The liver is a large organ under your ribs responsible for the food digestion and to get rid of all the toxins in the body. It plays a great role in the hormonal balance too while that is the place where the excessive estrogen is removed from the body, for example. In order to keep your liver healthy, you will need to check and change if needed your diet and lifestyle.

1. Choose your food carefully

While the liver is one of the organs participating actively in the digestion process, you need a balanced diet in order to support it. The fiber in the fruits, vegetables and grains is important for digestion and will decrease the load on your liver. Avoid over-eating and high calories meals, too much refined carbohydrates and trans fat (deep-fried foods, margarine, etc.). Be careful when eating raw fish or shellfish, they may contain parasites which will attack the liver or other organs. Keep well-hydrated with pure water as if your body is dehydrated, it will be hard for the toxins to be eliminated from the blood or the lymph. 

2. Maintain a healthy weight

It is quite important to maintain a healthy weight if you want your liver to be healthy as obesity is the main cause of non-alcoholic fatty liver. If the person is overweight, the body is storing fats basically everywhere and if the liver becomes fatty, its functioning is highly compromised which may lead to a vicious circle - the more toxins produced, the more the liver is not able to eliminate them. 

3. Limit your sugar and alcohol intake

Excess alcohol consumption is also a very common cause of liver disease or a fatty liver. Diabetes Type 2 is also linked to liver issues. The main thing is that if there is a greater amount of sugars (alcohol, refined white sugar, sweets, deserts) in your meal, it is not possible to use all of them as fuel, so they are turned into fat and stored in the body for a later need of energy. However, if you eat a lot of sugar or drink too much alcohol on a daily basis, there is no such need for fuel. On the contrary, intermittent fasting or one day water fasting weekly are very beneficial for the health of the liver. 

4. Avoid household and cosmetics toxins

When you are in contact with aggressive chemicals like the ones in the household cleaning products, always wear gloves and avoid inhaling the harmful gases. Be careful with aerosols and sprays. Cosmetics also have a huge impact on the liver, especially in women while they tend to use up to five times more products than men. All the toxins and unknown substances have to pass through the liver in order to be taken out of the body. 

5. Use medications and supplements wisely

Some medications can have negative side effects on the liver, especially if you mix several different types. So, always check the potentially harmful combinations. Taking too many supplements can also be a bit heavy for the liver mainly because of all the additives, substances which are in the capsule or tablet just to fill it in and to make it the right size for swallowing. For example, if you want to take some kind of a mineral and you need only 50mg from it in one capsule, the rest of it is made by these additives. Not to mention what is going on in your liver if you take a handful of medications and supplements, all the unknown and potentially harmful substances have to be eliminated from your body by the liver and the kidneys. Choose less aggressive ways to treat and heal yourself like non-invasive coMra cold laser therapy, massage therapy, meditation, exercising, etc.

6. Exercise regularly and manage your stress levels

When you exercise, walk or practice any kind of training, the blood and the lymph are moving faster in your body, supporting the elimination process. More oxygen means fresh and healthy blood entering your organs and helping the detoxification. On the other hand, when you exercise the glucose in the blood is regulated more effectively. All of that will help your liver and will speed up the cleansing of the body from toxins and metabolic waste materials. Managing stress and emotional imbalances is also a very important part of any healing process. When the liver is suffering, it is a sign of suppressed anger or fear, or any unprocessed stressful situations in your life which are causing emotional crisis on a very deep level.

7. Maintain good personal hygiene 

Since, the liver is the organ which is guarding the body from harmful substances, it is crucial to maintain a very good personal hygiene - always washing your hands thoroughly when needed, never sharing personal items like a toothbrush with another person, not touching dirty surfaces, etc. Using disinfectant on your hands twenty times per day is the other side of the coin as it contains aggressive chemicals which are there to fight the germs but still they are entering your bloodstream through the skin. Maintaining a proper balance in everything is a good strategy for a healthy liver after all.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..


We all live in very interesting times as the situation worldwide is new and uncertain. Borders are closed, people are advised to stay home, countries are in a lock-down, the media is streaming news and numbers all the time. Many people tap into panic and fear but at the same time they want to boost the immune system. However, staying calm and balanced in this stressful situation will have a great impact on your health and immunity. This might mean to do some inner work and to use the tools you have to preserve your mental health in order to be able to support the people around you.

Why Stress Is Dangerous?

Stress is a normal reaction of the body and has its role in survival. When you are in danger, the signals from your brain will start a chain-reaction to engage your muscles in order for you to escape. But chronic stress is a totally different story, the levels of hormones like cortisol and adrenaline are constantly high which will deplete the body from resources. When the nervous system is triggered like that all the time, it actually suppresses the immune system. The body literally lacks the energy to maintain all its functions while the cortisol production is a priority. In other words, if the stressful situations occur too often, the body will soon be affected. Nowadays, we speak more often about emotional stress which has its negative impact on the body as it affects the hormonal balance, the quality of your sleep, the mental health and leads to illnesses like diabetes, autoimmune diseases and heart issues.

