Millions of people suffer from diabetes and more to that many of them develop other health conditions. The high levels of blood sugar are not only creating discomfort, extreme fatigue and muscle pain but can be even more dangerous for the overall health. The diseases linked to diabetes are stroke and heart disease, kidney issues, eye diseases, dental and foot problems, nerve damage or neuropathy. This means that when you try to manage and reverse diabetes, you also need to heal the other systems in your body which are affected by it. While coMra therapy is used to support the body in healing any health condition, you need to apply not only the Diabetes treatment protocol from the Endocrinology section but also to treat other occurring conditions.

So, in this article we will find out how home laser therapy can help you deal with all the health conditions linked to diabetes. But where to start form? Which treatment protocols from the coMra User Guide can you apply to support your body if you have diabetes or insulin resistance?

Treating Heart Disease

In the coMra User Guide there is a section called Universal Treatments. You can apply these courses as a healing support program or use them as a prevention. The Universal Treatment 2 - Heart was created to provide more energy to the heart and support its work. Additionally you can apply Cardiology 2 for conditions like ischemia, arrhythmia, valvular disease etc. It will be even more beneficial if you combine it with Universal Treatment 3 - Blood. In fact, the last treatment protocol is quite versatile as it supports the blood circulation, the quality of the blood and the condition of the red blood cells. While blood reaches every cell in the body, this treatment is great for the overall health and especially for the heart condition. Applying coMra therapy on the heart according to Universal Treatment 2 - Heart, will give the heart an additional boost and energy to regenerate in cases like a weak heart, insufficient coronary blood flow, low immunity and high cholesterol. Always use 5Hz when treating the heart and include several minutes daily to support its work. 

Dealing with Kidney Issues

To support the work of the kidneys with coMra therapy, you can apply the treatments found in the Nephrology section of the coMra User Guide. Nephrology 6 is a course designed for chronic kidney disorder or diabetic nephropathy as well as renal failure. You can apply Nephrology 4 protocol for pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis. In addition to these courses, you may find it very beneficial to apply Universal treatment 6 - Vitality for physical exhaustion and recovery from surgery or illness. Also, Universal treatment 5 - Somatic biostimulation for emotional exhaustion, depression, insomnia and in general to support the nervous system and the adrenal glands.

Pain relief for Nerve Damage and Eye Problems

If you experience blurry vision and other eye problems, you can apply Neurology 3 which is for neuropathy of the ophthalmic nerve. Cardiology 3 treatment can help for any eye pain related to hypertension or cervical migraine. Often the nerve damage in the cervical area of the spine can cause eye problems and headaches. For other neuropathic pains check the Neurology and Traumatology sections to find the specific condition or cause of the pain and how to address it with coMra. You will need to apply treatments for two weeks, then rest and repeat. Even if you experience improvement, you might still need to continue with regular coMra treatments maybe not daily but several times per week which will serve as a prevention method and will help you manage diabetes as the main health condition that you want to address naturally.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..

Here is a successful story of a woman with pain in her eyes and sinuses which she treated with coMra:

If you feel exhausted even after 8 hours of sleep and your productivity is 50 % less than normal, and if that repeats day after day, you may need to notice that something serious is going on with your health. Chronic fatigue is one of these modern health conditions that affects thousands of people. While it is not an actual disease, treatments could be irrelevant and ineffective. In most cases, people who have chronic fatigue are blamed to be faking it or that they just need some rest. However, this condition will not disappear for hours, sometimes even days and will not improve by resting.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms are a lack of energy either in the morning or in the evening which is persistent and is there almost every day, muscle pains and fantom aches in various parts of the body, depression and irritability, emotional imbalance etc. The more serious issue is when it turns into a chronic fatigue syndrome which affects the immune response of the body highly resembling severe conditions like AIDS. So, it is very real and you need to look deeply into the subject to find the cause of it.

What might cause it?

