In order to be healthy, you need a strong immune system because each disease or condition can be tracked down to immunodeficiency or weak immunity. There are many factors like stress, hormonal imbalance, viral infections, toxins exposure, etc. which affect the immune system negatively. However, there is one more factor which is often overlooked and that is the consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). You can even come across articles saying the opposite - that these fatty acids are good for your health but let us see why that is not correct. Which foods contain polyunsaturated fats and why do you need to avoid them or limit their consumption?

What are the PUFAs?

These polyunsaturated fatty acids are specific lipids which do not contain a hydrogen atom at the end of their molecular structure. For example, the saturated fatty acids molecules have all their hydrogen atoms in place. The absence of a hydrogen atom makes the molecule prone to free radicals, that is why these fats are easily oxidized by air and temperature. They are very unstable and the temperature at which they oxidize is really low. When these unsaturated lipids are in the cells, they increase the oxidative stress contributing to the damage and aging of the cell. 

Why Should You Avoid them?

Although there is a big controversy around polyunsaturated fats as some experts advise people to increase their consumption for better health, they actually have inflammatory properties due to their highly reactive nature. While they suppress the thyroid function, their consumption will lead not only to slow metabolism but also to weight gain and hormonal imbalances. They also put a great deal of load on the liver which is the main eliminating organ in the body. Following a PUFAs-free diet will have many benefits for your health such as stable blood sugar levels, improved metabolism, better skin, improved digestion and easier detoxification. 

A List of the Foods Which Contain PUFAs

Although there are traces of PUFAs in most of the vegetables and oils, a small amount of them is very unlikely to cause any trouble. However, most of the liquid cooking oils extracted from nuts and seeds contain mostly polyunsaturated fats. Also, all of the commercially grown animal products like beef, poultry and eggs contain them as the animals have been fed with corn and soy. Here is the list of the oils and foods that you need to avoid:

How to Avoid PUFAs and What to Use Instead? 

First of all, try to use mostly saturated fats for cooking like coconut oil, butter, tallow, ghee and olive oil. Limit the times when you eat out and consume nuts and seeds very moderately. If there are days when you have eaten a lot of PUFAs, try to balance this with the consumption of more saturated fats as it is known that saturated fats diminish the negative effects from the polyunsaturated fats. If you consume animal products, choose grass-fed and organic whenever that is possible. If you are vegan or vegetarian, try to eat more coconut oil, avocados and olive as your main source of fat. Taking a supplement of vitamin E is beneficial when dealing with the effects of PUFAs and it is a powerful antioxidant. 

Support Your Liver

Including antioxidants in your diet like fresh berries and fruits, ashwagandha, rhodiola, etc. will support the function of the liver in eliminating all the toxins from the free radicals. Such herbs and supplements are protecting the cells from the oxidative stress caused by the polyunsaturated fats. Starting your day with lemon water is a small step but it can change the metabolism of fats in your body and will also support your liver. 

Use a cold laser daily for at least two weeks. Cold laser therapy is known to have many benefits and it is highly effective when dealing with various conditions. While it is non-invasive, it is a great alternative to medications and is a huge support to every detoxification. You can apply coMra on your liver to support its function every evening on 5Hz for two week for ten to twenty minutes. This can be combined with other treatment protocols. Cold laser therapy is providing additional energy on a cellular level, inducing the inherent healing abilities of the body and assisting it in the elimination of the free radicals which cause aging, diseases and cell damage.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Allergy is the condition when the immune system reacts very aggressively to different substances like certain foods, pollen, grass, dust or medications. Many people suffer from seasonal allergy starting with the change of the season and the growth of the pollen. Regularly each year, you may suffer from congested sinuses, watery and itchy eyes, headaches, fatigue or digestive issues. Before reaching out to the most common medications used in such cases, you can try some natural and non-invasive ways to manage the symptoms.

