Due to many factors in our life, it is very common among people after a certain age to experience high blood pressure or also called hypertension. The pressure of the blood against the walls of the arteries is changing throughout the day depending on your emotional and physical state of being, however if it is higher than normal for too long, it might affect the health of the heart, brain, kidneys, etc. The conventional approach is to regulate the blood pressure and to keep it in the normal range by using medications. In fact, there is another option that is not invasive and will support the actual healing process, it will not only cover the symptoms - cold lasers.

What Causes High Blood Pressure?

The cause of this condition is complex and it develops over time. The blood pressure could be affected by medical conditions like diabetes or obesity, it sometimes occurs during pregnancy but most of all, it is a lifestyle disease. What does this mean? It basically means that your daily choices of food, your physical activity and emotional balance will have a direct impact on this condition. It is well known that people who suffer from hypertension tend to react emotionally to daily triggers and when they get too emotional, the blood pressure rises immediately. We always have to make the link between our thoughts and emotions, and how they affect the health of the physical body. 

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure and the Health Risks

Many doctors tend to believe that the only way to find out if your blood pressure is too high, is by measuring it several times per day as there are no distinctive symptoms. However, if you are experiencing hypertension, you might have symptoms like: 

Hypertension is a serious condition that might affect some of the major organs in the body like the brain, the kidneys and most of all, the heart. As the blood supply to the brain is compromised, the oxygen needed might not reach it and as a result the brain cells are damaged. This might lead to poorer cognitive function and dementia later on in life. 

Cold Laser Therapy for High Blood Pressure/Hypertension

Now, there is a very gentle way to manage the condition, soothing the damaging effect on the organs and even strengthening the blood vessels. Cold laser therapy is very effective treating various conditions as it does not disrupt the fine balance in the body by adding aggressive chemicals. The low level laser is emitting photons which are absorbed by the cells and turned into energy. This additional energy is then used for healing, recovery and regeneration. This method is gentle, safe and non-invasive, and most of all effective.

coMra Treatment Protocol for Hypertension/High Blood Pressure

In the coMra User Guide, you can find the treatment protocols for numerous conditions. In the section called Cardiology 3 is the program designed to address high blood pressure. You can see that the points to be treated are on the head, on the front and back of the neck, the heart and the kidneys. The main goal here is to provide the arteries with some additional support and also to gently assist the work of the organs that are directly affected by hypertension. While high blood pressure is often linked to other health conditions, it is highly recommended that you follow the protocols for all of your diseases, conditions or symptoms. 

How to Prevent High Blood Pressure

While it is a lifestyle disease, you will need to have a balanced and healthy diet with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Also, find your own way to incorporate physical activity in your daily routine as exercising will strengthen your heart, will improve your metabolism and is very good for the blood and lymph circulation. Additionally, you can prevent it by keeping a good weight, not smoking and managing your stress levels. Most of all, try to enjoy life more.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..

Because more and more people every day find out that their bodies don’t work properly due to high sugar consumption, the food industry uses various alternatives in order to make the food tasting sweet. The high amounts of sugar in the diet are linked to diseases like diabetes, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, heart disease, obesity etc. If the packed food contains sugar, in some cases it would be better than the artificial chemicals used to deceive your taste receptors and to make your body believe that there this food is sweet because it contains good carbohydrates.

High-fructose corn syrup

The glucose-fructose, isoglucose and glucose-fructose syrup are the other names of the popular these days high-fructose corn syrup made from modified corn starch. This type of sweetener has a very sweet and distinctive taste and is widely used in common foods, however it is the most damaging your cells one. It contains glucose and fructose, but fructose is in such high concentration that it causes seven times more problems to your digestive system that the ordinary table sugar. On the top of the that, the sweet corn that is used for the production of high-fructose syrup is modified which means that your body cannot even recognize it as a natural plant. If you have high blood sugar levels, you should avoid foods containing it.

Aspartame and other artificial sweeteners

Some chewing gums and lots of soft drinks contain aspartame which is proved to cause brain and blood vessels damage, especially if consumed by children. The other artificial sweeteners like saccharin, cyclamate, Acesulfame K etc. are as harmful as aspartame and should not be used by humans or animals. They had been advertised in the past as safe for people suffering from diabetes because of their low glycemic index and because they have extremely sweet taste but the results of their consumption could be cancer, brain damage and all kinds of diseases.


