Summer is a wonderful season to do a detox. Warm weather, long days, vacation, plenty of fruits and vegetables. All of these will help you to prepare your detox course. Why do you need to detox your body? Due to poor diet plans, stress, fatigue and dehydration, a lot of waste material stays in various tissues in the body. With time, these toxins can cause diseases and permanent damage to the organs. That is the reason why you need to give your body some rest from the heavy meals, lack of activity and stress. When you eat smaller amounts of food or even no food, your body will have the energy to cleanse from toxins, dead cells and other waste material. However, if you decide to do a fruit fast starting tomorrow, you may experience headache, stomach pain, increased heart rate and even nausea. These are the signs that there are too many toxins released in your bloodstream and your organs have difficulties dealing with them.

Types of detoxification

There are many ways to detox your body from the toxins and the excessive fat. You can decide to eat only fruits for one week or to do a water fast for a couple of days, intermittent fasting for 16 hours per day is also an option, raw food diet for several days or more, sugar detox, alcohol detox etc. The focus is on giving your body a little break from your regular diet. For example, if you eat too many sweets, then you need to start with a sugar detox and then move on to even lighter food plan without bread, potatoes. After that you can move on and try raw food diet for several days. You have to follow your own pace and observe how your body reacts to the detox. If you want to do a fruit juice or water fast, then you need to prepare yourself with some raw food days, then try one day fasting, then eat raw food for a day before going back to your regular diet. Next time you can extend the fast to two or three days. Give your body some time to adapt.

Which coMra treatment to use during the detox?

When you are doing a detox program, some of your organs will need to catch up and to deal with all the toxins that should be taken out of the system. The liver, spleen and kidneys will experience some extra pressure while the cells and the organs are releasing all these waste particles in the bloodstream. All the toxins have to be neutralized and eliminated from the body as soon as possible. In other words, some of your organs will need support during the detox process. The coMra Universal Treatment 8 - Complete Organ Treatment addresses the organs of elimination providing the additional energy they need. You can apply this treatment a week before the detox start date and continue during the detox itself. The low frequency laser of the coMra Palm or Delta will gently support your organs helping them with the maintenance of the balance in the body. You can combine this treatment with other treatments from the coMra user guide if you need to in order to heal a particular condition. When you finish your detox, try to come with a plan to change your diet in a way that it will support your health and well-being.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Kidneys are often neglected when doing a detox or a cleanse but they have a major role in the filtering all of the body fluids. Kidneys may suffer from coldness, too much emotions like fear, dehydration, a diet rich in proteins, exposure to toxins and from all the chemicals and additives in the food. Supporting their work while they are still healthy and functioning well is a good way to ensure that they will do so in the future. A kidney cleanse and a detox will do good for your skin, if you suffer with fluids retention, if you have any type of infection or kidney stones.

Water and liquids

The most important thing for the normal functioning of the kidneys are the fluids that you drink. The formation of kidney stones depends on the quality and quantity of the water you consume, so you need to choose pure and fresh water as often as possible. All the soft drinks, juices and other types of bottled drinks which contain a lot of sugar do not have the same effect as the water on the kidneys. Instead of providing the needed liquid they could even cause dehydration. For the kidney cleanse and detox, the best is to consume only pure water, herbal teas and freshly squeezed juices. If the blood sugar levels are too high, the body will try to eliminate the excessive glucose with higher amount of urine which caused excessive thirst. Less sugar, more water is beneficial for the kidneys.

Support the Cleanse

While doing a kidney cleanse you can support the kidneys and even heal many conditions with coMra therapy. It is a non-invasive and gentle method to boost the work of any organ or system in the body, to induce the healing abilities of the cells naturally, to support elimination of toxins or to use it as a prevention. In the Nephrology Section of the coMra user guide, you will find kidneys linked diseases that could be treated with coMra therapy. However, the Universal Treatments could also be beneficial for you, so you can combine all of them to create your own healing course. With coMra therapy, your body will have the energy to restore its balance, to regenerate damaged tissues and to heal major organs like the kidneys, the liver etc.

Herbs and Foods

Parsley, nettle and spinach are great for the health of the kidneys as they contain a good amount of vitamin C, vitamins B and antioxidants. You can add them to your meal or salads but also you can drink nettle and parsley tea two-three times per day. Prepared this way, they will act as diuretics helping the kidneys with eliminating the excessive liquids in the body and from the tissues. Cranberries and celery juice are very high in antioxidants and support the healing of infections of the urinary tract. Blueberries and black cherries are recommended too as they contains this special antioxidant resveratrol which is great for eliminating uric acid. You can add it even as a supplement in case of kidney disease and would be great to combine it with daily coMra treatments. Try to eat less protein as the excessive amount of these type of foods put too much pressure on the kidneys. Spirulina, chlorella, beet juice and lemon juice water could be included in the kidneys cleanse as they will help the elimination of heavy metals and other toxins from the body.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Hypothyroidism is a disease that was very rare in the past but today the percentage of ill people is very high. Most of the cases of Hashimoto disease and other thyroid disorders, are among women. The causes of these conditions are very complex and still unclear, in fact many cases of thyroid diseases could go without the proper diagnosis for years before you find out what the problem is. How to improve the heath of the thyroid naturally? The symptoms like chronic fatigue, feeling of coldness, not having enough energy, constipation and hair loss could be easily mistaken for other conditions before realizing that maybe is is a thyroid issue.

