Musculoskeletal conditions are a group of more than 150 diseases and disorders that affect the muscles, bones, joints and connective tissues of the body. They are the leading cause of disability worldwide, affecting approximately 1.71 billion people. Musculoskeletal conditions can cause persistent pain, impaired mobility and function, reduced quality of life and disturbed mental well-being, together with an increased risk of developing other chronic diseases. The prevalence and impact of musculoskeletal conditions increase with aging but they also might affect younger people, often during their peak income-earning years. Musculoskeletal conditions pose a significant burden on individuals, families, health systems and societies, and are expected to rise due to population growth and aging [1] [2].

Given the magnitude and complexity of the problem, the effective management of musculoskeletal conditions requires a comprehensive and holistic approach that addresses the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of these conditions. However, many people with musculoskeletal conditions do not receive adequate or timely care, and often face barriers such as a lack of access, affordability, awareness and education. Moreover, many of the available treatments are not based on the best available evidence or in many cases are not tailored to the individual needs and preferences of the patients [3].

Therefore, there is a need for more research, innovation and implementation of evidence-based interventions that can improve the outcomes and quality of life for people with musculoskeletal conditions. In this article, we will briefly review some of the most common musculoskeletal conditions and their management options, with a special focus on coMra therapy, a novel regenerative technology that combines low-intensity laser, colour, ultrasound and magnetic field to support the body's natural healing response.

Common Musculoskeletal Conditions and Their Management Options

Musculoskeletal conditions can be classified into different categories according to their causes, symptoms and affected body parts. Some of the most common categories are as follows:

Musculoskeletal Injuries: These are injuries that result from trauma or overuse of the muscles, bones or joints. They include fractures (bone breaks), sprains (ligament injuries), strains (muscle or tendon injuries), dislocations (joint injuries) and amputations (loss of limbs).

Overuse Injuries: These are injuries that result from repetitive stress or overuse of the muscles, bones or joints. They include tendinitis (inflammation of tendons), bursitis (inflammation of bursae), stress fractures (small cracks in bones) and osteoarthritis (degeneration of cartilage).

Spinal Injuries: These are injuries that affect the spine or the nerves that originate from it. They include herniated disc (protrusion of intervertebral disc), sciatica (compression of sciatic nerve), spondylolysis (stress fracture in vertebra) and spinal stenosis (narrowing of spinal canal).

Joint Injuries: These are injuries that affect the joints or the structures that surround them. They include shoulder injury (tear in shoulder tendons), knee injury (tear in knee ligaments or cartilage), hip injury (fracture or dislocation of hip joint) and gout (inflammation of joint due to uric acid crystals).

Chronic Conditions: These are conditions that persist for a long time or recur frequently. They include low back pain (pain in lower back), neck pain (pain in neck), fibromyalgia (widespread pain and tenderness), rheumatoid arthritis (autoimmune inflammation of joints) and systemic lupus erythematosus (autoimmune inflammation of multiple organs).

Management and Treatments

The management options for musculoskeletal conditions vary depending on the type, severity and duration of the condition, as well as the patient's preferences and goals. Some of the most common management options are:

Physical therapy: This is a type of therapy that involves exercises, stretches, massage and other techniques to improve the function and mobility of the affected muscles, bones and joints. Physical therapy can help reduce pain, inflammation, stiffness and weakness, as well as prevent further injury and disability.

Medications: These are drugs that can help relieve pain, inflammation and other symptoms of musculoskeletal conditions. Depending on the type and severity of the condition, different medications may be prescribed, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), acetaminophen, opioids, muscle relaxants, corticosteroids or disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs).

Ultrasound: This is a deep heating treatment that uses sound waves to create heat in the tissues. Ultrasound can help improve blood flow, reduce swelling, soften scar tissue and promote healing.

Surgery: This is a type of therapy that involves cutting or removing part of the affected tissue or bone. Surgery is usually reserved for severe or complicated cases of musculoskeletal conditions that do not respond to other treatments. Surgery can help remove tumors, repair fractures, replace joints or reconstruct ligaments.

Prolotherapy: This is a type of therapy that involves injecting a solution (usually a sugar or saline solution) into the injured ligaments, tendons or joints to stimulate the body's natural healing response. Prolotherapy can help reduce pain, improve function and strengthen the connective tissues.