We do not talk of just being tired and need a nap in the afternoon to be able to keep going with your day. Chronic fatigue is a serious condition and is a result of an inner imbalance that has been going on for a long time unnoticed. This could be a virus infection without very obvious symptoms, a long term inflammation which destroys the organ affected, liver malfunction or endocrine imbalances like diabetes, hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue etc. The lack of energy is caused by the disturbed functions in the cell which are responsible for the production of the ATP molecule which transports and stores the chemical energy. However, on energy level it could be caused by great emotional stress, lack of motivation and desire to live, depression, anxiety and overall poor vitality. So, the question is how to heal something which is so fantom like?

Your body has its own intelligence and if supported will heal itself and will restore its healthy condition. The main problem is that your emotions and thoughts are directly affecting the chemical and energetical balance inside the body. We all know that the heartbeat is increased when we are excited and your stomach hurts when you are nervous about an important event. So, your body responds to every trigger out there and is sending all these messages in the form of symptoms when something is not right. If you try to invalidate these signals with stimulants or painkillers, the problem will stay and will get worse. Then, is there another solution?

Can coMra therapy help with chronic fatigue?

Due to the very complex causes of these conditions, it is not beneficial for the overall health to try to minimize the symptoms with chemicals.Whatever we say about coMra and chronic fatigue will not be enough and the best way is to experience it. While coMra could be used both as a pain relief and a healing method, it turns out to be very suitable in cases like chronic fatigue or adrenal malfunction. In fact, coMra is a therapy that supports the body intelligence exactly by improving the production of the ATP molecule in the cell but also by awakening the healer within. It is very gentle, safe and totally non-invasive. It by all means supports and enhances the healing processes in the body. The rest is done by the body itself. That is the reason why people have great results with all types of diseases and conditions. In coMra User Guide find the Universal treatments section to go through the protocols which were designed to improve the work of the major organs and systems in the body.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.


READ: The coMra Universal Treatments on Your Way to Overall Health and Well-Being

READ: Which Are the Roots of The Emotional Stress?

Sugar is a natural product, in fruits and even in sugar cane it is mixed with water, minerals, enzymes and vitamins. When humans started to boil the sugar cane syrup, they received a highly concentrated product. After some more procedures to make it white and crystal, it became the refined sugar we all know. Nowadays, you can find refined sugar in almost every possible packaged or processed food from ketchup to candies and soft drinks. The problem with sugar is that people are consuming thirty times more sugar than before when they counted on fruits only to get the sweet taste. But is the human body designed to cope with these amounts of sugar entering the bloodstream every day?


The key hormone responsible for the regulation of the high blood sugar levels, is insulin. After a meal consisting of too much sugar or other “fast” carbohydrates like bread, pasta, white rice, your body has to deal with too much “fuel” entering the system. Although, it needs glucose as an energy source, too much of it for a short period of time is very dangerous. So, here comes the insulin - the lifeguard hormone, it helps the cells to open up and to use the glucose and also to eliminate the additional quantity outside of the body.

Insulin resistance

A diet full of sugar in the form of sweets, soft drinks and many other carbohydrates will cause insulin spikes from five to thirty times per day. At one point, the cells will not be willing to open up for the glucose entering the bloodstream. Usually, this is combined with high levels of stress and cortisol and insulin are reaching the cells regularly. This creates a pattern and the body literally starts to resist the glucose. This process is called insulin resistance and is a pre-diabetic condition.For the body, the high levels of blood sugar is like burning a huge fire from paper - it burns out very quickly but the energy cannot be used properly.

That is why, the cells in your body prefer foods that take more time to be digested as the “fuel” in that case will arrive in small portions and the levels of blood sugar will be stable. Such sources are all of the whole foods like beans, grains, fish, vegetables etc. Shortly, you need to eat foods with low glycemic index in order to keep your blood sugar levels stable. There is a coMra treatment protocol which is very effective in cases of diabetes and insulin resistance. All the protocols could be found in the coMra User Guide available for downloading.

The damaged cells and cancer

So, if you burn paper all the time in order to warm the house, you will end up with a huge amount of ash. Something similar happens inside your body when you eat sugar on a regular basis. Many cells are damaged, burned out, full of toxins and free radicals. Can you imagine each cell as a separate being trying to survive? If all of your billions of cells are working in harmony, we call this a healthy condition.

