The health of the heart is vital for the overall health as all the blood is pumped constantly by the heart in order for it to reach each cell in the body. The prevention is the best cure and this is a good approach to keep your heart healthy. If you have noticed warning signs like chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea, chronic fatigue, feeling dizzy or even snoring too much, you probably need to take better care of your heart and the cardiovascular system. Here is how to maintain better heart health using coMra therapy and making some lifestyle changes.

Blood vessels and the heart

If you already have a heart disease or you want to support the work of your heart, you can apply coMra Universal Treatment 2 - Heart even as a prevention method. The coMra therapy is a non-invasive way to induce the natural healing ability of your body and to provide the needed energy for the healing process. The application is easy and you will feel the difference soon, meanwhile you can use coMra therapy as a pain relief too. For all the heart treatments, you have to use only the frequency of 5Hz as it is explained in the coMra user guide. For the blood vessels and the health of your blood, you can apply coMra Universal Treatment 3 - Blood. This treatment could heal conditions like anemia but it is also a part of other major treatments while the blood is moving through the body distributing the nutrients and the hormones to each cell.

Hormonal Balance

There are many conditions which may affect the heart health, so you need to address them in a balanced and non-aggressive way. You can apply coMra therapy in order to soothe the symptoms and to heal the causes of diseases like hypothyroidism, diabetes type 2, estrogen dominance, adrenal fatigue and malfunction of the adrenal glands etc. In the coMra user guide, you will find all the listed conditions, so to come with your own treatment course. As coMra therapy has no negative side effects, you can successfully combine different treatments in order to receive better results. It is very important to reduce the production of adrenaline and cortisol as if the body experiences is as stress, the levels of other hormones would go down.

Balanced diet and movement

If you want to support your healing and generally your heart health, you need to be careful about the amount of animal, saturated and trans fats that you eat while it may lead to buildup of plaque in the arteries. Basically, this means to avoid processed and packed foods as most of them contain trans fats. A diet rich in vegetables and fruits is always a good idea, so you may need to monitor your eating habits and to make some changes. A moderate exercising program or walking on regular basis will help your circulation and will stimulate the work of the heart. You may need to avoid highly intensive training programs if you have symptoms of a weak heart.


The heart is the organ that suffers if you experience negative emotions, so if you are in a difficult period of your life, try to find a way to breathe and calm down. The grief, apathy, depression and anxiety could affect the heart with time, so your emotional state is key for the heart health. If your nervous system is out of balance, you may need some supplements like magnesium, B12 and other B vitamins. However, in order to support the nervous system, you can apply coMra Universal treatments 5 and 7 until you feel some improvement. Then rest for 2 weeks and apply another treatment course. The coMra therapy has shown great results with conditions of the nervous system as it helps the regeneration of the nerves too. And remember to smile more, it is good for your heart.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Your body is mostly water and dehydration could be very dangerous and may lead to various conditions like heart diseases, muscles fatigue, headaches, circulation issues etc. We all need to drink a good amount of water in order to keep the body and the brain hydrated so they can function properly and be healthy.

How to understand that we are dehydrated?

There are several symptoms to show you if your body is dehydrated: you feel thirsty and the mouth is dry, you feel very sleepy or tired during the day, the color of the urine is yellowish and of low volume, the skin is getting dry and you might have a headache. You might even feel dizzy, exhausted and disorientated. If you already have these symptoms it means that the body and the brain need more liquids and you need to drink some immediately.

What could be the consequences of the dehydration?

If a constant dehydration is happening in the body, it may cause some small problems or severe effects on the organs and the systems, that’s why is very important not to deny the symptoms. The dehydration may be the reason for low or high blood pressure, increased or irregular heart and respiratory rate and may block the organs from working efficiently. As it leads to not enough oxygen in the muscles, you may feel muscle pains or even cramps. The low levels of electrolytes are interrupting the brain impulses to reach the muscles which may cause disorientation, mental confusion and chronic fatigue.

How to restore the hydration of  the body and the brain?

In order to restore the liquid balance in your organism, you need either to drink sufficient amount of fresh, clean water or to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables in the form of salads, juices, smoothies etc. The best water you could drink is the natural, fresh spring water. As the bottled or tap water is not of high quality, it is a great solution if you filter it or energize it additionally. The water in nature has its own energy and a special molecule structure which gives it the ability to bring life to every living creature on the planet.

