Can you protect the lungs naturally and how to prevent from respiratory diseases? Which are the healthy habits that you need to incorporate in your life in order to help your respiratory system? How to heal inflammatory processes in the body without medication in the most gentle possible way which is at the same time effective and actually heals the roots of the condition?

Inhale, exhale … we do this constantly, many times per hour, every day of our life. The lungs are  major organs found in the thoracic cavity of the human body. The respiratory system consists of the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs. The structures inside the lungs end in really small air sacs called alveoli. From there the red blood cells collect the oxygen and bring it along the body to reach each cell. This is also the place where the carbon dioxide would leave the blood. If any part of the lungs suffer, the breathing process is affected as the lungs are working all the time, expanding and relaxing without any rest.

The lung diseases are very common due to the polluted environment, smoking, emotional stress or infections. These include medical conditions like bronchitis, asthma, pulmonary embolism, respiratory distress, respiratory tract infection, pneumonia and others. Some of these conditions are the result of a constant inflammatory process taking place in the lungs for years, others are infections that could be developed rapidly and some are chronic diseases often relapsing during times of high levels of emotional and mental stress.

Calm or Deep Breathing

As the breathing is the main function of the respiratory system, you need to pay more attention on how do you breathe. You can practice moderate exercising several times per week in order to make the breathing more profound and faster. The same way you train your muscles, you can train your lungs and this will increase their capacity and condition. Another way to make your lungs stronger is to try breathing techniques like the ones taught during yoga classes. The deep and slow breathing will provide many benefits for the condition of your lungs, heart and overall health.

Support the Immune system

In order to be able to fight the infections that may occur due to bacteria or viruses coming from the outside world, you need your immune system to work properly. The healthy diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables will provide your body with the antioxidants it needs, however due to the way of living nowadays, this might not be enough. A very effective way to support your immune system and to heal the infections, is the coMra therapy. It is very gentle to the body, with no side effects but leading to very good results in time. The coMra Universal treatments 2, 3 and 5 and the Pulmonology 1,2,3  from Section 7 in the coMra user guide are the ones recommended if you want to heal or protect your lungs. They address the health of the heart, the blood and the major organs in the body. You can start with any of them or combine them.

Stress Management

A stressful situation often affects the way a person breathes. This puts very high pressure on the lungs and the heart, the stress hormones are released in the blood at the same time and the breathing is getting even harder and irregular. If you are to run at this moment, that would help as the cortisol is the hormone used by the body to alarm all the systems that a dangerous situation needs attention. However, in our modern life, we are not in a real danger but the body reacts as if we are, so we need to manage the stress response. Try to avoid emotional stress as much as possible to protect your lungs and your heart. As a prevention in such periods of time, you can again turn to the coMra therapy and apply the Universal Treatment 5 or Pulmonology treatments from the coMra user guide as a prevention method.

Quit or Avoid Smoking

Smoking is blamed as one of the main factors when we speak about serious respiratory conditions, so quitting smoking or not starting it, is obviously one of the best things you can do for your lungs. Not to forget that if you stay in a room where everyone smokes will do almost the same to your lungs as if you are smoking yourself. The smoke of any kind is to be avoided if you want to protect your lungs and the respiratory system, so for example, near the barbecue the smoke is also very dangerous if it is inhaled. The polluted air on major streets in a busy city also has very undesirable effects on the lungs, so you can try to avoid walking or bicycling  there.

Clean Environment

You need the environment where you live to be free of toxins, dust, dirt or chemical pollutants if you want to protect your lungs. The mold is quite dangerous, so make sure that your home is clean of irritants. You have to open the windows every day to refresh the air in the house or to use a proper ventilation system. The filters of which and of the air conditioners have to be washed often to avoid irritants flowing back and forth in the house. It is a good idea to get rid of any synthetic air fresheners or candles and to use natural essential oils diffusers or aroma lamps instead.

Today we want to share with you some information on the key treatments in the coMra user guide that could be very beneficial when healing various medical conditions or as a prevention. These are the Universal treatments 1-8.

