In order to be healthy, you need a strong immune system because each disease or condition can be tracked down to immunodeficiency or weak immunity. There are many factors like stress, hormonal imbalance, viral infections, toxins exposure, etc. which affect the immune system negatively. However, there is one more factor which is often overlooked and that is the consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). You can even come across articles saying the opposite - that these fatty acids are good for your health but let us see why that is not correct. Which foods contain polyunsaturated fats and why do you need to avoid them or limit their consumption?

What are the PUFAs?

These polyunsaturated fatty acids are specific lipids which do not contain a hydrogen atom at the end of their molecular structure. For example, the saturated fatty acids molecules have all their hydrogen atoms in place. The absence of a hydrogen atom makes the molecule prone to free radicals, that is why these fats are easily oxidized by air and temperature. They are very unstable and the temperature at which they oxidize is really low. When these unsaturated lipids are in the cells, they increase the oxidative stress contributing to the damage and aging of the cell. 

Why Should You Avoid them?

Although there is a big controversy around polyunsaturated fats as some experts advise people to increase their consumption for better health, they actually have inflammatory properties due to their highly reactive nature. While they suppress the thyroid function, their consumption will lead not only to slow metabolism but also to weight gain and hormonal imbalances. They also put a great deal of load on the liver which is the main eliminating organ in the body. Following a PUFAs-free diet will have many benefits for your health such as stable blood sugar levels, improved metabolism, better skin, improved digestion and easier detoxification. 

A List of the Foods Which Contain PUFAs

Although there are traces of PUFAs in most of the vegetables and oils, a small amount of them is very unlikely to cause any trouble. However, most of the liquid cooking oils extracted from nuts and seeds contain mostly polyunsaturated fats. Also, all of the commercially grown animal products like beef, poultry and eggs contain them as the animals have been fed with corn and soy. Here is the list of the oils and foods that you need to avoid:

How to Avoid PUFAs and What to Use Instead? 

First of all, try to use mostly saturated fats for cooking like coconut oil, butter, tallow, ghee and olive oil. Limit the times when you eat out and consume nuts and seeds very moderately. If there are days when you have eaten a lot of PUFAs, try to balance this with the consumption of more saturated fats as it is known that saturated fats diminish the negative effects from the polyunsaturated fats. If you consume animal products, choose grass-fed and organic whenever that is possible. If you are vegan or vegetarian, try to eat more coconut oil, avocados and olive as your main source of fat. Taking a supplement of vitamin E is beneficial when dealing with the effects of PUFAs and it is a powerful antioxidant. 

Support Your Liver

Including antioxidants in your diet like fresh berries and fruits, ashwagandha, rhodiola, etc. will support the function of the liver in eliminating all the toxins from the free radicals. Such herbs and supplements are protecting the cells from the oxidative stress caused by the polyunsaturated fats. Starting your day with lemon water is a small step but it can change the metabolism of fats in your body and will also support your liver. 

Use a cold laser daily for at least two weeks. Cold laser therapy is known to have many benefits and it is highly effective when dealing with various conditions. While it is non-invasive, it is a great alternative to medications and is a huge support to every detoxification. You can apply coMra on your liver to support its function every evening on 5Hz for two week for ten to twenty minutes. This can be combined with other treatment protocols. Cold laser therapy is providing additional energy on a cellular level, inducing the inherent healing abilities of the body and assisting it in the elimination of the free radicals which cause aging, diseases and cell damage.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

How is your digestive system operating? Do you feel some pain in the stomach or in the belly after you consume a certain type of food or even constantly? Why do so many people suffer from diseases which start in the gut and can we find a link between almost every health condition and the gut? It occurs that bloating is so common nowadays while people consume a lot of processed and packaged food. It is full of unrecognizable ingredients which the stomach and the gut cannot digest or absorb and basically has the obligation to eliminate or store somewhere in the body.

Nutrients and Immunity

Good food is very important for your health but if your digestive system is not working properly, the nutrients will not be absorbed and the cells will be still hungry. On the health of the intestines depends what substances will reach each cell in the body and how your new cells and tissues will be built. Also, a huge part of the immune system is operating in the gut. Every time you eat some food, your immune system has to decide whether this is actual food for the body or is a harmful virus or bacteria. If it assumes that a certain type of protein is dangerous for the body, it will be attacked. This creates inflammation and is known as food intolerance, for example gluten or lactose intolerance.

Gut Health and Diseases

If your gut is compromised, many health conditions and symptoms can occur as a result. While the body is constantly fighting inflammation, all the resources are depleted and the immune system is weakened. Autoimmune diseases, diabetes, hormonal imbalance, heart disease, liver problems and all kinds of other conditions might have started in the gut. When the intestines are constantly inflamed, the intestinal walls will be compromised and will become thinner. This will let food particles and other substances enter the bloodstream spreading all over the body. This condition is called leaky gut syndrome and is the main cause of autoimmune diseases.

Improve Your Gut Health with coMra

While it is a very gentle and effective method to heal your body, coMra therapy is a great way to support your gut health. The harmonious and coherent work of a laser with magnets and LEDs creates a special field which increases the energy of the cell. This additional energy could be used to improve the metabolism inside the cells and of the whole, the hormonal balance and communication. How to apply coMra in order to address gut issues? Many coMra treatment protocols can be found in the coMra User Guide. In the Gastroenterology section are all the treatment protocols related to digestive issues. Some of the coMra Universal treatments can also be beneficial in cases of low immunity and inflammation.