Dry needling: This is a type of therapy that involves inserting thin needles into the trigger points or tight bands of muscle that cause pain and dysfunction. Dry needling can help release the muscle tension, improve blood flow and reduce inflammation.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy: This is a type of therapy that involves injecting the patient's own blood plasma that has been enriched with platelets into the injured area. Platelets are cells that contain growth factors and other substances that promote healing and tissue regeneration. PRP therapy can help accelerate the healing process, reduce pain and improve function.

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT): This is a type of therapy that involves applying high-energy sound waves to the injured area. ESWT can help stimulate the blood circulation, increase the metabolism and activate the healing response. ESWT can help reduce pain, improve mobility and enhance the quality of life.

The coMra therapy: This is a type of therapy that involves combining low-intensity laser, colour, ultrasound and magnetic field into a united coherent vortex that comprehensively supports self-regeneration of the body. coMra therapy can help stimulate the blood circulation, increase the metabolism and activate the healing response. coMra therapy can help reduce pain, improve mobility and enhance the quality of life.

coMra Therapy: A Novel Regenerative Technology for Musculoskeletal Conditions

The coMra therapy is a novel regenerative technology which combines low-intensity laser, colour, ultrasound and magnetic field into a united coherent vortex that comprehensively supports self-regeneration of the body. The name coMra stands for coherent multi-radiance therapy, which reflects the synergy of different radiances in stimulating the natural healing response [4].

The coMra therapy is based on the principle that every cell in the body has its own optimal frequency of vibration which determines its health and function. When this frequency is disturbed by injury, disease or stress, the cell becomes dysfunctional and may die. The coMra therapy aims to restore the optimal frequency of vibration by delivering a coherent vortex of radiances that matches the natural resonance of the cell [4].

The Radiances Used in coMra therapy

Low-intensity laser: This is a type of light that has a single wavelength, high coherence and low power density. The low-intensity laser can penetrate deep into the tissues and stimulate various cellular processes, such as ATP production, DNA synthesis, cell proliferation, gene expression and cytokine release. The low-intensity laser can also modulate inflammation, pain perception, immune response and tissue repair [5].

Colour: This is a type of light that has different wavelengths, low coherence and low power density. Colours can affect the mood, emotions, hormones and the nervous system of the body. Colours can also improve the function of different organs and systems by stimulating specific acupuncture points or energy centers (chakras) [6].

Ultrasound: This is a type of sound that has high frequency, low coherence and low power density. Ultrasound can create mechanical vibrations in the tissues and it enhances the effects of the low-intensity laser and colour diodes by increasing their penetration depth and diffusion area. Ultrasound can also improve blood flow, oxygen delivery, nutrient exchange and waste removal in the tissues [7].

Magnetic field: This is a type of force that has low frequency, low coherence and low power density. The magnetic field can create an optimal environment for the cellular function by aligning the water molecules in the tissues and facilitating their interaction with the low-intensity laser and the colour diodes. The magnetic field can also regulate the electrical potential of cell membranes, ion channels and nerve impulses [8].

The combination of these radiances in coMra therapy creates a coherent vortex that resonates with the natural frequency of the cell and enhances its vitality and function. coMra therapy can be applied locally to target specific areas of injury or pain, or systemically to support general health and well-being [4].

The coMra therapy has been shown to be effective for various musculoskeletal conditions, such as back pain, osteoarthritis, tendonitis, bursitis and fibromyalgia [9] [10] [11][12]. coMra therapy can help reduce pain, improve mobility and enhance quality of life by stimulating the natural healing response of the body.

coMra therapy is also safe, non-invasive and easy to use. coMra therapy does not cause any adverse effects or complications, unlike some other treatments that may have side effects such as bleeding, infection, addiction or organ damage. coMra therapy can be used by anyone, regardless of age, gender or health status. coMra therapy can be applied at home or in a clinic, using a portable device that has different modes and frequencies for different conditions [4].

coMra therapy is a novel regenerative technology that offers a promising solution for the global burden of musculoskeletal conditions. coMra therapy can help millions of people who suffer from chronic pain and disability to improve their outcomes and quality of life. coMra therapy can also help prevent the development and progression of musculoskeletal conditions by supporting the natural self-repairing ability and self-sufficiency of the body.


Musculoskeletal conditions are a global threat and a challenge for effective management. Musculoskeletal conditions affect billions of people worldwide and cause significant disability, reduced quality of life and increased risk of other chronic diseases. Musculoskeletal conditions require a comprehensive and holistic approach that addresses the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of these conditions. However, many people with musculoskeletal conditions do not receive adequate or timely care, and face barriers such as lack of access, affordability, awareness and education.

