People during the last several decades are more tired and stressed than ever before. It is a tendency these days people from different age groups to experience symptoms like physical weakness, inability to concentrate, headaches, pain and even nausea. Some symptoms seem to appear without a particular reason and they often last for a long period of time without any improvement. Actually, some time ago doctors did not even consider chronic fatigue as an actual health condition and had been advising the patients to just rest more. However, with the years it turns out that this might be a serious issue linked to some diseases and chronic conditions.

Fatigue or chronic fatigue?

Many people are in transition periods just before a disease is formed or in the period of recovery after a health issue. In some cases, the symptoms or blood test results will not show what is actually going on in the body. However, fine changes in the hormonal balance, enzymes levels, oxidizing processes, the immune and emotional integrity could cause short periods of fatigue. These moments come and go without a particular reason and you may experience some physical or mental exhaustion which will last for a day or two. However, if you feel exhausted for months without any improvement, then it might be chronic fatigue.

Home laser therapy for chronic fatigue

The cause of chronic fatigue is a complex thing and can be linked to various conditions. Whatever the reason for your tiredness is, there is a non-invasive solution - cold laser therapy. All the causes of chronic fatigue and the health conditions linked to it could be effectively addressed and treated with coMra therapy. The main part of the device is a cold laser which in a very gentle way supports the healing of numerous conditions and diseases by enhancing the energy balance in each cell. Additionally, coMra combines the laser with magnets and LEDs to create a coherent field which provides even more energy for the cells to be used for recovery and healing. The device is called coMra Palm, it is totally safe, suitable for everybody and easy to operate with. You can treat various conditions with coMra and to experience great results which will last. In the coMra User guide lots of treatment protocols are designed which to be applied as a part of the healing process or as a prevention procedure.

Here are some of the possible causes of chronic fatigue:

A virus infection. There are so many viruses and bacteria all around us. All the time they try to break into our body and the immune system has to recognize them and fight back the malicious ones. There are cases of virus infection which occur without other obvious symptoms despite the chronic fatigue. Some stubborn viruses stay latent in the body and got activated from time to time. The immune system then is alarmed to search for the virus in the body and to attack the cells that are affected. Very often, this leads to disturbed hormonal balance and autoimmune conditions.

Immune deficiency. If you suffer from chronic fatigue, it might be a sign that your immune system is not working properly. Research shows that in case of immune deficiency, there is a low activity of the white blood cells which are responsible for the killing of invaders from the outside like viruses and bacteria. Autoimmune diseases can also cause chronic fatigue as the immune system is alarmed all the time and very often there are several inflammatory processes going on.

Depression. Some changes in the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain are linked to depression and can cause fatigue. Usually, there are also sleep issues and increased sensitivity to various triggers as a result of the depression. Today, more researches show the connection between depression and gut health, so it is very important to address the issues in the microbiome and the health of the gut.

Poor diet and digestive issues. Stress and other factors may cause the formation of too many free radicals in the body which are very harmful for the cells. The reason they are formed is rooted in a poor diet with not enough vitamins, minerals and fibre. If you have digestive issues, the absorption of the substances is disturbed and the cells eventually are hungry. Leaky gut syndrome, colitis, constipation etc. are some of the problems linked to chronic fatigue, depression and anxiety attacks.

Liver problems. If the liver is affected, the toxins cannot be eliminated from the bloodstream and they keep circulating in the body. A diet rich in sugar or alcohol can cause fatty liver and that can lead to hormonal imbalance and slow metabolism. All the hormonal imbalances show that there is a problem in the functioning of the liver and chronic fatigue is usually one of the most common symptoms.

Adrenal deficiency. Chronic fatigue is a sign that the adrenals are exhausted or overstimulated. The malfunction of the adrenals affects the whole body. The adrenal fatigue is an alarming sign of a total physical and emotional burnout. When you experience it, your adrenals are tired due to the constant stress and production of cortisol which disrupts the normal cycles of sleep and activity. The thyroid gland is also affected and you are not able to sleep during the night but you feel dizzy during the day. It feels like a constant jet lag because the levels of cortisol are unstable and unpredictable.

Which health conditions are linked to chronic fatigue?

Every day your energy levels are different depending on your physical activity, food intake, emotional balance and more. Sometimes, you can feel tired for various reasons but usually after some good rest and several hours of deep sleep, everything is back to normal. Except when the tiredness is there for months. There are many conditions linked to chronic or adrenal fatigue and together with other symptoms it is a sign for a serious disease going on unnoticed.