Although maltodextrin is moderately sweet, it is added to a lot of packed foods, including meat and fish. It has a very high glycemic index of 110 which is even more that the pure glucose and is very harmful for the inner organs as it acts as a glue. A lot of foods, even in the healthy stores, could contain this poisonous ingredient. For example, the stevia liquid which is supposed to be very healthy because stevia is the number one natural sweetener with zero glycemic index, could have maltodextrin in it in order to make the solution thicker. Do not be deceived because it is written stevia, but read the labels on the back and choose wisely.

Sugar alcohols

The information about sugar alcohols is very contradictory because there are so many kinds of sugar alcohols on the market. The most popular one is maltitol and it has a quite high glycemic index of 35 which could be very dangerous for people suffering from diabetes or insulin resistance. Others like xylitol, erythritol, mannitol etc. have very low glycemic index and are preferred for consumption by people who have high blood sugar problems or are on a keto diet. Generally, the increased amount of sugar alcohols could cause stomach issues and could act as laxative, the results on the health are not so drastic but the body cannot recognize them as sugar so it is still not so clear how they are digested, so use them very rarely.

Refined and modified Sugar

The refined sugar is white or brown and could be found in all kinds of sweet desserts, its glycemic index is 65 and is called a “fast carbohydrate” as the body digests it very quickly. This means that the blood sugar levels would jump up immediately after the consumption of it and in long term could lead to a lot of health issues including weight gain.The most dangerous thing about it, is the amount of it as a lot of soft drinks and packed desserts could contain much more sugar than you imagine. The easiest way to avoid the bad effects, is to substitute it with raw cane sugar or to choose another healthy sugar substitute like coconut sugar, stevia etc. Modified sugars like caramel syrup, inverted sugar etc. are with lower glycemic index but more difficult to be digested.

Agave syrup

Very recently, some researches showed that agave syrup contains a lot of fructose and is not properly digested by the body as it might even causes some health issues with the liver. Although, you will find it in most of the organic shops as a healthy alternative of sugar, the consumption of agave syrup is not recommended as it is considered as one of the most damaging kinds of sweeteners on the market.

Limited sugar consumption is important for the overall health but you need to choose wisely what do you put in your body as not everything that is sweet is good. Actually, very few things that have the sweet taste are good for your body except for fruits. Fruits are healthy and tasty, they will support your health rather than destroying it. Another gentle way to heal your organs and to awaken your inner healing abilities is coMra therapy, all the different treatments are created to help you heal yourself and stay healthy and full of energy.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Which are the hidden patterns in the mind that would manifest as low or high blood pressure? How to understand the messages sent from the body in order to heal the condition starting with its cause? The thoughts and beliefs that we carry with us could turn into harmful emotions which change the inner balance of the body.

We call forth disease, or more precisely, dis-ease, when a lack of knowledge throws an area in our lives out of balance. The result of this imbalance first manifests within us as a dis-ease at a psychological level, but unless this is remedied, it will eventually also manifest as a physical disease.

“Health and Holism in the 21st Century” by Théun Mares

If there are hidden patterns in our thinking that we are not aware of, they could cause a medical condition or some symptoms. Every time when we are in the particular situation which triggers a belief that we have embraced at some point of our lives, we would feel it in the body. It is in a direct communication with the subconscious mind where all of the hidden patterns are. So, the symptoms are like messages and we need just to listen carefully to see what information is there for us. When something is happening in our mind which is hurting us in a way that we are not aware of, the emotions will show us as they are expressed by the changes in the body. With time if you do not find a way to deal with the emotions,if you suppress them or neglect them, they will start turning into blockages and diseases in the body.

The blood

For the body, the blood is life, it brings all the oxygen, the energy and the nutrients to the cells, it literally brings life to each little cell in the body, connecting it to the whole which is the organism. The circulatory system is the needed condition for the blood to flow easily. The heart pumps the blood all the time and it is also the center of love, of joy, of the feeling of being connected with everything, of the feeling of belonging, of the feeling that you appreciate life itself. When we have problems in these areas of life, when we resist the flow of life and we don’t appreciate it, the body would show it with either high or low blood pressure.

