The human body is a perfect system which has its own intelligence and ways to maintain its inner balance. However, the quality of food, water, activities, emotions etc. affect this system and very often cause disturbance. The body has it way to communicate with the mind when there is something wrong in an organ or a system - through pain. Whenever there is a condition, an inflammatory process or even a harmful emotion, pain will occur. If the pain is a message that is vital for the overall health, then how do you handle it and respond to it is crucial. Do you want to listen to and support your body or you prefer to shut down the signals when something is not right?

Is there a choice?

When we talk about pain, how do you think is there a choice in the way of treating it? Probably, most of the people will reach out to strong pills which promise to soothe the pain immediately. What they actually do, is to block the signals coming from the place of pain. However, the moment their impact on the nerves is over, the pain is back and is even more severe than before. Although, there are cases of emergency when you really need to shut down the body for a while to make a surgery, for example, it is a harmful habit. The aggressive chemicals in pills make the signals of pain disappear for a while but the cause of the problem is still there. In fact, the cause for the problem is most probably getting worse if we speak about chronic conditions and diseases. So, is there a choice? Yes, there is. You can use coMra therapy as a pain relief but there is more to that.

More than a cold laser therapy

Cold laser therapies are getting more and more popular as they are effective and give you a choice over the harmful pharmaceuticals used as painkillers by millions. Although, coMra therapy uses a low level laser, it offers even more. The laser is precisely modulated in order to cover and support your specific needs for healing. You can choose from several options of frequencies depending on what do you want to treat. But there is more to that. In coMra therapy, magnets and LEDs are used to enhance the power of the laser. All the components work coherently to provide the healing effect for the cells. The additional energy is used by the cells then to heal the inflammation or injury. If there is not any urgent need or condition, the cells will use the energy from the coMra device for regeneration and rejuvenation.

coMra for pain relief

So, what about pain relief then? You can use coMra therapy as a pain relief without any negative side effects for your health. The device can be placed on the stomach, your wrist, the heart, the neck or any other point of the body where you feel pain. While coMra will provide pain relief at the moment, it supports also the healing of the damaged organ. In a gentle and non-invasive way, coMra therapy induces the recovery of the affected cells. In fact, it awakens the natural healing abilities of your body without interfering in a negative way. The coMra treatment protocols can be used on everyone including your beloved pet. Apart from them, you can treat the painful area of the body as 5Hz is used for inner organs and 1000Hz is used when treating the skin.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.


READ: Why coMra is a Different Cold Laser Therapy

READ: Health Benefits of Laser Therapy

The low intensity laser therapy like coMra can be used for healing, regeneration and pain relief. It reduces inflammation in the body and enhances its natural functions and abilities to heal. It is also known as cold laser therapy or photobiomodulation while the lasers are of such low intensity which does not produce any heating effect. On the other hand, the cold laser therapy is very effective because it increases the energy levels in the cells by providing photons which are caught in the mitochondria and turned into energy. You can treat various conditions like diabetes, skin issues, heart disease, anemia, digestive problems and many more.

Safe and non-invasive

The cold laser therapy is totally safe as no heating effect is produced by the devices. There will be no burning or damaging and in general, there are no negative side effects. The treatment is absolutely painless, non-invasive and easily applied. You eliminate the need to take drugs or medications which disturb the chemical balance in the body. It is suitable to be applied at home following the pre-designed treatment protocols for the different conditions. These protocols for the coMra therapy could be found in the coMra user Guide. The cold laser therapy provides a chance for healing to people who do not respond well to other methods or therapies, often even makes the surgery interventions unnecessary.

Highly effective

Low level laser therapy like coMra reduces inflammation and accelerates the regeneration of the tissues while promoting cell repair. Can be used as a pain relief, to restore the physical function of the body and the normal range of motion. It improves the vascular activities by stimulating the formation of new capillaries in damaged tissues. This speeds up the closing of wounds and the healing process in the organs. Cold laser therapy could be used to increase the metabolic activity while treating digestive issues. The results are often immediate as thousands of studies show and it has a very high efficacy rate, almost ninety percent.

