Why coMra?

Why choose coMra as your treatment method? It is totally safe and non-invasive, at the same time it is highly effective for all kinds of conditions. In a very gentle but firm way, coMra is providing additional energy for the cells to heal and regenerate, awakening the inherent healing abilities of the body. It works with and not against. There are no negative sensations during the treatments and no negative side effects. The coMra therapy is combining different radiances which are modulated to create coherence, these are a cold laser, a magnetic field, light diodes and (in Delta) ultrasound.

Where to find the coMra User Guide?

We have a main coMra User Guide which you can use as a Web App or get the App for iOS or Android mobile application versions.

In the Downloads sections of the website, you can also download the Beauty and Wellness User Guide, the Training and Performance User Guide and the main coMra User Guide as PDF files to have them with you whenever you need them.

In which languages the new coMra User Guide Web/Mobile App is available?

The new updated version of the coMra User Guide is now available in three different languages - English, Spanish and German. Just choose your preferred language when you open the application and then continue with the next steps of finding the best protocols for your condition. 

What do you want to treat and how to find the protocol? 

There are two ways to find the most suitable treatment protocols for yourself. 

The first option is to write in the search bar the name of the condition and to see if it is listed there. If your exact condition or disease is not listed in the search bar, continue to the second option of finding the protocol that you need. 

The second option is to go to the relevant section (for example, Cardiology) and search the protocols there, finding the most suitable one for your condition. Choose it by similarity, by the main organ or system affected or by the most similar symptoms. For example, if it is a type of heart disease, check the Cardiology section and apply the protocol for the condition which is the closest to yours. 

Protocol Sections and Conditions

Before going to the protocols section you can read the “Foreword”, the “Before you start” section and the Operating Instructions. In the old versions all the protocols for the different conditions were called treatments and now you will find all the treatments under the name “protocols”. All the treatment protocols are separated in different sections and you can look at them when searching for the most suitable protocols for your conditions. You can also combine different protocols if you suffer from various conditions or diseases. 

Pictures and points

All the points which are to be treated with coMra devices are shown visually in the coMra User Guide in the form of pictures with the exact location of each point on the body. 

How to contact coMra Team directly?

Find the green Chat Button at different places on the coMra websites and write to use directly. We do not use bots to provide ready answers but real human representatives will make sure to guide and support you the best way they can in order to answer all your questions.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

In the following video, Dr Arzhan Surazakov PhD explains Treatment Protocols with coMra - Why, What and How to Treat? How to Make Your Own Treatment?

There is an epidemic nobody is talking about and that is estrogen dominance in women which can be quite dangerous. It is linked to several types of cancer, autoimmune diseases, weight gain, infertility and depression. After the age of 35 many women start going through some changes in their hormonal balance but nowadays even younger women suffer from excessive estrogen. The reproductive hormones in the female body are in a very fine balance and they regulate not only the monthly period but also the metabolism, the energy balance and overall health condition of the woman. The endocrine system is quite affected by the estrogen as an imbalance there can disturb the insulin levels, thyroid hormones production, weight proportions and the functioning of the major organs like the liver, pancreas, stomach, intestines and others.

What are the symptoms of estrogen dominance?

Estrogen dominance is the condition when the hormones from the group of estrogen become the prevailing ones dominating over other reproductive hormones like progesterone, follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. The liver is the organ where the elimination of the excessive estrogen takes place and when its functioning is compromised, the levels of the estrogen start to increase. The symptoms of estrogen dominance may vary from mild to severe and can become worse if you experience too much stress in your life. If you are in your thirties or older, you probably already see some signs of high estrogen levels. Here is a list of some of the symptoms:

Why do you have estrogen dominance?

Nowadays, women experience estrogen dominance much more than in the past and this is linked to the pollution that is now everywhere. All the chemicals in the water, air and food affect the female body and its delicate hormonal balance. There are more factors which can have their role in the hormonal imbalance and stress is huge one too. Intense workouts, extreme diets, emotional distress, excessive body fat and ageing are also among the causes of estrogen dominance.