The condition

When there is hypothyroidism, you have the thyroid gland not being able to produce the needed hormones. As a result of this, it enlarges in size as an attempt to increase the production of thyroid hormones. If you have hypo function of the thyroid gland, you need to start taking care of it immediately because with time it could get worse The hypothyroidism treatment you can start applying today is not the popular hormones replacement therapy as in that case you don’t work on the cause but only cover up the symptoms. If you take hormones from outside, your gland will not start producing its own, on the contrary, in will become even more insufficient. You will need to calm down the immune system, to reduce the stress hormones levels, to support the major cleansing organs in order to help the work of the gland.

coMra therapy

This laser supported by magnets and light is very gentle but provides highly effective therapy you can apply at home. All the details about the different treatments are explained in the coMra user guide. All the processes in the body are improved by the combined power of a low frequency laser, magnets and colorful lights. In a very subtle but firm way, the body is leaded towards its healthy and normal state. The inner abilities of the cells to heal themselves is awaken through the influence of the coMra device as they use the energy coming from it, the tissues are regenerated and the organs are healed.

When you apply the hypothyroidism treatment course, you will see that the spleen is treated as well as the thyroid gland itself, some points on the head, the adrenal glands etc. You can apply this treatment in cases like Hashimoto disease too both with hypo or hyper function of the gland. All the autoimmune diseases are very specific and the healing process could take time. With coMra treatments you will heal the major organs which are connected to your condition and it will help your body to restore its healthy state.

Diet changes

In order for the natural and holistic therapies to work for you, you will need to look at your lifestyle in order to see if you do something that makes your condition even worse. In cases, like hypothyroidism and Hashimoto, it is recommended to execute some diet changes in order to detox your body and to calm down your immune system. You can try to eliminate some food groups from your diet and to observe if you feel better from that. Triggers for the autoimmune response could be gluten, sugar, lactose products, eggs and alcohol. In general, if you find your main trigger after the consumption of which you have all the negative symptoms, try to avoid it for at least several months. In that way, the immune system will reduce the attacking antibodies production and the thyroid gland will have time to regenerate. Taking selenium, vitamin C and zinc have also shown good result in supporting the function of the thyroid gland as well as the coconut oil.

Meret has been using coMra therapy for many years. As many other coMra users, she found that coMra therapy is not only very safe but also that coMra is effective for various cases and conditions. She used it for her daughter’s herpes, her own thyroid issues and migraines with great results.

Read More About Thyroid Issues:

Low Thyroid Function – How to Boost the Conversion of T4 to T3

The massage therapy is an important part of the routine of everyone who is regularly practicing bodybuilding or fitness. It has many benefits for the muscles and for the general condition of the body. The deep tissue massage reduces the recovery time and the muscle tightness as at the same time it increases the range motion and the flexibility. It is highly recommended before competitions as it helps the definition of each particular muscle group.

Muscles healing

The deep tissue massage increases the blood circulation and helps the fluids to run through the blood vessels more effectively, providing all that is needed for the muscle to recover after a hard training or injury. As the recovery time is reduced, you could train more and have a proper muscle growing without the side effect that may cause pain and the need to rest. This massage has healing effect on the whole body helping the detoxification and the micro-circulation within the muscle tissue. If you combine it with the coMra Universal treatment 3 – Blood, your whole body blood circulation will be improved and will make the massage even more beneficial.

Better flexibility

The range motion is highly increased when the deep tissue massage is done often as the flexibility could be something quite tricky for any bodybuilder. The therapist will help you with the stretching in a way that your own weight is not used. You just relax and breathe during the massage and you get properly stretched. It reduces the tightness of the muscles that could be painful and could prevent the grow which is the ultimate goal when practicing bodybuilding.

Defined muscles

If you want to have a well-defined bodybuilder physique, the circulation of the blood is very important and the tight muscles are simply not able to store enough blood. Using the pumping technique which moves the lymph around, the muscles are toned due to the improved fluid circulation in your body. The tension is easily released and the result is a beautiful and a well-built body with good mobility.

