Although constipation is not a disease, this condition creates great discomfort and could become a cause for more serious health issues. Your body needs to eliminate the waste substances from the digestion and other processes daily. If this does not happen regularly, all the toxins will return in the bloodstream and will start circulating in the body again. If you cannot get rid of the toxins, they will affect the major organs like liver, spleen, kidneys. However, the intestines and colon will suffer the most as all these waste materials build up a thick layer on their inner walls.

Causes of constipation

If you suffer from digestive problems, one of the symptoms could be mild or severe constipation. It shows issues with the work of colon and weakness of your abdominal muscles. The causes may vary from changing your diet like including more dry foods, not drinking enough water, not consuming enough fibre or eating too much dairy products. During pregnancy, constipation is also very common. However, it could be a result of irritable bowel movement, thyroid disease too much stress or even colon cancer. Some medications or the overuse of laxatives can cause constipation too.

Applying coMra therapy

While coMra therapy is a very gentle and effective method to heal various conditions, it could be very beneficial in case of constipation. It is a great way to stop taking laxatives and to support your body into restoring its normal functioning. In the coMra User Guide you will find a list of many conditions which could be healed with coMra therapy. The treatment course that you need in your case is in the Gastroenterology 6 section. You will see all the points that you need to place the device on, together with the frequency and the time. The low laser therapy is a very effective way to treat chronic conditions, various diseases or to apply it as a prevention. You can support your body with the coMra Universal Treatments targeting your weak organs or systems. With coMra therapy, you will awaken the inner healing abilities of your body without any invasive or aggressive chemicals or procedures.

What else you can do

If you combine coMra therapy with some diet changes, more exercising and drinking more water, the results will be even better. You need to consume fiber rich foods to help the work of the intestines and the colon. Water is very important for thousands of processes in your body and will ease the movement of the food through the digestive system. You need to manage your stress in order to improve the digestion with walking in nature, yoga, swimming, listening to music or you can try coMra Universal Treatments 5 and 7 which support the nervous system. Start using more natural remedies for your condition to avoid laxatives addiction. Exercise regularly and enjoy life, the emotional balance is very important for your overall health.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

How to treat and heal anemia in a natural and non-invasive way? Apart from taking iron supplements, what are the possibilities to make yourself stronger and healthier? How the red blood cells production could be affected in a positive way that is gentle and beneficial for the overall health?

Anemia is the disease that affects the quality of the blood and the most common kind is the one of iron deficiency. This affects the red blood cells, their production and the abilities to move and reach the organs in the body, bringing the needed oxygen. The symptoms could be fatigue, rapid heart rate, dizziness and low energy, headaches and shortness of breath, also sleeping issues and muscle cramps.

The usual treatment of anemia is with iron supplements and eating a lot of meat and fish as sources of iron. The problem with this type of approach is that iron sometimes could not be well absorbed by the body and it takes a lot of time to heal the result of this. It is good to supply your body with the needed iron, however the cause for the condition needs to be addressed too. In most of the cases, anemia comes as a result of high levels of stress, physical exhaustion and a poor diet. But most of all, the emotions affects the health of your heart and the whole body, so anemia like most diseases, is a complex condition.

coMra therapy

The method called coMra therapy is an approach that is holistic and heals the whole organism, supporting the body into restoring its natural balance. The laser works in harmony with magnets and light diodes to give the cells and organs the additional energy they need in order to heal. As anemia affects the quality of the blood, treating the major points of the blood circulation would results into more vital and healthy red blood cells.

In the coMra user guide, you will see that the Universal Treatment 3 - Blood is the one designed to address this condition.It is the core anemia treatment that you need to apply and could be combined with other coMra treatments too. It has shown very good results if applied daily as the microcirculation is improved, the speed of the red cells moving in the body is accelerated, their ability to carry oxygen too and the blood vessels are strengthen. The Universal Treatment 3 - Blood is part of other healing courses as it is a major one while the blood circulates in the body and brings nutrients and information to each organ.