More Health Tips

Your gut and immunity is affected by the food you eat and by your emotional state. Maybe you have noticed that when you feel stressed, you either want to eat more or less. Some people have a “nervous” stomach and feel their belly heavy when in emotional crisis. So, first try to eat clean and good diet without the food groups which might trigger intolerance. However, take care of your emotional state too, notice how you feel when you eat, are you in a hurry and stressed or do you enjoy your meal in a calm and supportive environment. When your gut is strong and healthy, the overall health will improve, your whole body will benefit from this and all the organs will receive the nutrients they need on a daily basis.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

We all live in very interesting times as the situation worldwide is new and uncertain. Borders are closed, people are advised to stay home, countries are in a lock-down, the media is streaming news and numbers all the time. Many people tap into panic and fear but at the same time they want to boost the immune system. However, staying calm and balanced in this stressful situation will have a great impact on your health and immunity. This might mean to do some inner work and to use the tools you have to preserve your mental health in order to be able to support the people around you.

Why Stress Is Dangerous?

Stress is a normal reaction of the body and has its role in survival. When you are in danger, the signals from your brain will start a chain-reaction to engage your muscles in order for you to escape. But chronic stress is a totally different story, the levels of hormones like cortisol and adrenaline are constantly high which will deplete the body from resources. When the nervous system is triggered like that all the time, it actually suppresses the immune system. The body literally lacks the energy to maintain all its functions while the cortisol production is a priority. In other words, if the stressful situations occur too often, the body will soon be affected. Nowadays, we speak more often about emotional stress which has its negative impact on the body as it affects the hormonal balance, the quality of your sleep, the mental health and leads to illnesses like diabetes, autoimmune diseases and heart issues.

How to Use coMra?

In order to manage the stress-response on a physical level, your body needs more energy and well-functioning adrenal glands. On the other hand, if you suffer from an illness or a chronic disease, you may find yourself in distress even more often. To induce the healing process in a non-invasive way is key to better immunity. For this purpose, you can use coMra therapy as its low level laser is specially modulated to work in harmony with a magnetic field and LED diodes. They all work together with the body intelligence to increase its energy resources and to awake its inner healing abilities. There are many coMra protocols designed to heal, support and prevent diseases. Additionally, you can apply coMra as a pain relief, to support the nervous system and to boost your immunity.

What Does Well-Being Mean?

The harmony on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level results in the experience of well-being. When all your parts are working and living together as one, you are healthy. The root of well-being or health, is the coherence of everything that is you and it is more than just the physical body, it is beyond your emotions too. Any disharmony between your parts will create some kind of a response. That is why, it is more obvious than ever, that all diseases are first created on an emotional or mental level, before they manifest as a disease on the physical one.

Monitor Your Thoughts

In order to manage your stress response, you will need to start from the roots - your thoughts. It might not be that easy to become aware of every thinking pattern in your mind overnight, but just start where you are. Try to limit your exposure to the media and monitor your thoughts. It is important to catch what you are thinking as the stress response starts there. If you assume that you are in danger, your body will follow that thought and the whole chain-reaction will start. Any resistance to what is creates suffering, so find a way to shift your perception of the situation. Instead of thinking about the uncertain future, look for opportunities and try to see the good things that will come out of the situation.

Being Detached

If you detect negative thoughts crossing your mind all the time, you still have a choice and can decide not to attach to them. If you react automatically to the worst scenarios projected in your mind, the body will respond with emotions. Even if fear and panic prevail around you, you still can stay detached and not take these on yourself. Recognize your emotions but do not let them drown you into anxiety or despair. The tools you can use is to focus on the present moment, not to worry, to connect with the calmness and to choose your mood. Try to focus on the things that you can experience gratitude about.


The most important connection in your life is the one with your inner being. With this magical and huge being that is you. Try to be fully present, to experience here and now with an open mind and heart. Accept and embrace yourself and welcome the time you have being alone. Dive deep into your feelings and listen to the silent voice of your heart. Go deep into yourself and spend some quality time to do your retrospection. Nourish yourself with things that are good for you and which give you joy and peace like nice books or your hobby. Be creative and get busy with your hands in order to explore and express yourself in your unique way.

Relaxation And Meditation

In order to stay calm and balanced in stressful situations, you need to learn how to relax. Breathe deeply and try to let go, relax the muscles with stretching or lying on the bed without moving while listening to music or natural sounds. You can also try practicing yoga nidra, doing yourself slow massage, lighting some candles and filling a hot bath with essential oils. Relax your body but also relax your mind. Stay in the silence left after you stop the internal narrative, look for the gaps between your thoughts and tap into the silence of your presence. Observe what is going on without judgement. Maybe it will not happen on your first try or as you imagine it but keep going. If the intention is there and you take action on it, then all you need is to make the next step and stay open to learning and growing.

Communication And Support

Although, we are all advised to stay home and to physically isolate ourselves from others, we can do our best to stay connected to people who are important to us. Reach out to your friends and family to offer and accept support. Make the effort to keep the communication with people even if you cannot go out. However, do not gossip and avoid speaking negatively about the situation in order to preserve your energy and to protect the emotional well-being of others. The last thing you want is to feed the fear in the people around you. Although the situation is hard, it can be a great opportunity to work on the communication with your closest family members and the people you live with. In stressful situations, the support of others is very much needed and appreciated.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Can Emotional Stress Cause Chronic Pain?

The Results of Emotional Stress On Your Health

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Meret has been using coMra therapy for many years. As many other coMra users, she found that coMra therapy is not only very safe, but also that coMra is effective for various cases and conditions.She used it for her daughter's herpes, her own thyroid issues and migraines with great results.

All over the news and media, the topic is the same: coronavirus outbreak. While measures like staying at home and keeping physical distance are set outside, the immune system will protect you from the inside. Nowadays more than ever, people are concerned about their immune system and if it will be strong enough to defend them from viruses. It is the ultimate protection against pathogens, bacteria and viruses which are everywhere and we are in contact with them all the time. These health tips will help you strengthen and boost your immune system, supporting its ability to fight off viruses.