Injury recovery

Sometimes due to overtraining, a poor diet or just wrong exercises, sport injuries occur and it takes precious time to just wait for the body to recover and get well again. The deep tissue massage will reduce this time for you. A professional therapist will examine your muscles and could identify tight and scar muscles which will prevent the future injury. That is a major reason for most of the professional bodybuilders to have this type of massage done regularly in order to prevent and heal sport traumas.


When regularly done, the deep tissue massage will have a good psychological effect and is recommended before each event or competition. When the bodybuilder is in good condition and mood, it shows and a strong and motivated mind is as much important as the physical characteristics. The massage will increase your confidence and will heal the stress that might be kept in your body and mind during the training process. This will improve your performance and help you reach and show your full potential.

Inner cleanse

The deep tissues massage will help you to get rid of the waste products from the muscles such as the lactic acid, will increase the elasticity of the muscles and will define them. With special movements, the toxins accumulated during the training process will be taken out of the tissues and the body and thus helping you feel more energy and power.

The hard training and injuries could stand in your way to develop the shape that you want and this type of massage will reduce a great deal of this negative side effect from your dedicated work in the gym. If you want to have a proportional and symmetrical physique with well-defined muscles, the proper care is needed especially if you plan to take it on a professional level and do competitions. The professional bodybuilders often share that the deep tissue massage is an important part of their training program especially before an event and when they need quick results with minimum risk of injury.

The deep tissue massage is a great way to obtain the flexibility that is needed for the muscles to work properly and to look well. Applied together with regular coMra treatments, will result in faster body conditioning and better health. As both methods are healing your body on a deeper level, it will allow you to continue with the training for a longer period of time and to keep the good shape for years.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

How to incorporate fasting in your routine in order to enjoy all the benefits which come with it? How many types of fasting are there and where to start from? How fasting will improve your health? What to eat and drink during the fasting periods?

Fasting is the period when you eat less or no food in order to give your body the chance to cleanse and heal itself. Because the digestion process takes a lot of energy, during the fasting this energy could be used for something else. Fasting reduces inflammation, helps you lose the additional weight, boosts your immune system, regulates the blood sugar levels, gives your body the time to repair and detoxify, supports your healing processes. Even short periods of fasting are beneficial for your health as the body will use any gap available to get rid of toxins and waste products.

Juice Fasting

During this type of fasting you only drink fresh juices from both fruits and vegetables. The quantity could vary from person to person and you can also drink pure water. Several days on juice fast can do miracles for your body, to improve your digestions, to help you lose weight and to normalize your blood pressure. It is recommended not to drink very sweet fruit juices and to use also roots and green leaves vegetables in order to keep your blood sugar levels stable and to supply your body with different vitamins and minerals during the detox. Start with one day to see how you feel and add more days the next time you decide to do it. One day per week drinking only juices could also work if you are a beginner.

Water Fasting

As the name shows, during this type of fasting you drink only water. Yo can start with one day per week drinking only water and when you have some experience with the process, you could try 3 or more days. You can drink warm lemon water and tea but no coffee or other beverages. During this type of fasting, your body is making great repairs and could affect positively all kinds of medical conditions especially the ones linked to the digestive system. You have to quit the fasting if you start feeling dizzy or experience severe headaches as this means the detox going on is too fast for you and you need to take it slow.

Intermittent fasting

This type of fasting is getting more and more popular as it is the easiest way to experience the benefits of fasting without the need to for days without food. It involves restriction of your eating for 14-16 hours per day as you have the rest 8-10 hours to plan your meals. Another way to do an intermittent fasting would be for 2 days each week to eat only fruits or to drink only water and tea. If you are more experienced with fasting, you can try water or juice fast every other day which is a great way to give your body the rest needed to repair its systems without going into 5 days in a row fasting, for example.

coMra Therapy during fasting

As a very gentle and non-invasive method to support your body in healing, you can apply coMra therapy during your fasting periods in order to help your organs dealing with the detox process. The Universal Treatment 8 - Complete Organ treatment is very suitable for this period as it will support the elimination processes in the organs by giving them the additional boost of energy they need in order to take the toxins out of the systems. You can find all the details about the treatments in the coMra user guide.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

So, here is the last of the Universal Treatments which was created in order to support any healing process, cleanse, detox and recovery happening in the body. Each organ receives an additional boost of energy, assisting the elimination of toxins and waste products from the cells.

Universal Treatment 8 – Comprehensive cleanse and regeneration

This treatment scheme can be used as a comprehensive cleanse and regeneration program if you want to support the detox process in your body. It consists of two parts that must be done consequently and puts the focus on the major organs of elimination. Please follow the instructions that you will find in the coMra user guide but also feel free to combine this sequence with other treatments if you feel the need and in order to achieve better results.

