Are alternative therapies effective and which are the best supplements for fibromyalgia you need to make a part of your treatment course? How to deal with the pain and how to alleviate the pain and the other symptoms in a natural and non-invasive way?

This chronic condition is very common for women and could start after a period of overwhelming stress, illness, injury or as a result of a trauma. The symptoms may vary from extreme fatigue, sleeping disorders, lower abdominal cramps and severe pain all over the body. Natural treatments like massages, essential oils, changes in nutrition and meditation could alleviate the symptoms but how can you actually start a healing process in your body?

coMra Therapy

This is a method that has shown very good results when is done together with the proper supplements for fibromyalgia. It uses the power of a gentle laser, magnets and lights to heal each and every organ in your body in a very effective but non-invasive way. The coMra Palm is one of the devices that you can bring everywhere with you and apply your coMra treatment with. This therapy is very effective with all kinds of pain and is a very pleasant procedure without any negative side effects. It will awaken the hidden healing abilities of your body helping it to restore the balance and its natural healthy condition. All the treatments could be found in the coMra user guide as the one for fibromyalgia is in Neurology 9 section with all the details about the course.

It is recommended together with the coMra therapy course to change to a healthy diet, to include a regular moderate activity in your daily routine, to spend enough time in the sun and if you want to take some supplements for fibromyalgia in order to receive the best results.


One of the most important minerals that your body will use in cases of a great stress or constant pain, is the magnesium. Fibromyalgia is often linked to magnesium deficiency and the supplementation with it will help you reduce the symptoms and support your nervous system and some cells functions. Magnesium will improve your sleep, will alleviate depression, anxiety and the muscles cramps. You need to limit your sugar intake as your body uses magnesium in order to digest and protect itself from the high blood sugar levels. You can add raw nuts to your diet too.

Omega 3

You can either take fish oil as one of your supplements for fibromyalgia or eat a lot of wild-caught fish like salmon, mackerel, tuna and herring. There are other foods rich in omega 3 acids like chia seed, flax seeds, nuts and eggs, however for the first several months in order to fill your depots, it is a good idea to find a good god liver oil or another high quality fish oil to drink in order to support the work of your heart and the whole cardiovascular system.


Adaptogens like ashwagandha and rhodiola are very beneficial for the body especially in times of stress and a prolonged emotional imbalance as they support all the physical processes and increase the tolerance to stress and pain. Turmeric is a great anti-inflammation supplement that you can also add to your food as it will alleviate pain and will support the healing of all the inflammatory processes in your body. You also need to boost the levels of Vitamin D either with spending some time in the sun daily or by taking it as a supplement as it will help you deal with the sleeping issues, depression symptoms and the pain.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Fibromyalgia is a medical condition that is painful and interrupts with the normal pace of life for the people who suffer from it. The disease comes with variety of symptoms like fatigue, muscle cramps, memory issues, sleeping disorders, headaches etc. The nervous system is overactive and it creates the feeling of pain from anxiety and depression to severe abdominal pain and nausea. Although, the traditional medicine treats this condition with lots of painkillers and antidepressants, there is an alternative medicine for fibromyalgia that could be very effective and could help healing the causes of the disease not only soothing the symptoms.

coMra therapy

A gentle and non-invasive way to awaken your own inner healing abilities and to support your whole body into recovery and restoring the balance in each organ, is coMra therapy. The power of the laser is accompanied with a magnetic field and light and could heal every cell, organ and system in your body without any negative side effects. You could apply coMra therapy in cases of injury, acute pain but also for chronic conditions and serious disorders. If you feel cramps in your lower abdominal, you could place the coMra Palm there for several minutes just to get some pain relief. However, if you want to heal the roots of the condition, for example fibromyalgia, you will need to take a look at and follow the treatment program in the coMra user guide.