But what if some of your cells decide that they do not want to work for the good of the whole anymore? They do not have the connection with the intelligence of the body anymore, they group themselves, divide and grow totally out of balance. This condition is known as cancer. Some organs are attacked by these “independent” cells which are feeding on the energy of the body but not working for its best. Now, guess what will happen with all of these additional quantities of sugar coming into the body? Have you heard that sugar feeds cancer cells? Well, it turns out that this is closer to the truth than it sounds. Applying coMra Therapy and eliminating refined sugar from your diet while replacing it with whole fruits is a great way to support your own health and well-being.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

More and more people today experience hormonal imbalance at a different range. The endocrine system is extremely sensitive to all the chemicals in the food and medications, to all the plastics that we use daily and to stress. The body is trying to restore the balance but with all the factors that affect the hormonal production negatively, this could become quite a complicated task. Women experience all kinds of symptoms linked to the disturbed hormonal balance from hot flashes, skin issues to weight gain and increased heart rate.

coMra Therapy

While with coMra therapy you support the coherence of the whole body, it is very beneficial when there are symptoms and signs of a hormonal imbalance. The method is very gentle and non-invasive without any negative side effects. It awakens the natural abilities of the body to heal itself without using any aggressive chemicals which interfere with the processes in the cells. Applying coMra therapy is a holistic approach to health which gives your cells the information and the energy they need in order to induce the healing process. So, which treatments from the coMra user guide you can use to address the hormonal imbalance?

Universal Treatments 5 and 7

The main target of these two treatments is the nervous system. Stress is the factor that slowly destroys health undermining each organ and system in the body. Calming down the nervous system is a way to manage the stress reaction that occurs each time when you perceive something as too challenging. On the hormonal level, the high levels of stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline can cause less production of other hormones.. The body spends all its sources to produce them as they become a priority when you are under stress. When your body lacks energy, it stops the production of reproductive hormones like progesterone, testosterone etc. The thyroid malfunction is also directly linked to stress. Also, adrenal glands are overstimulated when you are stressed and this may lead to adrenal fatigue and dysfunction. Applying the coMra Universal treatments 5 or 7 will balance the nervous system and will support the recovery of the endocrine system.

Endocrinology 1

Prediabetic conditions like insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome are the modern lifestyle diseases affecting more people each year. You can apply Endocrinology 1 treatment as a prevention of diabetes and in cases of diabetes. If you have diabetes type 2, you can reverse it with coMra therapy, diet and lifestyle changes. It is another condition linked to stress so you need to manage it properly including relaxation and exercises in your routine. You can spend a bit more time treating the liver with 5Hz as it has a major role in the elimination of toxins and the metabolism of fats and sugar.

Autoimmune 4

This is the treatment used to heal conditions like Hashimoto’s disease and hypothyroidism. When you experience hormonal imbalance of any kind, the thyroid gland tries to compensate as it regulates the metabolism and how your body spends its energy. The whole endocrine system is affected if the thyroid does not function properly. The Autoimmune treatment 4 from the coMra user guide is very beneficial as it includes points on the head, the thyroid, the liver and the adrenals covering almost the whole endocrine system. Women tend to suffer more often from thyroid issues, so this treatment course can be used as a prevention method too. You can create your own prevention routine as soon as you have some experience with coMra therapy. With time, you will see how your body reacts to different treatments, so you can come up with your own way to heal and to support your body.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Why in the same circumstances some people get ill and others are absolutely fine? Like when there is a flu epidemic each winter and so many people get sick at the same time. The popular answer is that some people have a stronger immune system but what is the cause for this? Have you noticed how your body feels when you are angry or sad, or depressed? All the body signs, symptoms and diseases are the way your body is sending you a message. And you need to pay attention in order to get it right.

Negative emotions

The emotions are a product of your perception and they affect your body in many ways. For example, you have too many tasks at work, what your perception of that situation will be? Do you find it stressful, overwhelming or stimulating? What emotions will take over if you are in such a situation? What will be your thoughts going each morning to work? Your perception will turn into emotions which can make you sick or motivated, energized or exhausted. Negative emotions are the root cause of the diseases and the serious health conditions but it takes time to manifest as such.