Pain relief

If you decide to use alternatives to analgesics, you will find that cold laser therapy can provide a totally safe and quick pain relief. That is the reason why it is often applied in cases of sport injuries, acute pain or chronic conditions. It minimizes the time for recovery and is a great option especially for people who used addictive and aggressive corticosteroids for a long time. The low level lasers could be your chance for a drug-free pain relief and it has shown no adverse side effects. It completely eliminates pain together with the need to use harmful pharmaceuticals which could ease a symptom but destroy the fine balance in the body.

Applying low level laser therapy like coMra is easy as you only need to choose the wavelength and the time of treatment. Then place the device on the targeted area and let the cells in the body tissue to absorb the light coming from the laser. The damaged cells will use it to produce energy which could be utilized for repair, regeneration and healing.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Your body is a well balanced system where each organ and cell have their role in sustaining health. They all work in perfect harmony to keep the coherence and well-being of the whole. Every minute hundreds of reactions and processes occur in order to maintain the balance and life itself. Your body has its own intelligence which looks after the healthy condition of every little cell. But there are factors which can interfere with the body intelligence like the environment, the mind, emotions, some substances etc. When the coherence is destroyed, a disease happens as a result. However, if you give your body the needed information and energy, its own intelligence will do the rest to maintain health.

What do the symptoms mean?

Your body has its own way to show you that the coherence is destroyed and it needs some help to restore it. Symptoms and body signs are the messages your body is trying to send you. A change is needed, something has to be done for the body to have more energy in order to start the healing. With more resources and energy, the body intelligence will manage the process. But if it is depleted of energy from years of keeping up with unhealthy lifestyle, negative emotions and hurtful thoughts, healing could be hard. So, when you feel pain, you need to get the message rather than taking a pill to silence the messenger. If you neglect the symptoms, your body will suffer and the messages will get louder.

How coMra therapy supports health ?

What will happen if instead of using aggressive chemicals and medication to try to manage the processes in your body, you just support its own intelligence? There is a way to do this now and it is called coMra therapy. From the low level laser combined with colorful light diodes and magnets, your body will receive the needed information and energy to induce the healing process on its own. With only several treatments, the body intelligence will be awaken again into sustaining the inner balance. This approach gives your organs a mild but powerful support in order to restore their healthy condition. As you can see in the coMra user guide, there are different treatments and they all focus on one or more of the major organs. When the coherence in the work between the organs and the system is restored, you will experience health and well-being. And you will observe the results not only on the physical but also on the mental and emotional level.

Non-invasive approach

The key thing about coMra therapy, is that it is a non-invasive method used for both healing and prevention. There are no negative side effects as it only supports the body intelligence into repairing the damaged tissues and cells. And the body knows how to heal itself while balance and health are its main goals in the process of sustaining life. You do not interfere in its chemical reactions with substances like medications, which fix one thing just to destroy another. With coMra therapy you will support the whole system in a very gentle way. Providing the needed energy for your body to heal, you start a process that is beyond the physical level.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

All the time we use the word “health” but what does it really mean to be a healthy person? Do you have a reference of what does it mean to you? Can you remember the last time when you knew for sure how it feels when you are healthy? We all can recognize with ease the pain, the disturbance, the fatigue, the disease but can you easily notice when you are healthy? You need to be clear what does health mean if that is your intention, especially if you need to heal and to restore your healthy state.

The perception of well-being

In order to understand deeply what does health mean, we need to dive into the concept of well-being. You need a reference of what does well-being and health mean to you. And when you find that reference to look closely at it and ask yourself if there is an option for more. Because, in life, there is always an opportunity for more well-being and for more good things to come in your way. However, it is your perception that leads everything after it - your thoughts, your emotions, your physical health… Your beliefs, your automatic reactions, your inner dialogue will alter your perception. So, the question again is the same - what does health mean to you?


