The bacteria living in the gut play a very crucial role in our overall health. All these beneficial bacteria are known to boost the immune system, help the digestive system, and are important for our hormonal balance and the health of the brain. This complex ecosystem of bacteria living in our gut is called microbiome and there is always a changing balance between “good” and “bad” bacteria which is easily affected by lifestyle, diet and emotions. In the gut there are lots of nerve cells and that is why it is often referred to as the gut brain. The gut brain is directly affected by the microbiome, that is why health issues in the gut will change your mood and can even result in depression or anxiety. How to improve the gut microbiome?

1. Reduce Stress

Actually, you cannot reduce the stress coming your way, you can only alter your response to it, you can change your perception of the situation and as a result experience less stress. The health of the gut is easily distyrbed by negative emotions or an emotional breakdown, you may have heard of a “nervous stomach” of a “nervous belly”. Many people actually experience a lot of digestive issues due to high levels of stress. At the end of the day, the decision on how to respond to a situation is yours, check your priorities and see if you can alter the way you are used to reacting to stressful situations in your daily life. Find ways to support your nervous system by pleasant activities, massages, mediation, yoga, cold laser therapy and supplements.

2. Less Sugar, Sweets and Sweeteners

The bacteria in the gut is feeding on something, so the bad bacteria is actually feeding on sugar, sweet foods and even sweeteners. In order to support your microbiome, you will need to limit the consumption of refined sugar and simple carbohydrates like white flour, white rice, pasta, etc. Some people think that they need to limit the consumption of sweet fruits but if you eat them in moderate amounts, they are actually beneficial for gut health as they are full of enzymes, vitamins and minerals. Always prefer to eat the whole fruit instead of a fresh fruit juice, as the sugar in the juice is released in the bloodstream much faster.

3. Take probiotics, prebiotics and fermented foods

Probiotics can reduce inflammation, can improve the fine balance of good and bad bacteria in your gut by bringing more of the good types in. You can take them in the form of supplements or choose the natural source - fermented foods. Fermented foods like kimchi, kefir, sauerkraut, etc. are delicious and very beneficial for your microbiome, so try to include them in your diet. Also, some foods like asparagus, banana, artichoke and more, are a good source of indigestible fiber which is the food for the good bacteria in your gut. 

4. Exercise regularly 

Active lifestyle will improve your overall health in many ways as when you move, walk or exercise, more oxygen is entering your body, the circulatory and lymph system are stimulated and detoxifying processes are initiated. When you train your muscles, you develop strength and the digestion is improved. Regular activity increases the variety of bacteria species in your gut, improving the immune response to illness and inflammation. It will also help with maintaining a healthy weight and losing the excess weight, making it a good prevention of obesity. 

5. Support the gut health with cold lasers

Nowadays, more and more people experience the benefits from cold laser therapy which can be very beneficial in treating a wide variety of health conditions. Cold lasers can be used as prevention and to support the work of different organs and systems in the body. The coMra therapy is an advanced technology combining a cold laser with magnets and light diodes, specially modulated in order to induce the healing processes in every cell and organ. You can apply coMra as a prevention in order to support the gut or as a healing method when you have a health condition. 

It is a very gentle way to help your own body and awakening its natural abilities to heal itself. For the gut, you will need to place the coMra device on your gut, on different points for several minutes at 5Hz, 2-3 times per week in order to boost the good bacteria and to improve the digestive system. For more specific treatment protocols, you can refer to the coMra User Guide and find the most suitable program for yourself. All the protocols can be combined in order to achieve the best result in your case. Universal treatment protocols are also very versatile and effective for all kinds of conditions or when used as a prevention program.

6. Get enough sleep

Hormonal imbalances, stressful lifestyle, health conditions, anxiety or emotional stress can affect the quality of your sleep. Sleep deprivation is actually putting a lot of pressure in your mind and body, it will affect the gut microbiome too. Irregular sleep habits and sleep disorders will negatively affect the gut flora in your body and can cause inflammation. Setting up a sleeping routine is very helpful when you want to improve your sleep - limiting screen time before going to bed, listening to calm music, taking a shower, reading a book, etc. You can find the best evening routine for your personality. In order to calm down the nervous system, you can drink herbal teas and apply a short cold laser treatment protocol. In the coMra User Guide, Universal treatment protocol 5 is very suitable to be applied in the evening, before going to be. This will improve the quality of your sleep and will support gut health. 