How to Use coMra?

In order to manage the stress-response on a physical level, your body needs more energy and well-functioning adrenal glands. On the other hand, if you suffer from an illness or a chronic disease, you may find yourself in distress even more often. To induce the healing process in a non-invasive way is key to better immunity. For this purpose, you can use coMra therapy as its low level laser is specially modulated to work in harmony with a magnetic field and LED diodes. They all work together with the body intelligence to increase its energy resources and to awake its inner healing abilities. There are many coMra protocols designed to heal, support and prevent diseases. Additionally, you can apply coMra as a pain relief, to support the nervous system and to boost your immunity.

What Does Well-Being Mean?

The harmony on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level results in the experience of well-being. When all your parts are working and living together as one, you are healthy. The root of well-being or health, is the coherence of everything that is you and it is more than just the physical body, it is beyond your emotions too. Any disharmony between your parts will create some kind of a response. That is why, it is more obvious than ever, that all diseases are first created on an emotional or mental level, before they manifest as a disease on the physical one.

Monitor Your Thoughts

In order to manage your stress response, you will need to start from the roots - your thoughts. It might not be that easy to become aware of every thinking pattern in your mind overnight, but just start where you are. Try to limit your exposure to the media and monitor your thoughts. It is important to catch what you are thinking as the stress response starts there. If you assume that you are in danger, your body will follow that thought and the whole chain-reaction will start. Any resistance to what is creates suffering, so find a way to shift your perception of the situation. Instead of thinking about the uncertain future, look for opportunities and try to see the good things that will come out of the situation.

Being Detached

If you detect negative thoughts crossing your mind all the time, you still have a choice and can decide not to attach to them. If you react automatically to the worst scenarios projected in your mind, the body will respond with emotions. Even if fear and panic prevail around you, you still can stay detached and not take these on yourself. Recognize your emotions but do not let them drown you into anxiety or despair. The tools you can use is to focus on the present moment, not to worry, to connect with the calmness and to choose your mood. Try to focus on the things that you can experience gratitude about.


The most important connection in your life is the one with your inner being. With this magical and huge being that is you. Try to be fully present, to experience here and now with an open mind and heart. Accept and embrace yourself and welcome the time you have being alone. Dive deep into your feelings and listen to the silent voice of your heart. Go deep into yourself and spend some quality time to do your retrospection. Nourish yourself with things that are good for you and which give you joy and peace like nice books or your hobby. Be creative and get busy with your hands in order to explore and express yourself in your unique way.

Relaxation And Meditation

In order to stay calm and balanced in stressful situations, you need to learn how to relax. Breathe deeply and try to let go, relax the muscles with stretching or lying on the bed without moving while listening to music or natural sounds. You can also try practicing yoga nidra, doing yourself slow massage, lighting some candles and filling a hot bath with essential oils. Relax your body but also relax your mind. Stay in the silence left after you stop the internal narrative, look for the gaps between your thoughts and tap into the silence of your presence. Observe what is going on without judgement. Maybe it will not happen on your first try or as you imagine it but keep going. If the intention is there and you take action on it, then all you need is to make the next step and stay open to learning and growing.

Communication And Support

Although, we are all advised to stay home and to physically isolate ourselves from others, we can do our best to stay connected to people who are important to us. Reach out to your friends and family to offer and accept support. Make the effort to keep the communication with people even if you cannot go out. However, do not gossip and avoid speaking negatively about the situation in order to preserve your energy and to protect the emotional well-being of others. The last thing you want is to feed the fear in the people around you. Although the situation is hard, it can be a great opportunity to work on the communication with your closest family members and the people you live with. In stressful situations, the support of others is very much needed and appreciated.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Can Emotional Stress Cause Chronic Pain?

The Results of Emotional Stress On Your Health

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Meret has been using coMra therapy for many years. As many other coMra users, she found that coMra therapy is not only very safe, but also that coMra is effective for various cases and conditions.She used it for her daughter's herpes, her own thyroid issues and migraines with great results.

All over the news and media, the topic is the same: coronavirus outbreak. While measures like staying at home and keeping physical distance are set outside, the immune system will protect you from the inside. Nowadays more than ever, people are concerned about their immune system and if it will be strong enough to defend them from viruses. It is the ultimate protection against pathogens, bacteria and viruses which are everywhere and we are in contact with them all the time. These health tips will help you strengthen and boost your immune system, supporting its ability to fight off viruses.