Additionally, a poor diet without enough protein, fiber, fresh fruits and vegetables but rich in processed foods, sweet things and alcohol on a regular basis, can make things even worse. In your middle thirties, the ovaries start producing less progesterone which is the hormone which naturally balances the increased levels of estrogen. Stress is another major factor when we speak about hormonal imbalances as the body gives priority to the cortisol production and progesterone levels drop really fast. Additionally, all the plastic that we all use in our daily life is full of xenoestrogens, they mimic the estrogen molecules and are really hard to eliminate from the body.

What is the secret of the menstrual cycle and how to follow the natural rhythms in your life as a woman? You can now watch the webinar that our team has put together exploring on how to heal and restore this fine balance in your body:

Why do you need to support your liver?

Now, let us talk a bot about the liver. This organ which is trying to cleanse the body from all the toxins, waste material left from the metabolism, excessive fat and hormones, and anything else that is not supposed to stay inside. Moreover, the liver is also responsible for the elimination of the excessive estrogen. If the liver is not working properly, the estrogen stays in the body. So, if you experience estrogen dominance, it is highly recommended to change your diet in a way to support the liver by limiting sugar consumption, alcohol intake and processed foods. All these artificial ingredients and chemicals in the processed foods load the liver with additional work.

On the other hand, many women experience sugar sensitivity or early stages of insulin resistance without even knowing it. This results in increased visceral or belly fat which hardens the normal functioning of the inner organs and shows a liver malfunction. How to heal the liver without adding more chemicals in the form of pills in the bloodstream? A great way to support and heal your liver is to apply a low level laser therapy like coMra. This gentle but highly effective method will increase the energy levels in the cells supporting their healing and recovery. Several minutes per day are enough to give a little boost to your liver. While It is a major organ which detoxifies the body constantly, this cold laser will significantly improve its condition and will induce its recovery and regeneration. 

What else can you do to decrease estrogen dominance?

First of all, you need some stress management and to see in which areas in your life you use more male qualities than female. Do you work too much, are you too active, do you train intensively, are you focused on your career or your children? In other words, you need to find your own way to relax and slow everything down a bit. Again, laser therapy like coMra can help you treat your adrenal glands and your nervous system as a way to calm yourself down and enjoy life. Instead of intensive training, choose yoga, dancing or swimming, eat lots of fresh foods with enough protein and vitamins. Additionally, work towards developing your female qualities and awakening your femininity as this is also vital when we speak about hormonal balance in women. 

Why should you choose laser therapy?

There are some benefits of the low level laser therapy like coMra - it is effective, painless and safe. You have to be very careful with any kind of hormone replacement therapy as adding synthetic hormones to the picture will definitely not cure the cause. With coMra, you can support the work of each organ and system in your body like liver, heart, thyroid, ovaries etc. If you have thyroid hypofunction, you can apply the treatment protocol for hypothyroidism found in the coMra user guide. If you experience symptoms of sugar sensitivity or insulin resistance, start the diabetes protocol and see how your condition will improve. The coMra therapy is totally safe, there are no negative side effects, it is easy to use, a pleasant painless procedure and it does not take too much time. The devices are small and portable and you can take them with you everywhere. 

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..

Reproductive hormones are very important for the life of a woman. In this article we will look closely at estrogen and progesterone and what can cause low levels of progesterone. Nowadays more and more women find themselves with symptoms of low progesterone from PMS to weight gain and infertility. Menopause is now happening earlier than before, sometimes women in their forties are going through a premature menopause due to the low levels of progesterone.

How does your body produce reproductive hormones?

While progesterone is mainly produced by the ovaries, except there estrogen can be produced also in the corpus luteum and some organs like the liver, heart and even the fat cells under the skin. The main cause for low progesterone is estrogen dominance. So, when we talk about progesterone deficiency, we need to understand why the levels of estrogen become too high. 

Do you live a stressful life?