Allergy types and symptoms

Hay fever or rhinitis comes with a running nose when the season changes and when the pollen is out there. Other allergies are there all year around causing skin or eyes problems. Many people are allergic to pets or insects while others react to foods like nuts, eggs, honey etc. There are also allergies to dust and mold which gets more serious staying indoors. You may find yourself reacting to certain drugs or medications. The symptoms differ from skin rash or redness, dryness and itchiness to swelling tongue or lips, nausea and vomiting. Some people experience abdominal cramps and diarrhea, coughing and sneezing, dizziness and headaches. It is a very good practice to clean thoroughly your nose and sinuses with salty water using a spay in order to get rid of the allergen coming with the air.

coMra therapy

Supporting the healing of the body with a gentle and non-invasive method like coMra therapy can lead to great results in cases of allergy. Universal Treatment 6 - Vitality will awaken the inner abilities of the body to deal with the inflammation and allergic reactions. The cells will receive some help from the laser, magnets and the colorful lights while rebuilding the natural response to triggers coming from the outside. As your body already knows how to heal, you only have to support it in the process providing the best conditions for the recovery.

Anti-inflammatory diet

As there are lots of triggers of allergic reactions like certain foods, gluten, dairy products, eggs, soy etc.,you will need to stick to an anti-inflammatory diet. You can include garlic, lemon, cinnamon, raw honey and probiotics-rich foods to support the healing and recovery process in your body. Coconut milk could be very beneficial too as it is free of dairy, nuts, soy and grains. Eat a diet rich in green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits and whole foods.

Nettle and apple cider vinegar

Stinging nettle is a natural antihistamine which helps with allergic rhinitis or the so called hay fever, with urinary tract infections, joint pain and strains, and with insect bites. It can be used as a diuretic and to heal anemia. It cleanses the blood from heavy metals and toxins supplying the body with iron. Another natural remedy is the apple cider vinegar used to manage the allergy symptoms and to help the digestive system. You can drink some apple cider vinegar or fresh lemon juice diluted in water each morning to support the health of the gut and the stomach.

Essential oils

Some essential oils have anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties like frankincense and eucalyptus oil. You can either inhale them or rub them into the skin. Make sure you test the essential oils on a small part of your skin before rubbing them and always dilute them in base oils like olive, coconut or almond oils. You need to use essential oils on children with delicacy and moderation as children are more sensitive to them.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Varicose or spider veins are caused by the weak structure of connective tissue and the circulatory tissue. When the system of the blood vessels is affected, the blood circulation slows down creating too much pressure on the gentle walls of the veins. You need to both improve the circulation and to tighten the connective tissue of the blood vessels and the muscles. Standing for many hours in upright position or sitting for long periods on a chair combined with a poor diet could cause varicose veins among the other consequences on your health.

coMra Universal Treatment 3 - Blood

In order to help the regeneration of the damaged tissues, you can apply the coMra Universal treatment 3 - Blood daily for at least two weeks. It will improve the blood circulation and will increase the number of red blood cells. Additionally, you can treat the affected areas with the coMra device on 50Hz for several minutes every day. The coMra therapy is a gentle and non-invasive way to awaken the natural healing abilities of your body helping the regeneration of the blood vessels. It has no negative side effects and will provide the needed energy for the affected cells to start rebuilding and repairing the damaged structure of the veins.

Essential oils

You can try the application of essential oils topically to increase blood circulation and support the healing process of the affected areas. Cypress oil and citrus oils like lemon, grapefruit and orange can be mixed with witch hazel tincture for even better results. Creams containing horse chestnut extract and arnica are also very effective when dealing with damaged circulatory tissue.


In order to support your blood circulation you need to be active for at least half an hour daily. You can choose weight training or walking but you definitely need to incorporate moderate exercising in your routine.Wearing compression socks can also be beneficial as a way to regulate the excessive blood pressure in the veins especially in upright and sitting position.

Collagen and antioxidants

Your health depends also on the fuel that you give to your cells. You need to eat more antioxidant containing foods like bilberries, blueberries, fresh fruits and vegetables in order to supply all the needed nutrients for the veins repairing. In order to get rid of varicose veins quickly you also need a collagen rich diet. The collagen is tightening and firming the connective tissue, so you can try bone broth daily or taking collagen as a supplement. It also helps with sagging skin, cellulite and even leaky gut syndrome because of its qualities to support the structure of the connective tissue in the body.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Every time you eat something, the pancreas produces insulin in order to regulate your blood sugar levels. When there is too much sugar in your meal, insulin spikes occur. Your cells are trying to use the insulin but then your eat again and it goes up again and again. Too much insulin in the blood over a long period of time combined with stress will cause insulin resistance. The insulin is there, but the cells cannot use it and it causes the formation of even more fat in the body. All the carbohydrates are turned into fat and even the proteins from the food could be turned into fat. The body loses even the proteins from its own muscles. The insulin spikes are harmful and they prevent the usage of the stored fat as a fuel.