Your body never lies

If you feel depressed day after day, soon you will find physical symptoms in your body. The negative emotional state can affect different organs depending on the thoughts you think regularly. You may have not even noticed the thinking pattern that makes you ill. For example, you have such repeating thoughts every day that makes you feel guilty. Guilt is a very destroying emotion, it can affect your heart, digestive system, cardiovascular system or can cause autoimmune diseases. All of these are the result of how you feel daily. Your body is sending you a message that there is a thought pattern which is hurting you again and again.

Support your body with coMra

The coMra therapy is a very gentle way to induce the healing in your cells awakening them and helping them to align with your intention for health. With the information and energy that coMra will provide to your cells, they will start the recovery process. However, coMra therapy is a holistic approach to health and it will support your health as a whole. As your body is starting to have more energy and the healing process begins, you need to look at how the disease appeared in the first place. What is the message that this condition is bringing to you? If there is a negative thought that is hurting you, have you noticed it and it is really true? Can you work with your negative patterns in order to eliminate the root of the disease? If you decide to choose a life-supporting method as coMra therapy, you actually support the coherence between your body, emotions and thoughts. But even more important is that you will be taken on a journey to heal yourself on a deeper level.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Every time you eat something, the pancreas produces insulin in order to regulate your blood sugar levels. When there is too much sugar in your meal, insulin spikes occur. Your cells are trying to use the insulin but then your eat again and it goes up again and again. Too much insulin in the blood over a long period of time combined with stress will cause insulin resistance. The insulin is there, but the cells cannot use it and it causes the formation of even more fat in the body. All the carbohydrates are turned into fat and even the proteins from the food could be turned into fat. The body loses even the proteins from its own muscles. The insulin spikes are harmful and they prevent the usage of the stored fat as a fuel.

Use coMra therapy

Before we go into what causes slow metabolism and insulin resistance, let us talk about the solution or how to heal the consequences. If the condition is there, the organs are suffering and they need support and healing. It is great to change your nutrition plan and your habits in order to speed up the metabolic rate. However, the organs like your liver, pancreas and endocrine glands have been severely affected by the condition. You can start applying coMra therapy as a healing method and as a prevention. In a very gentle but highly effective method and it will support the normal functioning of your organs. The treatments in the coMra user guide can result in many positive effects on your systems and organs. Could be complemented with some diet and lifestyle changes that also support your health. With time, coMra therapy will help you restore your overall health and then maintain it.

Too much sugar

Eating too much sugar and simple carbohydrates will cause regular insulin spikes and hypoglycemia in two or three hours after the meal. You blood sugar levels will go up and down all day and your body will try to fix that. All the unneeded energy from the sugar will be turned into fat as quickly as possible as it is too dangerous for the body to have high levels of glucose in the blood. This will lead to a fatty liver as this is the organ which compensates for the high insulin with glutathione. So, the first step is to cut the white, brown and all the refined sugar from your diet, followed by dry fruits, bread, pasta and white rice. All of these foods will cause insulin spikes.

Eating low fat, snacking or dieting

If you are on a diet all the time and do not eat enough food, your body goes into a survival mode and will turn everything into fat in order to use it later on as a fuel. For that reason, the traditional dieting plans are not sustainable in time. You need to change your diet and your eating habits in general if you want to see the good results. Snacking between meals will also keep your insulin levels high all the time, so it is better to eat two or three times per day. Eating not enough fats with the fear of the calories and that you will gain weight is the other reason for the slow metabolism and insulin resistance. The fats that you consume will actually help your body to keep the levels of the blood sugar stable. But you need to avoid the unhealthy fats like fried oils, trans fats, hydrogenated fats and to eat more of the healthy fats like avocados, olive oils, grass-fed butter and nuts.


The dominance of estrogen is a huge problem for the women as when the levels of this hormone are high, the body does not burn the fat. Fertility issues, mood swings, thyroid malfunction, weight gain, dull skin and even depression could occur as a result of too much estrogen in the body. You can apply the Universal Treatments 4 and 5 from the coMra user guide in order to regulate the hormones and the stress levels in the body. As all the hormones are interconnected, if you manage to regulate your insulin and your cortisol, the others will slowly go back to balance too.