How your body will change if it is well hydrated?

If you drink enough water daily, your blood will flow more easily, it will affect positively the blood pressure and will help the work of the heart. Also you might lose the additional weight, to restore your hormonal balance, to help the work of the stomach and the whole digestive system. However, if you already have some health issues, only drinking a lot of water will not be enough for your body to heal. If you have a heart disease, high or low blood pressure, muscle cramps, hormonal imbalance, pains etc., you can use the power of coMra Therapy to heal yourself and restore your health. It is always recommended to approach the healing process from a holistic point of view and to change your diet, daily habits and water intake if you want to see your body thriving with health and energy.

In order to fight the stress caused by our modern life routine, bad quality food and air, we need to take enough water daily. If you want to avoid dehydration, you need to pay more attention to the quantity and the quality of the water that you drink for a strong body and a well-hydrated brain.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in thecoMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Which are the hidden patterns in the mind that would manifest as low or high blood pressure? How to understand the messages sent from the body in order to heal the condition starting with its cause? The thoughts and beliefs that we carry with us could turn into harmful emotions which change the inner balance of the body.

We call forth disease, or more precisely, dis-ease, when a lack of knowledge throws an area in our lives out of balance. The result of this imbalance first manifests within us as a dis-ease at a psychological level, but unless this is remedied, it will eventually also manifest as a physical disease.

“Health and Holism in the 21st Century” by Théun Mares

If there are hidden patterns in our thinking that we are not aware of, they could cause a medical condition or some symptoms. Every time when we are in the particular situation which triggers a belief that we have embraced at some point of our lives, we would feel it in the body. It is in a direct communication with the subconscious mind where all of the hidden patterns are. So, the symptoms are like messages and we need just to listen carefully to see what information is there for us. When something is happening in our mind which is hurting us in a way that we are not aware of, the emotions will show us as they are expressed by the changes in the body. With time if you do not find a way to deal with the emotions,if you suppress them or neglect them, they will start turning into blockages and diseases in the body.

The blood

For the body, the blood is life, it brings all the oxygen, the energy and the nutrients to the cells, it literally brings life to each little cell in the body, connecting it to the whole which is the organism. The circulatory system is the needed condition for the blood to flow easily. The heart pumps the blood all the time and it is also the center of love, of joy, of the feeling of being connected with everything, of the feeling of belonging, of the feeling that you appreciate life itself. When we have problems in these areas of life, when we resist the flow of life and we don’t appreciate it, the body would show it with either high or low blood pressure.

Circulation disorders - Not trusting the process of life.
Pressure (low/ high) - Fear of survival.

“Health and Holism in the 21st Century” by Théun Mares

Low blood pressure

When the blood pressure is low, if shows the lack of joy usually starting in the childhood that has turned into the feeling of unworthiness and not being good enough or into the belief that whatever the person want to do will not be successful. The hidden pattern in the mind shows an attitude towards life of being a victim, not being able to deal with the challenges, of the not being able to make one’s dreams come true. It looks like a person who does not have trust in life, who doubts if they will survive. It show a lack of courage and confidence, the mind is telling that nothing will ever be good and you trust your mind. This condition is the message that somewhere some emotions of despair and hopelessness are stored, like if you do not trust that you will manage to live this life the way it is supposed to be lived. If the blood pressure is low, it could be linked to lack of respect for the self and the others and also with the lack of trust in love, in the capability to find and experience love.

High blood pressure

When the blood pressure is high, it might show the hidden pattern of not being recognized by the people in the family, with the feeling that the people you love do not accept you as you are. There could be unsolved conflicts with the members of the family, a secret wish that someone should leave or on the contrary that someone new should enter the family. The person with high blood pressure is very sensitive and overreacting, they live in a turmoil of emotions, always spending too much energy on thinking about the problems, on creating a lot of fuss and drama around each little thing. After the next disappointment, they have chosen to close their heart in order to protect from feeling too much pain, so no new love or feeling can enter their life anymore and life cannot move easily in their body. The blood vessels do not support the flow of life, but they create obstacles and the blood creates pressure trying to pass through. The hidden cause of this condition could be also an overthinking habit where you replay one and the same problem over and over again.