7. Avoid taking antibiotics

Medication, food additives and most of all antibiotics will negatively affect your gut. Antibiotics will literally erase all the bacteria in your gut, both the bad and the good. That is the reason why antibiotics are prescribed together with probiotics in order to soothe that effect on the gut. However, the best strategy is to avoid taking antibiotics unless it is absolutely needed. Once the gut microbiome is distubed, it will take months to return its natural balance. With age, the time to restore the gut balance will increase, so try to cut the intake of antibiotics, aggressive medications and processed food with lots of additives and preservatives. 

8. Avoid toxins and aggressive chemicals 

When we use household cleaning products, we have to be aware that these chemicals are very aggressive and can affect the gut microbiome and the hormonal balance in the body. The less of these products we use, the better. Try to avoid inhaling cleaning products or disinfectants very often as they can easily enter your bloodstream through the lungs causing known and unknown effects on your health, use them rarely and exchange them for more natural options. Cosmetics is another way for all kinds of substances to enter your body. Some ingredients are known to be endocrine disruptors and might be potentially harmful for the gut microbiome too. Always choose, if possible, natural or organic skin care with minimum ingredients.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..

The guardian of your health is your immune system. At any moment, it works hard to protect the body from all the bacteria and viruses that could easily enter the organism. The environment is often polluted with harmful chemicals, viruses or dust particles which can cause many unpleasant diseases. In general, if your immune system is strong then you should be healthy and full of energy. So, which is the best way to support the immune system? On one hand, you can turn to nature and use some herbs and supplements to boost its work. Another option is to use coMra therapy - to provide some additional energy to your body which could be used for healing or regeneration.

Treat inflammation and pain

If there is an inflammatory process in your body, your immune system is alarmed and is already working on the problem. The organs are affected in many ways by viruses, toxins and even as a result of your emotions. If an inflammatory process occurs over and over again then it means your immune system cannot solve the problem. In most cases, the trigger for the inflammation is still there like some foods, gluten, sugar, lactose or stress. High temperature and even pain are signs coming from your immune system which is on fire. With coMra therapy, you treat the inflammation without disturbing the work of the immune system with aggressive chemicals. The light coming from the low level laser supports the work of the immune system and the organ itself. In a very gentle but powerful way, it assists the cells into their own process of healing. You can treat acute pain or the inflamed areas directly without any negative side effects. If you want to treat an organ, use 5 Hz and if it is on the skin surface, use 1000Hz frequency. More details on how to apply coMra therapy could be found in the coMra User Guide.

Improve your digestion

In order to maintain a healthy weight which is crucial for your health, you need your digestive system to work properly. With age, the levels of the enzymes decrease dramatically and it is getting harder to digest the food. The other reason for poor digestion is the change in the microbiome or the bacteria living in your intestines. Some foods like sugar feed the “bad” bacteria in your body and at one moment the healthy balance is disturbed. Treating your abdominal area with a coMra Palm as a prevention is a very beneficial way to restore the good proportion of good and bad bacteria in your gut. You can find some treatment courses for the digestive system in the Gastroenterology section of the coMra User Guide. However, you can combine the treatments to create your own way to support the body.

How to apply coMra Therapy at home?

The device called coMra Palm is small, portable and easy to operate with it. Doing the daily treatments will actually heal your body without any negative side effects. You can also successfully address the reasons for the nerve damage like insulin resistance, high blood pressure etc. The coMra therapy is very gentle to your body but at the same time it is powerful enough to awaken the inner healing abilities of your cells and to support them to become strong and healthy again.