If you have chosen to try alternative medicine for fibromyalgia, coMra therapy will help you a lot as it goes perfectly with the holistic approach to health which treats the person as a whole system. The medication treatment on the other side, would do the opposite as when you take painkillers, you destroy the liver and the stomach and as a result you feel even more anxiety and weakness. You need to heal the deep root of the disease and all the places where it has been spread with time. For that reason, the Neurology 9 treatment from the coMra user guide that is for fibromyalgia consists of three different parts. One of them is called Universal treatment 3 - Blood which will make your blood vessels stronger and your blood more fluid, another one is Universal treatment 5 applied in order to support the nervous system and there is a scheme of treatment specific for the fibromyalgia condition as part three. You will find all the details and recommendations in the coMra user guide, however as the therapy is non-invasive, you could add some changes to your treatment if it makes you feel better.

Nutrients rich diet

Your diet is your best alternative medicine for fibromyalgia or any other condition as your body uses all the nutrients coming from your food to create new cells. You need to avoid or reduce to minimum the consumption of alcohol, sugar and caffeine as they will make the symptoms even worse. Anything that stimulates the nervous system will make you even more sensitive to the pain in the tissues. Try to eat foods that are rich in magnesium like nuts, avocados, pumpkin seeds, green leafy vegetables etc. and also foods rich in melatonin like walnuts, rice, ginger, barley, bananas etc. as they will help with the sleep disorders which often occur due to the pain in the body. The good and rich diet will help control your weight and will give your body all the needed nutrients for it to deal with the condition. Coconut oil, wild fish, turmeric and ginger could also be beneficial for you and you can add them to your diet.

Well-being and mental health

As this painful condition is linked to aggression and violence history in the family, the mental health is key to healing fibromyalgia and you will need to do your inner work facing your emotional pain too. People suffering from it are very sensitive to touching and they seem to perceive a lot of situations as threatening and extremely stressful. So, you need to work on these side of the condition as the pain in the mind and the emotions would manifest on the physical level sooner or later. You could find your own personal way to calm down your nervous system through meditation, herbs like melissa and valeriana, reading a book or anything that will help you being more relaxed. Everything in yourself is connected, so you need to heal yourself as a whole in order to restore the inner balance that is known as overall health.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Video Link: Watch the third episode by Kelsey and Lara from Buzzfeed on how they felt after the coMra therapy program which they decided to try because of chronic pain conditions.

People with medical conditions like fibromyalgia, nerve damage, organ inflammations, infections, kidneys issues, chronic migraines, rheumatoid arthritis and many other illnesses, very often need chronic pain relief in order to be able to have their daily activities done as sometimes pain could be so severe they can not do anything. Usually, the pharmacy industry would provide different substances to be used as painkillers. Although, the drugs are effective at the moment, they do not provide a long term solution to the problem that caused the pain in the first place. On the top of that, medications are highly invasive to the body and after some time the liver and other organs will start suffering from their usage.

Alternative way - coMra therapy

Today, we want to share with you a non-invasive way which could be used as a chronic pain relief without the negative side effects caused by the medications. coMra therapy will not only give you a relief from the pain but will slowly heal the cause of the health condition by reducing the inflammation and supporting the recovery of the cells and the organs. At the core of the coMra therapy is the power of the laser which works in harmony with magnets and light, to give your body the energy and the boost it needs in order to induce a healing process. When used on the area of pain either coming from an injury or disease, it provides immediate result on reducing the feeling of pain.

coMra therapy

As the method is non-invasive and it works with the inner healing abilities of your own body, if you want to use it as a chronic pain relief, you need to apply the treatments for a week or two at least and in many cases even more in order to heal the cause of the condition. If your condition is very serious, coMra therapy will deal with the symptoms and will reduce the pain and the discomfort. In the coMra user guide you will find all the treatments designed to be applied at home but you can combine them if you want, in order to receive even better results. Below each treatment is the recommended course and while you could observe how you feel, when noticing improvement you can adjust the treatments according to your needs.