Don’t Panic And Manage Stress

First of all, try not to panic and to keep your stress levels low. Stress suppresses T-cells which are developed in the thymus gland and are the main tool of the immune system against triggers coming from the environment. Chronic stress and high levels of cortisol impairs the ability of the immune system to fight viruses and pathogens. It is vital to stay calm and not to tune into fear and worry as then your immunity will be highly compromised. Harmonious music, deep breathing and meditation will help you manage your stress levels and stay healthy and strong. Tapping in your inner joy is a great way to spend your day, so try to laugh as often as possible. Get busy with creating art, painting, dancing or your favourite hobby as a way to manage your stress and to improve your well-being.

Moderate Exercise

Moving your body will tone the muscles and will improve your overall health by eliminating the toxins from your body. Exercising will enhance the work of the lymphatic system and your gut health. As most of the serotonin is produced in the gut, it will have an impact on your emotional state too. Yoga, tai chi, stretching, moderate training, walking in nature are essential to increase the oxygen in your blood and to maintain a strong, healthy body.


How you breathe will affect your emotional and physical condition, especially if you breathe deeply and in a calm manner. When you pay attention to your breath, it will be easier to stay in the moment, to maintain the connection with your physical body and to understand your emotions. Inhale deeply and then pause for a second, then exhale and pause again. Observe how you feel during the process, are there any emotions that you have not noticed before. What are you thinking right now, can you see the gap in your thoughts and stay there in silence, even for a second. Make it a habit to come back to your calm breathing in the moments of stress and despair.

The Power of Sunshine

Going out in the sun will enhance the production of Vitamin D which has a very important and major role in your health. It takes part in many processes and it is known to strengthen the immune system too. On the other hand, being outside and enjoying the sunshine makes you feel good and improves your health in so many ways. The sun is our source of light and warmth, all the life on this planet depends on it and you make no exception. Of course, sunburn is dangerous for your skin, so if the sun is too strong, you need to be outside only in the early morning or late afternoon.

Relationships And Social Support

Your close relationships can be a source of either stress or love and support. Now, when most of the people are staying home, is a great time to improve your relationships with family and friends. The social support and connection with other people affects your health greatly. Although you are physically isolated, there is always a way to reach out to the people who are important for you. Isolation can increase your stress levels and compromise your immune system, so having a social support net is crucial for your well-being.

Doing coMra At Home

Low level lasers are used for healing and prevention as they are effective, painless, non-invasive and gentle to the cell. Therefore, coMra therapy is all that but even more as it combines the power of the laser with magnetic field and LED therapy. The result is a device that is easy to use, reliable and portable. You can apply your coMra protocol at home and is very beneficial for chronic diseases, pain, injuries and prevention. There is a section in coMra therapy designed to boost and strengthen the immune system. We have published a very detailed article on how to use and apply coMra therapy if you want to support the work of your immune system.

Healthy Diet and Supplements

Whatever we say about the importance of a healthy diet rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, will not be enough. Therefore, try to incorporate more fresh fruits, vegetables and healthy fats in your way of eating. Garlic, ginger, turmeric and wheat grass are known to enhance your immunity , to help it fighting the pathogens and to support the elimination of the toxins in your body. Supplements like zinc and magnesium and foods rich in Vitamin C and D will support the immune system even more. Probiotics and fermented foods will improve digestion and will help you maintaining a good gut health too.

Fasting And Detox To Boost Your Immune System

Going for a day or two on a lighter diet like raw vegan, juice or water fasting, is a great way to restart your immune system. There are many triggers in your food like gluten, dairy products and sugar which alarm your immune system and keep it busy fighting the inflammation. When you fast, your digestion will not take so much of the energy resources in your body and it will enhance the detox process. In other words, your immune system will have a break and some additional life energy to search for and destroy the old cells, to repair the tissues and the organs, and to regenerate.

Hydration And Skin Care

Water is a major part of the cells and it is needed for the blood and lymph to move freely through the vessels and the organs. Make sure that you drink enough water and avoid soft drinks. Cold or ice water is not recommended as it will decrease the inner temperature. Go instead for warm or hot water to provide good hydration. On the other hand, the skin is the biggest organ in the human body and is its border to the outside world. That is why it is vital to keep your skin in good condition. Natural base oils like coconut, sesame or olive oil will improve the abilities of your skin to keep the pathogens at distance. You can rub the oils directly on your skin after a warm shower, covering the whole body as a way to create a thin protective layer and to avoid dryness.

Good Quality Sleep

Sleep is something that we all need since the day we were born. This is the time when the immune system is cleansing the body from the toxins. On the other side, the cells heal, reproduce or regenerate. A quality is sleep is needed for the healthy condition of your brain and is vital for your good mental and emotional state. So, try to avoid lacking of sleep and all the habits which might disturb it like sitting for a long time in front of screens, blue light and too much caffeine.

