. You just need to be careful not to point the laser directly to your eyes, anything else is completely safe.

Portable and Easy to Use

The coMra Palm was designed to be used everywhere as it is small, light and totally portable. With only three buttons, the coMra treatment is a very easy to follow procedure which everyone can do. You do not need to have any special education in order to use the low power laser devices for pain relief, healing or body conditioning. You can apply the therapy at your home, office, gym or any other place that you need in order not to miss any part of your treatment course. If you feel any pain in the body, just place the coMra Palm on the point and leave it there for several minutes, repeat it two or three times per day until you can feel some improvement. If you have a disease, illness or any medical condition, just check the coMra user guide and use the search engine or go through the treatments sections to find the one that you need.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Fibromyalgia is a medical condition that is painful and interrupts with the normal pace of life for the people who suffer from it. The disease comes with variety of symptoms like fatigue, muscle cramps, memory issues, sleeping disorders, headaches etc. The nervous system is overactive and it creates the feeling of pain from anxiety and depression to severe abdominal pain and nausea. Although, the traditional medicine treats this condition with lots of painkillers and antidepressants, there is an alternative medicine for fibromyalgia that could be very effective and could help healing the causes of the disease not only soothing the symptoms.

coMra therapy

A gentle and non-invasive way to awaken your own inner healing abilities and to support your whole body into recovery and restoring the balance in each organ, is coMra therapy. The power of the laser is accompanied with a magnetic field and light and could heal every cell, organ and system in your body without any negative side effects. You could apply coMra therapy in cases of injury, acute pain but also for chronic conditions and serious disorders. If you feel cramps in your lower abdominal, you could place the coMra Palm there for several minutes just to get some pain relief. However, if you want to heal the roots of the condition, for example fibromyalgia, you will need to take a look at and follow the treatment program in the coMra user guide.

If you have chosen to try alternative medicine for fibromyalgia, coMra therapy will help you a lot as it goes perfectly with the holistic approach to health which treats the person as a whole system. The medication treatment on the other side, would do the opposite as when you take painkillers, you destroy the liver and the stomach and as a result you feel even more anxiety and weakness. You need to heal the deep root of the disease and all the places where it has been spread with time. For that reason, the Neurology 9 treatment from the coMra user guide that is for fibromyalgia consists of three different parts. One of them is called Universal treatment 3 - Blood which will make your blood vessels stronger and your blood more fluid, another one is Universal treatment 5 applied in order to support the nervous system and there is a scheme of treatment specific for the fibromyalgia condition as part three. You will find all the details and recommendations in the coMra user guide, however as the therapy is non-invasive, you could add some changes to your treatment if it makes you feel better.

Nutrients rich diet

Your diet is your best alternative medicine for fibromyalgia or any other condition as your body uses all the nutrients coming from your food to create new cells. You need to avoid or reduce to minimum the consumption of alcohol, sugar and caffeine as they will make the symptoms even worse. Anything that stimulates the nervous system will make you even more sensitive to the pain in the tissues. Try to eat foods that are rich in magnesium like nuts, avocados, pumpkin seeds, green leafy vegetables etc. and also foods rich in melatonin like walnuts, rice, ginger, barley, bananas etc. as they will help with the sleep disorders which often occur due to the pain in the body. The good and rich diet will help control your weight and will give your body all the needed nutrients for it to deal with the condition. Coconut oil, wild fish, turmeric and ginger could also be beneficial for you and you can add them to your diet.

Well-being and mental health

As this painful condition is linked to aggression and violence history in the family, the mental health is key to healing fibromyalgia and you will need to do your inner work facing your emotional pain too. People suffering from it are very sensitive to touching and they seem to perceive a lot of situations as threatening and extremely stressful. So, you need to work on these side of the condition as the pain in the mind and the emotions would manifest on the physical level sooner or later. You could find your own personal way to calm down your nervous system through meditation, herbs like melissa and valeriana, reading a book or anything that will help you being more relaxed. Everything in yourself is connected, so you need to heal yourself as a whole in order to restore the inner balance that is known as overall health.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Video Link: Watch the third episode by Kelsey and Lara from Buzzfeed on how they felt after the coMra therapy program which they decided to try because of chronic pain conditions.

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