The process by which your body uses the energy for its basic functions like the work of the heart, breathing, digestion and others, is called metabolism. Under this name are hidden numerous chemical reactions, processes and relations between the organs. Your thyroid gland has a major role in the metabolism regulation together with the other glands of the endocrine system, the liver and the whole digestive and elimination systems. Basically, it is all connected and one small change in the hormonal balance affects the whole body. How to understand if your metabolism is getting sluggish by reading the body signs and symptoms?

Weight gain

If your metabolism is slow and insulin levels in the blood are too high you will gain weight. The insulin spikes can be caused by a heavy meal, sugar intake, hormonal imbalance, restriction dieting or stress. You will also notice that most of this excessive weight is actually belly fat which is very stubborn and not easy to lose. Even if you go to the gym regularly and you still cannot lose weight, then your metabolism is affected. You can see in above which are the reasons preventing you from losing weight easily. One of the main causes is the inability of the cells to use insulin from the blood and then the blood sugar levels get too high. In order to fix this condition, you can eat more healthy fats and to follow a three meals per day plan. Other option is to heal your liver and your blood. The coMra therapy is a very gentle method to help you deal with conditions like insulin resistance, hormonal imbalance, fatty liver and many others. The list of the health issues you can address successfully with the coMra therapy, can be found in the coMra user guide.

Digestion and skin issues

If you experience cravings for sweet foods and your feel extremely hungry between meals, then probably your insulin levels are unstable and your metabolism is too slow. Your digestive system is not working properly causing you bloating, constipation and feeling of heaviness after a meal. If you have the desire to go to sleep after eating but you have problems sleeping at night, this could be a sign of adrenal dysfunction which affects the endocrine system. The slow metabolism will affect the nutrient absorption and your skin will become dry and dull, you might lose some hair too. Even if you eat a lot, you still feel hungry as your cells cannot get the energy and substances they need for their normal functioning.

Brain fog and fatigue

If you experience regular headaches, brain fog and you feel tired all the time, then your body lacks energy. The slow metabolism affects the way the energy is produced and distributed in the body. You may find that your have difficulties with concentration or that you often forget things, or that you constantly feel cold and tired. Slow metabolism is related to hormonal imbalances and estrogen dominance. It can cause sleep disorders like waking up several times per night and inability to fall back to sleep. Slow metabolism often comes with high blood pressure and shortness of breath. All of these conditions could be healed and successfully treated with coMra therapy. As this a very gentle and non-invasive way to support your major organs and systems, you can apply it on your own. It induces the inner healing abilities of each small cell in your body providing the needed energy and information. There are great results with various conditions and diseases.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

The liver is a major organ which eliminates the toxins from the body, takes part in the fat and sugar digestion, regulates the digestive process and protects the body from harmful substances. The liver’s highly specified tissue regulates many reactions and processes in the body. The diseases of the liver are life-threatening, so the prevention and detoxification of the liver are needed for an overall healthy condition of the whole organism. The best way to heal the liver is to combine rich in nutrients diet, avoiding excessive consumption of animal fat and sugar and applying coMra therapy to help the cells regeneration.

coMra Therapy to support the liver

In order to support the liver without any more chemicals entering your bloodstream, you can apply coMra therapy daily for at least two weeks. This a very efficient and safe way to support your body and its major organs like the liver. You can treat the liver directly with the coMra device daily following the liver treatment course from the coMra user guide until you see some improvement. Then continue as it is advised. You can combine it with other treatments which could be beneficial for your condition like, for example, Universal Treatment 3 - Blood, diabetes treatment etc. When you support the blood circulation and improve the condition of the blood, many organs will benefit.

Risk factors

Viruses, alcohol and medication abuse, diabetes and obesity are among the risk factors that may lead to liver failure. Exposure to toxins, chemicals and other harmful substances may affect the liver. Procedures like making tattoos, piercing or blood transfusion if not done properly in sterile environment could be a risk factor too. As nowadays all the processed and packed foods are full of unknown substances, the cosmetics contain too many chemicals, the air and the water are polluted, the liver has a lot of work detoxifying the body from all of them and definitely would love some help.