Stress and breathing

As part of your anemia treatment, you need to do some stress management because the high levels of cortisol and adrenaline affect the heart, the blood pressure and the hormonal balance in the body. Try to observe and connect the dots when searching for the causes of your issue because the body is not separate from the mind and the emotions. It is recommended to find your way to deal with stress with art activities, yoga, walking, moderate exercising etc. and to focus on the things that make you happy and joyful. The way you breathe is directly linked with the oxygen entering your body. The good emotional state will affect your overall health and your breathing. While your breathing is fast and shallow when you are under stress, you breathe calmly and deeper when you are relaxed. So, try to find your path to feeling good as it will support the healing process.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Most of the diseases that we know are caused mainly by the high levels of stress which the body is experiencing too often. Stress is the reaction of the body as if we are in danger and it produces hormones that will help us to gather all our power and run. The problem is that there is no such thing and we have to live through some imaginary dangerous situation day after day. If the body is aware that there is nothing scary around us, then we could calm down easily and reduce the level of stress. With yoga, we unite the mind and the body in order to recover the harmony between them.

Slow down

When we try to multitask, think about many things at once, when we are in a hurry and try to get somewhere on time, then we may think that we are more productive but our body experiences all of this as a reason to produce more of “stress hormone” - cortisol. The high levels of cortisol in the body for a long period of time, are harming the main organs and cause diseases. In yoga, we do everything very slowly and this gives the body enough time to adjust to the changes without producing so much “bad” hormones. The slow movements are beneficial for the body helping it to detoxify and to be in good shape.

Breath and observe

When practicing different breathing techniques, we become more aware of what is going on with the body in this particular moment. The mere observation of the breathing process is something that brings us back to the present moment and helps us to deal with the overthinking. As this is the root cause of all anxiety and depression, it is very important to teach ourselves to just think less thoughts at one and the same time.


When observing the breath long enough, we gently enter this specific state of mind called meditation or a mind without thoughts. Maybe it is hard at the beginning to even understand how it is possible to stop all of this chatting that is happening constantly in our heads, but it is getting easier with the practice. It is proved that after several minutes of meditation, the levels of cortisol are lower and we are actually even more concentrated and productive afterwards. The stress from the work is a big trouble when the thinking about the professional problems starts to interfere with our personal life. Meditation will help us to just relax and see the things from a different perspective.

Health issues and coMra therapy

Doing yoga on a regular basis will help you control your health issues and will ease some of the symptoms. However, some of the conditions could not be healed only with yoga practice but it is a good complimentary activity to coMra therapy. As this therapy is very gentle and non-invasive, it awakens the inner healing abilities inside you to give a full support into healing and recovery. In the coMra user guide you could find all the treatments and could apply them even as a prevention.

Healthy lifestyle

Actually, the cause for the stress at work is not only the problems that we need to deal with, but could be also how we take care of ourselves in general. Yoga is an ancient tradition that includes all areas of life. When practicing yoga, it is recommended to eat clean and healthy food, to go to a massage therapy regularly and to be active every day. When you eat whole foods, a lot of fruits and vegetables and other good food, you assist the body in its recovery and well-being. Applying coMra therapy, massage therapy and other alternative ways of healing would only make your yoga practice even more beneficial.

Maybe stress is not so much about what happened but more about how do you react to the issue, how do you handle and solve the problem. If you build a strong base inside yourself and create a confidence that will be always with you, you will live a more peaceful life. Yoga is all about connection, so when you connect the body with the mind and the soul, you could experience more joy and happiness in your life.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

What you choose to eat or drink in the morning is quite significant for your metabolism and health, so you need to be careful about the breakfast and the whole morning routine after you wake up. Warming up the body with some moderate exercises, some meditation or reading for several minutes, will tune you into the balanced and harmonious vibration, while jumping on the phone or the computer could create stress and anxiety later on as the day goes by. Depending on your morning routine, you would have breakfast early or within an hour or two, but let us discuss how your choice of foods or liquids in the morning, could possibly affect your healthy energy levels.How to start the day in order to feel good and to help the body getting rid of the waste materials and toxins from the cells?


While the body is a bit dehydrated in the morning, one of the best things just after you get up is a glass of warm water as it will speed up the cleansing of the waste products from the previous day out of the intestines.This simple act of hydration after sleep will prevent from constipation, skin problems, heart diseases and digestion issues. It is better if the water is freshly coming from the spring or pure structured water in order to be well absorbed by the cells. Water has quite different effect on your body than coffee or tea as they are both diuretics,they increase the heart rate and blood pressure. If you still like drinking coffee in the morning, it is recommended to drink at least a big glass of pure water with it in order to restore the balance.