Have you ever wondered where to start from with coMra-Therapy at home or at the office? How to organize your treatment program in order to be most effective with your condition? Which coMra treatment from the user guide to refer to if you want to take preventative care of your health? If you can combine treatments in order to support your body in the healing process more accurately?

Due to the interrelated nature of health, all the systems in our body work together and there is a constant communication between the organs as they are a vital part of the maintenance of overall health. As you can see in the coMra user guide or in this introductory article about the Universal treatments, treatments cover the main systems or major organs in the body. If you apply these treatments long enough to observe improvement and then continue with them, you could heal the organs, get pain relief, control the symptoms and prevent new attacks in the future.

The “core” of the Universal Treatments is number 3 - Blood, since the blood is the main tool of the body to maintain communication and nutrition of each cell. As part of our holistic approach to health, this treatment is fundamental for general well-being. The goal of it is to irradiate non-invasively the full volume of the circulating blood in order to increase the oxygen-carrying capacity, to improve blood rheology, to enhance the microcirculation, to biomodulate immunity etc. It is very beneficial to be applied during the healing of inflammation processes, the presence of viruses, toxins, etc.

The application of the Blood Universal treatment alone or in combination with others, will lead to normalization and stimulation of any regenerative process as well as regulation of the carbohydrate, fat, protein and intracellular bioenergetic metabolism. The red blood cells are supported to become more flexible and to move faster. When the blood moves freely in the body, it is less thick and the blood vessels are stronger, clotting and waste sediments are removed from the bloodstream, and the whole body has more energy to deal with the healing of the organs which need it.

You can start with treating the area of the body or a point where you feel acute pain or injury and combine it with the Universal Treatment 3 - Blood, in order to provide a systemic energy support for your body. The Universal treatments 4 and 6, which focus on the major organs, are to be used if you need physical conditioning, restoration of energy or combatting chronic fatigue, also if you are an athlete or following a training program. The Universal treatments 5 and 7, which focus on the neuroendocrine system, are key for emotional and mental health. The Universal treatment 1 for the head is to be applied if any headaches occur or you want to heal chronic migraine, support your vision, eyes and your brain, after long hours of computer work etc. The Universal treatment 2 is for the health of the heart and is also a key one when dealing with stress, exhaustion and heart weakness.

When you do coMra treatments at home please read the instructions in the user guide in order to understand the main principles of the therapy. The method is very gentle and non-invasive, without any side-effects, however cells have limitations in absorbing energy, so in acute cases several short treatments per day are recommended instead of only one but long. Please note that not all conditions that can be treated with coMra-Therapy are to be found in the user guide, since possibilities with coMra-Therapy are unlimited in relation to physical, emotional and mental health.

We hope you are having a wonderful time and enjoying the feeling of well-being and health!

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

When do you need to apply the Universal Treatment 2- Heart alone or along with other treatments? How it will affect and support the body functioning? Which conditions will acquire this treatment in order to heal or at least to control and ease the symptoms?

This course was created to support and heal the heart in every possible way. When you treat the heart regularly with coMra, the coronary blood flow will gradually increase in time, which is very important as the heart has its own blood supply. The vessels of the heart will become stronger and even more vessels will be built in order for the heart to be able to pump more blood. The muscles of the heart will be supported in their constant work as the coMra therapy will provide the heart with even more energy. As a result there will be less stress on the heart as this Universal treatment is very supportive and beneficial for it.

This treatment will help with many cardiological conditions like in cases of a weak heart, insufficient coronary blood flow, ischaemic heart, arrhythmia, hypertension, cardiomyopathy, tachycardia, angina pectoris and any other issue connected to the heart. Regular coMra application will make your heart stronger,  will slowly improve its function, will heal the issues and will ease the symptoms. You can apply it also when you have low immunity, high levels of bad cholesterol or you go through a period of much emotional stress.