Fatigue with weight loss

If fatigue occurs as a result of fasting, detoxifying program or after a stressful period, then it is just your body adjusting to the process of cleansing. The flushing of toxins out of the body can cause headaches, fatigue and even nausea. However, these symptoms will disappear very quickly and everything will soon be back in the normal ranges. On the other hand, if your chronic fatigue lasts for months then it could be a sign for endocrine imbalance or digestive issues due to problems with the intestines, liver or stomach. It could be a result of an autoimmune condition, parasites, prolonged inflammation and even tumours. Start applying the coMra Universal treatments protocols to support your body even if you do not have the exact diagnosis. Then find your condition in the coMra User Guide and follow the instructions of the particular treatment for your specific condition.

Pale skin, low blood pressure and chronic fatigue

These three symptoms combined can be a sign that you have anemia and the cause of it is often very complex as there are parts rooted in the physics and some in the emotions. In the article about the mindset behind anemia you can find more information on the possible thoughts or emotions linked to your condition. Low blood pressure also shows that your emotional balance is disturbed and your body suffers from that. Start applying coMra treatment protocols designed for anemia and low blood pressure like Universal treatment 3- Blood from the User Guide.

Thirst and too much urinating

If you are thirsty all the time and urinate too much, you need to test your blood sugar levels as this can be a sign for a pre-diabetic condition, insulin resistance or diabetes. Another possible reason is kidney problems. In the coMra User Guide there are specific treatment protocols both for diabetes and kidney issues.

Chronic fatigue with digestive issues

If you feel bloated, have bad taste in the mouth, constipation, diarrhea or a heavy feeling in the abdominal area and all of that combined with chronic fatigue, you need to heal your digestive system. The condition of your intestines and colon will affect the health of the whole body as all the nutrients are absorbed there. Your emotional state and thinking patterns are of great importance for the health of the digestive system and the gut brain. Therefore, you can also treat and support the nervous system with coMra Universal treatments 5 and 7 which will enhance your overall health and well-being. The Gastroenterology section of the User guide consists of various treatment protocols for the digestive system

Heart conditions and chronic fatigue

Heart disease is one of the most common conditions linked to chronic fatigue together with symptoms like irregular heartbeat, arrhythmia, shortness of breath, pain or heaviness in the heart. So, if you experience some of these symptoms, you need to check your body for cardiovascular problems. In coMra therapy, there are gentle and effective treatment protocols to support the health of the heart and to enhance the healing process. In the coMra User Guide, you will find all the details on how to apply the Universal Treatment 2 – Heart on your own.

Mental and emotional issues

Conditions such as depression and anxiety often are experienced together with lack of sleep, chronic fatigue, emotional instability, irritability, lack of desire to live etc. It is normal to feel tired after a challenging period with a lot of stress and overwhelming emotions, however you need to look closely at it if you cannot get up for days and have the desire to only stay in bed and do nothing. From the coMra therapy protocols, you can apply Universal Treatments 5 and 7 which will support and heal your nervous system. Of course, a great deal of inner work is required to address the emotional and mental reasons for your condition.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

The hormones produced by the thyroid are essential for the health as they affect many other reactions and processes in the cells. The thyroid regulates the body’s energy use, the metabolic rate, the functioning of the heart and the digestive system, the temperature, the brain development, bones and muscles formation etc. Hypofunction of the thyroid gland leads to slow metabolism, brain fog, dry skin, changes in the menstrual cycle, hypertension, digestive issues and more. Mostly women suffer from hypofunction of the thyroid as usually it is caused by an autoimmune disorder Hashimoto’s. If you are at the early stages of the condition, it is easier to reverse the process with natural methods, without the hormone-replacement therapy.