Treatments and frequency

A good idea to get familiar with coMra therapy, is to start with Universal coMra treatments as a way to support your body in starting the healing process as they are created to heal the main systems and organs in the body like the head, the heart, the cardiovascular system, the nervous system etc. After choosing the right frequency, you can treat the painful part of the body itself too. The 5Hz frequency is used for deeper healing and it is applied on the organs like the heart, the liver etc. The 50Hz has not so deep effect and it used on the head, the thyroid gland etc. The 1000Hz is applied when you want to heal problems on the skin or the nerves. Each treatment in the coMra user guide is described with the time needed to treat each point as well as the frequency used. If you cannot find your condition in the user guide, you can contact us and we will provide the support needed.

In many cases, finding the appropriate chronic pain relief is a necessity as the body need some time in order to heal and recover from a disease or an injury. Feeling constant pain would cause emotional stress which will bring even more imbalance to the systems in the body. It is better to deal with the pain in a way that will not destroy your organs as if you keep on taking medications, then you will face several more health conditions to deal with. coMra therapy could be the answer for many people as it will help you heal the problem in a gentle and non-invasive way.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.




Chronic Nerve Pain 3 cases; Postherpetic Neuralgia Sciatic, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Median Neuralgia:

Dr Zlatev, MD, shares three cases of severe chronic nerve pain. As of 2019 Dr Zlatev is no longer alive. He has made a great contribution to coMra practice when he was alive.

Herpes Zoster (Shingles/ Postherpetic Neuralgia) of the sciatic nerve at the hip, Trigeminal Neuralgia, and surgically damaged median nerve (2 carpal tunnel surgeries). All treated successfully with coMra: traumatology 9 (modified), taumatology 19 (modified)neurology 2 (modified), neurology 4, traumatology 7 (modified). More in

coMra therapy for cranial nerve damage:

Female had a brain tumour surgery and surgeons damaged the 6th cranial nerve accidentally, resulting in her right eye being completely turned in. Some swelling and damage to the optic nerve also noted. 6 months post surgery hospital sent her away nothing they could do. Case was considered hopeless. Then treated with coMra Neurology 3 (modified) protocol by Dr Larry Wallace, OD, Phd

Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis:

This report describes the results of use of the Delta Laser in treating Multiple Sclerosis. The case study participant, a 50 year old female, was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1999. She experienced 1-2 attacks per year that led to permanent neurological damage. Starting in September 2010, daily coMra-Therapy treatments resulted in a very significant reduction in a wide variety of different types of pain, and an improvement across a wider variety of symptoms, including greater vitality, increased coordination and balance, mobility and physical function.


*coMra therapy offers extensive range of options available for individual home and travel use, family use or professional use. Please write to us at for information with regards to your need.

Which are the natural and non-invasive fibromyalgia treatments for pain that you can apply in order to deal with the symptoms of this severe condition?

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder that affects almost two percent of the people worldwide and is more common among women. It negatively affects the quality of life as the symptoms include chronic fatigue, widespread pain, severe headaches, loss of memory, poor sleep and muscle cramps. Often people suffering from fibromyalgia have depression, obesity and addictions to drugs and alcohol which may lead to even more health problems like liver failure, kidney stones, ovarian cysts etc. It is better to start the fibromyalgia treatments for pain as early as possible in order to have better results and to choose natural methods in order to decrease the medications intake.

coMra therapy

Using either coMra Pro, Delta Series or coMra palm, the application of coMra therapy has shown so far very good results on treating fibromyalgia. From the coMra user guide apply the Neurology 9 treatments for 21 days. Then rest for 2 weeks, repeat until improvement is noticed. Thereafter treat every 3 months of still necessary. The fibromyalgia treatment consists of three parts and you will find the exact schedule how to apply them in the coMra user guide. Part one is done in the early morning every day as you can follow the schedule with the detailed information which points to treat. Then early evening of every second day , you need to do Universal treatment 3 - Blood which is very important for the good health of the blood and the whole body. The last part is done every evening after dinner and it includes Universal treatment 5 (SB-2) which will support your nervous system and will reduce the pain. The devices are very easy to use and you will find a lot of information on this website on how to operate with the coMra Palm at home. The coMra therapy is a very good alternative to invasive method as it not only help you deal with the symptoms but will also heal the causes of the condition.