Don’t Panic And Manage Stress

First of all, try not to panic and to keep your stress levels low. Stress suppresses T-cells which are developed in the thymus gland and are the main tool of the immune system against triggers coming from the environment. Chronic stress and high levels of cortisol impairs the ability of the immune system to fight viruses and pathogens. It is vital to stay calm and not to tune into fear and worry as then your immunity will be highly compromised. Harmonious music, deep breathing and meditation will help you manage your stress levels and stay healthy and strong. Tapping in your inner joy is a great way to spend your day, so try to laugh as often as possible. Get busy with creating art, painting, dancing or your favourite hobby as a way to manage your stress and to improve your well-being.

Moderate Exercise

Moving your body will tone the muscles and will improve your overall health by eliminating the toxins from your body. Exercising will enhance the work of the lymphatic system and your gut health. As most of the serotonin is produced in the gut, it will have an impact on your emotional state too. Yoga, tai chi, stretching, moderate training, walking in nature are essential to increase the oxygen in your blood and to maintain a strong, healthy body.


How you breathe will affect your emotional and physical condition, especially if you breathe deeply and in a calm manner. When you pay attention to your breath, it will be easier to stay in the moment, to maintain the connection with your physical body and to understand your emotions. Inhale deeply and then pause for a second, then exhale and pause again. Observe how you feel during the process, are there any emotions that you have not noticed before. What are you thinking right now, can you see the gap in your thoughts and stay there in silence, even for a second. Make it a habit to come back to your calm breathing in the moments of stress and despair.

The Power of Sunshine

Going out in the sun will enhance the production of Vitamin D which has a very important and major role in your health. It takes part in many processes and it is known to strengthen the immune system too. On the other hand, being outside and enjoying the sunshine makes you feel good and improves your health in so many ways. The sun is our source of light and warmth, all the life on this planet depends on it and you make no exception. Of course, sunburn is dangerous for your skin, so if the sun is too strong, you need to be outside only in the early morning or late afternoon.

Relationships And Social Support

Your close relationships can be a source of either stress or love and support. Now, when most of the people are staying home, is a great time to improve your relationships with family and friends. The social support and connection with other people affects your health greatly. Although you are physically isolated, there is always a way to reach out to the people who are important for you. Isolation can increase your stress levels and compromise your immune system, so having a social support net is crucial for your well-being.

Doing coMra At Home

Low level lasers are used for healing and prevention as they are effective, painless, non-invasive and gentle to the cell. Therefore, coMra therapy is all that but even more as it combines the power of the laser with magnetic field and LED therapy. The result is a device that is easy to use, reliable and portable. You can apply your coMra protocol at home and is very beneficial for chronic diseases, pain, injuries and prevention. There is a section in coMra therapy designed to boost and strengthen the immune system. We have published a very detailed article on how to use and apply coMra therapy if you want to support the work of your immune system.

Healthy Diet and Supplements

Whatever we say about the importance of a healthy diet rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, will not be enough. Therefore, try to incorporate more fresh fruits, vegetables and healthy fats in your way of eating. Garlic, ginger, turmeric and wheat grass are known to enhance your immunity , to help it fighting the pathogens and to support the elimination of the toxins in your body. Supplements like zinc and magnesium and foods rich in Vitamin C and D will support the immune system even more. Probiotics and fermented foods will improve digestion and will help you maintaining a good gut health too.

Fasting And Detox To Boost Your Immune System

Going for a day or two on a lighter diet like raw vegan, juice or water fasting, is a great way to restart your immune system. There are many triggers in your food like gluten, dairy products and sugar which alarm your immune system and keep it busy fighting the inflammation. When you fast, your digestion will not take so much of the energy resources in your body and it will enhance the detox process. In other words, your immune system will have a break and some additional life energy to search for and destroy the old cells, to repair the tissues and the organs, and to regenerate.

Hydration And Skin Care

Water is a major part of the cells and it is needed for the blood and lymph to move freely through the vessels and the organs. Make sure that you drink enough water and avoid soft drinks. Cold or ice water is not recommended as it will decrease the inner temperature. Go instead for warm or hot water to provide good hydration. On the other hand, the skin is the biggest organ in the human body and is its border to the outside world. That is why it is vital to keep your skin in good condition. Natural base oils like coconut, sesame or olive oil will improve the abilities of your skin to keep the pathogens at distance. You can rub the oils directly on your skin after a warm shower, covering the whole body as a way to create a thin protective layer and to avoid dryness.

Good Quality Sleep

Sleep is something that we all need since the day we were born. This is the time when the immune system is cleansing the body from the toxins. On the other side, the cells heal, reproduce or regenerate. A quality is sleep is needed for the healthy condition of your brain and is vital for your good mental and emotional state. So, try to avoid lacking of sleep and all the habits which might disturb it like sitting for a long time in front of screens, blue light and too much caffeine.

What Do You Need To Avoid

In order to strengthen your immune system, you need to avoid alcohol and smoking as they create metabolic waste material in your cells. Deep fried foods, gluten, processed meat and too much salt are not good for your digestive system and in most cases will cause mild or severe inflammation. Sugar is another inflammatory food that induces insulin spikes, breaks down collagen and stresses the cardiovascular system. Staying away from sweets and junk food is vital if you want to give your immune system a hand. In addition to all of the above, try to limit your exposure to toxins and pollution, especially the household chemicals used for cleaning. Most of them contain substances that are very aggressive and you do not want them entering your body through the skin or by inhaling them. Worrying, depression and anxiety will also compromise your immune system, so find a way to work on your emotions and thoughts to avoid stress.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.