Digestive Issues

Abdominal pain and swelling, pain felt where the liver is, low appetite and issues with digestion would be some of the body signs to show that the liver is not working properly. Gaining weight easily, diabetes and insulin resistance are triggered when the liver cannot participate sufficiently in the metabolic reactions needed to digest sugar and fat. In fact, if the liver starts to fail, fat will be formed around it and will disturb even more its functioning. Nausea, vomiting, constipation, the altered color of the urine and stool are also linked to issues of the liver.

Skin problems

Your skin will also be affected if the liver suffers as all the toxins and waste products will be brought to the surface of the skin in order to be cleansed from the blood. The skin and the eyes may appear yellowish or with a lot of inflamed breakouts, some swelling in the legs and ankles, itching skin and tendency to bruise easily are all among the signs that you need to take better care of your liver. If you have acne and you find it hard healing it only by cleansing the excessive oil of the skin, then you will definitely need to detox and support the liver as the skin will improve when the inner cause for the problem is gone. Supporting the liver by eating clean, managing extreme emotions and applying coMra therapy will eventually be beneficial for your overall health and energy levels.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Millions of people suffer from diabetes which is a very serious condition but it could be reversed and cured if you embrace a holistic approach to it and make some changes in your life. There are two types of diabetes and both lead to high blood sugar levels which is dangerous for the normal functioning of the body. Type 1 is an autoimmune disease that occurs at young age and as a result of it, the pancreas cannot produce insulin. This disease is hard to be reversed but you can control the symptoms and get some relief. Type 2 is a condition following insulin resistance and it usually happens later on in life. In that case, the insulin is produced and released but the cells do not respond properly to it which is a condition called insulin resistance.

Type 2 Diabetes

As Type 2 diabetes is a result of the lifestyle, diet, mindset and stress, it could be successfully healed. The best approach is a prevention or to start when you are prediabetic. High levels of stress, poor diet and excess weight are among the causes for diabetes, so you need to focus on that for a start. If untreated insulin resistance is could quite challenging for the body to handle and is often linked to high blood pressure, liver inflammation, increased abdominal fat, constipation, neurological damage and many others. You can exclude gluten and casein from your diet to reduce inflammation, you can avoid sugar and take some supplements too. However, there is a another very powerful way to help your body healing diabetes and insulin resistance.

coMra Therapy

You can support the inner healing abilities of your cells in a very gentle and natural way with coMra therapy. This method will provide the needed energy for each cell, organ and system in your body for their regeneration and rejuvenation. The lasers are well-known these days with their potential to heal various diseases and conditions. So, with coMra Palm you have a small cold laser, magnets and colorful light diodes on your side fighting the disease. The device is small, portable and very easy to use. All the details you need to know before applying coMra therapy are in the coMra user guide. However, while there are no side effects from the therapy, you can easily create your own treatment course or just treat the places where you feel pain. It will reduce the stress response in the body and is used to treat depression and anxiety, which could be very beneficial if you have diabetes.

Complimentary supplements and diet

The coMra therapy is a non-invasive method to heal and restore health in your body. It has shown great results with insulin resistance, diabetes, heart diseases, nerve damage and many more. The best way would be to apply coMra therapy together with diet changes, supplements therapy and moderate activity as everything is connected. Exercising is very important for the cardiovascular system which could be supported with coMra Universal Treatment 3 - Blood as well. The recommended supplements for diabetes are chromium, alfa-lipoic acid, magnesium, omega 3 fatty acids and clean proteins or collagen. You need to avoid sugar, grains, dairy products, alcohol, hydrogenated fats and genetically modified foods are all of them trigger inflammation in the body. Spending more time in nature, eating clean food, taking care of your well-being and managing emotional stress together with coMra therapy will have huge and positive impact on your health.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Although, some medical doctors are still sceptical about this condition being real, there are many practitioners who find the leaky gut syndrome being related to many diseases. The intestinal permeability occurs when you cannot digest certain substances properly and some particle from the food are released in the bloodstream. The reason for this are the “leaky”walls of the intestines which are supposed to protect the blood from the food particles. If this happens, your immune system is alarmed and starts searching for these particles in your body in order to destroy them. This process when repeated many times induces a constant inflammation in your body.