Massage and acupuncture

Weekly massages and acupuncture sessions could reduce the pain and improve the heart rate, as they provide relief from depression and anxiety too. It is recommended to incorporate them in your fibromyalgia treatments for pain routine to receive an immediate relief from the pain and to increase the blood circulation as well as to tone the muscles. You can also try bowen therapy, aromatherapy and swimming in order to calm down the nervous system and to soften the tight muscles in your body.

Regular activity

Although it would be quite challenging to exercise while you feel pain, but activity is vital part of the healing process of fibromyalgia. The pain of the soft tissues and the fascia lead to many inflammations in the body and you need to improve the blood circulation in order to get rid of all the toxins that you consume with the painkillers medications and the waste products released from the cells. On the other side, moderate activity programs like yoga, walking or pilates will increase certain neurotransmitters levels in your brain which is the natural pain relief produced in your brain. Exercising would help you lose the additional weight which will additionally soothe the symptoms and the pain.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

The pain coming from a pinched nerve somewhere in the body, could be mild or severe and usually movements make it even worse. The nerves usually get pinched on the back, near the spinal cord and that is felt at the lower back and in the legs, but this could also happen on the arms, the wrists, ankles etc. What is the nerve pain treatment that you could apply by yourself at the comfort of your home in order to soothe the symptoms and to be able to get some rest.

coMra therapy

Applying coMra therapy is a pleasant way to deal with any sort of pain and could be very helpful to treat your nerves, especially when there is an inflammatory process going on. The combined power of a gentle laser, magnets and light will soothe the pain and will help your body to recover from the inflammation. The coMra therapy could be applied with the device called coMra Palm which is a portable and easy to use, so you could carry it with you wherever you go. The nerve pain treatments could be found in the Neurology section of the coMra user guide. For example, Neurology 2 is for healing ischialgia or any other pain coming from the sciatic nerve. The waves of the laser will gently give your body the energy it needs in order to recover the nerves, to release the tensions in the muscles and to deal with the center of the pain.

"Healing is a journey. And a journey is made of steps. Do you want to take another step now? We are real people, no robots, and we also have our journeys with coMra therapy. Let us share some steps together. Start now -- ask a question!"

coMra Chat Support Team

Pain relief and regeneration

The coMra therapy not only help you deal with the pain which is a result of the nerve damage or because it is pinched, but also regenerates the tissues. The nerve pain treatment with coMra Palm could be done together with massage therapy and gentle stretching in order to release the nerve. You can treat the place where the nerve is pinched or at its start point and go along with the device the whole nerve itself as usually the pain starts from the back but could be felt along the leg or the arm. The Neurology and Traumatology sections of the coMra user guide will show you how to organize your own personal nerve pain treatment in order to receive the best results from the therapy. You could also apply the Universal treatments 5 and 7 in order to support your nervous system in the recovering and dealing with the stress caused by the pain.

Lifestyle changes

As coMra therapy is a part of the holistic approach to health, it is recommended to make some changes in your daily routine as a way to find the reason for your condition and to avoid it. If you sit too long on a chair or do something with your hands, you need to make some time to rest and do some slow movements in order to release the tight muscles that could make the pain even worse. Massages, supplements and seeing a chiropractor done together with coMra therapy will give even faster results in dealing with the pain and the inflammatory process.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.





Chronic Nerve Pain 3 cases; Postherpetic Neuralgia Sciatic, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Median Neuralgia:

Dr Zlatev, MD, shares three cases of severe chronic nerve pain.