There are various management options for musculoskeletal conditions, such as physical therapy, medications, ultrasound, surgery, prolotherapy, dry needling, PRP therapy and ESWT. However, many of these options are not based on the best available evidence or tailored to the individual needs and preferences of the patients. Moreover, some of these options may have side effects or complications that may outweigh their benefits.

coMra therapy is a novel regenerative technology that combines low-intensity laser, colour, ultrasound and magnetic field into a united coherent vortex that comprehensively supports self-regeneration of the body. coMra therapy can help reduce pain, improve mobility and enhance quality of life by stimulating the natural healing response of the body. coMra therapy is also safe, non-invasive and easy to use. coMra therapy can be applied locally or systemically to treat various musculoskeletal conditions, such as back pain, osteoarthritis, tendonitis, bursitis and fibromyalgia.

coMra therapy offers a promising solution for the global burden of musculoskeletal conditions. coMra therapy can help millions of people who suffer from chronic pain and disability to improve their outcomes and quality of life. coMra therapy can also help prevent the development and progression of musculoskeletal conditions by supporting the natural self-repairing ability and self-sufficiency of the body.


[1] Woolf AD, Pfleger B. Burden of major musculoskeletal conditions. Bull World Health Organ 2003;81:646-56.

[2] GBD 2019 Diseases and Injuries Collaborators. Global burden of 369 diseases and injuries in 204 countries and territories, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet 2020;396:1204-22.

[3] Briggs AM et al. Reducing the global burden of musculoskeletal conditions. Bull World Health Organ 2018;96:366-8.

[4] Surazakov A. Principles of regenerative therapy with low-intensity laser, colour, ultrasound and magnetic field (coMra) Therapy. Available at:

[5] Chow RT et al. Efficacy of low-level laser therapy in the management of neck pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised placebo or active-treatment controlled trials. Lancet 2009;374:1897-908.

[6] Wunsch A et al. A critical analysis of chromotherapy and its scientific evolution. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2005;2:481-8.

[7] Robertson VJ et al. Therapeutic ultrasound for chronic low-back pain. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2006;3:CD003530.

[8] Markov MS et al. Static magnetic fields for treatment of fibromyalgia: a randomized controlled trial. J Altern Complement Med 2011;17:139-43.


[10] Treating pain, headaches, joint conditions and lower back pain with coMra laser therapy

[11] coMra-Therapy testimonials: fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, Ligia Correa, 67 years old female

[12] Living Life Again - coMra for fibromyalgia, arthritis, back and hip pain. An interview with Barbara.

Which are the thoughts and emotional patterns behind rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis? As your body never lies, it always shows like a mirror the deep or hidden emotions through some discomfort or a disease.

We call forth disease, or more precisely, dis-ease, when a lack of knowledge throws an area in our lives out of balance. The result of this imbalance first manifests within us as a dis-ease at a psychological level, but unless this is remedied, it will eventually also manifest as a physical disease.

“Health and Holism in the 21st Century” by Théun Mares

The key word about joints is movement, the freedom to move your body and to enjoy different activities, to be fluid and flexible. So, the rheumatism is showing a lack of fluidity, a desire to control everything and not letting life happens as it is. People who have rheumatoid arthritis usually have the habit to criticise others and themselves, they have very firm beliefs about life and are not willing to change them. The pain in the joints is a way the body to express the “stiff” thoughts, emotions or behaviour which limit the movement.

“Rheumatism - Insisting upon having life on one’s own terms.
Arthritis - Lack of fluidity with respect to accepting the process of life.”

“Health and Holism in the 21st Century” by Théun Mares

People with rheumatoid arthritis have difficulties to ask to help and support, they feel deeply unworthy and unloved but never choose to say it out loud. These people are deeply disappointed as they feel that the others should know what they need and as if the others are supposed to give without even asking for it. The lack of fluidity could be seen on their faces as they try to hide all the negative emotions like anger, despair or even revenge from the people around them. They very often judge others and themselves, they think they know the only right way to do everything and they try to control the others, not giving them the freedom to be different. The rheumatism shows the tendency to be rigid, stubborn, demanding and at the same time afraid of change, powerless and insecure.