Use coMra therapy

Before we go into what causes slow metabolism and insulin resistance, let us talk about the solution or how to heal the consequences. If the condition is there, the organs are suffering and they need support and healing. It is great to change your nutrition plan and your habits in order to speed up the metabolic rate. However, the organs like your liver, pancreas and endocrine glands have been severely affected by the condition. You can start applying coMra therapy as a healing method and as a prevention. In a very gentle but highly effective method and it will support the normal functioning of your organs. The treatments in the coMra user guide can result in many positive effects on your systems and organs. Could be complemented with some diet and lifestyle changes that also support your health. With time, coMra therapy will help you restore your overall health and then maintain it.

Too much sugar

Eating too much sugar and simple carbohydrates will cause regular insulin spikes and hypoglycemia in two or three hours after the meal. You blood sugar levels will go up and down all day and your body will try to fix that. All the unneeded energy from the sugar will be turned into fat as quickly as possible as it is too dangerous for the body to have high levels of glucose in the blood. This will lead to a fatty liver as this is the organ which compensates for the high insulin with glutathione. So, the first step is to cut the white, brown and all the refined sugar from your diet, followed by dry fruits, bread, pasta and white rice. All of these foods will cause insulin spikes.

Eating low fat, snacking or dieting

If you are on a diet all the time and do not eat enough food, your body goes into a survival mode and will turn everything into fat in order to use it later on as a fuel. For that reason, the traditional dieting plans are not sustainable in time. You need to change your diet and your eating habits in general if you want to see the good results. Snacking between meals will also keep your insulin levels high all the time, so it is better to eat two or three times per day. Eating not enough fats with the fear of the calories and that you will gain weight is the other reason for the slow metabolism and insulin resistance. The fats that you consume will actually help your body to keep the levels of the blood sugar stable. But you need to avoid the unhealthy fats like fried oils, trans fats, hydrogenated fats and to eat more of the healthy fats like avocados, olive oils, grass-fed butter and nuts.


The dominance of estrogen is a huge problem for the women as when the levels of this hormone are high, the body does not burn the fat. Fertility issues, mood swings, thyroid malfunction, weight gain, dull skin and even depression could occur as a result of too much estrogen in the body. You can apply the Universal Treatments 4 and 5 from the coMra user guide in order to regulate the hormones and the stress levels in the body. As all the hormones are interconnected, if you manage to regulate your insulin and your cortisol, the others will slowly go back to balance too.


The process by which your body uses the energy for its basic functions like the work of the heart, breathing, digestion and others, is called metabolism. Under this name are hidden numerous chemical reactions, processes and relations between the organs. Your thyroid gland has a major role in the metabolism regulation together with the other glands of the endocrine system, the liver and the whole digestive and elimination systems. Basically, it is all connected and one small change in the hormonal balance affects the whole body. How to understand if your metabolism is getting sluggish by reading the body signs and symptoms?

Weight gain

If your metabolism is slow and insulin levels in the blood are too high you will gain weight. The insulin spikes can be caused by a heavy meal, sugar intake, hormonal imbalance, restriction dieting or stress. You will also notice that most of this excessive weight is actually belly fat which is very stubborn and not easy to lose. Even if you go to the gym regularly and you still cannot lose weight, then your metabolism is affected. You can see in above which are the reasons preventing you from losing weight easily. One of the main causes is the inability of the cells to use insulin from the blood and then the blood sugar levels get too high. In order to fix this condition, you can eat more healthy fats and to follow a three meals per day plan. Other option is to heal your liver and your blood. The coMra therapy is a very gentle method to help you deal with conditions like insulin resistance, hormonal imbalance, fatty liver and many others. The list of the health issues you can address successfully with the coMra therapy, can be found in the coMra user guide.

Digestion and skin issues

If you experience cravings for sweet foods and your feel extremely hungry between meals, then probably your insulin levels are unstable and your metabolism is too slow. Your digestive system is not working properly causing you bloating, constipation and feeling of heaviness after a meal. If you have the desire to go to sleep after eating but you have problems sleeping at night, this could be a sign of adrenal dysfunction which affects the endocrine system. The slow metabolism will affect the nutrient absorption and your skin will become dry and dull, you might lose some hair too. Even if you eat a lot, you still feel hungry as your cells cannot get the energy and substances they need for their normal functioning.