Herpes Zoster (Shingles/ Postherpetic Neuralgia) of the sciatic nerve at the hip, Trigeminal Neuralgia, and surgically damaged median nerve (2 carpal tunnel surgeries). All treated successfully with coMra protocols: Traumatology 9 (modified), Traumatology 19 (modified) Neurology 2 (modified), Neurology 4, Traumatology 7 (modified).

coMra therapy for cranial nerve damage:

Female had a brain tumour surgery and surgeons damaged the 6th cranial nerve accidentally, resulting in her right eye being completely turned in. Some swelling and damage to the optic nerve also noted. 6 months post surgery hospital sent her away nothing they could do. Case was considered hopeless. Then treated with coMra Neurology 3 (modified) protocol by Dr Larry Wallace, OD, Phd

Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis:

This report describes the results of use of the Delta Laser in treating Multiple Sclerosis. The case study participant, a 50 year old female, was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1999. She experienced 1-2 attacks per year that led to permanent neurological damage. Starting in September 2010, daily coMra-Therapy treatments resulted in a very significant reduction in a wide variety of different types of pain, and an improvement across a wider variety of symptoms, including greater vitality, increased coordination and balance, mobility and physical function.

How can you feel warm and toned during the cold season? Are there any methods that will keep your blood circulation good and will boost your immune system, so you to spend a better winter?

When it is cold outside, it affects us in many ways, the body is fighting against the bad conditions, the immune system has a lot of work as viruses are everywhere, our emotional state is also not the best one. So, what you could do to boost your immune system in order to spend a calm and nice winter?

Lots of tea and warm water

One of the best ways to keep the body warm is by drinking plenty of warm clean water and tea. The water that we make the tea with, should be fresh and even better if it is structured as then it has even more energy which is wonderful for your body. A cup of warm tea is always a good idea during the winter – herbal, ginger, green, fruit. You can drink as much as it feels nice, just the black tea should not be more than two cups per day as it is too strong and could affect the heart, the blood pressure and the quality of your sleep.

Vitamin C

This important vitamin is needed for many processes inside your body so you need to consume enough raw and fresh fruits and vegetables in order to supply your organism with it. Fruits like apples, grapefruits, kiwis etc. are rich in vitamin C. however the vegetables like cabbage, red pepper, greens, broccoli etc. are also a great source of it. If you feel that your immune system is a bit down, supplement of vitamin C would also give it a boost especially in periods of stress and exhaustion.

Work it out

Your need your blood circulation to be good in order not to feel cold all the time during the winter, so working out is a magnificent method to get in shape and keep your blood running. All kinds of exercising routines are fine to make you feel toned and energetic, you need to find your most suitable one in just to avoid injuries because cardio or high intensity training, yoga or swimming, everything that engages your muscles in exercising would do the work.

Body conditioning

The coMra Palm is a device that combines the power of a laser, magnets and light and when used to on different points on the body, will condition your whole body and will boost your immune system. You can apply coMra therapy as a prevention method to support your systems and organs especially during the cold season when your body is using a lot of its energy to keep you warm. You can apply it when pain-relief is needed too and to treat the symptoms if you catch a cold, you can use the Universal Treatments as a prevention method too. More details about the treatments could be found in the coMra user guide.

Spa and breathing

The deep breathing techniques are helping the oxygen to reach the cells so they to work effectively during the challenging cold days and are also good for the blood circulation. On the top of that, breathing in a calm way would make you feel relaxed and less stressed. The spa procedures in warm water could help you heal your body if you feel cold and tired, the water is also good for the tight muscles and bones. You will feel relaxed after visiting the spa centre and your improved emotional state is also helping you to recover from any disease. The time spend in the sauna or steam room is good for the blood circulation too, so you will feel the coldness outside less throughout the day.

Depending on your attitude and daily routine, the cold season could become a great and refreshing period of the year. If you are healthy and energetic, if you feel in a good shape and your body is toned, your emotional state is uplifted, then the winter is just another season bringing the white beauty of the snow and is a part of the natural cycle of life.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

How to substitute sugar in order to avoid its consumption as a way of prevention to various sugar linked diseases? Which are the natural and healthy options to use in the sweet recipes?