How to boost your immune system and help treating colds, flu and coronavirus (COVID-19)

Boosting Your Immune System During the Winter

coMra Family series: Case 2 – Cold and Flu

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In the times of self-isolation we are bound to review our standard approach to healthcare. We need tools to be self-sufficient with our healthcare needs. CoMra therapy provides such a tool where you can treat yourself in the comfort of your own home and for example prepare your immune system to battle a virus infection.
But also many other uses available.

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Meret has been using coMra therapy for many years. As many other coMra users, she found that coMra therapy is not only very safe, but also that coMra is effective for various cases and conditions.She used it for her daughter's herpes, her own thyroid issues and migraines with great results.

People during the last several decades are more tired and stressed than ever before. It is a tendency these days people from different age groups to experience symptoms like physical weakness, inability to concentrate, headaches, pain and even nausea. Some symptoms seem to appear without a particular reason and they often last for a long period of time without any improvement. Actually, some time ago doctors did not even consider chronic fatigue as an actual health condition and had been advising the patients to just rest more. However, with the years it turns out that this might be a serious issue linked to some diseases and chronic conditions.

Fatigue or chronic fatigue?

Many people are in transition periods just before a disease is formed or in the period of recovery after a health issue. In some cases, the symptoms or blood test results will not show what is actually going on in the body. However, fine changes in the hormonal balance, enzymes levels, oxidizing processes, the immune and emotional integrity could cause short periods of fatigue. These moments come and go without a particular reason and you may experience some physical or mental exhaustion which will last for a day or two. However, if you feel exhausted for months without any improvement, then it might be chronic fatigue.

Home laser therapy for chronic fatigue

The cause of chronic fatigue is a complex thing and can be linked to various conditions. Whatever the reason for your tiredness is, there is a non-invasive solution - cold laser therapy. All the causes of chronic fatigue and the health conditions linked to it could be effectively addressed and treated with coMra therapy. The main part of the device is a cold laser which in a very gentle way supports the healing of numerous conditions and diseases by enhancing the energy balance in each cell. Additionally, coMra combines the laser with magnets and LEDs to create a coherent field which provides even more energy for the cells to be used for recovery and healing. The device is called coMra Palm, it is totally safe, suitable for everybody and easy to operate with. You can treat various conditions with coMra and to experience great results which will last. In the coMra User guide lots of treatment protocols are designed which to be applied as a part of the healing process or as a prevention procedure.

Here are some of the possible causes of chronic fatigue:

A virus infection. There are so many viruses and bacteria all around us. All the time they try to break into our body and the immune system has to recognize them and fight back the malicious ones. There are cases of virus infection which occur without other obvious symptoms despite the chronic fatigue. Some stubborn viruses stay latent in the body and got activated from time to time. The immune system then is alarmed to search for the virus in the body and to attack the cells that are affected. Very often, this leads to disturbed hormonal balance and autoimmune conditions.

Immune deficiency. If you suffer from chronic fatigue, it might be a sign that your immune system is not working properly. Research shows that in case of immune deficiency, there is a low activity of the white blood cells which are responsible for the killing of invaders from the outside like viruses and bacteria. Autoimmune diseases can also cause chronic fatigue as the immune system is alarmed all the time and very often there are several inflammatory processes going on.

Depression. Some changes in the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain are linked to depression and can cause fatigue. Usually, there are also sleep issues and increased sensitivity to various triggers as a result of the depression. Today, more researches show the connection between depression and gut health, so it is very important to address the issues in the microbiome and the health of the gut.

Poor diet and digestive issues. Stress and other factors may cause the formation of too many free radicals in the body which are very harmful for the cells. The reason they are formed is rooted in a poor diet with not enough vitamins, minerals and fibre. If you have digestive issues, the absorption of the substances is disturbed and the cells eventually are hungry. Leaky gut syndrome, colitis, constipation etc. are some of the problems linked to chronic fatigue, depression and anxiety attacks.

Liver problems. If the liver is affected, the toxins cannot be eliminated from the bloodstream and they keep circulating in the body. A diet rich in sugar or alcohol can cause fatty liver and that can lead to hormonal imbalance and slow metabolism. All the hormonal imbalances show that there is a problem in the functioning of the liver and chronic fatigue is usually one of the most common symptoms.

Adrenal deficiency. Chronic fatigue is a sign that the adrenals are exhausted or overstimulated. The malfunction of the adrenals affects the whole body. The adrenal fatigue is an alarming sign of a total physical and emotional burnout. When you experience it, your adrenals are tired due to the constant stress and production of cortisol which disrupts the normal cycles of sleep and activity. The thyroid gland is also affected and you are not able to sleep during the night but you feel dizzy during the day. It feels like a constant jet lag because the levels of cortisol are unstable and unpredictable.

Which health conditions are linked to chronic fatigue?

Every day your energy levels are different depending on your physical activity, food intake, emotional balance and more. Sometimes, you can feel tired for various reasons but usually after some good rest and several hours of deep sleep, everything is back to normal. Except when the tiredness is there for months. There are many conditions linked to chronic or adrenal fatigue and together with other symptoms it is a sign for a serious disease going on unnoticed.

Fatigue with weight loss

If fatigue occurs as a result of fasting, detoxifying program or after a stressful period, then it is just your body adjusting to the process of cleansing. The flushing of toxins out of the body can cause headaches, fatigue and even nausea. However, these symptoms will disappear very quickly and everything will soon be back in the normal ranges. On the other hand, if your chronic fatigue lasts for months then it could be a sign for endocrine imbalance or digestive issues due to problems with the intestines, liver or stomach. It could be a result of an autoimmune condition, parasites, prolonged inflammation and even tumours. Start applying the coMra Universal treatments protocols to support your body even if you do not have the exact diagnosis. Then find your condition in the coMra User Guide and follow the instructions of the particular treatment for your specific condition.