So, here is the truth about hormonal imbalance in women - stress. The main stress hormone called cortisol leads to the increased production of estrogen. It suppresses the thyroid hormones and the high levels of estrogen will increase the production of cortisol. Looks like a vicious circle? Well, it is. That is the reason why so many women find it extremely hard to balance their hormones back once the imbalance is already there. 

Is there hidden stress in your life?

We all know how hard it is these days - career, children, projects etc. But where is your stress actually hiding? Well, there are some factors that might cause stress in your mind and body. Ask yourself several questions and if the answer is yes, then your body experiences more stress than you know. Do you often find yourself reacting with the fight, flight or freeze mode? Do you have troubles sleeping at night? Do you eat processed food full of artificial ingredients? Have you recently gained weight in the form of belly fat? Do you spend a lot of time on social networks causing your brain to process tons of information? Do you find yourself competing all the time at work or in your personal life? In fact, all of these doings are causing your mind to experience stress which you see then manifesting in your body as inflammation, pain and hormonal imbalances. 

Can I increase my progesterone naturally?

Firstly, you need to observe yourself and to manage your perception in life and how you react to everyday situations. This is the step towards living a less stressful life. However, there is more to it - find time to rest, to unwind and to relax. You can start a yoga or meditation course, listen to calm music or walk in nature, whatever is your thing to lessen the stress. On the other hand, you need to support your body and especially your adrenal glands, the liver and the ovaries. A great tool to do this is low level laser therapy. This method called coMra can be applied on each of these organs daily for several minutes without any negative side effects. The laser supplies your cells with additional energy which can be used for regeneration and healing. It is very effective as you can see if you do your own research on the subject, so why not give it a try. I found it extremely helpful when I was treating my thyroid and managed to take the condition to remission. 

Is your mind tricking you into feeling stressed? 

Well, there is a deeper level than is equally important, actually it is the root cause of stress, depression, anxiety and all kinds of disorders. Namely, that is your mind and how it tricks you to think that your mind is you. But is that true? Who are you? Are you your mind only? Or your body? Or your soul? Each of these is part of you, but who are you? This is a question that might take a lifetime to answer but there is a part of you that is behind all that, your inner true being. If you manage to stop the total identification with your mind, then you can experience the inner peace. As the inner peace is very natural to us, you can experience it while creating a painting, dancing, meditating, watching the sunset… Basically, anything that helps you to stop the thinking process and just be. All the stress is produced in the mind as a resistance to life as it is. 

Estrogen dominance is linked to many diseases

The thing is that estrogen is very easily produced by the body but is hard to eliminate when the levels are too high. On top of that, phytoestrogens enter the body through plant-based food and synthetic estrogen can enter with farmed meat like chicken, pork and even fish. Some herbs can increase the estrogen but another main factor is the plastic as a source of xenoestrogens. As you can see, all of this can become a significant amount of estrogen hormones coming from the outside. The pressure on the liver increases while it is the organ responsible for the elimination of the excessive hormones. 

So, here is a tip - when you apply your coMra protocol, leave the device for ten minutes on the liver 5Hz to support its work. Restoring the hormonal balance in your body can take some time but the most important part is that every experience will teach you something new. There is a new knowledge waiting for you, it will bring change and more understanding in your life. If you have any questions, we are here for you, coMra is our mission to bring more health and balance in the people’s lives.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..

Watch another story shared with an open heart and a smile:

Meret has been using coMra therapy for many years. As many other coMra users, she found that coMra therapy is not only very safe but also that coMra is effective for various cases and conditions. She used it for her daughter's herpes, her own thyroid issues and migraines with great results.

It all started with feeling tired all the time, irregular periods and weight gain. I didn’t know what was going on with me as I had moments of feeling anxious or depressed without any obvious reason. Something was not right with my body and being tired is not really a condition but a symptom that needed my attention. However, I was wondering what might be the reason for this.

My feeling and my own research

After reading some articles, I decided to do some blood tests to see how my thyroid was working. This decision came after following my feeling that maybe it was my thyroid making problems. It was no surprise for me to see that I actually had a subclinical hypothyroidism as it was confirmed by a doctor. Then I started my own research by reading several books on the subject and numerous articles. It turned out that the low functioning of the thyroid can cause hormonal imbalance in the reproductive hormones. My period was almost absent and without ovulation, progesterone levels were dropping very fast. 