When all your aspects of being like emotional, mental, physical and spiritual are in sync, then your are healthy. In coMra therapy, we call this state of inner harmony with your inner being - coherence. Your body is a well-organized system made of numerous smaller parts which work together. Each small cell is in coherence with the whole body when you are healthy. The dis-ease is a condition that occurs when some cells or organs are out of sync. They are now not a part of that mutual coherence which organizes the processes in the body. There is an intelligence in your body that regulates everything that happens in that closed system. And this intelligence is connected with the powerful force that we call Life.

coMra therapy

When you work with body intelligence and not against it, health is the result. If you are able to hear the needs of your body and your cells, you will know how to support them. So, what does sit between your body and the state of health? Everything that affects the body can alter its overall health - your thoughts, your emotions, your food, your lifestyle, your perception and beliefs, different chemicals and the environment around you. With coMra therapy, your cells receive the needed information, energy and environment for their healing. In that way, coMra is a way for awakening and supporting the intelligence of the body. It helps with creating back the coherence and the cells are now aligned to work with the whole system. That is the reason why coMra therapy is so effective in various cases - from acute pain to chronic diseases. It gently helps the body to restore and maintain the inner coherence and the result is a healthy and energetic state.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Why in the same circumstances some people get ill and others are absolutely fine? Like when there is a flu epidemic each winter and so many people get sick at the same time. The popular answer is that some people have a stronger immune system but what is the cause for this? Have you noticed how your body feels when you are angry or sad, or depressed? All the body signs, symptoms and diseases are the way your body is sending you a message. And you need to pay attention in order to get it right.

Negative emotions

The emotions are a product of your perception and they affect your body in many ways. For example, you have too many tasks at work, what your perception of that situation will be? Do you find it stressful, overwhelming or stimulating? What emotions will take over if you are in such a situation? What will be your thoughts going each morning to work? Your perception will turn into emotions which can make you sick or motivated, energized or exhausted. Negative emotions are the root cause of the diseases and the serious health conditions but it takes time to manifest as such.

Your body never lies

If you feel depressed day after day, soon you will find physical symptoms in your body. The negative emotional state can affect different organs depending on the thoughts you think regularly. You may have not even noticed the thinking pattern that makes you ill. For example, you have such repeating thoughts every day that makes you feel guilty. Guilt is a very destroying emotion, it can affect your heart, digestive system, cardiovascular system or can cause autoimmune diseases. All of these are the result of how you feel daily. Your body is sending you a message that there is a thought pattern which is hurting you again and again.

Support your body with coMra

The coMra therapy is a very gentle way to induce the healing in your cells awakening them and helping them to align with your intention for health. With the information and energy that coMra will provide to your cells, they will start the recovery process. However, coMra therapy is a holistic approach to health and it will support your health as a whole. As your body is starting to have more energy and the healing process begins, you need to look at how the disease appeared in the first place. What is the message that this condition is bringing to you? If there is a negative thought that is hurting you, have you noticed it and it is really true? Can you work with your negative patterns in order to eliminate the root of the disease? If you decide to choose a life-supporting method as coMra therapy, you actually support the coherence between your body, emotions and thoughts. But even more important is that you will be taken on a journey to heal yourself on a deeper level.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Do you believe that Life is a powerful force and nothing happens as a coincidence? According to you - does Life support your healing or it works against it and makes you ill? Can you think of a proof to your beliefs? Here is the topic of the article today - the first principle is that Life is a regenerative process. How embracing that will change your journey through life? How can you relate this to the process of healing used in coMra therapy?

Life is Regenerative process

This is one of the principles of Life and it works with every living creature on the planet - animals, plants, insects and people. Perhaps, many people have forgotten this fundamental truth. If you do not trust the power of life, if you don’t see life as your biggest support, think again. When you cut your finger, what can you observe? In several days the wound is closed and in most of the cases, there is not even a scar left. Your body has regenerated itself and you cannot even control this process. But what about more serious conditions like diabetes or autoimmune diseases? Do you believe that regeneration is possible in such cases too?