What Do You Need To Avoid

In order to strengthen your immune system, you need to avoid alcohol and smoking as they create metabolic waste material in your cells. Deep fried foods, gluten, processed meat and too much salt are not good for your digestive system and in most cases will cause mild or severe inflammation. Sugar is another inflammatory food that induces insulin spikes, breaks down collagen and stresses the cardiovascular system. Staying away from sweets and junk food is vital if you want to give your immune system a hand. In addition to all of the above, try to limit your exposure to toxins and pollution, especially the household chemicals used for cleaning. Most of them contain substances that are very aggressive and you do not want them entering your body through the skin or by inhaling them. Worrying, depression and anxiety will also compromise your immune system, so find a way to work on your emotions and thoughts to avoid stress.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.


How to boost your immune system and help treating colds, flu and coronavirus (COVID-19)

Boosting Your Immune System During the Winter

coMra Family series: Case 2 – Cold and Flu

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In the times of self-isolation we are bound to review our standard approach to healthcare. We need tools to be self-sufficient with our healthcare needs. CoMra therapy provides such a tool where you can treat yourself in the comfort of your own home and for example prepare your immune system to battle a virus infection.
But also many other uses available.

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Meret has been using coMra therapy for many years. As many other coMra users, she found that coMra therapy is not only very safe, but also that coMra is effective for various cases and conditions.She used it for her daughter's herpes, her own thyroid issues and migraines with great results.

The adrenals are these small glands which regulates your periods of being awake or asleep, they also react to dangers coming from the outside engaging the whole body in the process of escaping or fighting. However, these days more and more people experience constant stress which causes adrenal fatigue with symptoms like constant tiredness and lack of energy, fibromyalgia, emotional breakdowns, hypothyroidism and many more. If your adrenals are not producing enough hormones after periods of intense stress or physical exhaustion, you need to execute some changes in your lifestyle to support them. Also when their rhythm no longer follows the natural cycle, they might produce too much cortisol in the evening and not enough in the morning which will cause insomnia and difficulties waking up.

Combining the following easy daily life steps with coMra therapy will boost the work of the adrenals a bit further and will support the whole endocrine system where everything is connected. As a gentle and non-invasive method, the cold laser can be used to support the healing of various conditions and diseases. Laser therapies like coMra are successfully used when dealing with adrenal fatigue and respectively with other stress related conditions like depression, anxiety and digestive issues.

1. Start your day

Drinking a cup or two with warm water just after your wake up is a good way to activate the organs in your body. This will help them with the elimination of the toxins and waste materials left from the previous day. You can add some lemon or lime juice which will support your stomach with the acid production during the day and is a great vitamin C supply starting in the morning. You can create your own morning routine which calms you down and fill you up with energy. Stretching, breathing exercises, yoga, swimming will activate your body and will boost your mood and emotional state.

2. Your breakfast is important

Your adrenals will thank you if you eat your breakfast in an hour after you get up as this will normalize the levels of the cortisol, the hormone that wakes you up. Of course, consider a combination of foods which is balanced and healthy, include some fruits, good fats and even proteins to soothe your cortisol and insulin levels. Keep the sweet in moderate as you don’t want blood sugar spikes early in the morning. You can eat more carbohydrates at lunch time but reduce the intake of sugar during the day anyway.

3. Coffee is not your friend

If you want to calm down your adrenal glands, consider to replace coffee with green tea or herbal infusion which are good for your gut health too. The stimulants like coffee and cocoa will overwhelm your fatigued glands even more while what you want is to calm them down. So, avoid reaching up to coffee, black tea or sugar and try to keep your energy levels in a dynamic balance. Make sure you rest enough during the day and try not to work for too many hours in a row.

4. Adaptogens

In order to support the work of your organs and systems, you can include some adaptogens in your diet. These herbs have been used for hundreds of years by natural healers as they are adapt to your specific needs supporting the balance of the organism. And on the top of that, some of them taste really good. So, consider adding herbs like ashwagandha, macca, licorice, ginseng and rhodiola to your smoothy or tea which could be beneficial for your adrenal glands.

5. Small intervals

When the adrenal glands are tired and do not produce the appropriate quantity of adrenal hormones, your body has difficulties to organize the energy and could literally run out of it. This is the reason why chronic fatigue is the main symptoms of adrenal dysfunction. The best way to help your body with that, is to eat in small intervals like two -three hours. Make sure that you still eat healthy snacks, just reduce the amount and plan to eat regularly. Do not go too many hours without food and avoid overeating, your adrenals will calm down if your meals are balanced and there are no spikes of blood sugar as well as no sudden drops. The best habit which will soothe the adrenal fatigue symptoms, is to eat often small portions of healthy food.

6. Address your food intolerance

If your body reacts negatively to some foods, the adrenals will be triggered to produce cortisol, your body will experience inflammations and emotionally you might be affected too. This could easy turn into a pattern, so you need to understand which are the foods that you should avoid at all cost. The common allergens are gluten, soya, milk products, eggs and corn. You can try elimination diet to find out if you feel better when you exclude some foods from your diet. On the other hand, food intolerance often lead to leaky gut which will trigger pain and more work for your adrenals. The digestive issues often lead to depression, anxiety and inflammations.