How coMra works

The coMra therapy is a very gentle way to heal your body, it is non-invasive and awakens your own inner healer, the invisible force of life which knows how to restore your health and balance . The combined power of a laser, magnets and light is working in a very unique and natural way in order to provide your cells with the energy they need. Once your body has the energy, it will start building and catching up with each of the functions that might have been cut off due to depletion of resources or blockages caused by inflammations.

 The coMra therapy does not deplete the body during cleansing treatments. The aim is to regenerate and support the body in achieving a natural detoxification. As with all cleansing programs, it is important During this treatment to also take your diet into consideration and drink plenty of pure water to help with the elimination of toxins. Moderate and regular exercise would be quite beneficial for better circulation.

How to approach the process of treatment

Be gentle with yourself during the cleansing process and observe yourself carefully for the signals that your body will send you. Certain effects such as increased tiredness, skin rashes, nausea or headache may be noticed whilst the body is making use of the available energy provided during the treatment in order to expel toxins.

It is recommended during the cleansing period to avoid stress, to spend more time in nature, to minimize the usage of alcohol, cigarettes, refined sugar and trans fats. You need to eat more fruits and vegetables, enough proteins and good fats for the body to have all the needed “bricks” to use for filling up the gaps and restoring the inner balance. Once the system is clean it will go naturally back to its harmonious state because the body knows how to to work in perfect balance and timing. All the hormones, fluids and organs will start working as an orchestra creating the melody of health.

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To start using coMra, first search your health issue in thecoMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Have joyful moments and stay healthy!

The healthy kidneys are filtering the blood all the time, removing the wastes and the extra fluids from the body making urine. They maintain the mineral balance in the body, control the blood pressure, keep the bones healthy and make red blood cells. They are working constantly, so you need to support them in order for them to be in a good condition. Each change in the liquid or mineral balance of the organism, hormonal changes, physical activities and emotional responses will affect the kidneys. They are very delicate organs, so here is how you can support them in order to prevent disease and failure.

Good hydration

For the kidneys to work properly, a sufficient amount of liquids in the body is needed. If there is not enough water, the filtration of the blood is corrupted, the urine productions could stop and the toxins and other waste products cannot leave the body. So make sure to drink enough clean and fresh water every day. The drinks like coffee or tea are diuretics which means they fasten the liquid drainage from the cells, so after coffee you need to drink even more water.


The healthy and rich diet would improve the overall health and is vital for the kidneys too. The watery foods like cucumbers, tomatoes and watermelon will hydrate you additionally. However, in order to support the work of the urinary tract you can eat more apples, lemons, parsley, garlic, cabbage, cauliflower, onions, cranberries, blueberries, strawberries, cherries, red bell peppers, red grapes, olive oil, eggs, ginger, asparagus, fermented foods. Juicing is a good way to detox the kidneys while providing enough vitamins, minerals and liquids for them to cleanse the whole body from the toxins.

Herbs and supplements

If you want additionally to help the better performance of the the kidneys you can drink herb infusions or take natural supplements with dandelion, red clover, turmeric, spirulina, nettle, vitamin C, baking soda, beer yeast, probiotics, cranberry extract, peppermint essential oil. They all would have a good effect on the kidneys if you keep on drinking enough water while taking them.

Heal  yourself

There are some conditions in the body that might create difficulties for the kidneys to work properly. So make sure that you heal or control your Inflammation, constipation, diabetes, heart disease, depression and anxiety, mood swings, phobias, emotional breakdown, burn out. The laser therapy is a very gentle and effective way to heal your organs and to support the immune and other systems. The coMra Palm laser is very easy to be applied at home and all the instructions about the treatments are in the coMra user guide. You can either heal, support or prevent issues with any organ or system. The laser will awaken the inner natural abilities of the organism to heal itself.

Sleep and sunshine

In order to keep the kidneys healthy and strong you will need to reduce stress, to breath slowly and to relax more, to find a hobby that makes you calm and balanced. The kidneys are very much affected by the quick pace of life, of the hectic movements and poor sleeping patterns. They need a nice sleep, enough sunshine, good mood and emotional balance to do what they do for the body.


As it was mentioned above, kidney like calm and slow lifestyle but with enough activity so that the liquids in the body to move freely all along the vessels. A daily moderate exercising would be best for the kidneys health and for the whole organism as it regulates most of the processes. You can choose anything that calms you down but at the same time, activates all of the muscles like qigong, yoga, dancing, walking, swimming etc.

You need to avoid

Sugar, salt, alcohol, smoking, processed foods, toxins, trans fats are not good for your health and for your kidneys. The salt would keep the water into the body and the alcohol is dehydrating it while bringing toxins inside that have to be cleansed after that. So if you want to support the kidneys you need a very moderate use of alcohol and it is better always to drink plenty of water with it in order to fasten the detox process on the next day.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

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