Circulation disorders - Not trusting the process of life.
Pressure (low/ high) - Fear of survival.

“Health and Holism in the 21st Century” by Théun Mares

Low blood pressure

When the blood pressure is low, if shows the lack of joy usually starting in the childhood that has turned into the feeling of unworthiness and not being good enough or into the belief that whatever the person want to do will not be successful. The hidden pattern in the mind shows an attitude towards life of being a victim, not being able to deal with the challenges, of the not being able to make one’s dreams come true. It looks like a person who does not have trust in life, who doubts if they will survive. It show a lack of courage and confidence, the mind is telling that nothing will ever be good and you trust your mind. This condition is the message that somewhere some emotions of despair and hopelessness are stored, like if you do not trust that you will manage to live this life the way it is supposed to be lived. If the blood pressure is low, it could be linked to lack of respect for the self and the others and also with the lack of trust in love, in the capability to find and experience love.

High blood pressure

When the blood pressure is high, it might show the hidden pattern of not being recognized by the people in the family, with the feeling that the people you love do not accept you as you are. There could be unsolved conflicts with the members of the family, a secret wish that someone should leave or on the contrary that someone new should enter the family. The person with high blood pressure is very sensitive and overreacting, they live in a turmoil of emotions, always spending too much energy on thinking about the problems, on creating a lot of fuss and drama around each little thing. After the next disappointment, they have chosen to close their heart in order to protect from feeling too much pain, so no new love or feeling can enter their life anymore and life cannot move easily in their body. The blood vessels do not support the flow of life, but they create obstacles and the blood creates pressure trying to pass through. The hidden cause of this condition could be also an overthinking habit where you replay one and the same problem over and over again.

Shift the focus

So, when there are problems with the blood pressure or the circulation, the message is to let go of the problems, to trust life and search for the solutions and for the support instead of focusing on how nothing will ever be good and successful. You need to create a habit to look for the things in life that makes you feel joyful, you need to find something to really love, to feel appreciation and gratitude, to focus on the beauty, on the harmony and on the support coming from everywhere.

The Universal Treatment 3 - Blood by coMra therapy could be a good start in taking back the responsibility for your health. It is a very gentle way to heal the results of the high or low blood pressure on the body. However, if you want to heal the reason for the condition, you have to start working with the root of it, with the mind and the emotions.

Stress is very dangerous for your health, everyone knows that. However, when sometimes you go through emotional stress period,  you need to register this process in order to address it properly. When you overreact with emotional outbursts, that is a sign that you are already in an emotional stress period for a long time. It could start with slight worrying and turn into a constant anxiety in several weeks. The symptoms that could show you that some emotional stress is taking place are various but here are some of the most common ones like headaches, fatigue, muscle or chest pain, digestions issues, problems with your sleep etc.

The high cortisol and adrenaline levels in case of emotional stress are triggered by the emotional response to different life situations. You need to address the way you react to the challenges in life and revise it, to try to manage the stress with periods of relaxation and having fun, loving care, laughter and spending time with friends and family. Another way to support your body is to apply coMra therapy, the Universal Treatments 5 and 7 from the user guide are recommended in that case as you can combine them with any other treatment that you need. The emotional stress could affect almost each organ and system in your body and you will need more energy to heal and recover. The healing power of the coMra Palm is very gentle and yet effective, with no side effects. It could help you address each of the results of the emotional imbalance, so here are some of them.

Heart disease and high blood pressure

The strong emotions and the emotional imbalance are affecting the heart as we all are sensitive being and the heart is experiencing each feeling and emotion that we go through. You need to take care of your heart and support it in any possible way as it works all the time, every second pumping the blood so that each cell to receive oxygen and nutrients. The Universal Treatment 2 - Heart from the coMra user guide will help your heart to heal and The Universal Treatment 3 - Blood will regulate the high blood pressure and will strengthen your blood vessels.