Low progesterone and estrogen dominance

When there is not enough progesterone in the body, the levels of estrogen go very high and this leads to weight gain, mood swings and even infertility. The estrogen dominance is linked to several diseases in women like PSOS, insulin resistance, acne and hypothyroidism. So, it turns out that it is hard to tell which causes what as it all becomes a vicious circle. Once the normal hormone production is disturbed, one thing leads to the other and you cannot really say which was first.

Most women do not know that their estrogen is too high, not until they find out that some kind of a  health condition is already present in their body. I remember that I became sensitive to sugar and gluten, I could feel inflammation in my body all the time. The question that I had in my head was what actually causes hormonal imbalance. The more I was reading, the more I was realizing that the roots are to be found in stress and liver malfunction. 

Was my liver working properly?

I was noticing that I could not tolerate alcohol anymore, even after one glass of white wine, I happened to experience severe headache and hot flashes. Slowly, it was coming to my mind that maybe my liver was not working properly. Because of the hot flashes, I was thinking that maybe I was going through premature menopause although I am in my forties.  But then I found out that hypothyroidism often causes an absent monthly cycle in women. 

Was I in distress without noticing it?

And what about the main cause of hormonal imbalances, namely stress. I was not able to sleep well and for several months I was constantly tired and nervous. Weight gain, anxiety and hair loss made me feel even more in distress. I was confused, had mood swings that made me burst into tears and emotional drama on a regular basis and didn’t know what to do. What I knew for sure is that I do not want hormonal replacement therapy or synthetic thyroid hormones which would just cover up the symptoms and will worsen the cause underneath. 

There is so much information on the internet about low progesterone, estrogen dominance and thyroid issues which causes even more confusion. The organ which eliminates the excessive amounts from the body is the liver. So, this was such a big insight for me as now I knew wny I could not drink even a glass of wine anymore. 

What did I do to feel better? 

Well, what I had in mind by that time is that I need to relax more and to manage the stress reaction in my body. In addition, I understood that I had to completely cut off sugar and gluten from my diet as they both made me feel bloated and caused me increased heart rate in the evenings. But most of all, I had to heal my liver. Herbs and supplements could be effective but it takes time to see the results. However, I had a tool by my side that I knew could help me and I started treatments immediately. 

Embracing low level laser therapy

The tool I am talking about is coMra therapy. I started the Thyroid treatment course from the User Guide but I was adding ten or twenty minutes on my liver on 5Hz. Needless to say that I was very consistent with my treatment and every day I was doing coMra for an hour or more. Applying coMra I combined with lifestyle changes as I was doing yoga on a regular basis, some meditation, I was eating lots of fruits and vegetables and was avoiding sugar, gluten, alcohol (even vinegar) and caffeine. 

What was the message?

The message for me was to take care of myself and my body as obviously the balance was destroyed. I was taking slow walks in nature, going to massage therapy, spending time in a swimming pool or the sea but most of all I was searching for all the patterns in my mind which made me feel distressed all the time. I remember how tense I was feeling emotionally but also in my body, like all my muscles were tight all the time. I was taking some supplements like selenium, magnesium and vitamin C to help my body recover. However, my main tool was coMra and I was relying on my knowledge that when I support my body, it will find a way to recover. 

My recovery and feeling well again

After a month and a half I started to feel better. I was not tired all the time, I lost some weight, I had no increased heart rate in the evening and the anxiety was gone. I was feeling emotionally well and my body was showing me that balance had returned there too. I know that we are a whole being and everything is part of us - our mind, soul, body and emotions. If there is an imbalance in one of them, the others will feel it too. 