Pale skin, low blood pressure and chronic fatigue

These three symptoms combined can be a sign that you have anemia and the cause of it is often very complex as there are parts rooted in the physics and some in the emotions. In the article about the mindset behind anemia you can find more information on the possible thoughts or emotions linked to your condition. Low blood pressure also shows that your emotional balance is disturbed and your body suffers from that. Start applying coMra treatment protocols designed for anemia and low blood pressure like Universal treatment 3- Blood from the User Guide.

Thirst and too much urinating

If you are thirsty all the time and urinate too much, you need to test your blood sugar levels as this can be a sign for a pre-diabetic condition, insulin resistance or diabetes. Another possible reason is kidney problems. In the coMra User Guide there are specific treatment protocols both for diabetes and kidney issues.

Chronic fatigue with digestive issues

If you feel bloated, have bad taste in the mouth, constipation, diarrhea or a heavy feeling in the abdominal area and all of that combined with chronic fatigue, you need to heal your digestive system. The condition of your intestines and colon will affect the health of the whole body as all the nutrients are absorbed there. Your emotional state and thinking patterns are of great importance for the health of the digestive system and the gut brain. Therefore, you can also treat and support the nervous system with coMra Universal treatments 5 and 7 which will enhance your overall health and well-being. The Gastroenterology section of the User guide consists of various treatment protocols for the digestive system

Heart conditions and chronic fatigue

Heart disease is one of the most common conditions linked to chronic fatigue together with symptoms like irregular heartbeat, arrhythmia, shortness of breath, pain or heaviness in the heart. So, if you experience some of these symptoms, you need to check your body for cardiovascular problems. In coMra therapy, there are gentle and effective treatment protocols to support the health of the heart and to enhance the healing process. In the coMra User Guide, you will find all the details on how to apply the Universal Treatment 2 – Heart on your own.

Mental and emotional issues

Conditions such as depression and anxiety often are experienced together with lack of sleep, chronic fatigue, emotional instability, irritability, lack of desire to live etc. It is normal to feel tired after a challenging period with a lot of stress and overwhelming emotions, however you need to look closely at it if you cannot get up for days and have the desire to only stay in bed and do nothing. From the coMra therapy protocols, you can apply Universal Treatments 5 and 7 which will support and heal your nervous system. Of course, a great deal of inner work is required to address the emotional and mental reasons for your condition.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

The guardian of your health is your immune system. At any moment, it works hard to protect the body from all the bacteria and viruses that could easily enter the organism. The environment is often polluted with harmful chemicals, viruses or dust particles which can cause many unpleasant diseases. In general, if your immune system is strong then you should be healthy and full of energy. So, which is the best way to support the immune system? On one hand, you can turn to nature and use some herbs and supplements to boost its work. Another option is to use coMra therapy - to provide some additional energy to your body which could be used for healing or regeneration.

Treat inflammation and pain

If there is an inflammatory process in your body, your immune system is alarmed and is already working on the problem. The organs are affected in many ways by viruses, toxins and even as a result of your emotions. If an inflammatory process occurs over and over again then it means your immune system cannot solve the problem. In most cases, the trigger for the inflammation is still there like some foods, gluten, sugar, lactose or stress. High temperature and even pain are signs coming from your immune system which is on fire. With coMra therapy, you treat the inflammation without disturbing the work of the immune system with aggressive chemicals. The light coming from the low level laser supports the work of the immune system and the organ itself. In a very gentle but powerful way, it assists the cells into their own process of healing. You can treat acute pain or the inflamed areas directly without any negative side effects. If you want to treat an organ, use 5 Hz and if it is on the skin surface, use 1000Hz frequency. More details on how to apply coMra therapy could be found in the coMra User Guide.

Improve your digestion

In order to maintain a healthy weight which is crucial for your health, you need your digestive system to work properly. With age, the levels of the enzymes decrease dramatically and it is getting harder to digest the food. The other reason for poor digestion is the change in the microbiome or the bacteria living in your intestines. Some foods like sugar feed the “bad” bacteria in your body and at one moment the healthy balance is disturbed. Treating your abdominal area with a coMra Palm as a prevention is a very beneficial way to restore the good proportion of good and bad bacteria in your gut. You can find some treatment courses for the digestive system in the Gastroenterology section of the coMra User Guide. However, you can combine the treatments to create your own way to support the body.

How to apply coMra Therapy at home?

The device called coMra Palm is small, portable and easy to operate with it. Doing the daily treatments will actually heal your body without any negative side effects. You can also successfully address the reasons for the nerve damage like insulin resistance, high blood pressure etc. The coMra therapy is very gentle to your body but at the same time it is powerful enough to awaken the inner healing abilities of your cells and to support them to become strong and healthy again.

Manage stress and sleep

It is well known that stress can weaken your immune system very fast. People tend to get the flu virus if they are going through stressful periods more often compared to times when they feel calm. The high levels of cortisol released in the body as a result of stressful situation of perception are taking too much of the energy resource. This starts a chain reaction affecting the blood sugar levels, the cardiovascular system and could harm the major organs. Sleep deprivation could occur as a result of stress but could cause even more stress in your body. The Universal Treatments 5 and 7 could be very beneficial for your nervous system and will improve your sleep and adrenal health.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

READ: Boosting Your Immune System During the Winter

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One of the most common health conditions is the urinary tract infection especially among women. It occurs when microorganisms like bacteria, fungi or viruses inhabit the urethra, bladder or the kidneys. These pathogens while not life-threatening can cause discomfort and unpleasant sensations.

The symptoms are burning pain when urinating, frequent urge to urinate, abdominal pain, weakness, red and strong-smelling urine etc. In many cases there are recurring infections and they affect people with a weak immune system.