Brain fog and fatigue

If you experience regular headaches, brain fog and you feel tired all the time, then your body lacks energy. The slow metabolism affects the way the energy is produced and distributed in the body. You may find that your have difficulties with concentration or that you often forget things, or that you constantly feel cold and tired. Slow metabolism is related to hormonal imbalances and estrogen dominance. It can cause sleep disorders like waking up several times per night and inability to fall back to sleep. Slow metabolism often comes with high blood pressure and shortness of breath. All of these conditions could be healed and successfully treated with coMra therapy. As this a very gentle and non-invasive way to support your major organs and systems, you can apply it on your own. It induces the inner healing abilities of each small cell in your body providing the needed energy and information. There are great results with various conditions and diseases.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

While acne is mostly common for people in their teen years, the number of cases of acne out of that age range increases each year. The symptoms are irritated and inflamed skin on the face or other parts of the body like the back or arms, red bumps, clogged pores, pimples and painful lumps under the skin. The skin care products which claim to help with the acne discourage many people as the external treatments have only temporary effect.

What could cause it?

If you want to know the causes for the acne, you need to look deeper than the oily skin tending to end up with clogged pores. The reason why it usually appears in the puberty, is the hormonal changes in the body. However, if the hormones are not in balance and there are issues with the metabolism and digestion of certain foods, the acne could appear at any age. The roots of this condition could be found in food intolerances of any kind, in way the fat metabolism happens and most of all in hormonal imbalances which may cause the previous two.

Internal Healing

Before you reach out for the cosmetics and count on them to be a sufficient acne skin treatment, you need to heal from the inside. A very suitable way to treat acne skin problems would be coMra therapy, a gentle and non-invasive way to address many medical conditions. The cold laser with the help of magnets and lights, induces the natural healing abilities in the cells. It is a very effective way of providing the needed energy and supporting their recovery. It is a very easy to apply therapy that you can do at home and to address not only the skin problems externally, but to heal your inner organs which cause the skin issues in the first place.

Treatments course

In coMra therapy, you can combine treatments as there are not any negative side effects from it, it is gentle and medication free. So, first you need to restore the hormonal balance in your body and the Universal Treatment 5 from the coMra user guide will support all of your major organs while they return back to their normal functioning. In order to clean your blood from the toxins and to help the circulation, you can apply the Universal Treatment 3 - Blood. To support your liver with the fat metabolism and the detoxification of the waste materials from your body, apply Gastroenterology 1. On the top of all that, you can treat your skin directly with 1000Hz daily in order to help its recovery from the severe inflammations.

Supplements and remedies

Neem oil could be taken internally in the form of capsules together with zinc as they both will provide some more support for your skin to recover. For the external acne skin treatment, you can include tea tree oil in your routine as it really increases the speed with which your skin will clear out from all the pimples and scars. While hygiene is vital for the irritated skin, try to avoid very harsh products which will overdry your skin, alcohol is also very aggressive and should be used only when needed.

Diet  changes

Although it may look not relevant to you, the diet is in the roots of some types of acne. Even if you don’t have any other problems, food intolerances could cause acne that is very persistent. The main cause for such skin reactions are the dairy products, so avoid them for at least for a month and observe the difference. Sugar is another trigger of skin problems, so while doing your acne skin treatment course, try to avoid it and also reduce the amount of animal proteins in your diet. In order to assist your body into cleansing from all the waste products formed after the metabolic processes, try some days of juice detox, water fasting or raw food diet. In any case, you need a sufficient amount of water daily to flush out the toxins and lots of fruits and vegetables as they are rich in vitamins and minerals.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Because more and more people every day find out that their bodies don’t work properly due to high sugar consumption, the food industry uses various alternatives in order to make the food tasting sweet. The high amounts of sugar in the diet are linked to diseases like diabetes, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, heart disease, obesity etc. If the packed food contains sugar, in some cases it would be better than the artificial chemicals used to deceive your taste receptors and to make your body believe that there this food is sweet because it contains good carbohydrates.

High-fructose corn syrup

The glucose-fructose, isoglucose and glucose-fructose syrup are the other names of the popular these days high-fructose corn syrup made from modified corn starch. This type of sweetener has a very sweet and distinctive taste and is widely used in common foods, however it is the most damaging your cells one. It contains glucose and fructose, but fructose is in such high concentration that it causes seven times more problems to your digestive system that the ordinary table sugar. On the top of the that, the sweet corn that is used for the production of high-fructose syrup is modified which means that your body cannot even recognize it as a natural plant. If you have high blood sugar levels, you should avoid foods containing it.