I remember I was surprised to notice that I was feeling joy and happiness again, I was feeling healthy and strong. In my yoga class, I could sense that I really had power in my body and I even felt better than ten years ago. It was amazing to realise that even after this condition I was feeling stronger than my younger self. I do not know for how many years I have been living with my hormonal imbalance and what really caused it as it is more important  that now I feel healthy and young from the inside. What I found out in my research is that every fifth woman nowadays has hypofunction of the thyroid but some women live with this condition all their lives without even knowing it. I am now grateful for all the knowledge and clarity I gained from my experience and that my body now is healthy, strong and relaxed.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..

Watch another story shared with an open heart and a smile:

Meret has been using coMra therapy for many years. As many other coMra users, she found that coMra therapy is not only very safe but also that coMra is effective for various cases and conditions. She used it for her daughter's herpes, her own thyroid issues and migraines with great results.

How the levels of progesterone affect the hormonal balance in the body of a woman? What is the main cause of low levels of progesterone and how to increase its production? Can you improve your hormonal balance with food? If yes, which foods to eat to increase your progesterone levels? Why do thyroid issues occur more and more often and how they are linked to the levels of the reproductive hormones like estrogen and progesterone? What other methods can you use that are safe and effective?

The Importance of Progesterone

The production of progesterone plays a key role for the health of a female body. It is an essential hormone regulating the cycle of the woman. If you want to get pregnant, progesterone will prepare the wall of the uterus for the fertilized egg to embed. After the ovulation, if conception did not occur, the progesterone levels drop and menstruation begins. Low levels of progesterone are linked to symptoms like irregular and heavy periods, severe PMS, cellulite, mood swings, water retention and problems conceiving. While the main cause for low progesterone is estrogen dominance, it leads to other hormonal issues like thyroid problems, low levels of luteinizing and follicle stimulating hormones.

Why my progesterone is too low?

The cause of low progesterone is complex. It happens slowly but then is hard to restore the balance. Nowadays more and more women of different ages experience low progesterone. The main factor is estrogen dominance.There are two main causes of high estrogen and these are stress and liver malfunction. Too many stressful situation and you might find yourself in distress. This means that your body constantly produces cortisol. The production of any hormone takes energy, so when the body prioritizes cortisol, the reproductive hormones like progesterone are put on hold. Unlike progesterone which is mainly produced in the ovaries, estrogen is produced also by other organs and even in the fat cells. Great quantities of it are coming also from the outside with food and water - meat with hormones, hormone replacement therapy and plastic. Plastic containers, especially the one-time-use ones contain xenoestrogens. They mimic the estrogen but it is even harder for the liver to eliminate them, so they are stay in the body. When the liver cannot keep up with the estrogen elimination, the condition called estrogen dominance is formed.

How to Boost the Levels of Progesterone

So, how to increase the levels of progesterone? First of all, try managing the feeling of distress as it disrupts the hormonal balance. Then check your diet and make the necessary changes. Support the work of your liver and start a healing protocol as it is the place where the excess estrogen is eliminated. A very effective way to do this is to apply a low level laser therapy like coMra. The coMra therapy is an effective and pleasant way to restore the hormonal balance if you experience health issues like estrogen dominance, thyroid issues or diabetes. It is also very important when we speak about progesterone, to avoid over-exercising, sleepless nights and drastic diets and fasting. Every extreme is perceived by the body as stress and the cortisol production becomes a priority. This may result in cutting the production of reproductive hormones like progesterone.

Foods That Increase Progesterone

Changing your diet is a great way to increase your progesterone levels. While foods themselves do not contain progesterone, some vitamins, minerals, herb and foods can promote the production of it.

There are some foods and herbs that you need to avoid as they either decrease progesterone or block its production. Find out more here:

Have you tried other ways to restore hormonal balance?

As it was mentioned above there is a very effective way to support your body healing from a hormonal imbalance. The coMra therapy combined with the diet and lifestyle changes can be quite beneficial. Even used on its own, coMra is very effective in restoring overall health. It provides the needed energy for the body to start a healing process. In many health cases, when using medications is not appropriate, low level laser therapy shows great results. The hormonal imbalance is one of these cases, as the more synthetic hormones you put into the system of your body, the more the inner balance is thrown off. To start using coMra, first search your health issue coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal Treatment 5 and the other Universal treatment protocols depending on your specific case.