There are several ways to heal UTI naturally like cold laser therapy, cranberries and garlic, essential oils and drinking plenty of water.

Powerful herbal remedies for UTI

Herbs are great when you want to restore the inner fine balance of the body without any invasive substances. There are some herbs to use for urinary tract infections in order to prevent the inflammation and to heal an existing one.

Stinging nettle is a powerful plant which is extremely useful when you are dealing with any kind of UTI:

In the form of infusion or tea, you can also use:

Herbs work with the intelligence of the body and you need to give them some time in order to feel the effect. If the condition is chronic, it might take several weeks to months to completely restore the balance of the organ.

Combining the herbs with coMra therapy, will increase their effect as you already support the body with the laser, magnets and light diodes. In any case, the holistic approach to health is required if you want to work on the cause of the condition and not only soothing the symptoms.

Cranberry and garlic

Eating fresh cranberries or drinking them as a juice or tea is a great home remedy for UTI as they inhibit the growth and population of the harmful bacteria. If you experience reocurring infections, make sure to include them in your diet even when you are healthy in order to prevent future infections. They also contain lots of vitamins and minerals which are the great for the overall health.

Garlic is another antimicrobial food that you want to eat more in those days of UTI. Despite of its unpleasant smell, it can improve the taste of different meals while supporting our health. It has shown antibacterial activity against a wide range of bacteria and has antifungal properties too. Could be used in cases of candida overgrowth that often comes together with UTI.

While you experience any kind of infection or inflammation, you need to take a good amount of Vitamin C with the food or as a supplement to speed up the healing process. Urinary tract infections can be very stubborn and unpleasant, so changes in your lifestyle and diet are needed to prevent chronic conditions.

Home laser therapy for UTI

Cold lasers are used for quite some time now treating chronic and acute conditions showing great results. Now with coMra, you have the opportunity to have your own cold laser device at home. It supports the body in a very gentle way and can be applied for all kinds of health conditions. In fact, you can treat each organ in your body with coMra to support its work and functioning.

Your immune system has the ability to fight all the pathogens that may enter the body. Sometimes, it needs just a bit of a boost of energy to do its work. The coMra therapy is a non-invasive method created to induce the healing abilities of your own cells. The laser, magnets and colourful diodes will provide the needed energy for your body to recover and heal.

From the coMra user guide choose the Nephrology 3 treatment to support the healing of UTI. The Universal treatments also can be beneficial in cases of a weak immune system. All the treatments can be combined for better results, so you can also treat the kidneys, the liver etc.

Plenty of fluids

The good hydration is vital for your body and the work of the major organs. It is essential to drink plenty of fluids and mostly water in order to flush all the unwanted bacteria out of your system. Try to avoid drinks which contain additional sugar and other additives as they will load the elimination organs even more. Urinate regularly and make sure that you drink enough pure water, fresh juices and tea while the infection is active.

The best water you can drink is structured water which is found in fruits and vegetables. The natural spring water from a clean area is also full of life and energy. However, if you cannot supply fresh water from nature, you can still structure yours using a coMra Wave technology. Place the device under your glass or bottle and in less than ten minutes, the molecular structure of the water will be improved. Drinking pure structured water will help the elimination of toxins and bacteria from your body. Needless to say that you need to avoid dehydration if you suffer from recurrent urinary tract infections.


The population of the good bacteria in the intestines, the mouth and the vagina has major role in maintaining overall health. While the bacteria could become resistant to some of the remedies, the condition of the microbiome in the gut is vital when your body fights infections. It is well known that the gut bacteria is negatively affected by any antibiotic treatment. That is the reason why even doctors prescribe probiotics in the form of supplements to regulate the balance in the gut.

The natural source of probiotics are dairy products like yogurt and fermented foods like sauerkraut, kefir etc. They support the normal gut flora which is the defense of the organism against pathogens.

Essential oils

Some essential oils could help you fighting urinary tract infections. These are oregano oil, clove oil and myrrh oil. They have anti-bacterial, antifungal and antiviral activity. You can drink some drops of oregano or clove oil mixed with water or coconut oil for several days. Apply the myrrh oil topically diluted in base oil or just rub it into the skin. Oils can help you fight the infection using the gifts of nature. Combining coMra therapy with natural remedies is an excellent approach to any condition or infection.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Check out this video about a female who applied coMra for kidney inflammation:

Candida is a type of bacteria that naturally exists in the body and helps with the digestion and absorption of the nutrients in the intestines. However, if overgrowth of candida occurs, it becomes a serious condition that could affect the major organs and systems. If you have white coated tongue in the morning, brain fog, bloating, joint pain, hormonal imbalance, fatigue, sinus or allergy issues, then maybe candida is the cause of all of them. The overgrowth of candida affects the natural balance of bacteria in the gut and often leads to leaky gut and pain after eating.

What Causes Candida Overgrowth?

Mood swings and premenstrual syndrome could also be a sign that candida is too much and you need to take care of it. The usual causes for candida overgrowth are antibiotics which kill the good bacteria in your body, consumption of too much sugar, diabetes, weak immune system and digestive issues. On the other hand, candida is linked to diseases like hypothyroidism, urinary tract infections and skin fungal issues. As it tends to be very stubborn you need to embrace a complex and persistent approach in order to deal with it which includes diet changes and coMra treatments.

Candida Symptoms

1.Digestive issues

If you often experience excessive gas, bloating, constipation or other digestive issues, the cause of them could be candida overgrowth. When these bacteria reach the intestinal tract, they start reproducing there depending on the environment there. The health of the gut is a constantly changing balance of the bacteria living there, some are good for you and some are bad. When the balance is disturbed, the healthy bacteria cannot fight the infections which is known as dysbiosis. Treating candida overgrowth can bring relief. 