Shift the focus

So, when there are problems with the blood pressure or the circulation, the message is to let go of the problems, to trust life and search for the solutions and for the support instead of focusing on how nothing will ever be good and successful. You need to create a habit to look for the things in life that makes you feel joyful, you need to find something to really love, to feel appreciation and gratitude, to focus on the beauty, on the harmony and on the support coming from everywhere.

The Universal Treatment 3 - Blood by coMra therapy could be a good start in taking back the responsibility for your health. It is a very gentle way to heal the results of the high or low blood pressure on the body. However, if you want to heal the reason for the condition, you have to start working with the root of it, with the mind and the emotions.

Stress is very dangerous for your health, everyone knows that. However, when sometimes you go through emotional stress period,  you need to register this process in order to address it properly. When you overreact with emotional outbursts, that is a sign that you are already in an emotional stress period for a long time. It could start with slight worrying and turn into a constant anxiety in several weeks. The symptoms that could show you that some emotional stress is taking place are various but here are some of the most common ones like headaches, fatigue, muscle or chest pain, digestions issues, problems with your sleep etc.

The high cortisol and adrenaline levels in case of emotional stress are triggered by the emotional response to different life situations. You need to address the way you react to the challenges in life and revise it, to try to manage the stress with periods of relaxation and having fun, loving care, laughter and spending time with friends and family. Another way to support your body is to apply coMra therapy, the Universal Treatments 5 and 7 from the user guide are recommended in that case as you can combine them with any other treatment that you need. The emotional stress could affect almost each organ and system in your body and you will need more energy to heal and recover. The healing power of the coMra Palm is very gentle and yet effective, with no side effects. It could help you address each of the results of the emotional imbalance, so here are some of them.

Heart disease and high blood pressure

The strong emotions and the emotional imbalance are affecting the heart as we all are sensitive being and the heart is experiencing each feeling and emotion that we go through. You need to take care of your heart and support it in any possible way as it works all the time, every second pumping the blood so that each cell to receive oxygen and nutrients. The Universal Treatment 2 - Heart from the coMra user guide will help your heart to heal and The Universal Treatment 3 - Blood will regulate the high blood pressure and will strengthen your blood vessels.

Diabetes and hormonal imbalance

The body is producing huge amounts of cortisol and adrenaline during periods of stress. The hormonal imbalance due to that could lead to all kinds of conditions like diabetes, fertility problems, thyroid issues etc. The diabetes type 2 or the insulin resistance both of which could be a result of stress could be healed naturally and with the supporting help of the coMra therapy. You will need to change your diet and eat more fruits and vegetables, to include more exercising and stretching in your routine and to find a way to relax and breathe.

results of emotional stress
Weight gain and weight loss

People react differently to emotional stress, most of them are gaining weight very quickly due to the hormonal imbalance and the high levels of blood sugar in their bodies which lead to insulin resistance and not burning of the fat cells. However, some people tend to face the opposite issue, they start to lose weight so quickly that it could become really dangerous for them. As like all their energy is wasted into dealing with the stress, so their bodies are getting slimmer and slimmer, not able to sustain life. Changing your diet might have some results, but you need to look deeper and eliminate the main cause of these conditions which is the emotional stress. The Universal Treatments 5 and 7 from the coMra user guide are easy to apply and you will soon see the improvement of your overall health as they were specially created to support your recovery from emotional exhaustion.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Have joyful moments and stay healthy!

When do you need to apply the Universal Treatment 2- Heart alone or along with other treatments? How it will affect and support the body functioning? Which conditions will acquire this treatment in order to heal or at least to control and ease the symptoms?

This course was created to support and heal the heart in every possible way. When you treat the heart regularly with coMra, the coronary blood flow will gradually increase in time, which is very important as the heart has its own blood supply. The vessels of the heart will become stronger and even more vessels will be built in order for the heart to be able to pump more blood. The muscles of the heart will be supported in their constant work as the coMra therapy will provide the heart with even more energy. As a result there will be less stress on the heart as this Universal treatment is very supportive and beneficial for it.

This treatment will help with many cardiological conditions like in cases of a weak heart, insufficient coronary blood flow, ischaemic heart, arrhythmia, hypertension, cardiomyopathy, tachycardia, angina pectoris and any other issue connected to the heart. Regular coMra application will make your heart stronger,  will slowly improve its function, will heal the issues and will ease the symptoms. You can apply it also when you have low immunity, high levels of bad cholesterol or you go through a period of much emotional stress.