Manage stress and sleep

It is well known that stress can weaken your immune system very fast. People tend to get the flu virus if they are going through stressful periods more often compared to times when they feel calm. The high levels of cortisol released in the body as a result of stressful situation of perception are taking too much of the energy resource. This starts a chain reaction affecting the blood sugar levels, the cardiovascular system and could harm the major organs. Sleep deprivation could occur as a result of stress but could cause even more stress in your body. The Universal Treatments 5 and 7 could be very beneficial for your nervous system and will improve your sleep and adrenal health.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

READ: Boosting Your Immune System During the Winter

READ: How Your “Second brain” Is Linked to Your Health


Although constipation is not a disease, this condition creates great discomfort and could become a cause for more serious health issues. Your body needs to eliminate the waste substances from the digestion and other processes daily. If this does not happen regularly, all the toxins will return in the bloodstream and will start circulating in the body again. If you cannot get rid of the toxins, they will affect the major organs like liver, spleen, kidneys. However, the intestines and colon will suffer the most as all these waste materials build up a thick layer on their inner walls.

Causes of constipation

If you suffer from digestive problems, one of the symptoms could be mild or severe constipation. It shows issues with the work of colon and weakness of your abdominal muscles. The causes may vary from changing your diet like including more dry foods, not drinking enough water, not consuming enough fibre or eating too much dairy products. During pregnancy, constipation is also very common. However, it could be a result of irritable bowel movement, thyroid disease too much stress or even colon cancer. Some medications or the overuse of laxatives can cause constipation too.

Applying coMra therapy

While coMra therapy is a very gentle and effective method to heal various conditions, it could be very beneficial in case of constipation. It is a great way to stop taking laxatives and to support your body into restoring its normal functioning. In the coMra User Guide you will find a list of many conditions which could be healed with coMra therapy. The treatment course that you need in your case is in the Gastroenterology 6 section. You will see all the points that you need to place the device on, together with the frequency and the time. The low laser therapy is a very effective way to treat chronic conditions, various diseases or to apply it as a prevention. You can support your body with the coMra Universal Treatments targeting your weak organs or systems. With coMra therapy, you will awaken the inner healing abilities of your body without any invasive or aggressive chemicals or procedures.

What else you can do

If you combine coMra therapy with some diet changes, more exercising and drinking more water, the results will be even better. You need to consume fiber rich foods to help the work of the intestines and the colon. Water is very important for thousands of processes in your body and will ease the movement of the food through the digestive system. You need to manage your stress in order to improve the digestion with walking in nature, yoga, swimming, listening to music or you can try coMra Universal Treatments 5 and 7 which support the nervous system. Start using more natural remedies for your condition to avoid laxatives addiction. Exercise regularly and enjoy life, the emotional balance is very important for your overall health.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Digestion is the foundation of physical health. It is not only important what we eat but also how the body can digest and absorb all the nutrients from food. Without good digestion, the human body cannot work properly. Sooner or later, all of the major organs will be affected if the food particles are not digested or eliminated. The diet and the quality of the food may cause digestive issues like stomach pain, bloating, constipation, leaky gut syndrome etc. However, your emotional state also affects the digestive system as stress and negative emotions may cause inflammation in the colon, pancreas, intestines etc. So, the overall health affects digestion and digestion is a foundation for the overall health. You need to restore the coherence and the inner balance in the body so that all the organs to work in harmony.

coMra Therapy

A very gentle and simple method of healing can help you with your digestive and emotional issues. It does not include the usage of any aggressive medications, it is totally non-invasive and supportive. With the harmonious work of the laser, the magnets and the colorful lights, you cells will receive the needed energy and information to start the healing process. With coMra therapy your body will begin to restore its inner coherence. You can use coMra therapy both as a healing method and as a prevention. In the coMra user guide, you will find many conditions and diseases that can be successfully treated with coMra therapy. In fact, when you get familiar with the treatment courses, you can create your own personal one in order to cover your needs. Which treatments to use for digestive issues and diseases?