We have put together some major points regarding the secret of the female menstrual cycle and how she can use for heal herself. If you are interested on how to overcome the imbalance in your reproductive hormones, you can watch the video below:

Do you know that you can apply coMra therapy at home on your own? The procedure itself is very pleasant, there is no burning or any other sensation while the device is on your skin. After a week or two of daily treatments, you will start seeing the improvement. However, every case is different and how much time it will take for your body to recover depends to what is your health condition right now. Overall, hundreds of people have achieved great health results after using coMra even with serious cases like diabetes, chronic illnesses, thyroid issues and many more. In addition, coMra can be used as a pain relief, a great prevention method and every time when you need to induce the healing abilities of your body.

If you are reading this article because you want to get pregnant soon but your progesterone levels are too low, we feel you. And we really want you to experience the joy of having a baby. We have good news for you - coMra therapy can be used by pregnant women and is safe for their babies as well. Below you can watch a short video on how coMra is used before and after birth.

Natasha Stadler has been a midwife for 30 years, and an independent midwife for 13 of those years. She was introduced to coMra therapy 7 years ago and has found it to be an invaluable tool for her clients.

We did also a webinar on the how to support and restore general hormonal balance with coMra therapy and the recording is below:

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..

Every day new inventions enter our lives and we learn how to use them quite quickly. The good part is that some of them are good for your health. Now, you can enjoy and experience the benefits of a cold laser device that you can operate on your own. The coMra therapy is the method emerging the power of a laser, magnets and changing colorful lights which is highly effective when treating various conditions. The coMra Palm is a small, portable device that have the potential to heal you, provide some pain relief and could be used to treat yourself as a prevention in order to maintain good health.

Basically, coMra therapy is a gentle and non-invasive method which provides the needed energy for your body to heal. It positively affects each cell, organ and system supporting their regeneration and healing. There are no medications included, on the contrary, this is a very natural way to induce the inner healing abilities of the cells. You can apply coMra therapy in any case of inner imbalance, infection or in periods of higher stress. It could be used by everyone including children, pregnant women and old people, you can even treat your beloved pets. Through the years, coMra therapy has shown great results with most of the common conditions these days like anemia, heart diseases, diabetes, digestion issues, depression, anxiety, high blood pressure and many, many more. Because there are no negative side effects from this therapy, you could say it is the best cold laser for home treatments.

To use the coMra Palm device is very easy and there is not any pain involved in the procedures as it operates on very low frequencies. You just need to choose the frequency that you need at the moment, then set the time and place it on the skin. After that only wait for several minutes before changing the points. When you want to apply coMra therapy as a pain relief, you can treat the painful area on its own several times per day until you feel some improvement and then continue for several more days. One of the best things about this cold laser device is that you can take it with you wherever you go. The coMra Palm is ideal for your home, office, gym and also for your vacations.

Most of the conditions and diseases that could be treated and healed are in the coMra user guide. However, if you don’t find yours, you can still apply the coMra therapy on the affected organs or to support your body in general. Such a very beneficial course, for example, is the Universal Treatment 3 - Blood which is a part of many other treatments. Even if you feel good, you can apply it as a prevention or just to support your cardiovascular system. We encourage you to experiment with coMra therapy and create your own healing course if you need to combine more than one treatment. If you need to address more than one issue, it is totally fine to make your own scheme and to follow it if it makes you feel better and gives good results. We also recommend that you go through your lifestyle and make some changes that will support the coMra therapy such as a healthy diet, moderate exercising, being in nature more often, conscious breathing etc. After all, coMra therapy is a holistic approach to health that requires to heal not only your physical body but your emotions and way of thinking too.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

How to treat and heal anemia in a natural and non-invasive way? Apart from taking iron supplements, what are the possibilities to make yourself stronger and healthier? How the red blood cells production could be affected in a positive way that is gentle and beneficial for the overall health?