Alkaline liquids

The best alkaline liquids are water with fresh lemon juice, water with propolis, with baking soda, with apple cider vinegar and also the green tea. They will help you if you feel bloated in the morning as they will regulate your acid/alkaline balance in the body. Another way to help your body with its alkaline balance is coMra therapy because when there is no inflammatory processes in the body, the inner balance is easily maintained. Your can choose the most appropriate treatment for yourself from the coMra user guide. Using the coMra Palm is very easy and just for 10 min per day you can boost your energy or get relief from pain. It is a portable personal health device combining laser, magnets used to heal your cells and to help the work of the internal organs.

Juices and fruits

As you need vitamins and minerals, after the morning cleansing with warm water and alkaline liquids, you can eat whole fruits or drink some fresh, natural juices from fruits, roots and green leaves in order to support the organism. If you want to intake more fiber to support your digestive system, it is recommended to eat the whole fruits. The best is to search for organic, naturally grown fruits. Although the carbohydrates and the vitamins will boost your metabolism and will feed the brain, some people should choose not so sweet fruits in order to keep their blood sugar levels moderate. Watermelons, red apples, bananas, pineapples etc. contain a lot of sugar, while strawberries, raspberries, lemons, grapefruits, kiwis are not so sweet and are better for people with sugar linked diseases.

Cereals, smoothie and protein

If you are still hungry or you have a long day ahead, you can eat some whole foods in the form of cereals or whole grains bread with dried fruits and seeds or different combinations of smoothies made from fruits, nuts and superfoods. You can add some powder proteins, eggs and yogurt if you feel the need for more energy, as the proteins will feed the muscles and will postpone your next meal while they need more time to be digested. This type of breakfast is suitable for people who like working out in the morning or like to have late lunch during the day. Adding some good fat to your breakfast like avocado, coconut, nuts etc. will not let you get hungry after two hours and will give you even more energy for a wonderful day.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

How the hormones production in the female body is changing with the years and due to the environment conditions? Which are the symptoms showing that the levels of estrogen are too high or too low? How to understand if you have estrogen dominance or deficiency?

How the estrogen levels change

Estrogen is a group of female hormones which regulates your menstrual cycle, gives you glowing and youthful appearance of the skin, makes your mind sharp and clear. But the levels of this hormone fluctuate each month and with the years. It is a very fine balance and if the levels go too high or too low, you will see some signs and symptoms in your body. In the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the estrogen levels are very low and they reach their peak when the ovulation is. After the age of 35, it is more usual to have estrogen dominance because the body is producing less progesterone as you move closer to the menopause phase.

Signs of estrogen deficiency

If you feel at your best only about a week before and up to your ovulation phase but you experience poor concentration, brain fog and forgetfulness during all the other days of your period, then you probably have estrogen deficiency. It also comes with anxiety, depression and mood swings together with the dry skin, saggy breasts, increased appetite and weight gain. The low levels of the hormone may cause insomnia with night sweats, hot flashes, headaches and back pain. The menstrual cycles are heavy and irregular or absent, the libido is low and the fertility is reduced.

Signs of estrogen dominance

If the last phase of the menstrual cycle comes with PMS accompanied by painful cramps and followed by a heavy cycle, then you most probably have a hormonal imbalance which in some cases could be the estrogen dominance. It is also described with a sharp and clear mind but often mixed with high irritability and impatience, anger and nervousness. On the other hand, you might have a strong sense of fertility and sexuality. The estrogen dominance is the main cause of ovarian cysts and polycystic ovarian syndrome, the breast pain and increased breast size, water retention, sugar cravings, weight gain and bloating.

What causes the imbalance and how to treat it?

The adrenal dysfunction caused by too much stress may affect the estrogen production, so you need to find your way to manage stress in order to reduce the cortisol levels and to normalize the estrogen production. The overweight could cause estrogen dominance because part of it is produced there too. The deficiency of nutrients like proteins and good fats, vitamins and minerals could be become the reason for a hormonal imbalance, so make sure that your diet is rich and nutritious in order to support the normal functioning of your body. The coMra therapy can also help you with healing the hormonal imbalance as it heals your organs and gives an energy boost to your body to restore its healthy condition. All the treatments are described in details in the coMra user guide making it easy to apply it at home as it is a very gentle and totally non-invasive method to heal.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in thecoMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

How to take care of the saggy skin which is getting loose with the years at home? Which are the natural ingredients and methods to help you fight the signs of aging on your face? Which daily routines will keep your skin looking fresh, young and glowing?