You always have to use the 5Hz when you apply coMra on the area of the heart. Please read carefully  the instructions in the coMra user guide and do not use it on the heart if you have heart transplants, artificial valves or cardiostimulators. The other frequencies are not to be used on the heart at all, however the 5Hz is healing and supporting the heart work and you can apply the coMra therapy whenever you feel the need for it. Universal treatment 2 - Heart takes 13 mins and is to be applied 2 times per day. You can apply the coMra even more time than it is stated in the user guide if you feel the need of it as the coMra therapy is very gentle and non-invasive. Please refer to the pictures in the user guide to see the exact location of each point on your body. Gently place the coMra Palm on the skin and wait for the signal that the time has finished before changing the point treated.

You can apply this Universal treatment 2 daily until you feel improvement and then continue at for at least another week time, then you can rest and repeat again after 2 weeks if needed. It will be effective when done alone or in combination with other treatments as the heart is a major organ in the body, so any healing process will benefit if you include the heart treatment in your course. The better heart work will support all of the systems in the body and will help you to improve your immunity and energy levels. This Universal treatment 2 is vital for the overall health and could be used as a prevention during stress periods, physical exhaustion or daily just in case your heart needs more energy to build up more muscles or blood vessels.

If you want to have good results sooner, it is highly recommended that you combine the coMra treatments with other positive changes in your lifestyle, in your diet and in your way of thinking. The laser will awaken the natural ability of your body to heal and to recover, so you want to support this process with your actions in every possible way. To be more in contact with the nature, to do moderate exercises or any other healthy habits will increase the ability of your organism to heal and get better. To take care of your emotional balance and to find joy in your life is also very supportive for your heart.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

The coMra therapy is a very gentle, non-invasive and effective method to support and heal your body. The low level laser in the devices, provides the additional energy which every cell in the body needs in order to heal. Moreover, there are also magnets and light diodes which are specially modulated to provide even better results. This additional energy support is used by your body to either heal or boost your organs and systems, and to maintain the overall health.

coMra Universal Treatments Section

The Universal Treatments are special protocols designed to be useful in various situations. They can be done alongside with other more specific treatments but can be applied as a separate healing course or as a part of a prevention procedure. The protocol that is the subject of this article - Universal treatment 1 was designed to address problems with the brain functioning, the blood circulation of the head and more. The coMra therapy is not only for ill people, it is greatly beneficial for everyone who wants to improve the performance of the body while following a training program, for example, or just wants to feel better and to have more energy.

Universal treatment 1-Head, when to apply it

The Universal Treatment 1 is applied on the area of the head and is beneficial in any case when there is pain in that area either as a separate treatment or as a supportive one to another treatment from the coMra User Guide. If you experience a headache or migraine, brain fog, dizziness or feeling like you will faint, this protocol is highly recommended for you. In the user guide you will find all the details about the points and time of treating. Additionally, it can be applied in cases of senile dementia, atherosclerosis and intracranial pressure. The treatment protocol has to be done two times per day until you feel some improvement. Then continue for 7 more days, allow 2 weeks rest and then repeat the whole course again if needed.


Which frequency to use and for how long?

You can see all the coMra therapy treatments in the coMra User Guide which is available as a .pdf file and as a mobile application to use it on your mobile phone. There you will see the points where you have to place the coMra Palm device very clearly as it is shown on the picture above. Firstly, go through the whole treatment and pay very good attention on the frequency used for each point while following the course at home. If you want to have the best results from the therapy, it is very important to treat all the points at the recommended frequency. Each treatment has its own table with the name of the points, the frequency used and the time applied. Although the coMra therapy generally will not cause any side effects, following the instructions when treating the head or the heart, or any other zone of the body, is a must for your home experience with the laser to be of highest quality and without any risk. While the device is small enough and portable, you can apply this cold laser therapy almost everywhere if needed.

Which points will be treated?