When you download the coMra user guide from the website, you will see the list of the treatments and the conditions. In the Gastroenterology section, you will find 11 different treatment courses for diseases like hepatitis, colitis, constipation, irritable bowel movement etc. If you feel pain in any part of the abdominal area, you can place the coMra device on that place for several minutes with 5 Hz frequency. After that you can start the treatment course from the user guide. If you are not sure which treatment you need and you just want to support the digestive system, you can apply the Gastroenterology 6 treatment for two weeks. It will support the main organs in the abdominal area and will induce a healing process.

coMra Universal Treatments

As it was mentioned above, the coherence of the body is very important for the healthy state of all its organs, systems and cells. While, coMra therapy is a holistic approach to health, you need to support your other organs too. The  Universal treatments from the coMra user guide are great to be used as prevention and as a way to boost a bit the whole body. The core of the coMra Universal treatments is Universal Treatment 3 - Blood. When you support the work of the circulatory system, the whole body will benefit. All the nutrients and oxygen are transported by the blood so they can reach each cell in your body. Applying Universal Treatment 3 - Blood several times per week will strengthen the blood vessels, will increase the number of red blood cells and will improve the circulation.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

If you have pale skin and low blood pressure, you feel tired very often and experience shortness of breath and rapid heart rate, if your feet and hands are often cold and you feel your muscles weak, then there is a chance that you have anemia. This is the condition of the blood when the red blood cells are suffering and do not distribute enough oxygen to the tissues. The causes for this condition might vary from losing a lot of blood during menstruation, to poor diet, leaky gut or chronic diseases. So, let us look at the ways to support your body and heal anemia naturally.

Improve digestion

The low stomach acid, the leaky cut problems and infections of the intestines or the colon, may lead to poor absorption of the nutrients and especially of the iron and the folate from the food. You could try drinking apple cider vinegar and lemon water to normalize the stomach acid. Healing leaky gut and the digestive system naturally has many benefits for your health like losing weight, having more energy and producing more “happy” hormones to fight depression and anxiety.

Fermented Foods and Anti-Inflammatory Diet

The good bacteria in the gut is important for the immune system as without them, all kinds of viruses and bacteria could harm the whole body. Fermented foods provide the prebiotics and probiotics needed especially if you have inflammatory processes and infections going on in the gastrointestinal tract. You need to avoid sugar as it feeds the “bad” bacteria and causes bloating, high blood sugar levels, hormonal imbalance and weight gain. You body would produce more red blood cells if it doesn’t have to lose all its energy to fight various inflammations throughout the organs. Some people are very reactive to dairy products or gluten which could cause allergies and food intolerance, so if you are like this, restricting them from your diet will improve a lot your gut health. Always choose good fats like coconut and olive oil, avocado and grass-fed butter instead of saturated or trans fast which will cause pain and swelling in the tissues.

Food Sources of Iron and Folate

When your digestive system is healthy and could absorb all the needed nutrients and minerals from the food, you have to make sure that you eat enough foods that provide iron and folate for healthy blood. Good sources of iron are grass fed meat, nuts like cashews, almonds, hazelnuts and pumpkin seeds. Make sure that you also have enough organic eggs in your diet, green leaves vegetables, lentils, quinoa and dark chocolate as both iron and folate sources. For more folate supply you will need to eat broccoli, brussel sprouts, avocados, spinach, cabbage etc.

coMra Universal Treatment 3 - Blood

As the blood reaches every cell in your body, its health is vital for the whole organism. By applying coMra therapy on your own, you could support your body into awakening its hidden healing abilities. The coMra Universal Treatment 3 - Blood is designed especially to give your red and white blood cells the additional energy they need in order to move more fluidly through the blood vessels, bringing oxygen to every organ. All the details of the treatment are in the coMra user guide as it could be combined with other treatments for better results. Moderate exercising is also recommended in cases like anemia as it is good for the blood circulation and the cardiovascular system.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Which are the thoughts that will affect your digestion system and will create pains and inflammation? How the emotional patterns you are passing through will be shown by the problems with digestion? Each disease and condition has its roots in our mind, in the way we think and the beliefs that we have accepted to be true. What is the mindset that is causing the constipation, colitis and any other digestion disorder?

We call forth disease, or more precisely, dis-ease, when a lack of knowledge throws an area in our lives out of balance. The result of this imbalance first manifests within us as a dis-ease at a psychological level, but unless this is remedied, it will eventually also manifest as a physical disease.

“Health and Holism in the 21st Century” by Théun Mares

Through a constant lack of joy and the feeling of not being good enough, the anemia is formed on the level of the mind. People who suffer from it often feel that they don’t deserve to be alive, they don’t deserve Life itself. As if they try to live less, to take less, to spend less and less resources. There is an attitude of a victim of the conditions in which they live, they don’t like their family or any other situation around them. They are not satisfied with life, they maybe want to have more support or love but there is this deep belief that they don’t deserve to receive anything.