Conversion of T4 to T3

When there are not enough thyroid hormones in the body which could be used by the cells, the hypothalamus sends a message to the pituitary gland via special chemical. Then the pituitary gland produces the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). The high levels of that hormone when reach the thyroid gland force it to produce thyroglobulin. Depending on how many iodine molecules it connects, it turns into T4 or T3 thyroid hormones. More than ninety percent of the hormones produced in the thyroid are T4 while the body needs the active T3 . In order for the thyroid hormones to be used by the cells, the conversion of T4 to T3 has to take place. The major organs involved in the conversion are the liver, the heart, the gut and the muscles. When you have a low function of the thyroid, you need to actually boost the conversion of the active hormone.

coMra therapy

The medication therapy with hormones as a replacement do not address the actual problem but only deal with the symptoms. With time, the thyroid gland will become lazier and you will need even more hormones from the outside. The healthy alternative is coMra therapy - a gentle and non-invasive method inducing the natural healing abilities of your body. The cold laser together with the magnets and the colorful diodes will stimulate the work of the thyroid gland but also will support the liver and the gut which are the places where the T4 to T3 conversion takes place. In the coMra user guide are all of the treatment courses which could also be combined for better results. You will need to apply coMra therapy daily until you see some improvement and then continue as it is described. With this natural method you will actual heal conditions like Hashimoto’s and other autoimmune disorders, digestive problems and will support the work of all the major organs.

What prevents the conversion

There are some factors which interrupt the conversion of T4 to T3 and make hypofunction of the thyroid gland even worse. Stress is definitely one of them as the high levels of cortisol prevent the T4 to T3 conversion directly. Gluten intolerance and leaky gut syndrome can disturb the conversion that takes place in the gut. All the inflammatory processes will affect the conversion negatively, so you need to deal with them in the first place. Conditions like depression and anemia are also among the factors which prevent the conversion. Dealing with the low function of the thyroid gland is complex but coMra therapy will support your healing and will help you reversing the condition and soothing the symptoms.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Candida is a type of bacteria that naturally exists in the body and helps with the digestion and absorption of the nutrients in the intestines. However, if overgrowth of candida occurs, it becomes a serious condition that could affect the major organs and systems. If you have white coated tongue in the morning, brain fog, bloating, joint pain, hormonal imbalance, fatigue, sinus or allergy issues, then maybe candida is the cause of all of them. The overgrowth of candida affects the natural balance of bacteria in the gut and often leads to leaky gut and pain after eating.

What Causes Candida Overgrowth?

Mood swings and premenstrual syndrome could also be a sign that candida is too much and you need to take care of it. The usual causes for candida overgrowth are antibiotics which kill the good bacteria in your body, consumption of too much sugar, diabetes, weak immune system and digestive issues. On the other hand, candida is linked to diseases like hypothyroidism, urinary tract infections and skin fungal issues. As it tends to be very stubborn you need to embrace a complex and persistent approach in order to deal with it which includes diet changes and coMra treatments.

Candida Symptoms

1.Digestive issues

If you often experience excessive gas, bloating, constipation or other digestive issues, the cause of them could be candida overgrowth. When these bacteria reach the intestinal tract, they start reproducing there depending on the environment there. The health of the gut is a constantly changing balance of the bacteria living there, some are good for you and some are bad. When the balance is disturbed, the healthy bacteria cannot fight the infections which is known as dysbiosis. Treating candida overgrowth can bring relief. 

2.Mood swings and anxiety

While the gut is affecting our mood so much, it is not a surprise that all that byproducts from the candida infection can cause mood swings, anxiety, irritability and even depression. The so-called gut brain is directly affected by the bacteria balance in the gut and how well the digestive system is functioning. While candida is feeding mostly on sugar, you can start observing how you feel after eating something sweet. In the next few hours or even on the next day, you might notice signs of irritability or anxiety and that is often linked to excessive candida growing because of the sweet treat. That is why the diet for candida eliminates all the refined sugar and limits the consumption of carbohydrates.

3.Chronic fatigue and brain fog

If you suffer from chronic fatigue and experience difficulties concentrating, together with poor memory, then it might be a sign that you have candida overgrowth. Usually, the fatigue lasts for more than a month or two, it is often accompanied by headaches and lack of any physical energy or motivation to be active. Brain fog often occurs after consumption of sugar or carbohydrates, it is a common symptom of candida infection too.

4.Urinal and Vaginal Infections

The recurrent infections of the urinary tract and the vagina are in most cases caused by candida. While there is some quantity of the bacteria there, the overgrowth can cause health issues which are difficult to heal and have the tendency to come back when you experience stress. During an active infection, women need to avoid tight underwear and hot baths. Cold laser therapy is a good non-invasive option for chronic and recurrent issues of the urinary tract. 

5.While coating on your tongue and mouth (oral thrush) and bad breath

One of the most common symptoms of candida infection is the white coating on the tongue in the morning caused by the overgrowth of the bacteria. This can cause bad breath and gum problems if left untreated. It is a very helpful practice to clean your tongue in the morning after you wash your teeth in order to prevent the bacteria spreading to your digestive tract, heart, liver, etc.