Your Mind is the Obstacle

The body is a very complex system where all the organs are working together. But your thoughts lead to emotions and they influence the body directly. Maybe you don’t see if it happens one time but a repetition of a certain thinking pattern will eventually manifest in your body either as health or as a disease. If the regeneration is not happening, then something stands in its way. And that is the mind, the thoughts, your beliefs and all the things that you tell yourself day after day.

coMra Therapy Works in Harmony with Life

If you support this powerful force presented in every living being called Life, healing is possible and simple. But if you have been living in resistance and denial for a long time, your body will need some help. Using coMra therapy is a a very gentle way to support your body into remembering what it feels like to be in harmony with life. Not that it has forgotten but because it spends too much energy trying to recover from the negative emotions which affects the hormonal balance and the organs. coMra therapy will awaken the inner healing abilities of your cells providing the needed energy, information and mechanical support needed for the recovery.

What do you choose?

Your choices will show in your way of thinking, talking and acting. Are all of these in harmony? Is there any distortion between your beliefs and your actions? If you choose to support your body knowing that it has the ability to heal from any known disease, do you act on this belief? coMra therapy is a method of healing that is life-supportive. It does not go against what is natural for your body, not trying to manipulate it or harm it in any way. coMra therapy supports the Healer Within with its low level laser working in coherence with the magnets and the light diodes. This creates an environment for your cells to start working normal again, to align with the intention of a healthy body full of energy. And this is another principle of Life - The Intent of a Person defines the quality of Life.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Why the low power laser devices for pain relief and healing are getting more and more popular? Can you use them at home and how to know what do you need to do in order to get the better results? Are they effective and why they are much better than the traditional medicine which use chemicals in order to soothe the symptoms?

coMra therapy

The information in this article is about the coMra devices which more than ten years are used successfully by many people worldwide. The Delta and Pro Series and the coMra Palm are both portable and non-invasive devices which combine the power of a low power laser, magnets and light diodes in order to support the body in the healing process. You can apply the coMra therapy as a pain relief while the laser will also heal the cause of the problem. With this therapy, you not only soothe the symptoms but you actually heal, regenerate and rejuvenate your cells, organs and systems. The treatments are very well described in the coMra user guide, so that everyone to be able to use and apply the therapy at home. The low laser has shown wonderful results with so many conditions like diabetes, heart disease, anemia, migraines, injuries and almost any other that you can think of.

Safe and Gentle

The main advance about the low power laser devices for pain relief and healing, is that they are totally safe. You can apply coMra therapy on each person or animal without any negative side effects. It is suitable for children, pregnant women and old people too. The coMra therapy is a gentle, non-invasive and safe method to awaken your cells inner healing abilities and to restore your healthy condition. You can experiment with the time and the position of the devices on the body in order to get the better results for yourself. The treatments courses are flexible and easy to follow. The procedures are pleasant, you will not feel anything special as the laser waves are communicating very softly with your cells. The different frequencies are used for deep, medium and surface treatment as all of the instructions could be found in the coMra user guide. You just need to be careful not to point the laser directly to your eyes, anything else is completely safe.

Portable and Easy to Use

The coMra Palm was designed to be used everywhere as it is small, light and totally portable. With only three buttons, the coMra treatment is a very easy to follow procedure which everyone can do. You do not need to have any special education in order to use the low power laser devices for pain relief, healing or body conditioning. You can apply the therapy at your home, office, gym or any other place that you need in order not to miss any part of your treatment course. If you feel any pain in the body, just place the coMra Palm on the point and leave it there for several minutes, repeat it two or three times per day until you can feel some improvement. If you have a disease, illness or any medical condition, just check the coMra user guide and use the search engine or go through the treatments sections to find the one that you need.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

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