You always have to use the 5Hz when you apply coMra on the area of the heart. Please read carefully  the instructions in the coMra user guide and do not use it on the heart if you have heart transplants, artificial valves or cardiostimulators. The other frequencies are not to be used on the heart at all, however the 5Hz is healing and supporting the heart work and you can apply the coMra therapy whenever you feel the need for it. Universal treatment 2 - Heart takes 13 mins and is to be applied 2 times per day. You can apply the coMra even more time than it is stated in the user guide if you feel the need of it as the coMra therapy is very gentle and non-invasive. Please refer to the pictures in the user guide to see the exact location of each point on your body. Gently place the coMra Palm on the skin and wait for the signal that the time has finished before changing the point treated.

You can apply this Universal treatment 2 daily until you feel improvement and then continue at for at least another week time, then you can rest and repeat again after 2 weeks if needed. It will be effective when done alone or in combination with other treatments as the heart is a major organ in the body, so any healing process will benefit if you include the heart treatment in your course. The better heart work will support all of the systems in the body and will help you to improve your immunity and energy levels. This Universal treatment 2 is vital for the overall health and could be used as a prevention during stress periods, physical exhaustion or daily just in case your heart needs more energy to build up more muscles or blood vessels.

If you want to have good results sooner, it is highly recommended that you combine the coMra treatments with other positive changes in your lifestyle, in your diet and in your way of thinking. The laser will awaken the natural ability of your body to heal and to recover, so you want to support this process with your actions in every possible way. To be more in contact with the nature, to do moderate exercises or any other healthy habits will increase the ability of your organism to heal and get better. To take care of your emotional balance and to find joy in your life is also very supportive for your heart.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

The main cause for most of the modern diseases is the inflammatory processes that occur in the body and sometimes they could even become chronic. When the body is constantly in inflammatory mode, it is weak and the immune system is no longer able to provide the protection needed. What can you do to stop the inflammation quickly and how to avoid it by including some daily habits that will support your natural protection abilities?

In its core, the inflammation is the natural response of the body when an injury occurs. The immune system reacts and sends white blood cells at the place of the wound to aid the healing process. But when this response is triggered very often, the body would be in a long-term inflammation which is highly dangerous and is connected with heart disease, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, high blood pressure, asthma, colitis ect. In order to support your overall health and the regeneration abilities of your body, you need to reduce the inflammation before it leads to any severe or serious medical condition.

Less alcohol, less cigarettes

Both smoking and drinking would decrease the inner natural strength of the body against the bacteria and toxins coming from the outside world. Smoking is bad for your brain functioning, it is  related to the plaque deposits built in the arteries, less oxygen entering the cells, less energy and aging. Alcohol is also a substance that is affecting the brain causing severe dehydration, together with bad consequences for the liver, the stomach and the nervous system. If you feel that you don’t feel well and some kind of inflammatory process is taking place, it is highly recommended to cut these two habits immediately until you get back well or never return to them at all, if you want to be healthy and energetic.

Moderate exercise

It is not about highly intensive workouts which are not for everyone however at least thirty minutes per day like walking, exercising, stretching, dancing, bicycling or any other activity that you like, will reduce the inflammation and will act as prevention too. The modern lifestyle is connected with too much sitting at one place, so five minutes of each hours to stand up and walk around the room is the minimum to help the heart, the blood vessels and the lymphatic system work better.

Home laser therapy

With the coMra Palm, now the home laser therapy is possible and it is very easy to use and apply it every day. The device is small and portable, so you can have it with you also at the office, the gym etc. The universal treatments which are described in details in the coMra user guide are perfect for affecting the inflammatory process directly and reverse it in a very gentle and non-invasive way. The regular use of the coMra Palm will help your body to rebuild its immune system by reducing the inflammation and supporting your own healing abilities. The laser coMra therapy has given great results with a wide range of conditions connected to inflammation, it could be used as prevention, to aid the tissue regeneration and for a whole body conditioning.