Diseases and their causes:
Digestion disorders - Unable to absorb the reality of life.
Colitis (Inflammation of the colon) - Not wanting to accept the process of life.  
Constipation - Not wanting to accept the process of life.

“Health and Holism in the 21st Century” by Théun Mares

If your body is suffering, then somewhere deep in your mind, you have embraced beliefs that are not true. Are you willing to just accept life as it is and to absorb all that is coming each moment without trying to escape from it or alter it just because you don’t like it? You are always able to change your attitude to it, your perception of the situation. You can always make the choice to accept rather to reject what life brings to you. Some things should stay in the past and you have to let them go in order for the new to come. The way you “digest” the new ideas and the changes will either keep your digestion system healthy or will make it ill from the inside.

Shifting the focus

To change your attitude, perception and focus, is another part of the coMra therapy which is a holistic approach to the human being and the healing process that takes place inside. You can awaken your inner, natural abilities to heal with the coMra therapy. For all the digestion problems, you can apply the treatments in the Gastroenterology section of the coMra user guide. However, you have to listen to your body and try to understand what the message is as otherwise soon you will manifest the same condition again. In order to heal yourself in a holistic way, you need to trust the process of Life, to follow the changes that are always coming with an open heart as life is always supporting you and everything that happens is for your own good.

digestion disorders 1

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in thecoMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact

Have joyful moments and stay healthy!

Due to the quality and eating habits of the modern society, a lot of people are suffering from constipation nowadays. Except for the fact that is an uncomfortable condition, it also may lead to serious diseases and might compromise the overall health. Headaches, weight gain, high blood pressure and even cancer are some of the conditions that might follow the constipation. Let us go through some of the causes of it and how to treat them naturally.

Too much sugar

If you eat a lot of sugar and processed foods which contain white flour, corn syrup or other fast carbohydrates that will be turned into sugar, you may experience high blood pressure, brain fog, high blood sugar, chronic fatigue, hormonal imbalance, minerals insufficiency and among all these unpleasant conditions, constipation too. The sugar from the food also is feeding the bad bacteria in your intestines which may lead to yeast infection and overall toxification as these bacteria are emitting toxins in your blood. The digestion process is compromised directly and the nutrients from the food are not absorbed properly by the body. This would lead to weight gain and malnutrition of the cells. So try to avoid sugar in all its form and replace it will an intake of fruits.


The body needs water in order to function properly as water takes part in almost each process in the cells and the organs. The normal digestion process also depends on water as the food is turned into fluid that is moving through the intestines and the colon. If you don’t drink enough water, don’t eat enough watery fruits or salads, by the time the food reaches the colon, it is too dry to move freely through it. The walls of the colon then are slowly covered in waste products which may lead to various diseases and not sufficient absorption of the nutrients. Make sure you drink enough water daily to easen the digestion and to prevent from constipation.

Bad peristaltics

If you take laxatives to fight the bad peristaltics and to increase the bowel movement, your body will at one point get dependent on them and the bowel movement will get even slower. You need to increase the movement of the food inside your body naturally by exercising, drinking enough water and get on a healthy diet. Some foods like flax seeds, chia seeds, oat nuts, prunes and apricots will help you healing the causes of the constipation without the fast and easy effect of the laxatives. Try to avoid medications when you are healing from constipation and try get to the roots of this condition. You can strengthen your digestive system and heal the intestines and the colon with an innovative coMra therapy. In the Gastroenterology section of the coMra user guide, you will find the various treatment courses that will help you heal, recover and prevent from digestive issues. The coMra Palm device is very easy to use, gentle to the body and very effective without any side effects but only benefits for you.

Diet poor in fiber

You need to get enough fiber with your food in order to ease the digestions process and the movement of the food through the organs of the digestive system. Try to eat more vegetables, grains and other whole natural foods in order to provide the needed fiber. You can add raspberries, blueberries, beans and lentils, pears and apples etc. to your diet in order to get enough fiber that will ease and support your digestion.