Aspartame and other artificial sweeteners

Some chewing gums and lots of soft drinks contain aspartame which is proved to cause brain and blood vessels damage, especially if consumed by children. The other artificial sweeteners like saccharin, cyclamate, Acesulfame K etc. are as harmful as aspartame and should not be used by humans or animals. They had been advertised in the past as safe for people suffering from diabetes because of their low glycemic index and because they have extremely sweet taste but the results of their consumption could be cancer, brain damage and all kinds of diseases.


Although maltodextrin is moderately sweet, it is added to a lot of packed foods, including meat and fish. It has a very high glycemic index of 110 which is even more that the pure glucose and is very harmful for the inner organs as it acts as a glue. A lot of foods, even in the healthy stores, could contain this poisonous ingredient. For example, the stevia liquid which is supposed to be very healthy because stevia is the number one natural sweetener with zero glycemic index, could have maltodextrin in it in order to make the solution thicker. Do not be deceived because it is written stevia, but read the labels on the back and choose wisely.

Sugar alcohols

The information about sugar alcohols is very contradictory because there are so many kinds of sugar alcohols on the market. The most popular one is maltitol and it has a quite high glycemic index of 35 which could be very dangerous for people suffering from diabetes or insulin resistance. Others like xylitol, erythritol, mannitol etc. have very low glycemic index and are preferred for consumption by people who have high blood sugar problems or are on a keto diet. Generally, the increased amount of sugar alcohols could cause stomach issues and could act as laxative, the results on the health are not so drastic but the body cannot recognize them as sugar so it is still not so clear how they are digested, so use them very rarely.

Refined and modified Sugar

The refined sugar is white or brown and could be found in all kinds of sweet desserts, its glycemic index is 65 and is called a “fast carbohydrate” as the body digests it very quickly. This means that the blood sugar levels would jump up immediately after the consumption of it and in long term could lead to a lot of health issues including weight gain.The most dangerous thing about it, is the amount of it as a lot of soft drinks and packed desserts could contain much more sugar than you imagine. The easiest way to avoid the bad effects, is to substitute it with raw cane sugar or to choose another healthy sugar substitute like coconut sugar, stevia etc. Modified sugars like caramel syrup, inverted sugar etc. are with lower glycemic index but more difficult to be digested.

Agave syrup

Very recently, some researches showed that agave syrup contains a lot of fructose and is not properly digested by the body as it might even causes some health issues with the liver. Although, you will find it in most of the organic shops as a healthy alternative of sugar, the consumption of agave syrup is not recommended as it is considered as one of the most damaging kinds of sweeteners on the market.

Limited sugar consumption is important for the overall health but you need to choose wisely what do you put in your body as not everything that is sweet is good. Actually, very few things that have the sweet taste are good for your body except for fruits. Fruits are healthy and tasty, they will support your health rather than destroying it. Another gentle way to heal your organs and to awaken your inner healing abilities is coMra therapy, all the different treatments are created to help you heal yourself and stay healthy and full of energy.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

What you choose to eat or drink in the morning is quite significant for your metabolism and health, so you need to be careful about the breakfast and the whole morning routine after you wake up. Warming up the body with some moderate exercises, some meditation or reading for several minutes, will tune you into the balanced and harmonious vibration, while jumping on the phone or the computer could create stress and anxiety later on as the day goes by. Depending on your morning routine, you would have breakfast early or within an hour or two, but let us discuss how your choice of foods or liquids in the morning, could possibly affect your healthy energy levels.How to start the day in order to feel good and to help the body getting rid of the waste materials and toxins from the cells?


While the body is a bit dehydrated in the morning, one of the best things just after you get up is a glass of warm water as it will speed up the cleansing of the waste products from the previous day out of the intestines.This simple act of hydration after sleep will prevent from constipation, skin problems, heart diseases and digestion issues. It is better if the water is freshly coming from the spring or pure structured water in order to be well absorbed by the cells. Water has quite different effect on your body than coffee or tea as they are both diuretics,they increase the heart rate and blood pressure. If you still like drinking coffee in the morning, it is recommended to drink at least a big glass of pure water with it in order to restore the balance.