Symptoms linked to leaky gut syndrome

In the beginning, the walls of the intestines are slightly damaged and only certain foods cause pain or inflammation. You may experience some bloating after a meal, irritable bowel movements, diarrhea but they occur from time to time and disappear by themselves. However, if the leaky gut syndrome continues to be a problem for you, with time you might find even more symptoms linked to it. Feeling tired, without any energy or motivation shows that some nutrients are already not properly absorbed by the intestines. The digestive issues increase in number and you might have excessive gas, constipation, colitis etc. The regular migraines and headaches are also a part of the linked to leaky gut conditions.

If you have problems with losing or gaining weight, experience joints or muscle pain, have hormonal or reproductive issues, feeling constantly stressed, having difficulties concentrating, then you might have leaky gut. As it is often accompanied by candida overgrowth, you mind find yourself craving for sweet food or bread. Some autoimmune diseases like Hashimoto's, Crone’s, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis etc. are also related to the issues in the gut as the proteins entering the bloodstream trigger the immune system all the time. Your skin could also show that toxic substances are circulating in your body and you could have acne, eczema, dermatitis etc. If you have food intolerances and some kind of an allergy, then the problem could also be the inflammation of your intestinal walls.

Treatment of the leaky gut

In order to heal the leaky gut syndrome, you need to understand how it has occured in the first place. If you have some food intolerances, you will need to avoid the irritable foods as well as sugar. We will discuss the diet changes in another article. The most important thing is to heal the conditions linked to the leaky gut as the balance in the body was disturbed. Restoring your health could be much easier with the help of the coMra therapy. Whatever condition you have and you need to heal, coMra therapy will be beneficial for you. As you can see in the coMra user guide, there are numerous diseases that could be treated effectively. The method is totally safe and non-invasive, gentle and with no side effects.

For the recovery of the gut and reducing the inflammatory processes, you can apply Gastroenterology 9 treatment from the coMra user guide daily until you see some improvement, then continue as much as needed. If you have diabetes, Hashimoto or another condition, find the treatment course there and apply it too. If you want to support your general health, you can apply any of the coMra Universal Treatments. The harmonious work of a laser, magnets and colorful diodes will gently induce the healing process in your cells and will support the regeneration of the tissues. When your organs and systems receive the needed energy for their recovery, the healing will start and the depletions will be filled once again with time. The coMra therapy is a great way to treat your body naturally without medications, as it works with the energy of the body and heals the deep roots of the conditions.

How the food affects the gut health?

The condition called leaky gut syndromes comes with many symptoms like fatigue, bloating, digestive issues and even autoimmune diseases. The problems are caused by the proteins and other particles passing through the intestinal walls. Some foods, stress and enzymes deficiencies could be the cause for the condition together with minerals depletion and malnutrition. On the other hand, if you have leaky gut, it could lead to malnutrition and depletion of any kind, so soon all of that could turn into a vicious circle.

About the symptoms and treatment of leaky gut, you may have started the coMra therapy in order to support the recovery of the intestinal wall and to reduce the inflammation in the body. The method is very gentle but highly effective, inducing the healing and regeneration of the tissues and the organs in the body. While you are applying coMra therapy, you need to avoid triggers like certain foods, stressful reactions, toxins from the cleaning products and allergens like pollen or gluten. Your body is a perfect system which will restore its own balance if you only support it and not interfere with it negatively.

What to Avoid

It depends on your food intolerances but there are some foods that happen to trigger leaky gut in many people. Such are sugar, gluten, dairy products and trans fats. You need to reduce or avoid white, brown and any other sugar as it feeds candida and other bacteria in your gut, causes blood sugar spikes and overweight. Although, fruits are very healthy, an excess amount of fruits and especially dry fruits will cause the same effect as eating refined sugar. Gluten is the other major trigger and you may find great relief if you cut the eating of foods like wheat, bread, pasta, rye etc. and replace them with buckwheat, rice and potatoes. Dairy products are often full of antibiotics, hormones and their protein chains are quite long which makes them hard to digest. Trans fats and refined fats are the other group of foods that you need to avoid which include all fried products and processed food.