7. Enough protein

You will need to eat enough proteins both plant-based and animal as they will regulate your blood sugar levels and will calm down the adrenal glands. Most of your food should be vegetables and fruits because they contain lots of vitamins and minerals that your body needs. If you have adrenal fatigue, it is very probable that you have some minerals and vitamins deficiencies which could turn into a cause for prolonged adrenal dysfunction. The artificial additives in the processed food and in the vegetables with non-organic origin, could stimulate your adrenals to produce more hormones. So try to eat clean and to follow a balanced diet.

8. More good fat

Although, most of the fats like refined oils, trans fats and deeply fried foods are very harmful for your cells, you need to eat fats. The good ones like virgin oils, avocados, flax seeds, nuts etc. are essential for the work of your organs as they contain fat-soluble vitamins and omega acids. Make sure that you add good fats to your diet as they will help keep the blood sugar levels stable for longer periods. Of course, you need to be careful not to eat too much fat as then the work of your liver might be compromised. If you have problems digesting fat, you might need to apply some coMra therapy on your liver, which will support its work and will heal it.

9. Sleep well

You need to follow a regular daily routine with moderate exercising and at least 7-8 hours of sleep. The best time to go to bed is an hour or two before midnight, do not eat at least three hours before that and stay away from the screens at least one hour before going to bed. All of this is essential to your sleep. Everything that helps you coping with stress in a natural way without the assistance of medications, will soothe the adrenal fatigue. The coMra therapy could be very effective before sleep, you just need to find in the coMra user guide the best treatment for your conditions and apply it half an hour before going to bed. Regular sleep hours will support your adrenals to produce less or more cortisol at the same time every day. Avoiding stimulants is vital for this part too as caffeine affects your sleep.

10. Enjoy life

The burn out is the result of the adrenal fatigue, so you don’t want to let the things slip that much downwards. You need to make sure you do not work too hard for too long time without a rest as this will deplete the adrenals which are trying to stimulate your body to produce more and more energy. Take a walk, go to a massage, attend a yoga class and most of all breathe. Slow and profound breathing, especially if your go through periods of more stress than usual. Avoid putting too much pressure on yourself, try to see the things in life from the brighter sight, laugh more, laughter is a great medicine too. Enjoy life and find your own source of joy.

Adrenal fatigue is a serious condition that may affect other organs and especially the hormonal balance in the body. Due to the high levels of cortisol and adrenaline, the production of progesterone, insulin and other hormones could be postponed. However, if this condition lasts, the lack of certain hormones in the body will affect the overall health. The fatigue occurs when the adrenal glands tend to produce either too much or not enough hormones.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

How to take care of the saggy skin which is getting loose with the years at home? Which are the natural ingredients and methods to help you fight the signs of aging on your face? Which daily routines will keep your skin looking fresh, young and glowing?

The power of oils

The lipid molecules in oils are keeping the skin young and fresh, protecting it from dryness and itchiness. You need to find the best oil for your skin and use it in the evening to provide some nutrition for it during the night. You could try castor oil, almond oil, jojoba oil, macadamia oil, avocado oil, argan oil etc. and see how your skin will feel as they all have minerals, vitamins and lipids which will make skin glow again and tighten up. For even better results, you can add several drops of your essential oil as most of them have anti-aging qualities too.


The skin needs toning as the pores are very sensitive to dirt and the toner like ice water, rose water, lavender water will help you tighten the pores and close them after cleansing or before applying makeup. They are even more important in the summer when the pores could become bigger due to the heat and humidity in the air.

Vitamins and antioxidants

You need to feed your skin from the inside as that is where health starts anyway. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables will provide your body with all the vitamins and antioxidants for a beautiful and young skin. You can add lemon juice to your homemade masks for the outer Vitamin C supply. Capsules of Vitamin A and E which could be found everywhere could also be added to your homemade face masks as they will tighten your skin and will improve its texture and complexion. Drinking green tea will help your cells with detoxifying the waste products and will make your skin glow due to all the antioxidants it contains. Bananas, turmeric and avocado are great ideas to add to your diet or your homemade mask, as they are all beneficial for the health of the skin and will decrease the wrinkles formation. Honey is another great food for the skin and could be used for all skin types to tighten the face and to promote hydration.

Stimulate collagen production

A very easy procedure is the contrast washing with hot and cold water in order to increase the blood circulation in the skin. You can use coMra therapy at 1000Hz to heal skin problems and stimulate the collagen production, apply it by slowly moving the device on the main lines of the face and where the wrinkles are. The combined power of a laser, magnets and light will stimulate the regeneration of the skin tissues in depth. Try also facial massage once a week which will tone your muscles and will help you tighten the saggy skin. There are exercise for the facial muscles which will also improve the condition of the skin and will slow down the formation of wrinkles. Of course, it is important to drink enough pure water in order to hydrate the skin from the inside.