In the first part of this article you will see some of the healthy sugar substitutes like fresh and dry fruits, stevia and Monk fruit. Here are some more options to try while making your favourite dessert without white or brown sugar.

Yacon syrup

The yacon plant grows in South America and the syrup is made from the roots. This great sugar substitute has a slightly caramel taste and is very low in carbs too, so people with diabetes can consume it too as it is proved that it contains fiber called inulin and does not increase the blood sugar levels. It contains also antioxidants and potassium which are beneficial for the kidneys and the gut health, it can help you lose weight but the excessive consumption of yacon syrup may lead to stomach discomfort, so you still need to use it in moderation.

Coconut palm sugar

The sugar that is made out of the coconut palm has a very nice caramel like taste and the glycemic index of around 35 which makes it a great substitute of sugar even in the recipes that need baking. Many people prefer to use it as it does not increase the blood sugar levels as the white sugar but still is almost as sweet as it, it is also rich in minerals like zinc, potassium and magnesium. Although, it is a healthier option than sugar, it still contains fructose and the excessive consumption will increase the blood sugar levels with all the consequences, so moderate intake of it is recommended.


Honey is the most popular sugar substitute but its glycemic index may vary from 35 to 85 as the manuka and honeydew honey have the lowest one, so not more than a spoon or two per day is the recommended quantity of raw honey. Date syrup and maple syrup have a very pleasant taste and the glycemic index of around 50, so if you have insulin linked diseases, you need to limit the intake of these syrups. Lucuma powder and blackstrap molasses are very healthy sugar substitutes however they do not have a very sweet taste but are full of minerals and antioxidants instead. The glycemic index of the blackstrap molasses is around 50, the glycemic index of lucuma is very low around 5 and it is rich in magnesium, vitamin B6 and calcium with the pleasant taste of apricot, sweet potato and mango.

For the high blood sugar diseases like diabetes, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, hormonal imbalance, heart disease etc. will be very beneficial if you limit the sugar intake to the minimum and to consume sugar substitutes with the lowest glycemic index. You can apply coMra Therapy in any case, when your body needs support and healing as this method is very gentle and non-invasive and you can find all the details about the treatments in the coMra User Guide. The healthy diet is an important part of every healing process as it supports the body into recovering and creating new lifestyle changes.

Although, sugar is known to cause various health issues, it could be found in most of the packed food sold everywhere. So, which are the healthy sugar substitutes?

Generally, you need to eat less sugar in any form, if you what to avoid problems with your heart, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, weight gain and even hormonal imbalance. Even if you substitute it with a healthy option, the daily consumption should not be too much as it will be turned into glucose anyway. Not to forget, that if you eat too much carbohydrates per day, your body will start storing them in the form of fat somewhere. The glycemic index is used to show you how much insulin your body will produce in order to digest a certain type of food or in other words, how much your blood sugar levels will be raised after the consumption of that food.

Fresh and dry fruits

Although some fruits are very sweet and others are not so sweet, if you eat the whole fruit and not drinking the fresh juice for example, in your body the carbohydrates will come together with some enzymes and fiber. The effect of this will be that your blood sugar levels will not jump drastically. So, fresh fruits would be the healthiest substitute of sugar. However, this is not the case with the sweet dry fruits like dates, figs, dried prunes etc. The sugar in them although coming from fruits, is very concentrated so the glycemic index is much higher, for example dates have more than 50 glycemic index. One of the best choices in that case is freeze-dried berry powder as berries are not sweet fruits in the first place.


Stevia is a herb that is much sweeter than sugar and has zero glycemic index which makes it a very good sugar substitute for people suffering from diabetes, metabolic syndrome or insulin resistance. The best way to consume it is in the form of dried leaves powder but you can find it like a liquid or crystals. Although, stevia is very healthy and has no side effects, sometimes the chemicals used in the processing of stevia are harmful, so make sure you read the label very carefully. Some stevia products are 200-300 times sweeter than sugar, so use them in moderation until you find the best dose for your recipe. It doesn’t contain any carbohydrates, so it is great for you if you want to lose some additional weight.