The power of oils

The lipid molecules in oils are keeping the skin young and fresh, protecting it from dryness and itchiness. You need to find the best oil for your skin and use it in the evening to provide some nutrition for it during the night. You could try castor oil, almond oil, jojoba oil, macadamia oil, avocado oil, argan oil etc. and see how your skin will feel as they all have minerals, vitamins and lipids which will make skin glow again and tighten up. For even better results, you can add several drops of your essential oil as most of them have anti-aging qualities too.


The skin needs toning as the pores are very sensitive to dirt and the toner like ice water, rose water, lavender water will help you tighten the pores and close them after cleansing or before applying makeup. They are even more important in the summer when the pores could become bigger due to the heat and humidity in the air.

Vitamins and antioxidants

You need to feed your skin from the inside as that is where health starts anyway. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables will provide your body with all the vitamins and antioxidants for a beautiful and young skin. You can add lemon juice to your homemade masks for the outer Vitamin C supply. Capsules of Vitamin A and E which could be found everywhere could also be added to your homemade face masks as they will tighten your skin and will improve its texture and complexion. Drinking green tea will help your cells with detoxifying the waste products and will make your skin glow due to all the antioxidants it contains. Bananas, turmeric and avocado are great ideas to add to your diet or your homemade mask, as they are all beneficial for the health of the skin and will decrease the wrinkles formation. Honey is another great food for the skin and could be used for all skin types to tighten the face and to promote hydration.

Stimulate collagen production

A very easy procedure is the contrast washing with hot and cold water in order to increase the blood circulation in the skin. You can use coMra therapy at 1000Hz to heal skin problems and stimulate the collagen production, apply it by slowly moving the device on the main lines of the face and where the wrinkles are. The combined power of a laser, magnets and light will stimulate the regeneration of the skin tissues in depth. Try also facial massage once a week which will tone your muscles and will help you tighten the saggy skin. There are exercise for the facial muscles which will also improve the condition of the skin and will slow down the formation of wrinkles. Of course, it is important to drink enough pure water in order to hydrate the skin from the inside.

Yogurt, cream, eggs and flour

This is not only a recipe for a cake but adding these products to your homemade facial masks will feed your skin with lots of proteins and lipids. These three foods which could be found in every kitchen will moisturize your skin naturally and will keep its youth and beauty. Just add them to your mask and experiment with the other ingredients. The rice, chickpeas and oat flour are also great for your skin as they provide immediate result lifting the contours of the face. So, you can add them to your mask especially if it is too watery and you need to make it more paste-like which is easier for application.

Aloe vera

This plant has so many qualities which are great for your health and could heal your digestive system together with eliminating scars and wrinkles from your skin. You can drink the juice and apply the gel on the skin to heal wounds, to prevent it from forming wrinkles or to eliminate existing ones. It has very powerful regenerative abilities and you can add it to face mask, on your hair or rub it to the skin of your whole body, it could even heal stretching marks, so you really want to try it out if you want to tighten up your loose skin.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in thecoMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Your body is mostly water and dehydration could be very dangerous and may lead to various conditions like heart diseases, muscles fatigue, headaches, circulation issues etc. We all need to drink a good amount of water in order to keep the body and the brain hydrated so they can function properly and be healthy.

How to understand that we are dehydrated?

There are several symptoms to show you if your body is dehydrated: you feel thirsty and the mouth is dry, you feel very sleepy or tired during the day, the color of the urine is yellowish and of low volume, the skin is getting dry and you might have a headache. You might even feel dizzy, exhausted and disorientated. If you already have these symptoms it means that the body and the brain need more liquids and you need to drink some immediately.

What could be the consequences of the dehydration?

If a constant dehydration is happening in the body, it may cause some small problems or severe effects on the organs and the systems, that’s why is very important not to deny the symptoms. The dehydration may be the reason for low or high blood pressure, increased or irregular heart and respiratory rate and may block the organs from working efficiently. As it leads to not enough oxygen in the muscles, you may feel muscle pains or even cramps. The low levels of electrolytes are interrupting the brain impulses to reach the muscles which may cause disorientation, mental confusion and chronic fatigue.

How to restore the hydration of  the body and the brain?

In order to restore the liquid balance in your organism, you need either to drink sufficient amount of fresh, clean water or to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables in the form of salads, juices, smoothies etc. The best water you could drink is the natural, fresh spring water. As the bottled or tap water is not of high quality, it is a great solution if you filter it or energize it additionally. The water in nature has its own energy and a special molecule structure which gives it the ability to bring life to every living creature on the planet.