Manage your stress

The high levels of stress means that the body is producing too much cortisol and this may affect many aspects of your health. The stomach and the whole digestive system could react very quickly to the emotional stress, so you need to find a way to manage your response to any kind of a stressful situation. Some activities may help you reduce the cortisol levels, however this varies from a person to another, some like to do yoga while others prefer walking in the nature. The coMra therapy is providing a very good way to treat emotional and mental stress. You could  find the Universal treatments from the user guide very helpful and easy to apply in order to control or prevent from experiencing high levels of stress. You can combine the Universal treatments with any other treatment course in order to heal constipation or other issues.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Constipation is a very common condition that many people experience and it may come with pain, bloating and weight gain. If it becomes very often and continues for more than 2 days, it might be a chronic constipation and some lifestyle changes are a must. If the cause is not an abnormal physicality but it is a functional one, you can affect it naturally without taking any medications or laxative supplements which may lead to even weaker bowel movements.

The causes for the functional constipation could be found in the diet, the water intake, lifestyle habits, inactivity and high levels of stress. Temporarily, the condition may occur during traveling, not having access to toilet or a change of the climate. Constipation could be triggered also by an over-dosing of laxatives which reduce the inner contractions or as side effect of some medications. In any case, the change of your diet and daily habits could affect, heal and prevent constipation if you are persistent.

Drink more water

If the fluids intake is very low and you eat a lot of dry food, the natural movements of the food through the intestines is corrupted and this may lead to constipation. If you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, your water intake indirectly would increase too. The daily consumption of water is different in  winter or summer however if you eat more protein, your body would need even more water in order to digest it.

Diet rich in fiber, fruit and omega 3

For the normal functioning of the intestines and to improve the bowel movements, you need a diet rich in soluble and insoluble fibers. Oats, other whole grains, apples, peas, prunes etc. are very rich in fiber and would supply your organism with vitamins and minerals too. Flax seeds, sesame seeds, chia seeds are also rich in fiber and they also have omega 3 fatty acids which will support the work of the heart and the digestive system. Too much sugar or processed meat, white bread or rice, pasta and sauces are not recommended as they would increase the constipation.

Drink coffee or tea

The caffeine in coffee, black tea and green tea would improve the digestion and increase the bowel movements. You don’t need high doses of caffeine especially if you only use it for this purpose, some people even notice that at one point coffee would not be effective as you need your intestines to contract naturally.

Support the gut

Healing the abdominal area would lead to better digestion without pain and constipation. A very effective is the treatment with the coMra Palm laser as it is gentle but firm in regenerating the tissues, healing the inflammatory processes and supporting the organs. The Gastroenterology 6 is the treatment that is used to heal and prevent constipation as it is described in details in the coMra user guide. This method is safe and has no side effects, you can apply the laser at home without going anywhere and you don’t any any additional medications or consumables. You can use it as pain relief too on different parts of the body for it is very effective on healing all the organs, glands and vessels.

Aloe Vera

This plant has the very special quality to heal the tissues both internal and external, for example when used on the skin it could eliminate scars and wounds very fast. Internally it does the same and many people experience good results with constipation too. Aloe Vera is not a laxative however it heals the digestive system and the roots of the condition. The pure gel or the plant itself are the best forms to intake it. It will detoxify and cleanse the blood too, will help with weight loss and inflammations.


Some herbs have the laxative effect on the human body but in long term the intestines would start to depend on them in order to work properly, so if you need to take senna or cascara sagrada, make sure that you don’t make it a habit. It is better to address the constipation with peppermint, thyme, olive leaves and cloves in order to heal and not just to go for the quick effect. The herbal teas or supplements would need a longer time to see the effect but they are better and you would not face the same condition after you stop them.


The active lifestyle has many benefits for the body and all the systems like the cardiovascular, digestive and lymphatic ones. Moderate exercises or walking every day would help with the constipation too, especially if you are working out the abdominal muscles. If you abdominal zone is toned, it is less like to experience constipation.