The Universal Treatment 1 takes only 8 minutes as each point is treated for 1 minute at the frequency of 50Hz. You will treat the both sides of the temple, two points on the frontal area, the both sides of the suboccipital ( on the back of the head) and the both sides of the carotid sinuses. Please refer to the pictures in the coMra user guide to see the exact location of each point on your body. Gently place the coMra Palm on the skin and wait for the signal which indicates that the time has finished before changing the point. If you decide and feel the need for it, you can slightly increase the time on each point. The local treatment for a longer period is used when you feel pain a certain area, for example, the forehead or the back side of the head. In that case, you can place the device several times per day on the point and then move on to the whole treatment protocol.

coMra Therapy and lifestyle changes

For even better results with the cold laser therapy, it is highly recommended that you combine the coMra treatments with other positive changes in your lifestyle, diet and mindset. The laser will awaken the natural ability of your body to heal and to recover, so you want to support this process with your actions in every possible way. Spending time in nature, doing moderate exercises and any other healthy habits will increase the ability of your organism to heal and maintain good health.

For more details, you can check also our free e-book on Universal Treatments HERE.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

The health is the perfect balance in this complex system that we call the human body, it has its own ways to maintain that balance, to heal and recover from injuries. The question is how to awaken and support that abilities rather than interfering with them in the wrong ways. The coMra therapy is a very gentle and non-invasive way to help your body to return to that natural and balanced state where it is easy to be healthy and strong. The coMra Palm is a complex device that is very simple to be used at home and has no side effects, it can be used as a pain relief, for healing, for regeneration or just for prevention.


The health is the perfect balance in this complex system that we call the human body, it has its own ways to maintain that balance, to heal and recover from injuries. The question is how to awaken and support that abilities rather than interfering with them in the wrong ways. The coMra therapy is a very gentle and non-invasive way to help your body to return to that natural and balanced state where it is easy to be healthy and strong. The coMra Palm is a complex device that is very simple to be used at home and has no side effects, it can be used as a pain relief, for healing, for regeneration or just for prevention.

The 8 coMra Universal Treatments that you will find in the coMra user guide are created in order to help you heal from various medical conditions. However, you can successfully do them if you just want to boost the overall health by supporting the main organs, systems and glands in the body. These treatments could be used also as a prevention in any case when you just want to feel more energetic and toned. You will find them very useful and effective if you have any chronic diseases that you want to heal or at least to control the symptoms or anytime when you feel that you are tired and with weak immune system. If you have any inflammation in the body you can treat it locally with the coMra Palm and for better results you can do one or more of the Universal Treatments to speed up the healing process.

Universal Treatment 1 - Head

As you can check anytime all about the treatments from your phone with the mobile application of the user guide for the coMra therapy, the Universal Treatment 1 addresses the well-being of the head and some conditions connected with it. You can heal or control the symptoms of migraines, fainting, senile dementia, atherosclerosis, intracranial pressure. Many other special treatments include head as an important component. Many conditions that have their source fully or partially in the head will be positively affected if you do a parallel treatment with the coMra Palm. Please follow the instructions that you will find in the user guide or contact us if you need additional support.

Universal Treatment 2 - Heart

This treatment scheme was created to support the work of the heart. You always have to use the 5Hz when you apply coMra on the area of the heart. This treatment will help with many cardiological conditions like in cases of a weak heart, insufficient coronary blood flow etc. Regular coMra application will make your heart stronger and will slowly improve its function. You can apply it also when you have low immunity or high levels of bad cholesterol. Please follow strictly the instructions in the user guide and do not use it on the heart if you have heart transplants, artificial valves or cardiostimulators.

Universal Treatment 3 - Blood

This coMra Palm treatment could be used in any case when you want to increase your general well-being and to support your body in healing any inflammation. It is very versatile and also recommended if you have anemia, overall weakness or chronic fatigue. The blood reaches every cell in the body, so this treatment will improve any recovery process that is already underway. It is as well supports other healing procedures. You can use it as a prevention if you are in a period of your life when you experience more stress than usual.