Anemia is the disease that affects the quality of the blood and the most common kind is the one of iron deficiency. This affects the red blood cells, their production and the abilities to move and reach the organs in the body, bringing the needed oxygen. The symptoms could be fatigue, rapid heart rate, dizziness and low energy, headaches and shortness of breath, also sleeping issues and muscle cramps.

The usual treatment of anemia is with iron supplements and eating a lot of meat and fish as sources of iron. The problem with this type of approach is that iron sometimes could not be well absorbed by the body and it takes a lot of time to heal the result of this. It is good to supply your body with the needed iron, however the cause for the condition needs to be addressed too. In most of the cases, anemia comes as a result of high levels of stress, physical exhaustion and a poor diet. But most of all, the emotions affects the health of your heart and the whole body, so anemia like most diseases, is a complex condition.

coMra therapy

The method called coMra therapy is an approach that is holistic and heals the whole organism, supporting the body into restoring its natural balance. The laser works in harmony with magnets and light diodes to give the cells and organs the additional energy they need in order to heal. As anemia affects the quality of the blood, treating the major points of the blood circulation would results into more vital and healthy red blood cells.

In the coMra user guide, you will see that the Universal Treatment 3 - Blood is the one designed to address this condition.It is the core anemia treatment that you need to apply and could be combined with other coMra treatments too. It has shown very good results if applied daily as the microcirculation is improved, the speed of the red cells moving in the body is accelerated, their ability to carry oxygen too and the blood vessels are strengthen. The Universal Treatment 3 - Blood is part of other healing courses as it is a major one while the blood circulates in the body and brings nutrients and information to each organ.

Stress and breathing

As part of your anemia treatment, you need to do some stress management because the high levels of cortisol and adrenaline affect the heart, the blood pressure and the hormonal balance in the body. Try to observe and connect the dots when searching for the causes of your issue because the body is not separate from the mind and the emotions. It is recommended to find your way to deal with stress with art activities, yoga, walking, moderate exercising etc. and to focus on the things that make you happy and joyful. The way you breathe is directly linked with the oxygen entering your body. The good emotional state will affect your overall health and your breathing. While your breathing is fast and shallow when you are under stress, you breathe calmly and deeper when you are relaxed. So, try to find your path to feeling good as it will support the healing process.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Why the low power laser devices for pain relief and healing are getting more and more popular? Can you use them at home and how to know what do you need to do in order to get the better results? Are they effective and why they are much better than the traditional medicine which use chemicals in order to soothe the symptoms?

coMra therapy

The information in this article is about the coMra devices which more than ten years are used successfully by many people worldwide. The Delta and Pro Series and the coMra Palm are both portable and non-invasive devices which combine the power of a low power laser, magnets and light diodes in order to support the body in the healing process. You can apply the coMra therapy as a pain relief while the laser will also heal the cause of the problem. With this therapy, you not only soothe the symptoms but you actually heal, regenerate and rejuvenate your cells, organs and systems. The treatments are very well described in the coMra user guide, so that everyone to be able to use and apply the therapy at home. The low laser has shown wonderful results with so many conditions like diabetes, heart disease, anemia, migraines, injuries and almost any other that you can think of.

Safe and Gentle

The main advance about the low power laser devices for pain relief and healing, is that they are totally safe. You can apply coMra therapy on each person or animal without any negative side effects. It is suitable for children, pregnant women and old people too. The coMra therapy is a gentle, non-invasive and safe method to awaken your cells inner healing abilities and to restore your healthy condition. You can experiment with the time and the position of the devices on the body in order to get the better results for yourself. The treatments courses are flexible and easy to follow. The procedures are pleasant, you will not feel anything special as the laser waves are communicating very softly with your cells. The different frequencies are used for deep, medium and surface treatment as all of the instructions could be found in the coMra user guide. You just need to be careful not to point the laser directly to your eyes, anything else is completely safe.