Alkaline liquids

The best alkaline liquids are water with fresh lemon juice, water with propolis, with baking soda, with apple cider vinegar and also the green tea. They will help you if you feel bloated in the morning as they will regulate your acid/alkaline balance in the body. Another way to help your body with its alkaline balance is coMra therapy because when there is no inflammatory processes in the body, the inner balance is easily maintained. Your can choose the most appropriate treatment for yourself from the coMra user guide. Using the coMra Palm is very easy and just for 10 min per day you can boost your energy or get relief from pain. It is a portable personal health device combining laser, magnets used to heal your cells and to help the work of the internal organs.

Juices and fruits

As you need vitamins and minerals, after the morning cleansing with warm water and alkaline liquids, you can eat whole fruits or drink some fresh, natural juices from fruits, roots and green leaves in order to support the organism. If you want to intake more fiber to support your digestive system, it is recommended to eat the whole fruits. The best is to search for organic, naturally grown fruits. Although the carbohydrates and the vitamins will boost your metabolism and will feed the brain, some people should choose not so sweet fruits in order to keep their blood sugar levels moderate. Watermelons, red apples, bananas, pineapples etc. contain a lot of sugar, while strawberries, raspberries, lemons, grapefruits, kiwis are not so sweet and are better for people with sugar linked diseases.

Cereals, smoothie and protein

If you are still hungry or you have a long day ahead, you can eat some whole foods in the form of cereals or whole grains bread with dried fruits and seeds or different combinations of smoothies made from fruits, nuts and superfoods. You can add some powder proteins, eggs and yogurt if you feel the need for more energy, as the proteins will feed the muscles and will postpone your next meal while they need more time to be digested. This type of breakfast is suitable for people who like working out in the morning or like to have late lunch during the day. Adding some good fat to your breakfast like avocado, coconut, nuts etc. will not let you get hungry after two hours and will give you even more energy for a wonderful day.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

How to substitute sugar in order to avoid its consumption as a way of prevention to various sugar linked diseases? Which are the natural and healthy options to use in the sweet recipes?

In the first part of this article you will see some of the healthy sugar substitutes like fresh and dry fruits, stevia and Monk fruit. Here are some more options to try while making your favourite dessert without white or brown sugar.

Yacon syrup

The yacon plant grows in South America and the syrup is made from the roots. This great sugar substitute has a slightly caramel taste and is very low in carbs too, so people with diabetes can consume it too as it is proved that it contains fiber called inulin and does not increase the blood sugar levels. It contains also antioxidants and potassium which are beneficial for the kidneys and the gut health, it can help you lose weight but the excessive consumption of yacon syrup may lead to stomach discomfort, so you still need to use it in moderation.

Coconut palm sugar

The sugar that is made out of the coconut palm has a very nice caramel like taste and the glycemic index of around 35 which makes it a great substitute of sugar even in the recipes that need baking. Many people prefer to use it as it does not increase the blood sugar levels as the white sugar but still is almost as sweet as it, it is also rich in minerals like zinc, potassium and magnesium. Although, it is a healthier option than sugar, it still contains fructose and the excessive consumption will increase the blood sugar levels with all the consequences, so moderate intake of it is recommended.


Honey is the most popular sugar substitute but its glycemic index may vary from 35 to 85 as the manuka and honeydew honey have the lowest one, so not more than a spoon or two per day is the recommended quantity of raw honey. Date syrup and maple syrup have a very pleasant taste and the glycemic index of around 50, so if you have insulin linked diseases, you need to limit the intake of these syrups. Lucuma powder and blackstrap molasses are very healthy sugar substitutes however they do not have a very sweet taste but are full of minerals and antioxidants instead. The glycemic index of the blackstrap molasses is around 50, the glycemic index of lucuma is very low around 5 and it is rich in magnesium, vitamin B6 and calcium with the pleasant taste of apricot, sweet potato and mango.

For the high blood sugar diseases like diabetes, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, hormonal imbalance, heart disease etc. will be very beneficial if you limit the sugar intake to the minimum and to consume sugar substitutes with the lowest glycemic index. You can apply coMra Therapy in any case, when your body needs support and healing as this method is very gentle and non-invasive and you can find all the details about the treatments in the coMra User Guide. The healthy diet is an important part of every healing process as it supports the body into recovering and creating new lifestyle changes.