6.Fungal infections on the skin and nails

Nails fungal infection and skin issues might be caused by candida and this shows that your immune system is very weak. Prolonged infections are a sign that you have a yeast infection which stems from a bacteria similar to candida. You will need a systematic approach and a cold laser treatment program in order to address the issues both from the inside and outside. 

7.Hormonal imbalance

When candida overgrowth is untreated, it might cause hormonal imbalance as the substances from its metabolism are mimicking the hormones, especially in women. It can throw the estrogen out of balance, disturbing the abilities of the body to eliminate the excess estrogens from the body. The estrogen dominance occurring then can cause thyroid and fertility problems. All hormonal imbalances can also be addressed and treated with cold lasers without hormone replacement therapies with even more estrogen.

Support the spleen and the liver

Spleen is often weakened if there is candida overgrowth in the body, so coMra therapy supporting its functioning would be very beneficial. Liver is the other organ which is trying to compensate while dealing with the toxins released from the bacteria. The Universal Treatment 6 - Vitality from the coMra user guide is a healing course which will support the body in case of any physical exhaustion and could be used to treat candida overgrowth too. You can apply several more minutes on the spleen and the liver the first two weeks as daily treatments are essential for the good results.

The Gut Health and Your Diet

The other important part of the healing is the food that triggers the yeast overgrowth. Most of the candida symptoms will show problems in the abdominal area causing digestive issues. First, you need to eliminate processed food and sugar from your diet.Then to reduce the consumption of grains, especially wheat and other gluten containing foods. Sugar feeds the bad bacteria in your intestines causing the candida overgrowth and grains also are turned into sugar. It is better to eat starchy vegetables like squash or sweet potatoes while dealing with candida. Beans are good for you if you soak them in advance and if your body can digest them properly. You need to eat more leafy green vegetables like spinach, kale, lettuce etc. as they contain a lot of fiber and vitamins. Avoid cold foods as they affect the spleen and suppress the digestion process, choose more soups and warm vegetable dishes.


Fermented foods like kimchi or sour pickles contain a huge number of natural probiotics which will help the growth of the good bacteria in your body. You can also take probiotics as a supplement and to apply coMra therapy on the abdominal area in order to restore the balance. The ratio between good and bad bacteria in your intestines is crucial for your immune system and candida overgrowth is also liked to re-occurring inflammations or infections. It even affects your emotional state and may lead to depression or anxiety. If you feel the craving to eat more and more sweet, feeling bad after that, then you have to help your good bacteria with probiotics and foods like ginger, garlic or turmeric.

Working with your mindset and emotions

The body itself is the physical part of our being and it is directly connected to the mind. Any health issue is firstly born in the mind and the emotions, then it shows itself on the physical plane as a health issue or a disease. When there is an imbalance of any kind or a condition, it is a sign that there is an inner conflict going on. There are also some thoughts or emotional patterns which are harmful for the body. So, if you want to be healthy, you need to do the inner work too. Candida is linked to thoughts of self-hatred, to inability to accept life as it is, and a lack of trust in the process of life. Try working with this while you are treating yourself with coMra laser therapy and changing your diet and lifestyle.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Sometimes people are worried as there always are some problems or challenges in life. But anxiety is something else, it is like a constant numb pain in your emotional being and it refuses to go away easily. When people get anxiety attack it may come with difficulties to breathe, feeling of fear, crying, brain frog, extreme fatigue, apathy and emotional imbalance. The symptoms could vary a lot and could last for hours. Although, you might not consider anxiety as a disease, it could become a serious condition that many people struggle with. The roots of anxiety start in the mind and the emotions but the physical body suffers too. The triggers for the anxiety could vary from a person to another, we are all unique personalities, but let us go through some major anxiety causes as it might be useful for your to find your own reasons.

Adrenal Glands Health

All the changes in the emotional state will reach the body at some point and they will affect the hormonal balance. When the stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol are continuously produced, the endocrine system suffers and the production of other major hormones would be interrupted. The adrenal fatigue is a condition with symptoms like fatigue, difficulties to concentrate, insonmia, emotional breakdowns, depression and anxiety. There is a natural approach to address it without medications. You can apply coMra therapy daily for several weeks in order to support the work of the adrenal glands. The Universal Treatment 5 is recommended in order to effectively heal the nervous system and to give some extra energy to the body. The coMra therapy is a gentle and non-invasive way to heal different conditions and diseases. In order to keep your adrenal glands healthy, you need to avoid extreme emotions and to find your way to reach relaxation through breathing, moving and joyful activities.