What to Eat

If you have leaky cut, then your body cannot digest food properly, so you need as much healthy nutrients as possible. You need to eat proteins daily but not too much and the best sources are wild caught fish, eggs and plants like quinoa, chia, buckwheat, broccoli etc. You need to eat enough amount of leafy greens and other vegetables are they are rich in vitamins and minerals. Basically, most of your food should be plant-based and there plenty of recipes out there for soups, dishes and salads with healthy ingredients. Olives and olive oil, avocado, coconut oil are full of good fats which will support the recovery of the tissues. You can eat legumes, nuts and seeds but you have to soak them in water in order to get rid of the natural inhibitors in them which could also irritate your gut. Try to eat whole foods as much as possible and avoid eating cooked food that you don’t know what was used during the process of cooking it. Eating clean and healthy will help your leaky gut to heal and to restore the bacteria balance needed for the absorption of the nutrients.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

The main fuel in the body is glucose - a type of sugar which is used by all your cells for the energy they need in order to function, heal, grow and reproduce. Glucose is the main source for the physical body to maintain its healthy state. The central nervous system and all the other organs use the glucose. It is also needed for the muscles to be built but also if some cells have to be healed and replaced by new ones.

When the body digests the food, it turns it into glucose in order to be used as an energy source by the cells. But the cells do not have direct access to the glucose in the blood. At this point, the pancreas, which is a major gland, is activated. As soon as high levels of glucose are detected, the pancreas produces insulin. The insulin attaches to the cells giving them the signal to open up and receive the glucose. So, the insulin has two main functions in the body, it allows the cells to use the glucose and to maintain stable levels of blood sugar.

If you, for example, have eaten a very rich in fats and sugar meal, the levels of glucose in your blood would get really high in a short period of time. In that case, the insulin will give a signal to the liver to store the excess sugar. Later on, the stored glucose will be released, when you are hungry or if you exercise, your body will use it. But if the pancreas is not able to produce all the needed insulin, the things could get messy. If at some point, your cells “refuse” to open up and use the glucose, then you have insulin resistance. From that point, it is not far diabetes type 2 to be developed as the normal functioning of the body has been destroyed and the processes could not go smoothly.


When the levels of the glucose are high all the time and the body is trying to get rid of it but this fails, then you have the diabetes type 2 condition. The diabetes prevention is vital for everyone who has insulin resistance or prediabetic condition as so far millions of people are at risk. The main problem in that case is stress because the production of adrenaline and insulin at the same time makes your cells to close up. If you tend to experience a lot of negative emotions in your life and to cover them up with eating sweet and fatty foods, you are in trouble. At one point, your pancreas will become so weak that it will not produce enough insulin in order to maintain stable blood sugar levels.

The solution

Less stress and not to combine fatty foods with sugar and to eat mostly foods with low glycemic index. Your body cannot digest properly the sugar in your food if you eat a lot of fat. Another option is to cut off all the sugar from your diet for several months, until all the inflammations are healed. You also need to cure your major organs like the pancreas, the stomach and the liver as they all suffer from conditions like insulin resistance, prediabetic state, hypoglycemia and spikes of the blood sugar.

Diet changes

You can use coMra therapy as a method to heal your body and your organs in a very gentle but highly efficient way. The harmonious work of the laser, magnets and lights induces the natural healing in your cells. In the coMra user guide you will find the diabetes treatments course in the Endocrinology section but we recommend to apply also the Universal Treatment 3 - Blood in order to support the work of the cardiovascular system. The usage of the device is easy and very gentle, you will soon start feeling the improvement. It will be better if you make the needed changes in your lifestyle and watch over your emotional state. Although it is non-invasive, coMra therapy has shown excellent results in cases like diabetes, insulin resistance and many more.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

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