Monk fruit (Luo Han Guo)

In some organic or bio shop, you could find powder or drops of Monk fruit which is another great sugar substitute with zero glycemic index and no carbohydrates. This Chinese fruit is know also as Luo Han Guo or longevity fruit, it is around 300 times sweeter than sugar and in the tradition of the Chinese medicine it was used to treat obesity and diabetes. Again you need to be quite careful when buying products containing Monk fruit as sometimes you can even see sugar as part of the ingredients. The ideal case would be to use the fruit extract or the dried fruit powder.

Yacon syrup

The yacon plant grows in South America and the syrup is made from the roots. This great sugar substitute has a slightly caramel taste and is very low in carbs too, so people with diabetes can consume it too as it is proved that it contains fiber called inulin and does not increase the blood sugar levels. It contains also antioxidants and potassium which are beneficial for the kidneys and the gut health, it can help you lose weight but the excessive consumption of yacon syrup may lead to stomach discomfort, so you still need to use it in moderation.

Coconut palm sugar

The sugar that is made out of the coconut palm has a very nice caramel like taste and the glycemic index of around 35 which makes it a great substitute of sugar even in the recipes that need baking. Many people prefer to use it as it does not increase the blood sugar levels as the white sugar but still is almost as sweet as it, it is also rich in minerals like zinc, potassium and magnesium. Although, it is a healthier option than sugar, it still contains fructose and the excessive consumption will increase the blood sugar levels with all the consequences, so moderate intake of it is recommended.


Honey is the most popular sugar substitute but its glycemic index may vary from 35 to 85 as the manuka and honeydew honey have the lowest one, so not more than a spoon or two per day is the recommended quantity of raw honey. Date syrup and maple syrup have a very pleasant taste and the glycemic index of around 50, so if you have insulin linked diseases, you need to limit the intake of these syrups. Lucuma powder and blackstrap molasses are very healthy sugar substitutes however they do not have a very sweet taste but are full of minerals and antioxidants instead. The glycemic index of the blackstrap molasses is around 50, the glycemic index of lucuma is very low around 5 and it is rich in magnesium, vitamin B6 and calcium with the pleasant taste of apricot, sweet potato and mango.

For the high blood sugar diseases like diabetes, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, hormonal imbalance, heart disease etc. will be very beneficial if you limit the sugar intake to the minimum and to consume sugar substitutes with the lowest glycemic index. You can apply coMra Therapy in any case, when your body needs support and healing as this method is very gentle and non-invasive and you can find all the details about the treatments in the coMra User Guide. The healthy diet is an important part of every healing process as it supports the body into recovering and creating new lifestyle.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

If you have pale skin and low blood pressure, you feel tired very often and experience shortness of breath and rapid heart rate, if your feet and hands are often cold and you feel your muscles weak, then there is a chance that you have anemia. This is the condition of the blood when the red blood cells are suffering and do not distribute enough oxygen to the tissues. The causes for this condition might vary from losing a lot of blood during menstruation, to poor diet, leaky gut or chronic diseases. So, let us look at the ways to support your body and heal anemia naturally.

Improve digestion

The low stomach acid, the leaky cut problems and infections of the intestines or the colon, may lead to poor absorption of the nutrients and especially of the iron and the folate from the food. You could try drinking apple cider vinegar and lemon water to normalize the stomach acid. Healing leaky gut and the digestive system naturally has many benefits for your health like losing weight, having more energy and producing more “happy” hormones to fight depression and anxiety.

Fermented Foods and Anti-Inflammatory Diet

The good bacteria in the gut is important for the immune system as without them, all kinds of viruses and bacteria could harm the whole body. Fermented foods provide the prebiotics and probiotics needed especially if you have inflammatory processes and infections going on in the gastrointestinal tract. You need to avoid sugar as it feeds the “bad” bacteria and causes bloating, high blood sugar levels, hormonal imbalance and weight gain. You body would produce more red blood cells if it doesn’t have to lose all its energy to fight various inflammations throughout the organs. Some people are very reactive to dairy products or gluten which could cause allergies and food intolerance, so if you are like this, restricting them from your diet will improve a lot your gut health. Always choose good fats like coconut and olive oil, avocado and grass-fed butter instead of saturated or trans fast which will cause pain and swelling in the tissues.