Universal Treatment 4 - Somatic biostimulation routine 1

If you are training or working physically intensively or just feel physical exhaustion, that treatment will restore your energy and will increase your inner abilities to recover quickly and effectively. You can support your physical energy levels with this treatment every time when you feel tired, you want to increase the regeneration process in your body or to condition your muscles after working out.

Universal Treatment 5 -  Somatic biostimulation routine 2

You can use this sequence when you feel emotional exhaustion, depression, insomnia, lethargy, breathing difficulties. It is very effective too if you have a weak heart, adrenal malfunction or Cushing’s syndrome. Extremely helpful if you experience high levels of cortisol or stress. Will affect positively hormonal imbalances and all the symptoms of anxiety and emotional instability.

Universal Treatment 6 - Vitality

This healing sequence was created to support the vitality and the general well-being of the organism and could be used separately or parallel to other treatments. You can use it as a prevention in the winter to avoid catching a cold or if you feel some physical exhaustion. It can go along with your fitness or workout training program very well. This treatment is recommended during the period of a recovery from surgery or a long-term health care and medication, could provide a maintenance and support for the ageing body.

Universal Treatment 7 - Nervous system

This coMra treatment could be done separately or as a complementary to others and used in any case of mental or emotional stress in order to support the nervous system. Apply this sequence if you have nervous or neurological disorders of any kind, if you feel emotional exhaustion, weak heart or breathing difficulties. This treatment consists of two parts and they need to be done consequently.

Universal Treatment 8 - Complete organ treatment

This treatment scheme can be used as a comprehensive cleanse and regeneration program if you want to support the detox process in your body. It consists of two parts that must be done consequently and puts the focus on the major organs of elimination. Please follow the instructions that you will find in the user guide. The coMra therapy does not deplete the body during cleansing treatments. The aim is to regenerate and support the body in achieving a natural detoxification. During this treatment is important to also take your diet into consideration and drink plenty of pure water.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Common Treatments

by Fabio Andrés Montoya

I had heard many times about emotional tiredness, although I have experienced it many times in my live, only this year I became aware of what it really is. 2017 has been a year with different challenges, the economy in our country brought unexpected situations to my job, I also experienced the departure of two love ones and I am also coping with my mother’s new health condition. When December came, I was feeling low of energy and with a kind of heavy weight on my shoulders, as a consequence I was more moody and reactive with little things. I realized that I needed a plan of action if I wanted to enjoy the festivities and also to recharge myself for the next year.

Reorganising my day

In parallel, during those days I came across with a book, The One Thing, where I learned among others how to prioritize and respect my schedule for those activities that are really important for me. This time my priority was to give some rest to my body and mind in order to improve my emotional wellness.

So, I decided to cut my working hours, mainly not bringing work home and having full rest during the weekend. Second, I tried to be very disciplined to reach my goal to do exercise 4 times per week – I am not there yet, but I’m working on it; in addition, I started using more the public transport in order to walk more, since I started measuring my steps I double the number of steps per day. And last but not least, I used my coMra Palm to restore my energy levels and to have more emotional wellness.

Using coMra Therapy at home

I have been using coMra Therapy for more than five years, is our doctor and pharmacy at home; coMra has been an enormous support for our family health and wellbeing, we have treated a wide range of conditions, from a flu to a cyst on the ovaries. This time I treated myself with the Universal 7 protocol (one of my favourites) during two weeks. This protocol supports the nervous system, helping the body when one is experimenting emotional exhaustion and debility, stress, weak heart, etc., in short, it supports us to build our emotional wellness.

Feeling fresh and energized

As I am writing this post at the end of the year, I am feeling more energized and with mood to face all the adventures that are waiting for me in 2018, I can clearly see that I am moving from emotional tiredness to emotional wellness; nonetheless I am not sleeping yet the 7 hours I wish, but I trust I will do it soon. Thus, my action plan is working well: respecting my free time, exercising and using coMra Therapy. To keep this action plan, with a “sacred” slot in my agenda is one of my new year’s resolutions for 2018.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.