2.Mood swings and anxiety

While the gut is affecting our mood so much, it is not a surprise that all that byproducts from the candida infection can cause mood swings, anxiety, irritability and even depression. The so-called gut brain is directly affected by the bacteria balance in the gut and how well the digestive system is functioning. While candida is feeding mostly on sugar, you can start observing how you feel after eating something sweet. In the next few hours or even on the next day, you might notice signs of irritability or anxiety and that is often linked to excessive candida growing because of the sweet treat. That is why the diet for candida eliminates all the refined sugar and limits the consumption of carbohydrates.

3.Chronic fatigue and brain fog

If you suffer from chronic fatigue and experience difficulties concentrating, together with poor memory, then it might be a sign that you have candida overgrowth. Usually, the fatigue lasts for more than a month or two, it is often accompanied by headaches and lack of any physical energy or motivation to be active. Brain fog often occurs after consumption of sugar or carbohydrates, it is a common symptom of candida infection too.

4.Urinal and Vaginal Infections

The recurrent infections of the urinary tract and the vagina are in most cases caused by candida. While there is some quantity of the bacteria there, the overgrowth can cause health issues which are difficult to heal and have the tendency to come back when you experience stress. During an active infection, women need to avoid tight underwear and hot baths. Cold laser therapy is a good non-invasive option for chronic and recurrent issues of the urinary tract. 

5.While coating on your tongue and mouth (oral thrush) and bad breath

One of the most common symptoms of candida infection is the white coating on the tongue in the morning caused by the overgrowth of the bacteria. This can cause bad breath and gum problems if left untreated. It is a very helpful practice to clean your tongue in the morning after you wash your teeth in order to prevent the bacteria spreading to your digestive tract, heart, liver, etc.

6.Fungal infections on the skin and nails

Nails fungal infection and skin issues might be caused by candida and this shows that your immune system is very weak. Prolonged infections are a sign that you have a yeast infection which stems from a bacteria similar to candida. You will need a systematic approach and a cold laser treatment program in order to address the issues both from the inside and outside. 

7.Hormonal imbalance

When candida overgrowth is untreated, it might cause hormonal imbalance as the substances from its metabolism are mimicking the hormones, especially in women. It can throw the estrogen out of balance, disturbing the abilities of the body to eliminate the excess estrogens from the body. The estrogen dominance occurring then can cause thyroid and fertility problems. All hormonal imbalances can also be addressed and treated with cold lasers without hormone replacement therapies with even more estrogen.

Support the spleen and the liver

Spleen is often weakened if there is candida overgrowth in the body, so coMra therapy supporting its functioning would be very beneficial. Liver is the other organ which is trying to compensate while dealing with the toxins released from the bacteria. The Universal Treatment 6 - Vitality from the coMra user guide is a healing course which will support the body in case of any physical exhaustion and could be used to treat candida overgrowth too. You can apply several more minutes on the spleen and the liver the first two weeks as daily treatments are essential for the good results.

The Gut Health and Your Diet

The other important part of the healing is the food that triggers the yeast overgrowth. Most of the candida symptoms will show problems in the abdominal area causing digestive issues. First, you need to eliminate processed food and sugar from your diet.Then to reduce the consumption of grains, especially wheat and other gluten containing foods. Sugar feeds the bad bacteria in your intestines causing the candida overgrowth and grains also are turned into sugar. It is better to eat starchy vegetables like squash or sweet potatoes while dealing with candida. Beans are good for you if you soak them in advance and if your body can digest them properly. You need to eat more leafy green vegetables like spinach, kale, lettuce etc. as they contain a lot of fiber and vitamins. Avoid cold foods as they affect the spleen and suppress the digestion process, choose more soups and warm vegetable dishes.


Fermented foods like kimchi or sour pickles contain a huge number of natural probiotics which will help the growth of the good bacteria in your body. You can also take probiotics as a supplement and to apply coMra therapy on the abdominal area in order to restore the balance. The ratio between good and bad bacteria in your intestines is crucial for your immune system and candida overgrowth is also liked to re-occurring inflammations or infections. It even affects your emotional state and may lead to depression or anxiety. If you feel the craving to eat more and more sweet, feeling bad after that, then you have to help your good bacteria with probiotics and foods like ginger, garlic or turmeric.

Working with your mindset and emotions

The body itself is the physical part of our being and it is directly connected to the mind. Any health issue is firstly born in the mind and the emotions, then it shows itself on the physical plane as a health issue or a disease. When there is an imbalance of any kind or a condition, it is a sign that there is an inner conflict going on. There are also some thoughts or emotional patterns which are harmful for the body. So, if you want to be healthy, you need to do the inner work too. Candida is linked to thoughts of self-hatred, to inability to accept life as it is, and a lack of trust in the process of life. Try working with this while you are treating yourself with coMra laser therapy and changing your diet and lifestyle.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

How can you feel warm and toned during the cold season? Are there any methods that will keep your blood circulation good and will boost your immune system, so you to spend a better winter?

When it is cold outside, it affects us in many ways, the body is fighting against the bad conditions, the immune system has a lot of work as viruses are everywhere, our emotional state is also not the best one. So, what you could do to boost your immune system in order to spend a calm and nice winter?

Lots of tea and warm water

One of the best ways to keep the body warm is by drinking plenty of warm clean water and tea. The water that we make the tea with, should be fresh and even better if it is structured as then it has even more energy which is wonderful for your body. A cup of warm tea is always a good idea during the winter – herbal, ginger, green, fruit. You can drink as much as it feels nice, just the black tea should not be more than two cups per day as it is too strong and could affect the heart, the blood pressure and the quality of your sleep.