Stressful daily routine

If you spend too much time in from of screens, do not eat rich in nutrients diet, if you tend to think too much about the past or the future, if you work with a lot of deadlines and the work piles up every day, if you tend to multitask...then there is a possibility all of that to cause anxiety at some point of your life. Too much information and worrying about thousand things at the same time will overload your nervous system. If your daily routine is creating stress in your life and you do not have time to rest, your adrenal glands will suffer but also your thoughts and emotions will go out of balance. The way you think and perceive life is very important when we speak about anxiety.


If on the top of all that, you like to have a daily boost of energy with the help of coffee, lots of sugar and other stimulants, then you are depleting your brain from hormones like serotonin and dopamine. Be careful to not enter the cycle of feeling very tired in the morning, drinking tons of coffee during the day and not being able to get quality sleep in the night. If your brain and nervous system are overstimulated, this could become a cause of anxiety. Some herbs and fat burners could also act as stimulants, so you really need to find the balance between being very energetic and your moments of relaxation. If you have problems with sleeping, you can apply a coMra Universal treatment 5 or 7 before going to bed as this will help your nervous system to calm down.

Additives in the food and toxins

When we talk about stimulants that affect the nervous system, we need to mention all the chemicals that are added to the food we eat every day. Even if you do not eat processed food, you can intake a lot of harmful chemicals with the fruits and vegetables too. Be careful with the source of the food you consume and try to avoid heavy metals in any case. The toxic environment could become a cause of anxiety as many household cleaning products contain very aggressive chemicals. So, try to clean your environment and your food while checking if there is any improvement. In the coMra user guide, find the best treatment to support the work of your major organs like the liver, kidneys and the spleen as they are the ones detoxifying your body constantly.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

The symptoms of the depression are the feeling of grief, lost of interest in activities that you used to like before, slow thinking, talking and movement, hurtful thoughts, no motivation, sadness and often it comes with anxiety. According to many people, depression is a result of a great emotional pain or loss and suppressed anger. Usually, this could cause it but in other cases, the reasons could hide also in the physical - depletion of minerals, viruses, diseases and toxins.


The most obvious trigger is the emotional pain which has occurred after a traumatic experience. However, different people may react in various ways to one and the same situation, so the emotional pain is mostly in the perception of the current conditions. The different reactions are as a consequence of the personal background, character, personality and even the brain chemistry. But most important is how you will experience and react to the loss in your personal or work life. The appropriate depression treatment depends very much on the causes of the condition, so the first step is to observe and find its roots in your perception. Search for feelings of hopelessness, powerlessness and despair following certain situations in your life.

Physical reactions

The emotional pain or grief trigger a hormonal cocktail which is very harmful for the heart, the brain, the adrenal glands, the stomach and other organs. Your body will experience all the emotions and pain in different parts of it may occur out of the blue. As depression is linked to eating and sleeping disorders, it is no surprise that your physical body will soon start carrying the burden of your emotions. On the top of that, if your diet is poor of nutrients or you are exposed to toxic environment, the roots of various diseases are already there. Some viruses and bacteria which affect the microbiology of the body or which attack a certain organ, can also become triggers of depression. Very often depression treatment includes medications which are very aggressive and even if they soothe the symptoms of your current condition, may cause depression in long terms are they destroy some organs like the liver, the kidneys etc.

Treatment course

The depression treatment should be done step by step with persistence and with great awareness. Your organs and systems will need healing as they were greatly affected by your emotional state. A very good and non-invasive option is coMra therapy. Unlike the chemical medications, coMra therapy will not harm your organs in any way but will only induce the healing process in your cells in a natural way. The laser with the magnets and the lights, will provide the needed energy for your body to heal and recover. The coMra therapy is highly effective beneficial for many kinds of conditions and depression is one of them. All the treatments are well described in the coMra user guide and the courses are very easy to follow. You can apply coMra therapy on your own at home.