Yogurt, cream, eggs and flour

This is not only a recipe for a cake but adding these products to your homemade facial masks will feed your skin with lots of proteins and lipids. These three foods which could be found in every kitchen will moisturize your skin naturally and will keep its youth and beauty. Just add them to your mask and experiment with the other ingredients. The rice, chickpeas and oat flour are also great for your skin as they provide immediate result lifting the contours of the face. So, you can add them to your mask especially if it is too watery and you need to make it more paste-like which is easier for application.

Aloe vera

This plant has so many qualities which are great for your health and could heal your digestive system together with eliminating scars and wrinkles from your skin. You can drink the juice and apply the gel on the skin to heal wounds, to prevent it from forming wrinkles or to eliminate existing ones. It has very powerful regenerative abilities and you can add it to face mask, on your hair or rub it to the skin of your whole body, it could even heal stretching marks, so you really want to try it out if you want to tighten up your loose skin.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in thecoMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Your body is mostly water and dehydration could be very dangerous and may lead to various conditions like heart diseases, muscles fatigue, headaches, circulation issues etc. We all need to drink a good amount of water in order to keep the body and the brain hydrated so they can function properly and be healthy.

How to understand that we are dehydrated?

There are several symptoms to show you if your body is dehydrated: you feel thirsty and the mouth is dry, you feel very sleepy or tired during the day, the color of the urine is yellowish and of low volume, the skin is getting dry and you might have a headache. You might even feel dizzy, exhausted and disorientated. If you already have these symptoms it means that the body and the brain need more liquids and you need to drink some immediately.

What could be the consequences of the dehydration?

If a constant dehydration is happening in the body, it may cause some small problems or severe effects on the organs and the systems, that’s why is very important not to deny the symptoms. The dehydration may be the reason for low or high blood pressure, increased or irregular heart and respiratory rate and may block the organs from working efficiently. As it leads to not enough oxygen in the muscles, you may feel muscle pains or even cramps. The low levels of electrolytes are interrupting the brain impulses to reach the muscles which may cause disorientation, mental confusion and chronic fatigue.

How to restore the hydration of  the body and the brain?

In order to restore the liquid balance in your organism, you need either to drink sufficient amount of fresh, clean water or to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables in the form of salads, juices, smoothies etc. The best water you could drink is the natural, fresh spring water. As the bottled or tap water is not of high quality, it is a great solution if you filter it or energize it additionally. The water in nature has its own energy and a special molecule structure which gives it the ability to bring life to every living creature on the planet.

How your body will change if it is well hydrated?

If you drink enough water daily, your blood will flow more easily, it will affect positively the blood pressure and will help the work of the heart. Also you might lose the additional weight, to restore your hormonal balance, to help the work of the stomach and the whole digestive system. However, if you already have some health issues, only drinking a lot of water will not be enough for your body to heal. If you have a heart disease, high or low blood pressure, muscle cramps, hormonal imbalance, pains etc., you can use the power of coMra Therapy to heal yourself and restore your health. It is always recommended to approach the healing process from a holistic point of view and to change your diet, daily habits and water intake if you want to see your body thriving with health and energy.

In order to fight the stress caused by our modern life routine, bad quality food and air, we need to take enough water daily. If you want to avoid dehydration, you need to pay more attention to the quantity and the quality of the water that you drink for a strong body and a well-hydrated brain.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in thecoMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

How to treat the unpleasant pain in your throat naturally? Are there ways to get a sore throat relief and prevent from unfolding more serious conditions? What is the emotional pattern behind it? How to stop the inflammation in your throat and not letting it go down to your lungs, to boost your immune system and to get well soon?

If the swallowing is painful or you feel some irritation in your throat, this is a sign that some inflammatory process has started and you need to take care of it before it becomes more serious. The causes are usually cold weather, cold drinks, viruses and low immune system. So, you need to support your immune system in order for it to fight back the infection and prevent from spreading it to other organs.

The emotional pattern behind it is the feeling that you are unable to speak or has no right to express your emotions. So, while you are applying the following ways in order to get better, you can search and observe the situations around you to see when and why, you hold your words to yourself and to find a way to speak them up.


The herbal teas are a good way to start as they will clear your throat, will keep you warm and will give some support to your whole body to deal with the condition. Echinacea and sage are two very powerful herbs  you can make infusions from or use them in a spray to treat the sore throat. They are easy to find, have a very pleasant taste and could help you dealing with the inflammatory process in the body. They both are known to boost the immune system too and to supply some vitamins and minerals you will need. Peppermint, chamomile, oregano are also very beneficial for sore throat and you can mix all of them in your infusion tea.