Although, sugar is known to cause various health issues, it could be found in most of the packed food sold everywhere. So, which are the healthy sugar substitutes?

Generally, you need to eat less sugar in any form, if you what to avoid problems with your heart, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, weight gain and even hormonal imbalance. Even if you substitute it with a healthy option, the daily consumption should not be too much as it will be turned into glucose anyway. Not to forget, that if you eat too much carbohydrates per day, your body will start storing them in the form of fat somewhere. The glycemic index is used to show you how much insulin your body will produce in order to digest a certain type of food or in other words, how much your blood sugar levels will be raised after the consumption of that food.

Fresh and dry fruits

Although some fruits are very sweet and others are not so sweet, if you eat the whole fruit and not drinking the fresh juice for example, in your body the carbohydrates will come together with some enzymes and fiber. The effect of this will be that your blood sugar levels will not jump drastically. So, fresh fruits would be the healthiest substitute of sugar. However, this is not the case with the sweet dry fruits like dates, figs, dried prunes etc. The sugar in them although coming from fruits, is very concentrated so the glycemic index is much higher, for example dates have more than 50 glycemic index. One of the best choices in that case is freeze-dried berry powder as berries are not sweet fruits in the first place.


Stevia is a herb that is much sweeter than sugar and has zero glycemic index which makes it a very good sugar substitute for people suffering from diabetes, metabolic syndrome or insulin resistance. The best way to consume it is in the form of dried leaves powder but you can find it like a liquid or crystals. Although, stevia is very healthy and has no side effects, sometimes the chemicals used in the processing of stevia are harmful, so make sure you read the label very carefully. Some stevia products are 200-300 times sweeter than sugar, so use them in moderation until you find the best dose for your recipe. It doesn’t contain any carbohydrates, so it is great for you if you want to lose some additional weight.

Monk fruit (Luo Han Guo)

In some organic or bio shop, you could find powder or drops of Monk fruit which is another great sugar substitute with zero glycemic index and no carbohydrates. This Chinese fruit is know also as Luo Han Guo or longevity fruit, it is around 300 times sweeter than sugar and in the tradition of the Chinese medicine it was used to treat obesity and diabetes. Again you need to be quite careful when buying products containing Monk fruit as sometimes you can even see sugar as part of the ingredients. The ideal case would be to use the fruit extract or the dried fruit powder.

Yacon syrup

The yacon plant grows in South America and the syrup is made from the roots. This great sugar substitute has a slightly caramel taste and is very low in carbs too, so people with diabetes can consume it too as it is proved that it contains fiber called inulin and does not increase the blood sugar levels. It contains also antioxidants and potassium which are beneficial for the kidneys and the gut health, it can help you lose weight but the excessive consumption of yacon syrup may lead to stomach discomfort, so you still need to use it in moderation.

Coconut palm sugar

The sugar that is made out of the coconut palm has a very nice caramel like taste and the glycemic index of around 35 which makes it a great substitute of sugar even in the recipes that need baking. Many people prefer to use it as it does not increase the blood sugar levels as the white sugar but still is almost as sweet as it, it is also rich in minerals like zinc, potassium and magnesium. Although, it is a healthier option than sugar, it still contains fructose and the excessive consumption will increase the blood sugar levels with all the consequences, so moderate intake of it is recommended.


Honey is the most popular sugar substitute but its glycemic index may vary from 35 to 85 as the manuka and honeydew honey have the lowest one, so not more than a spoon or two per day is the recommended quantity of raw honey. Date syrup and maple syrup have a very pleasant taste and the glycemic index of around 50, so if you have insulin linked diseases, you need to limit the intake of these syrups. Lucuma powder and blackstrap molasses are very healthy sugar substitutes however they do not have a very sweet taste but are full of minerals and antioxidants instead. The glycemic index of the blackstrap molasses is around 50, the glycemic index of lucuma is very low around 5 and it is rich in magnesium, vitamin B6 and calcium with the pleasant taste of apricot, sweet potato and mango.