Hands and Arms

When the pain is located in the hands and arms, it shows the emotion of not having the right to express yourself, you are not allowed to do something, to touch something, to reach out. Usually, you would be the one to set this limit as you don’t feel you deserve the freedom to act in a particular way. You need to overlook what is your deep desire connected with your work and to find a way to do things with pleasure. It is better if you do activities that make you feel good, try not to be very hard on yourself for having an enjoyable time.


When the knees are suffering, it shows the inner emotion of doing something that you don’t want to do but you do it just for the sake of obligation, like you have to obey to someone. The emotions of being forced to kneel, to obey against your desire will manifest as rheumatism of the knee joint and your movement would be limited even more. It shows the deep unwillingness to change your way of thinking, your beliefs. So, as you would not bend over, you sacrifice yourself, you fake it in order to avoid conflict in attempt to escape the need to speak about it.

Shift the focus

The shift of the thinking would be to open up, to let yourself receive freely and express freely your emotions and desires. To let life surprise you, to accept love and support from the people in the way they give it, to accept life as it is. To understand that everyone has its own path and a way of doing things and that life is a constant change, to develop fluidity in the way of thinking and to embrace new things with courage and faith. You have to relax and enjoy life, find the things that you love to do and do them with all the pleasure in the world, appreciating every second of the activity. In the coMra user guide you will find the treatments to heal your joints and how to help your body to recover, once you have started working on the mindset that causes the disease in the first place.

Each movement of the body depends on the health of the joints - from the bending of the knees or the back, to simple walking or writing. It is very important to take care of the joints and the cartilage that cushions the bones, preventing them from rubbing. With the age, after too much weight or injury, the cartilage slowly wears off and sometimes inflammation in the joints occurs. The active and balanced lifestyle will support your overall health and your joints together with a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

However, there are some key factors for healthy joints that could prevent or heal inflammations and help you to get rid of the pain. Prevention is the best cure, especially when we talk about the joints as for them to recover back to their initial state is not a fast and easy process.

Protein production

The collagen that your body produces, is used for many things as it basically holds everything together like in the skin, muscles, the joints and everywhere else too. For its production, you need a number of amino acids from which the collagen threads will be created. MSM and  glucosamine sulfate are the supplements that improve the collagen productions and some people even intake hydrolyzed collagen type 2 to supports the joints. The fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as the sprouts contain amino acids too. You can also add some forms of plant or whey protein to your diet if you want to increase the collagen and muscles in the body.

Tissue regeneration

The recovery of the cartilage could take some time however with the coMra laser therapy, in a very gentle and non-invasive way, your tissues will be regenerated and healed. The laser is very effective and easy to be used at home, it provides instant pain relief and long term support awakening the inner abilities of the body to heal itself. All the treatments are described in the coMra user guide where you can search your condition because the coMra Palm is a laser that could be helpful for a number of conditions and is providing healing for almost each organ and system in the body.

Omega 3 fatty acids

There are some foods that you have to include in your diet in order to support the joints, also the heart and the blood vessels. The natural sources of omega 3 fatty acids are chia and flax seeds, wild-caught salmon, sardines, mackerel, walnuts. The good fats like olive oil, avocado, fish and other plant oils are very beneficial for the health of the joints and other systems in the body like the cardiovascular and digestive ones. On the other hand, it is good to avoid refined sugar, trans fats and alcohol as they might make you feel stiff and your joints less flexible but more painful.

Essential oils

The massage with some essential oils as well as the aroma lamps usage could provide great relief and support for your joints and overall health, most of them have antioxidant and antiseptic effects on the body. The essential oils have very light molecules that quite quickly could reach your bloodstream and fight against the inflammations in the joints. The ginger, frankincense, myrrh, orange, turmeric, black pepper, lavender, rose, peppermint, jasmine, clary sage, bergamot and chamomile essential oils could be used diluted in base oils like jojoba, macadamia, coconut etc. and be applied locally with massage movements on the joints and the skin.


The proper moderate movement, the good stretching and muscles workout are great for the joints as they have to be used in order to keep them healthy. Yoga and other exercise systems like pilates, body shaping, dancing etc. will increase your durability and flexibility. In the same time they are teaching your muscles  how to make the right movements that will not injure the joints. The daily posture and ordinary activities like walking, sitting and lying on the bed sometimes are not done in the natural way and a harmful habit is developed. You have to pay attention to how you use your joints, especially if you like long walks or running in the park, as if these are done the wrong way that may put too much weight on the knee joint for example. The excess weight is also a problem for the joints, so the exercise routine will help you keeping up the good shape and stay strong and toned.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.