Using salt water or apple cider vinegar to gargle your throat will eliminate the viruses, the bacteria and any other pollutants in your throat that might cause the irritation. They work better that the solutions in the drug stores and have no side effects. You can do these types of gargling as much as you feel the need for and until you see some improvement.


You may try honey, ginger root and cinnamon to add to your herb tea in order to help your body to heal the inflammatory process. Another way that is very easy to apply and is very effective, is the coMra therapy. The combined power of a gentle laser, magnet field and lights called coMra therapy has shown very good results with various kinds of inflammatory processes in the body. It has no side effects and is totally non-invasive. You can find all the conditions the coMra therapy could help you with, in the coMra user guide  which you can download directly to your mobile phone. The treatment that you need for the sore throat condition, could be found in the Otorhinolaryngology 2 section where all the details about the healing sequence are explained. You can apply the coMra treatment one or two times per day until you see an improvement and for better results it could be combined with other treatments like the Universal ones which will support the whole body in the healing process.

Vitamin C

Most of the fruits are rich in vitamin C and you need to eat a lot of them in order to supply your body with enough amount of it, as during the infection it will use more of it. The citruses are a good source of vitamin C and you can drink lemon or grapefruit water in order to soothe your throat and provide your body with more antioxidants. Generally, you have to drink a good amount of fluids as your throat may get dry easily during this period. Even if you don’t feel pain while swallowing in a day or two, it is better to keep with all of the above for several days more in order to prevent the infection from recurring.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Have joyful moments and stay healthy!

How to heal yourself during the pregnancy period? Most of the medications are not recommended to be used, so are there safe ways to approach the sick days? How to reduce inflammations and pains during this very special period of your life?

The pregnancy is the time when most of the women try to avoid anything that might be harmful for the baby like caffeine, alcohol, nicotine and almost all of the medications. Women are very cautious not to get sick as the pills in the pharmacy are often harmful for the baby and not everyone knows how to approach a severe cold or high temperature with only foods and herbs. However, nature always provides ways to help your body to restore the balance and to heal.


On the other hand, some herbs too are potentially unsafe to be used during pregnancy. For example the blue and black cohosh or the passion flower are to be avoided while you are pregnant. However, herbs like the peppermint and ginger are highly beneficial and could help you fighting the cold symptoms, for example. You can make herb teas to drink in order to get better and to reduce the inflammations.

Essential oils

Essential oils are another alternative way to get better or at least to make the symptoms more bearable. You can use peppermint, frankincense, lavender, ylang ylang, citrus oils etc. in order to deal with inflammations, sore throat, sleep disorders, bloating or any other condition that you experience during your pregnancy. However, be very careful as there are a lot of essential oils that could be dangerous during that period. You need to avoid using oils like dill seeds, oregano, sage, basil, black seed, carrot seeds etc. Most of these essentials oils are to be restricted also during the breastfeeding period.

sick during pregnancy
Safe and non-invasive healing method

The coMra therapy is a non-invasive way to approach many conditions without any side effects as no chemicals are involved in the process. The combined power of a gentle laser, magnets and light is the key to the good results with many diseases and symptoms, it awakens inner ability of your body to heal itself. The coMra Palm is a small device that you put on different points of your body as it is described in the coMra user guide. Although the coMra therapy is very gentle and good for the fetus too, we encourage you to rather treat yourself than the future baby. When you are healthy and strong, the baby will be growing healthy and strong too. Other than that, you can apply the coMra therapy for various conditions and to control the root of any inflammation in the body. The Universal Treatment 3 - Blood is a good way to support your cardiovascular system which is working even harder during the period of pregnancy. You can always contact us if you have any questions on how to use the coMra Palm during this most precious and important period of your life.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Have joyful moments and stay healthy!

The human body needs blood in order to function and if you are healthy or ill, it is shown by your blood as if there is a problem with it, the whole body would suffer. The human blood consists of red and white blood cells, platelets and blood plasma. The red blood cells are produced in the bone marrow and they live about four months before being replaced with new ones. They carry the oxygen around the body and they need a sufficient amount of iron for their normal functioning. The white blood cells are the guardians of the body against viruses, bacteria or inflammations, they clear the blood from anything that is unusual and should not be there. The platelets are used by the body to form blood clots in order to prevent bleeding however if a clot is formed inside the blood vessels, it could be very dangerous.

Bloodstream biomodulation

In the coMra therapy we put an accent on the blood health since the blood is the main tool of the body to maintain communication and nutrition of each cell. So, a holistic approach required the Universal Treatment 3 - Blood to be created in order to support any other coMra treatment course or just to heal the blood and prevent from issues. The goal of it is to irradiate non-invasively the full volume of the circulating blood in order to increase the oxygen–carrying capacity, to improve blood rheology, to enhance the microcirculation, to biomodulate immunity, to regulate the blood pressure, to improve the health of the blood vessels etc.