For the high blood sugar diseases like diabetes, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, hormonal imbalance, heart disease etc. will be very beneficial if you limit the sugar intake to the minimum and to consume sugar substitutes with the lowest glycemic index. You can apply coMra Therapy in any case, when your body needs support and healing as this method is very gentle and non-invasive and you can find all the details about the treatments in the coMra User Guide. The healthy diet is an important part of every healing process as it supports the body into recovering and creating new lifestyle.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Due to the environment changes, the way of life and so much stress everywhere, more men each year experience fertility issues. The food has lost its qualities and even the fruits and vegetables are full of chemicals which are not supposed to be there. The problems with virility in men are linked to a decreased sperm count, low sperm motility,  low libido and erectile dysfunction. The hormonal imbalance is in the roots of the virility issues in men as the male body needs testosterone in order to produce good quality sperm. Various conditions may lead to such an imbalance such as poor nutrition, lots of stress, diseases, excessive training, toxins etc. So, let us see how you can increase your virility and prevent problems.

You Need to Change Your Diet

First, you need to check  your diet. Do you eat enough protein, good fat and fresh fruits and vegetables? The poor diet may lead to fertility problems are the body is lacking the elements it needs in order to produce sperm. For the proper metabolism of the nutrients and a strong immune system, you need a sufficient amount of zinc which could be found in foods like hemp seeds, beans and lentils, meat, eggs, nuts, whole grains and dairy products. You also need enough folate found in the asparagus, coQ10 from the sesame seeds, a good supply of magnesium from the  spinach, selenium from the tuna fish and of course, enough amino acids which your body will use to produce its own proteins from eggs and hemp seeds. Make sure that you intake enough proteins and good fats which could be found in fatty fishes like mackerel, salmon and trout.

Add Even More Antioxidants

More antioxidants you get with the food, more benefits you will enjoy in term of overall health and fertility. The free radicals are destroying the cells and are responsible for the aging process, so make sure that you add more antioxidants rich foods on your plate like whole grains, berries, broccoli, garlic, onions, walnuts, pumpkin seeds etc. Pomegranate has shown very good result in a research with a group of men lifting the libido, increasing the blood flow and the sperm count. Green tea and ginseng tea are also a good choice to supply your body with even more healthy elements, to help it detox and heal if needed. You can add natural supplements like maca and ashwagandha which will give you more power and energy, will stimulate the male hormones production and will boost your immune system.

And Now Add More Lycopene

This pigment in foods like tomatoes gives the red color and is a very strong antioxidant which is found to be quite useful in dealing and preventing the fertility issues in men. It has even anti cancer properties as it helps the body to eliminate and fight with toxins, chemicals and waste products. As we all live in a very polluted environment, each component in the food we eat that would support the healing and recovering processes, is worth the attention. In order to deal with virility issues you can eat more watermelons, papayas, guavas, grapefruits, asparagus and red cabbage as these are the foods with most lycopene after the tomatoes.

Improve the Blood Circulation and Boost Your Hormones

So, after the nutrition issues are faced and you have planned your meals to supply enough of the basic elements your body needs, you need to look at the physicality. The virility in men is linked to the blood circulation and the hormonal balance. You need enough blood to reach these places where the sperm is produced. The coMra therapy is a very gentle method without any side effects which will awaken your inner abilities to heal and recover and it will support your body into having more energy and maintain overall health. The Universal Treatment 3 - Blood from the coMra user guide will affect in a very positive way your bloodstream, the quality of your blood and the health of the blood vessels. The Universal Treatments 6 - Vitality and 4 - Somatic biostimulation could be applied in periods of physical exhaustion or when you need to restore your physical power. All the treatments could be combined and used as a non-invasive prevention method.

Regular Exercises

In order to boost your testosterone levels you need to work out regularly as the moderate and well-planned training program is recommended rather than excessive and super intensive ones. Make sure that you are active enough as in that way you will improve your blood and lymph circulation, will support your heart, will lose or gain weight, will strengthen your muscles etc. Your body needs enough time to recover after each workout which will help you fighting the stress instead of creating it. You can gradually add more time and difficulty to your program, just listen to your body and always find time to rest. The regular working out has huge benefits for the male body if you are aware of your abilities and limits.

Stay Hydrated

Dehydration is linked to a long list of medical conditions, so you really want to be well hydrated in order to support your body and your overall health. The water takes part in almost every process in your body, so providing it with enough amount of fresh and clean water is one of the best healthy habits you could develop. Alcohol and caffeine dehydrate the body and overload the liver, so make sure to reduce their intake if you are struggling with virility issues or just as a prevention. The sufficient amount of water is good for your brain and the glands that produce your hormones too.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Have joyful moments and stay healthy!

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