On the other hand, parallel to coMra therapy you will slowly need to unwind your emotional state and to find things in life that bring you joy. Then you can change your diet and lifestyle making sure that you eat enough nutrients and do regular exercising. Some supplements like magnesium, chrome, zinc and omega 3 fatty acids have also positive impact in cases of depression. However, the main work is to heal your emotions and your perception and to support your body in restoring the balance.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Fibromyalgia is a condition that is linked to pain which occurs all over the body, affects the muscles and the inner organs. There are tender points of pain but also sharp and severe pain, stiffness in the morning after a long night with bad quality sleep. From all this discomfort, people suffering from it are not able to have their daily life going on without taking good care of the constant pain in a constructive way.

Non-invasive vs. invasive treatment

When your hear the words pain management for fibromyalgia, you would probably think of medications and drugs, lots of them. There is a bunch of drugs prescribed for the muscles, the abdominal and any other area of the body affected. But they only mute the signals coming from the body that something is wrong there. They destroy the overall health and also affect negatively the emotional state of the person, often leading to anxiety and depression. And on the top of that, at the moment their impact on the nervous system is over, the pain comes back, without the smallest change or any healing progress. The medications therapy is highly invasive interfering with the body functions in a very aggressive way.

This is a cycle with no way out at all and people suffering from fibromyalgia maybe don’t know that there is another option to deal with the pain but also slowly to start healing the condition itself. People with different kinds of diseases need an approach which will not make the things worse by destroying the inner organs of the body only for the sake of soothing the symptoms. Everyone with a serious condition should be able to address the cause of the issue in a gentle and non-invasive way which is restoring the balance in the body in the most harmonious way.

coMra therapy

Here comes coMra therapy to be used as pain management for fibromyalgia as it is a natural, non-invasive and a very effective way to address the condition. It will soothe the pain at first but in time, it will heal the nerves, the muscles and will help regenerate the tissues and the organs. The coMra therapy is a very good way to support your body into its returning to the state of health. It could be applied in many cases and could treat many different conditions with excellent results. The fibromyalgia treatment and all the others could be found in the coMra user guide, however you can create your own treatment course when you get to know the details. You can extend the time of treating a point or add points if that feels good for you. The therapy is very gentle to your body and yet it is powerful to accelerate the healing processes in any organ or system.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Are alternative therapies effective and which are the best supplements for fibromyalgia you need to make a part of your treatment course? How to deal with the pain and how to alleviate the pain and the other symptoms in a natural and non-invasive way?

This chronic condition is very common for women and could start after a period of overwhelming stress, illness, injury or as a result of a trauma. The symptoms may vary from extreme fatigue, sleeping disorders, lower abdominal cramps and severe pain all over the body. Natural treatments like massages, essential oils, changes in nutrition and meditation could alleviate the symptoms but how can you actually start a healing process in your body?

coMra Therapy

This is a method that has shown very good results when is done together with the proper supplements for fibromyalgia. It uses the power of a gentle laser, magnets and lights to heal each and every organ in your body in a very effective but non-invasive way. The coMra Palm is one of the devices that you can bring everywhere with you and apply your coMra treatment with. This therapy is very effective with all kinds of pain and is a very pleasant procedure without any negative side effects. It will awaken the hidden healing abilities of your body helping it to restore the balance and its natural healthy condition. All the treatments could be found in the coMra user guide as the one for fibromyalgia is in Neurology 9 section with all the details about the course.

It is recommended together with the coMra therapy course to change to a healthy diet, to include a regular moderate activity in your daily routine, to spend enough time in the sun and if you want to take some supplements for fibromyalgia in order to receive the best results.


One of the most important minerals that your body will use in cases of a great stress or constant pain, is the magnesium. Fibromyalgia is often linked to magnesium deficiency and the supplementation with it will help you reduce the symptoms and support your nervous system and some cells functions. Magnesium will improve your sleep, will alleviate depression, anxiety and the muscles cramps. You need to limit your sugar intake as your body uses magnesium in order to digest and protect itself from the high blood sugar levels. You can add raw nuts to your diet too.

Omega 3

You can either take fish oil as one of your supplements for fibromyalgia or eat a lot of wild-caught fish like salmon, mackerel, tuna and herring. There are other foods rich in omega 3 acids like chia seed, flax seeds, nuts and eggs, however for the first several months in order to fill your depots, it is a good idea to find a good god liver oil or another high quality fish oil to drink in order to support the work of your heart and the whole cardiovascular system.