How your body will change if it is well hydrated?

If you drink enough water daily, your blood will flow more easily, it will affect positively the blood pressure and will help the work of the heart. Also you might lose the additional weight, to restore your hormonal balance, to help the work of the stomach and the whole digestive system. However, if you already have some health issues, only drinking a lot of water will not be enough for your body to heal. If you have a heart disease, high or low blood pressure, muscle cramps, hormonal imbalance, pains etc., you can use the power of coMra Therapy to heal yourself and restore your health. It is always recommended to approach the healing process from a holistic point of view and to change your diet, daily habits and water intake if you want to see your body thriving with health and energy.

In order to fight the stress caused by our modern life routine, bad quality food and air, we need to take enough water daily. If you want to avoid dehydration, you need to pay more attention to the quantity and the quality of the water that you drink for a strong body and a well-hydrated brain.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in thecoMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

So, here is the last of the Universal Treatments which was created in order to support any healing process, cleanse, detox and recovery happening in the body. Each organ receives an additional boost of energy, assisting the elimination of toxins and waste products from the cells.

Universal Treatment 8 – Comprehensive cleanse and regeneration

This treatment scheme can be used as a comprehensive cleanse and regeneration program if you want to support the detox process in your body. It consists of two parts that must be done consequently and puts the focus on the major organs of elimination. Please follow the instructions that you will find in the coMra user guide but also feel free to combine this sequence with other treatments if you feel the need and in order to achieve better results.

How coMra works

The coMra therapy is a very gentle way to heal your body, it is non-invasive and awakens your own inner healer, the invisible force of life which knows how to restore your health and balance . The combined power of a laser, magnets and light is working in a very unique and natural way in order to provide your cells with the energy they need. Once your body has the energy, it will start building and catching up with each of the functions that might have been cut off due to depletion of resources or blockages caused by inflammations.

 The coMra therapy does not deplete the body during cleansing treatments. The aim is to regenerate and support the body in achieving a natural detoxification. As with all cleansing programs, it is important During this treatment to also take your diet into consideration and drink plenty of pure water to help with the elimination of toxins. Moderate and regular exercise would be quite beneficial for better circulation.

How to approach the process of treatment

Be gentle with yourself during the cleansing process and observe yourself carefully for the signals that your body will send you. Certain effects such as increased tiredness, skin rashes, nausea or headache may be noticed whilst the body is making use of the available energy provided during the treatment in order to expel toxins.

It is recommended during the cleansing period to avoid stress, to spend more time in nature, to minimize the usage of alcohol, cigarettes, refined sugar and trans fats. You need to eat more fruits and vegetables, enough proteins and good fats for the body to have all the needed “bricks” to use for filling up the gaps and restoring the inner balance. Once the system is clean it will go naturally back to its harmonious state because the body knows how to to work in perfect balance and timing. All the hormones, fluids and organs will start working as an orchestra creating the melody of health.

coMra Palm 728×90

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in thecoMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Have joyful moments and stay healthy!

Do you feel tired all the time and rely on caffeine to keep up with your day? Do you have an extreme crash of energy levels, especially in the afternoon and sleeping disorders in the night? Maybe you experience adrenal fatigue and you want to deal with it in a natural way without medications.

The malfunctioning of the adrenal glands could lead to various symptoms like fatigue, problems to fall asleep at night, cravings for sugar or salt, anxiety, weight gain, brain fog, hair loss, joints pain etc. Many people are experiencing it as a constant feeling of stress and low levels of energy. Usually, they reply on caffeine in order to be able to be productive during the day which could make the condition even worse. The first stage is related to an overwhelming fatigue right after a stressful experience or to be more exact, if the person perceives it as stressful. In some time, the constant stress could lead to irritability and exhaustion. Here are some tips to help you with the symptoms and the cause of that condition.

Cut the caffeine, drink water

The need for more and more coffee or chocolate, can be a result of the adrenal fatigue and to cut if off is the first step. If you are depleted of energy and your body cannot go on like this, you don’t need to force it even more as the depletion will become more severe. It is much better to drink more water and to support your body naturally. You can drink calming tea in the evening in order to have a good sleep, then in the day you will have more energy. The stimulants will only make your adrenal glands work harder and it will be more difficult to decrease the levels of cortisol they produce.