Vitamin C

This important vitamin is needed for many processes inside your body so you need to consume enough raw and fresh fruits and vegetables in order to supply your organism with it. Fruits like apples, grapefruits, kiwis etc. are rich in vitamin C. however the vegetables like cabbage, red pepper, greens, broccoli etc. are also a great source of it. If you feel that your immune system is a bit down, supplement of vitamin C would also give it a boost especially in periods of stress and exhaustion.

Work it out

Your need your blood circulation to be good in order not to feel cold all the time during the winter, so working out is a magnificent method to get in shape and keep your blood running. All kinds of exercising routines are fine to make you feel toned and energetic, you need to find your most suitable one in just to avoid injuries because cardio or high intensity training, yoga or swimming, everything that engages your muscles in exercising would do the work.

Body conditioning

The coMra Palm is a device that combines the power of a laser, magnets and light and when used to on different points on the body, will condition your whole body and will boost your immune system. You can apply coMra therapy as a prevention method to support your systems and organs especially during the cold season when your body is using a lot of its energy to keep you warm. You can apply it when pain-relief is needed too and to treat the symptoms if you catch a cold, you can use the Universal Treatments as a prevention method too. More details about the treatments could be found in the coMra user guide.

Spa and breathing

The deep breathing techniques are helping the oxygen to reach the cells so they to work effectively during the challenging cold days and are also good for the blood circulation. On the top of that, breathing in a calm way would make you feel relaxed and less stressed. The spa procedures in warm water could help you heal your body if you feel cold and tired, the water is also good for the tight muscles and bones. You will feel relaxed after visiting the spa centre and your improved emotional state is also helping you to recover from any disease. The time spend in the sauna or steam room is good for the blood circulation too, so you will feel the coldness outside less throughout the day.

Depending on your attitude and daily routine, the cold season could become a great and refreshing period of the year. If you are healthy and energetic, if you feel in a good shape and your body is toned, your emotional state is uplifted, then the winter is just another season bringing the white beauty of the snow and is a part of the natural cycle of life.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

The inflammation of the bladder  is called cystitis and it can affect everyone, however it is most common for women. It could be a result of an infection which occurs when bacteria is entering the urinary tract and when it reaches the bladder may cause pain, urge to go to the bathroom very often and a burning sensation while urinating. Some medications, hygiene products, hormonal imbalance or other conditions also could become reasons for cystitis. There are some tips that will help you deal with cystitis and you can try them along with the healing program prescribed by your doctor or if you need to control the symptoms and heal the cause by yourself depending on how serious the inflammation or the infection is. In case that the cystitis occurs often to you, you need to incorporate some habits to your routine in order to prevent it.

Water Intake

The urinary tract is affected greatly by the amount and the quality of the water you drink, all the liquids that you intake will pass sooner or later through there. The dehydration may cause problems to the kidneys and will disturb the ability of your body to eliminate toxins and waste materials from the bloodstream. The water intake is very important when there is any inflammation in the bladder or the urinary tract as while the immune system is fighting with the infection, it needs sufficient amount of liquid in order to clean out the place and remove the dead cells from there using the lymphatic system. You have to drink enough clean, fresh and natural water also as a prevention and as a way to support the work of the urinary tract.

Reduce the inflammation

The pain is the main sign that there is an inflammatory process somewhere in the body and you need to take some actions and to pay attention to it. You can try some diet changes like eating only fruits for a day or water fasting as a way to manage the inflammation and some habits like exercising regularly in order to prevent it. However, if you need to take over it quite quickly, your body will need some support. The coMra therapy is using the combined power of a gentle laser, magnets and the light to awaken the inner healing abilities of your body. You can put the coMra palm device on your abdomen where you feel pain and use the 50Hz frequency  as it is described in the Nephrology 3 in the coMra user guide. The whole treatment is about 25 min as you need to treat other points too for better results. You can apply this treatment one or two times per day depending on your case. You can also add cranberries and Aloe Vera which could be taken as natural supplements as they could  help you reduce the inflammation in the urinary tract.

Hormonal  imbalance

During pregnancy, menopause, diabetes etc. the hormonal levels in the body are changed which can lead to different conditions and one of them is the cystitis. During the hormonal changes, especially in women, the urinary tract seems to become a weaker place and the bacterial infections to happen more often. So make sure to manage these changes with care and in cases like menopause or diabetes to address the symptoms accordingly. The coMra therapy would help you with the hormonal balance too as it is very gentle, effective and has no side effects, it could be used as a prevention routine too. The Universal treatment 6 -Vitality from the user guide is great to start with especially if you just want to increase your energy levels, to improve your immune systems and to prevent hormonal imbalance.

Manage Stress

Stress is in the root of every disease and condition, so managing it is vital for your well-being. Every person has to find the best ways to deal with it no matter if  that is walking in nature, painting or playing with kids. The high cortisol levels are messing around with each organ and function in the body, causing blockages of the energy and stiffness in the muscles. The coMra therapy could be useful in these cases too especially if you combine it with relaxation or breathing techniques. The Universal treatment 7 - Nervous system from the coMra user guide is a great way to deal with the emotional stress on a daily basis or in periods of time when you just feel that you need it. All the coMra treatments could be combined for better results.

Hot bottle and what to avoid

Many people find it very comforting to use a hot bottle on the abdomen in order to help the
muscles to relax as a way to treat spasms that might cause even more pain. Yoga, stretching and deep breathing could be helpful too if you have to deal with tight muscles. It is recommended to avoid cold water and cold showers, caffeine, alcohol, citruses and anything else that you know is an irritant for your bladder and will lead to even more pain if there is an infection or inflammation taking place there. So, the cleaner you eat during this period, the less toxins your body has to fight with and could use its energy to heal and recover.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Have joyful moments and stay healthy!

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