Diabetes and hormonal imbalance

The body is producing huge amounts of cortisol and adrenaline during periods of stress. The hormonal imbalance due to that could lead to all kinds of conditions like diabetes, fertility problems, thyroid issues etc. The diabetes type 2 or the insulin resistance both of which could be a result of stress could be healed naturally and with the supporting help of the coMra therapy. You will need to change your diet and eat more fruits and vegetables, to include more exercising and stretching in your routine and to find a way to relax and breathe.

results of emotional stress
Weight gain and weight loss

People react differently to emotional stress, most of them are gaining weight very quickly due to the hormonal imbalance and the high levels of blood sugar in their bodies which lead to insulin resistance and not burning of the fat cells. However, some people tend to face the opposite issue, they start to lose weight so quickly that it could become really dangerous for them. As like all their energy is wasted into dealing with the stress, so their bodies are getting slimmer and slimmer, not able to sustain life. Changing your diet might have some results, but you need to look deeper and eliminate the main cause of these conditions which is the emotional stress. The Universal Treatments 5 and 7 from the coMra user guide are easy to apply and you will soon see the improvement of your overall health as they were specially created to support your recovery from emotional exhaustion.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Have joyful moments and stay healthy!

The heart is the most important organ in the body, it works all the time without any rest. When the pressure on arteries and the blood vessels is too high, it makes the work of the heart harder due to the distorted arterial wall. This may lead to heart disease, kidney malfunction, arterial damage, vision and memory loss, and metabolic disorders. The causes for the high blood pressure include emotional stress as this directly affects the heart, some substances abuse like alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, medications, drugs or unhealthy lifestyle habits like overeating, inactivity and poor high-salt diet.

The symptoms in the beginning could be not so obvious so the prevention is the best practice as in most of the cases when we talk about medical conditions. However if you notice frequent tiredness, vision changes, headaches or ear noises, chest pains or irregular heartbeat, you might need to check your blood pressure and to approach some changes to support your heart and blood vessels health.

Omega 3 and Minerals Intake

The Omega 3 acids are very good for the heart and the overall health, they could be found in the fatty fishes like the wild-caught salmon, flax seeds, chia seeds, olive oil, avocado etc. You need to include more of these foods in your diet in order to support your cardiovascular system. The efficient amount of magnesium and potassium is also an essential part in the healthy functioning of your body, you could take supplements or eat foods like dark chocolate, nuts, spinach, broccoli, bananas, sunflower seeds, garlic, tomatoes etc. You need to reduce the salt in your food and to avoid processed foods and trans or fried fats.

Weight Loss

The additional weight puts an extra stress on the heart as the fat formations are placed on the walls of the blood vessels. You need to lose enough weight and to keep it in the healthy range if you want to protect your heart. The apple cider vinegar and lemon water have shown good results as they would help you lose weight, would destroy the excess fat in your body and would support the alkaline-acid balance of the organism.

Laser Body Conditioning

The coMra therapy is a very gentle way to heal your arteries and to support the work of your heart, together with all the other inner organs. The coMra Palm is a small portable laser device that is very easy to be used by everyone. In the coMra user guide you have all the instructions on how to heal your body with the laser as the Universal and the Cardiology treatments would the most beneficial for the cardiovascular system. The laser therapy with the coMra Palm is a good and easy way to strengthen your blood vessels and to protect your heart.


In order to support the circulation of the blood and the lymph in the body, you need to have a moderate activity every day. Walking, running, exercising, practising sports are essential for the health, so everyone has to find time to be active and to keep the muscles of the body strong and toned. At least 30 min per day away from the chair or the couch would guarantee you that the oxygen and the nutrients in the blood will reach the organs and the cells. If you have high blood pressure you need to avoid high intensity exercises and hot saunas as these put too much stress on the heart.

Stress Management

The emotional and mental balance are a good foundation for a healthy life and a strong heart. Relaxation is important as it leads to low levels of cortisol which is the “stress” hormone, so whatever makes you feel well would work. Music, art, laughter, social activity, meditation, spending time in nature, even your pet could be used as a good stress management. The pleasant experiences are essentially good for your health and your heart as far as they are healthy too. The coMra therapy could also be used as a way to control stress and to heal your body as it addresses various conditions and supports each organ and the overall health.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

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