Anti-inflammatory foods

The refined sugars and the processed fats in the packed foods might lead to constant inflammation so if you want to change your diet in order to support the healing process, you need to avoid them. The diet rich in raw fruits and vegetables will aid your body and increase its energy and health. In order to reduce the inflammation, you need to add more broccoli, pineapples, blueberries, walnuts, flax seeds, chia seeds, wild-caught salmon, beets, celery etc. to your diet. Basically, the raw whole foods would cause less inflammation in the body, so the fresh salads prior to each meal is a great prevention too.

Reduce stress, have fun

Stress could cause inflammation in an indirect way, so you need to take some time for yourself and have fun. It doesn’t  matter if you choose music, books, nature, yoga, art or anything else as far as it helps you relax and enjoy life again away from the pile of tasks waiting for you.

The body is a perfectly working system which when is in balance, could overcome most of the pollution and stress factors coming from the outside world. If you want to support your body, just turn to its natural abilities to heal and be very careful when you intake medication as it is not familiar to your cells. Prevention is the best medicine, so the natural way would always be the good way to go. The laser coMra therapy was invented to be in harmony with the nature, to give a very gentle push to the cells and help them to return to their inner sources of energy and health.

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To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Have joyful moments and stay healthy!

Your heart needs your attention, it is working restlessly each and every day, pumping an enormous quantity of blood. It is very easily influenced by the emotions and everything else that is going on with the organism. How to strengthen this most important organ or to reverse and heal if the heart disease is already there? What are the ways to naturally support the heart without chemical medication or surgery? How to change your lifestyle in order to have a strong and healthy heart?

The causes of the heart disease are complex and because everything in the body is connected, the heart starts to suffer if the overall health of the organism is out of balance. Several conditions are related to the weak heart such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, eating disorders, obesity, too much free radicals and fats in the blood, smoking, alcohol addiction and many others. The inflammation processes wherever in the body are weakening the heart too, so let us go through the ways you can support your heart and prevent or reverse the heart disease.

Activity is vital

The blood needs to move around the body all the time and if you don’t have enough activity all the responsibility for the circulation will fall on your heart. Too much sitting or staying at one place without enough physical activity would cause many problems to your body and your heart. You need to exercise, walk or workout regularly if you want to improve the blood circulation, to increase your endurance and energy levels, to have stronger bones, to reduce stress and to maintain healthy body weight. Your heart will thank you for that and you will feel toned and energized.

Healthy heart diet

The most important thing in your diet that will affect your heart directly is the difference between good and bad fats. The body needs the omega-3 acids that could be found in fatty fishes, walnuts, flax seeds and finds great difficulties to cope with very thick animal fats or artificial trans-fats. Some minerals as magnesium – from the dark chocolate and almonds, potassium – from broccoli, cauliflower, spinach etc., are necessary for the proper function of the heart and have to be included in your diet. You will need also good amounts of foods that are generally rich in antioxidants like fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Laser Treatment at Home

The coMra therapy could be highly effective for healing the heart and as prevention. Always use the 5Hz option when you are treating the heart with your coMra Palm at home. This laser therapy is very gentle, totally non-invasive and have no side effects as your heart will be supported to go back into its normal functions and condition. All the details about the treatment are in the user guide however to keep your heart healthy, you can do several minutes for a couple of times per week on the heart with 5Hz just to make sure that it receives some extra energy to do its work better. The immune system also will be improved under the influence of the laser and the inflammatory processes will be reduced and healed.

Keep the body hydrated

Make sure your body is well hydrated as the dehydration could cause difficulties to the heart to pump the blood which would become thicker if there is not enough water in the organism. The water is part of many internal processes and is needed by the lymphatic system too, so the toxins and waste materials to be taken away.

Reduce the stress

The stress and extreme emotions are very harmful for the heart, they change the hormonal and chemical balance in the body, so all the organs should work on the maintaining it back starting with the heart. Breathing techniques are very effective to calm down the heart rate and to supply the blood with enough oxygen, enough sleep will also be greatly beneficial in lowering the stress responses. Everything that makes you feel better will work if it is in harmony with your health like walks in the nature, sport, laughter, music, art etc.

It is not hard to take care of your heart especially if you approach this subject with love as the heart is also the center of love. When you appreciate the body that you have and that serves you for many years, when you look after the internal organs and especially the heart, there will be harmony and health, you will have the energy to do whatever you like.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

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