An active lifestyle, the laser treatment and rich and healthy diet would reduce stress and emotional imbalance which also are the among the main causes for constipation and other problems with the overall health. The combined approach to your condition and the inner balance would give the best results in time.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

It is very important for the overall health to take care of the liver, to know how to detox your liver and support it regularly if you want to feel healthy and strong. It is a major organ in the body regulating digestion and elimination. When the liver is not working properly due to alcohol or drug abuse, malnutrition or exposure to toxins, some symptoms may occur like over-sweating, chronic fatigue, bloating, anxiety, high blood pressure, weight gain and more. When the work of the liver is disturbed, you may experience problems with the metabolism of the carbohydrates and the fat, conditions like diabetes, estrogen dominance and thyroid issues are rooted in the liver functioning.

The liver is the organ that protects the body from the toxins coming from the outside or produced by the metabolism. It also takes part in the decomposition of the old blood cells, the breaking down of the alcohol and medications, the procession of the nutrients etc. The liver is the place where some minerals are stored and it produces certain proteins that are essential for the normal functioning of the whole organism.

Foods for liver regeneration

The rich in nutrients diet will help your liver and your body to detox and recover, so you will need to have more raw, fresh whole foods like fruits and vegetables. The potassium is the mineral that will help your liver, so make sure that you eat enough sweet potatoes, tomatoes, beans, beet roots, bananas, spinach, leafy greens. The fresh vegetables like carrots, broccoli, cabbage, ginger will also detox your body and will supply it with vitamins and minerals.

There are some foods which support the liver and changes in the diet are vital for its work. You do not want to consume too much sugar, alcohol or any other substances which will put additional overload to it. Here is the list of the foods which helps the regeneration of the liver:

If you suffer from any health condition linked to liver malfunctioning, you need to stick to this way of eating for several months. Once the liver condition has cleared up completely, then gradually one can go back to eating normally. But this must be checked by a medical doctor to ensure that the condition has cleared up before doing so.

However, coffee is especially harsh on the liver, and therefore if you had a liver condition you should abstain from coffee for at least 12 months after it has cleared up. The reason for this is that liver needs time to restore itself fully. The same goes for alcohol, although one can have 1 or 2 glasses of wine with dinner after the condition has cleared up, but should avoid heavy drinking and hardtack for at least 12 months after.

How to detox your liver

In order to detox the liver, you need to eliminate as much toxins as possible from your diet and your environment. The processed foods, refined sugar, dairy products, alcohol, drugs, medications etc. are very dangerous for the body and it is on the liver to deal with the ingredients entering your blood with them. All the additives in the processed food and the chemicals in the cleansing products have to go through the liver in order to be eliminated by it and taken out of the body. If it fails in this, the toxins will be stored somewhere in the body usually covered in fat as there decomposition is postponed for some other time. So, all the junk, fast and processed food has to go away. You need to cleanse your surrounding environment too and to reduce the usage of toxins in your household and the exposure to polluted air.

Emotional Balance helps to heal your liver

Another thing is the emotions and your state of being as the stress is affecting the liver together with the anger, resentment and frustration. The liver is compensating for the emotions as when the hormonal balance is changed, all the excessive hormones, proteins and other waste products have to be removed from the bloodstream. So, work with your emotions and your mindset if you want to take care of your liver. Observe yourself, how many times per day you get angry or upset, start noticing how your emotions are affecting your state of being. What triggers these emotions, what is the perception and the belief behind them?

How to heal liver

The coMra therapy has shown good results with liver diseases and hepatitis as well as supporting the liver and to prevent future problems. With the coMra Palm you can heal, detox and regenerate the liver in a very gentle and non-invasive way.

The coMra therapy is a method that is very easy to apply at home on your own. Low level (LLLT) infrared laser working together with magnets, colour LED lights and ultrasound is a very effective and non-invasive approach. It induces the natural healing process in any cell of the body and is beneficial for damaged nerves too. In addition to that, it will improve the communication in the cell and between the cells, together with the hormonal balance and metabolism.

Healing Effects 6a

All the details about the treatment are in the coMra user guide and it is very easy to be done. You will see the scheme about the frequency,  the time and the point on the body that needs to be treated. The picture of the human body gives a better view on exactly where to apply the laser.

Detox and Heal Your Liver

You can use the coMra Palm as a pain relief too, to support the liver and to prevent the medical conditions. The laser will awake the body’s inner ability to heal and will regenerate the tissues of the inner organs.