Adaptogens like ashwagandha and rhodiola are very beneficial for the body especially in times of stress and a prolonged emotional imbalance as they support all the physical processes and increase the tolerance to stress and pain. Turmeric is a great anti-inflammation supplement that you can also add to your food as it will alleviate pain and will support the healing of all the inflammatory processes in your body. You also need to boost the levels of Vitamin D either with spending some time in the sun daily or by taking it as a supplement as it will help you deal with the sleeping issues, depression symptoms and the pain.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Fibromyalgia is a medical condition that is painful and interrupts with the normal pace of life for the people who suffer from it. The disease comes with variety of symptoms like fatigue, muscle cramps, memory issues, sleeping disorders, headaches etc. The nervous system is overactive and it creates the feeling of pain from anxiety and depression to severe abdominal pain and nausea. Although, the traditional medicine treats this condition with lots of painkillers and antidepressants, there is an alternative medicine for fibromyalgia that could be very effective and could help healing the causes of the disease not only soothing the symptoms.

coMra therapy

A gentle and non-invasive way to awaken your own inner healing abilities and to support your whole body into recovery and restoring the balance in each organ, is coMra therapy. The power of the laser is accompanied with a magnetic field and light and could heal every cell, organ and system in your body without any negative side effects. You could apply coMra therapy in cases of injury, acute pain but also for chronic conditions and serious disorders. If you feel cramps in your lower abdominal, you could place the coMra Palm there for several minutes just to get some pain relief. However, if you want to heal the roots of the condition, for example fibromyalgia, you will need to take a look at and follow the treatment program in the coMra user guide.

If you have chosen to try alternative medicine for fibromyalgia, coMra therapy will help you a lot as it goes perfectly with the holistic approach to health which treats the person as a whole system. The medication treatment on the other side, would do the opposite as when you take painkillers, you destroy the liver and the stomach and as a result you feel even more anxiety and weakness. You need to heal the deep root of the disease and all the places where it has been spread with time. For that reason, the Neurology 9 treatment from the coMra user guide that is for fibromyalgia consists of three different parts. One of them is called Universal treatment 3 - Blood which will make your blood vessels stronger and your blood more fluid, another one is Universal treatment 5 applied in order to support the nervous system and there is a scheme of treatment specific for the fibromyalgia condition as part three. You will find all the details and recommendations in the coMra user guide, however as the therapy is non-invasive, you could add some changes to your treatment if it makes you feel better.

Nutrients rich diet

Your diet is your best alternative medicine for fibromyalgia or any other condition as your body uses all the nutrients coming from your food to create new cells. You need to avoid or reduce to minimum the consumption of alcohol, sugar and caffeine as they will make the symptoms even worse. Anything that stimulates the nervous system will make you even more sensitive to the pain in the tissues. Try to eat foods that are rich in magnesium like nuts, avocados, pumpkin seeds, green leafy vegetables etc. and also foods rich in melatonin like walnuts, rice, ginger, barley, bananas etc. as they will help with the sleep disorders which often occur due to the pain in the body. The good and rich diet will help control your weight and will give your body all the needed nutrients for it to deal with the condition. Coconut oil, wild fish, turmeric and ginger could also be beneficial for you and you can add them to your diet.

Well-being and mental health

As this painful condition is linked to aggression and violence history in the family, the mental health is key to healing fibromyalgia and you will need to do your inner work facing your emotional pain too. People suffering from it are very sensitive to touching and they seem to perceive a lot of situations as threatening and extremely stressful. So, you need to work on these side of the condition as the pain in the mind and the emotions would manifest on the physical level sooner or later. You could find your own personal way to calm down your nervous system through meditation, herbs like melissa and valeriana, reading a book or anything that will help you being more relaxed. Everything in yourself is connected, so you need to heal yourself as a whole in order to restore the inner balance that is known as overall health.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Video Link: Watch the third episode by Kelsey and Lara from Buzzfeed on how they felt after the coMra therapy program which they decided to try because of chronic pain conditions.

Which are the natural and non-invasive fibromyalgia treatments for pain that you can apply in order to deal with the symptoms of this severe condition?