Treating various diseases

You would find it quite beneficial if you apply it during any kind of an inflammation process that takes place in the body, in the presence of viruses, bacteria, in case of exposure to toxins, etc. As it is very versatile you could use it as a general prevention from diseases and is highly recommended if you have anemia, overall weakness or chronic fatigue. While the blood reaches every cell in the body, this treatment will improve any recovery process that is already underway giving the white blood cells even more energy so they can fight against and deal with the issues. It as well supports any other healing procedures or treatments like massages, physiotherapy, topical applications etc. You can use it as a prevention if you are in a period of your life when you experience more stress than usual.

Stimulation of any regenerative process

The application of the Universal treatment 3 - Blood alone or in combination with other courses, will lead to normalization and stimulation of any regenerative process as well as regulation of the carbohydrate, fat, protein and intracellular bioenergetic metabolism. The red blood cells are supported to become more flexible and to move faster. When the blood moves freely in the body, it is less thick and the blood vessels are stronger, clots and waste sediments are removed from the bloodstream, and the whole body has more energy to deal with the healing of the organs.

The Universal Treatment 3 - Blood is well described in the coMra user guide and all the main points of the bloodstream are about to be treated. It takes only ten minutes as you treat for a minute the both sides of the carotid, subclavian, axillary, anconeal and femoral arteries with the 5Hz frequency. Apply every other day for two weeks then allow two weeks rest and repeat if needed. Please follow the instructions that you will find in the user guide or contact us for any further support.

UserGuide Uni3

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Have joyful moments and stay healthy!

Due to the quality and eating habits of the modern society, a lot of people are suffering from constipation nowadays. Except for the fact that is an uncomfortable condition, it also may lead to serious diseases and might compromise the overall health. Headaches, weight gain, high blood pressure and even cancer are some of the conditions that might follow the constipation. Let us go through some of the causes of it and how to treat them naturally.

Too much sugar

If you eat a lot of sugar and processed foods which contain white flour, corn syrup or other fast carbohydrates that will be turned into sugar, you may experience high blood pressure, brain fog, high blood sugar, chronic fatigue, hormonal imbalance, minerals insufficiency and among all these unpleasant conditions, constipation too. The sugar from the food also is feeding the bad bacteria in your intestines which may lead to yeast infection and overall toxification as these bacteria are emitting toxins in your blood. The digestion process is compromised directly and the nutrients from the food are not absorbed properly by the body. This would lead to weight gain and malnutrition of the cells. So try to avoid sugar in all its form and replace it will an intake of fruits.


The body needs water in order to function properly as water takes part in almost each process in the cells and the organs. The normal digestion process also depends on water as the food is turned into fluid that is moving through the intestines and the colon. If you don’t drink enough water, don’t eat enough watery fruits or salads, by the time the food reaches the colon, it is too dry to move freely through it. The walls of the colon then are slowly covered in waste products which may lead to various diseases and not sufficient absorption of the nutrients. Make sure you drink enough water daily to easen the digestion and to prevent from constipation.

Bad peristaltics

If you take laxatives to fight the bad peristaltics and to increase the bowel movement, your body will at one point get dependent on them and the bowel movement will get even slower. You need to increase the movement of the food inside your body naturally by exercising, drinking enough water and get on a healthy diet. Some foods like flax seeds, chia seeds, oat nuts, prunes and apricots will help you healing the causes of the constipation without the fast and easy effect of the laxatives. Try to avoid medications when you are healing from constipation and try get to the roots of this condition. You can strengthen your digestive system and heal the intestines and the colon with an innovative coMra therapy. In the Gastroenterology section of the coMra user guide, you will find the various treatment courses that will help you heal, recover and prevent from digestive issues. The coMra Palm device is very easy to use, gentle to the body and very effective without any side effects but only benefits for you.

Diet poor in fiber

You need to get enough fiber with your food in order to ease the digestions process and the movement of the food through the organs of the digestive system. Try to eat more vegetables, grains and other whole natural foods in order to provide the needed fiber. You can add raspberries, blueberries, beans and lentils, pears and apples etc. to your diet in order to get enough fiber that will ease and support your digestion.

Manage your stress

The high levels of stress means that the body is producing too much cortisol and this may affect many aspects of your health. The stomach and the whole digestive system could react very quickly to the emotional stress, so you need to find a way to manage your response to any kind of a stressful situation. Some activities may help you reduce the cortisol levels, however this varies from a person to another, some like to do yoga while others prefer walking in the nature. The coMra therapy is providing a very good way to treat emotional and mental stress. You could  find the Universal treatments from the user guide very helpful and easy to apply in order to control or prevent from experiencing high levels of stress. You can combine the Universal treatments with any other treatment course in order to heal constipation or other issues.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

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