Food Sources of Iron and Folate

When your digestive system is healthy and could absorb all the needed nutrients and minerals from the food, you have to make sure that you eat enough foods that provide iron and folate for healthy blood. Good sources of iron are grass fed meat, nuts like cashews, almonds, hazelnuts and pumpkin seeds. Make sure that you also have enough organic eggs in your diet, green leaves vegetables, lentils, quinoa and dark chocolate as both iron and folate sources. For more folate supply you will need to eat broccoli, brussel sprouts, avocados, spinach, cabbage etc.

coMra Universal Treatment 3 - Blood

As the blood reaches every cell in your body, its health is vital for the whole organism. By applying coMra therapy on your own, you could support your body into awakening its hidden healing abilities. The coMra Universal Treatment 3 - Blood is designed especially to give your red and white blood cells the additional energy they need in order to move more fluidly through the blood vessels, bringing oxygen to every organ. All the details of the treatment are in the coMra user guide as it could be combined with other treatments for better results. Moderate exercising is also recommended in cases like anemia as it is good for the blood circulation and the cardiovascular system.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

How to incorporate fasting in your routine in order to enjoy all the benefits which come with it? How many types of fasting are there and where to start from? How fasting will improve your health? What to eat and drink during the fasting periods?

Fasting is the period when you eat less or no food in order to give your body the chance to cleanse and heal itself. Because the digestion process takes a lot of energy, during the fasting this energy could be used for something else. Fasting reduces inflammation, helps you lose the additional weight, boosts your immune system, regulates the blood sugar levels, gives your body the time to repair and detoxify, supports your healing processes. Even short periods of fasting are beneficial for your health as the body will use any gap available to get rid of toxins and waste products.

Juice Fasting

During this type of fasting you only drink fresh juices from both fruits and vegetables. The quantity could vary from person to person and you can also drink pure water. Several days on juice fast can do miracles for your body, to improve your digestions, to help you lose weight and to normalize your blood pressure. It is recommended not to drink very sweet fruit juices and to use also roots and green leaves vegetables in order to keep your blood sugar levels stable and to supply your body with different vitamins and minerals during the detox. Start with one day to see how you feel and add more days the next time you decide to do it. One day per week drinking only juices could also work if you are a beginner.

Water Fasting

As the name shows, during this type of fasting you drink only water. Yo can start with one day per week drinking only water and when you have some experience with the process, you could try 3 or more days. You can drink warm lemon water and tea but no coffee or other beverages. During this type of fasting, your body is making great repairs and could affect positively all kinds of medical conditions especially the ones linked to the digestive system. You have to quit the fasting if you start feeling dizzy or experience severe headaches as this means the detox going on is too fast for you and you need to take it slow.

Intermittent fasting

This type of fasting is getting more and more popular as it is the easiest way to experience the benefits of fasting without the need to for days without food. It involves restriction of your eating for 14-16 hours per day as you have the rest 8-10 hours to plan your meals. Another way to do an intermittent fasting would be for 2 days each week to eat only fruits or to drink only water and tea. If you are more experienced with fasting, you can try water or juice fast every other day which is a great way to give your body the rest needed to repair its systems without going into 5 days in a row fasting, for example.

coMra Therapy during fasting

As a very gentle and non-invasive method to support your body in healing, you can apply coMra therapy during your fasting periods in order to help your organs dealing with the detox process. The Universal Treatment 8 - Complete Organ treatment is very suitable for this period as it will support the elimination processes in the organs by giving them the additional boost of energy they need in order to take the toxins out of the systems. You can find all the details about the treatments in the coMra user guide.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.