It is concluded that LLLT following acute hepatectomy most probably stimulates a significant enhancement of liver regeneration conducive to both the formation of new hepatocytes and MSCs and angiogenesis in the regenerating liver.

Herbs Supplements

Some herbs like the dandelion and the milk thistle are great supplements for the liver together with the turmeric. They will eliminate the heavy metals from the cells and will support the functions of the liver and the other organs. The combination of these supplement has shown good results especially if you combine them with the laser coMra therapy for the better performance of your liver.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

How could your boost your digestion and deal with its problems without using any medication? What are the eating habits that are good for you? Can we heal our bodies naturally and  what to do to prevent the digestion problems?

Our food is now full of additives and we don’t know what exactly they cause to our bodies, they are in the processed foods but also in the fruits, vegetables and grains. They may lead to digestion problems however the eating habits, emotional condition, environment and stress levels could also may also become a cause for some pain and discomfort.


We need “good” bacteria for the normal process of digestion and if we have regular pains in the intestines, it is good to take probiotics every day for at least a month. If you choose a combination of several types of probiotic bacteria, the better, they will start living in your body and will be reproducing which will help the normal functions not only of the digestion systems but also of the fighting ability against any “bad” bacteria and fungus. The fresh and clean water is also supporting our microflora, so make sure you stay hydrated. The emotional balance and low stress levels are vital for the microbiome, so take enough rest and get more sunlight.

Eat the food by order

Another very important thing is the food order during each meal. There are three main rules about the food groups which will help your stomach to digest the food easily, effectively and quickly, and your body to absorb the maximum from the food intake in terms of nutrients.

a/From raw to cooked.

It means that first you eat the raw like the salad or fruits and then you can proceed with the cooked dishes. That’s why in the restaurants, the menu usually starts with a salad. The fruits and vegetables also come with the enzymes that improve their digestion and are moved forward to the intestines faster.

b/From liquid to dry.

This rule says that we need to eat the more liquid food first, like the soup, juice or water, after that the dishes with sauce and the last should be the dry and thick foods like baked dishes, cheese or other. The stomach will move the liquids first so the drier is the food, the longer it will stay in the stomach.

c/From carbohydrates to proteins.

The carbohydrates need less time to be digested compared to the proteins, so first we eat the carbohydrates like bread, potatoes, rice etc. and then the milk, fish, eggs or other proteins. The food groups are digested by different stomach juices, that’s why it is a good idea not to mix them too much or at all. The fat and the fresh vegetables are relatively neutral to the stomach liquids.

Alkaline vs acid

If you feel exceeded amounts of acids produced in the stomach, maybe you will need to add some alkaline liquids or foods to help you feel better on the spot. Such are baking soda, water with lemon, few drops of propolis tincture in water, cucumber juice, all the green leaves juiced or as a salad, not very sweet fruits. Your body needs a very gentle alkaline/acid balance in order to be healthy and going too much in one of the extremes is not good and will lead to diseases.

Prevention and healing

You could use the newest laser technology that will help your body to feel better, to heal and to deal with pain and stress. The coMra Palm can be used to heal digestion problems, as prevention or as a pain-relief.The treatment of the stomach and the other organs of the digestion system are very beneficial for the overall health and with the laser they will be gently supported to return to the normal functioning. All the details about the laser treatments which you could do at home could be found in the coMra user guide.

Water on the table – yes or no

The main rule about water is that you should never drink a full glass of water right after your meal as this will slow down your digestion process dramatically. If you are thirsty, the best is to drink as much water as you want before you start eating. If the dish is very dry or salty, a small sip now and then is fine but not more than that. You will need to give your stomach at least an hour and a half to digest the food and move it forward before drinking plenty of water again. Of course, you need to drink enough water to make sure you are not dehydrated just don’t mix it with the eating. During the digestion process, your body produces the exact stomach juices it needs and you don’t want to interfere with adding water to them.

Changing the eating habits could be a slow process and surely it needs your attention. However, that would not help instantly with severe digestion problems but if the situation is not so bad yet, the prevention is the best medicine. So, if you are more careful about your eating habits, your digestion will be better and your body will become strong and full of energy.

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