Eat healthy, avoid sugar

Sugar is a very popular stimulant which immediately triggers the insulin levels and the rising of the blood sugar. The levels of the stress hormone - cortisol will rise too. You need to make some changes in your diet and to include more proteins, fresh fruits and vegetables and good fats. Your body needs a good fuel to run on, so make sure that you eat enough vitamins, antioxidants and amino acids with your food. If you crave salty foods, you can add them in a proper quantity, sometimes the body will use the salt in order to maintain the blood sugar levels.

Be gentle

You need to develop a soft and non-aggressive approach to your body and to yourself in general in order to deal with the adrenal fatigue. The main goal in that case is to calm down, so that your adrenal glands to produce the healthy quantity of cortisol. The coMra therapy can help you in a very gentle way, giving your body the additional energy it needs in order to deal with the depletion and the stress. The Universal Treatment 5 from the coMra user guide is a healing course which is very suitable for this condition. You can combine it with some moderate exercise like stretching or yoga, however it is  better to avoid intense training programs and running which may increase the cortisol levels. All the treatments of the coMra therapy could be combined, so if you need to deal with other conditions, the coMra user guide can help you creating your own healing course.

Follow a daily routine

While your adrenals regulate the natural cycles of sleep, you need to support that process by following a daily routinTry to wake and go to bed at the same time every day, avoid watching screens at least two hours before going to bed and make sure you sleep enough. Maintaining the routine is the most difficult thing when the adrenals are not working properly as you cannot sleep during the night and feel tired the whole day after that. Then all of this repeat the next day, and the day after that, it can easily become a vicious circle which leads to even more depletion and exhaustion of the adrenal glands. All methods of relaxation are recommended combined with coMra therapy for the nervous system - Universal treatment 5. Find out where stress is happening in your life and try to change your perception of the situation or change the situation itself. Many people face burn out after a long period of adrenal fatigue, so you need to address the issue as soon as possible.

Have joyful moments and stay healthy!

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in thecoMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Why people at a certain age sometimes look younger and others look older? Which is the key factor in slowing down the aging process and how can we affect it positively? Are the lifestyle and the mindset that we have, able to slow down the aging? What we can do in order to look and feel younger and energetic for many years?

There are a specific DNA protein structures at the both ends of each chromosome, called telomeres. With each cell division, a part of this DNA is lost. Once the telomere becomes too short, the cell is not able to divide any more and it dies. The length of the telomere can show the lifespan of a cell and respectively the whole organism. The question is, why the telomeres are getting shorter and is there a way to influence the speed of this process? Recent researches found that the lifestyle of a person is affecting the DNA indirectly and certain habits can either shorten or preserve the length of the telomeres. If the shortening of the telomere is slowed down, the aging process will be slower too.

Stressful thoughts

It is a very subjective thing if a situation will be perceived as stressful or not. Another person in the same situation may find it motivating or inspiring. It is the negative self-talk that leads to the experience of stress. And stress is accelerating the shortening of the telomeres therefore speeding up the aging process. You can heal the effects of stress on your body with the coMra therapy, however the roots of the problem is what you have to face. The coMra therapy can help you regenerate and rejuvenate your organs, but the mindset is something that you have to change in order to not create the same condition again.

Diet and weight gain

Unhealthy diet, lack of exercise and overweight may lead to many health problems and will increase the pace of aging. A diet rich in antioxidants will slow down the shortening of the telomeres, together with a healthy lifestyle, a lot of fresh air, movement and a positive attitude towards the challenges in life. The coMra therapy can help you address the effects from an unhealthy habits on your body, but again it is up to you to change your daily routine and to incorporate more exercise and a lot of fruits and vegetables to your diet.


Another factor that is related to the shortening of the telomeres, is smoking. The number of the smoked cigarettes per day is important too, more they are, more accelerated the aging process is. The oxidative stress of the cells is increased and they get old quicker. Smoking could also lead to respiratory and heart problems. The coMra therapy has shown very good results with such medical conditions like asthma or heart disease, however the cause of the issues is what you want to eliminate.


Telomeres at the end of each chromosome could not be increased, you can only try to slow down the rate with which they get shorter. You can heal yourself and prevent from diseases with a certain lifestyle changes, however the mindset and your thoughts are very important too. Because your thoughts will lead to emotions and the negative emotions are destroying the sensitive balance in your body, that you call health. This a part of the holistic approach that we have embraced, when the coMra therapy was created, we wanted to help people to be more responsible about their health and try to awaken their hidden, natural abilities to heal and to be full of energy.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Have joyful moments and stay healthy!

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