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder that affects almost two percent of the people worldwide and is more common among women. It negatively affects the quality of life as the symptoms include chronic fatigue, widespread pain, severe headaches, loss of memory, poor sleep and muscle cramps. Often people suffering from fibromyalgia have depression, obesity and addictions to drugs and alcohol which may lead to even more health problems like liver failure, kidney stones, ovarian cysts etc. It is better to start the fibromyalgia treatments for pain as early as possible in order to have better results and to choose natural methods in order to decrease the medications intake.

coMra therapy

Using either coMra Pro, Delta Series or coMra palm, the application of coMra therapy has shown so far very good results on treating fibromyalgia. From the coMra user guide apply the Neurology 9 treatments for 21 days. Then rest for 2 weeks, repeat until improvement is noticed. Thereafter treat every 3 months of still necessary. The fibromyalgia treatment consists of three parts and you will find the exact schedule how to apply them in the coMra user guide. Part one is done in the early morning every day as you can follow the schedule with the detailed information which points to treat. Then early evening of every second day , you need to do Universal treatment 3 - Blood which is very important for the good health of the blood and the whole body. The last part is done every evening after dinner and it includes Universal treatment 5 (SB-2) which will support your nervous system and will reduce the pain. The devices are very easy to use and you will find a lot of information on this website on how to operate with the coMra Palm at home. The coMra therapy is a very good alternative to invasive method as it not only help you deal with the symptoms but will also heal the causes of the condition.

Massage and acupuncture

Weekly massages and acupuncture sessions could reduce the pain and improve the heart rate, as they provide relief from depression and anxiety too. It is recommended to incorporate them in your fibromyalgia treatments for pain routine to receive an immediate relief from the pain and to increase the blood circulation as well as to tone the muscles. You can also try bowen therapy, aromatherapy and swimming in order to calm down the nervous system and to soften the tight muscles in your body.

Regular activity

Although it would be quite challenging to exercise while you feel pain, but activity is vital part of the healing process of fibromyalgia. The pain of the soft tissues and the fascia lead to many inflammations in the body and you need to improve the blood circulation in order to get rid of all the toxins that you consume with the painkillers medications and the waste products released from the cells. On the other side, moderate activity programs like yoga, walking or pilates will increase certain neurotransmitters levels in your brain which is the natural pain relief produced in your brain. Exercising would help you lose the additional weight which will additionally soothe the symptoms and the pain.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

How the hormones production in the female body is changing with the years and due to the environment conditions? Which are the symptoms showing that the levels of estrogen are too high or too low? How to understand if you have estrogen dominance or deficiency?

How the estrogen levels change

Estrogen is a group of female hormones which regulates your menstrual cycle, gives you glowing and youthful appearance of the skin, makes your mind sharp and clear. But the levels of this hormone fluctuate each month and with the years. It is a very fine balance and if the levels go too high or too low, you will see some signs and symptoms in your body. In the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the estrogen levels are very low and they reach their peak when the ovulation is. After the age of 35, it is more usual to have estrogen dominance because the body is producing less progesterone as you move closer to the menopause phase.

Signs of estrogen deficiency

If you feel at your best only about a week before and up to your ovulation phase but you experience poor concentration, brain fog and forgetfulness during all the other days of your period, then you probably have estrogen deficiency. It also comes with anxiety, depression and mood swings together with the dry skin, saggy breasts, increased appetite and weight gain. The low levels of the hormone may cause insomnia with night sweats, hot flashes, headaches and back pain. The menstrual cycles are heavy and irregular or absent, the libido is low and the fertility is reduced.

Signs of estrogen dominance

If the last phase of the menstrual cycle comes with PMS accompanied by painful cramps and followed by a heavy cycle, then you most probably have a hormonal imbalance which in some cases could be the estrogen dominance. It is also described with a sharp and clear mind but often mixed with high irritability and impatience, anger and nervousness. On the other hand, you might have a strong sense of fertility and sexuality. The estrogen dominance is the main cause of ovarian cysts and polycystic ovarian syndrome, the breast pain and increased breast size, water retention, sugar cravings, weight gain and bloating.

What causes the imbalance and how to treat it?

The adrenal dysfunction caused by too much stress may affect the estrogen production, so you need to find your way to manage stress in order to reduce the cortisol levels and to normalize the estrogen production. The overweight could cause estrogen dominance because part of it is produced there too. The deficiency of nutrients like proteins and good fats, vitamins and minerals could be become the reason for a hormonal imbalance, so make sure that your diet is rich and nutritious in order to support the normal functioning of your body. The coMra therapy can also help you with healing the hormonal imbalance as it heals your organs and gives an energy boost to your body to restore its healthy condition. All the treatments are described in details in the coMra user guide making it easy to apply it at home as it is a very gentle and totally non-invasive method to heal.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in thecoMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.