Portable and Easy to Use

The coMra Palm was designed to be used everywhere as it is small, light and totally portable. With only three buttons, the coMra treatment is a very easy to follow procedure which everyone can do. You do not need to have any special education in order to use the low power laser devices for pain relief, healing or body conditioning. You can apply the therapy at your home, office, gym or any other place that you need in order not to miss any part of your treatment course. If you feel any pain in the body, just place the coMra Palm on the point and leave it there for several minutes, repeat it two or three times per day until you can feel some improvement. If you have a disease, illness or any medical condition, just check the coMra user guide and use the search engine or go through the treatments sections to find the one that you need.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Most of the diseases that we know are caused mainly by the high levels of stress which the body is experiencing too often. Stress is the reaction of the body as if we are in danger and it produces hormones that will help us to gather all our power and run. The problem is that there is no such thing and we have to live through some imaginary dangerous situation day after day. If the body is aware that there is nothing scary around us, then we could calm down easily and reduce the level of stress. With yoga, we unite the mind and the body in order to recover the harmony between them.

Slow down

When we try to multitask, think about many things at once, when we are in a hurry and try to get somewhere on time, then we may think that we are more productive but our body experiences all of this as a reason to produce more of “stress hormone” - cortisol. The high levels of cortisol in the body for a long period of time, are harming the main organs and cause diseases. In yoga, we do everything very slowly and this gives the body enough time to adjust to the changes without producing so much “bad” hormones. The slow movements are beneficial for the body helping it to detoxify and to be in good shape.

Breath and observe

When practicing different breathing techniques, we become more aware of what is going on with the body in this particular moment. The mere observation of the breathing process is something that brings us back to the present moment and helps us to deal with the overthinking. As this is the root cause of all anxiety and depression, it is very important to teach ourselves to just think less thoughts at one and the same time.


When observing the breath long enough, we gently enter this specific state of mind called meditation or a mind without thoughts. Maybe it is hard at the beginning to even understand how it is possible to stop all of this chatting that is happening constantly in our heads, but it is getting easier with the practice. It is proved that after several minutes of meditation, the levels of cortisol are lower and we are actually even more concentrated and productive afterwards. The stress from the work is a big trouble when the thinking about the professional problems starts to interfere with our personal life. Meditation will help us to just relax and see the things from a different perspective.

Health issues and coMra therapy

Doing yoga on a regular basis will help you control your health issues and will ease some of the symptoms. However, some of the conditions could not be healed only with yoga practice but it is a good complimentary activity to coMra therapy. As this therapy is very gentle and non-invasive, it awakens the inner healing abilities inside you to give a full support into healing and recovery. In the coMra user guide you could find all the treatments and could apply them even as a prevention.

Healthy lifestyle

Actually, the cause for the stress at work is not only the problems that we need to deal with, but could be also how we take care of ourselves in general. Yoga is an ancient tradition that includes all areas of life. When practicing yoga, it is recommended to eat clean and healthy food, to go to a massage therapy regularly and to be active every day. When you eat whole foods, a lot of fruits and vegetables and other good food, you assist the body in its recovery and well-being. Applying coMra therapy, massage therapy and other alternative ways of healing would only make your yoga practice even more beneficial.

Maybe stress is not so much about what happened but more about how do you react to the issue, how do you handle and solve the problem. If you build a strong base inside yourself and create a confidence that will be always with you, you will live a more peaceful life. Yoga is all about connection, so when you connect the body with the mind and the soul, you could experience more joy and happiness in your life.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

The massage therapy is an important part of the routine of everyone who is regularly practicing bodybuilding or fitness. It has many benefits for the muscles and for the general condition of the body. The deep tissue massage reduces the recovery time and the muscle tightness as at the same time it increases the range motion and the flexibility. It is highly recommended before competitions as it helps the definition of each particular muscle group.

Muscles healing

The deep tissue massage increases the blood circulation and helps the fluids to run through the blood vessels more effectively, providing all that is needed for the muscle to recover after a hard training or injury. As the recovery time is reduced, you could train more and have a proper muscle growing without the side effect that may cause pain and the need to rest. This massage has healing effect on the whole body helping the detoxification and the micro-circulation within the muscle tissue. If you combine it with the coMra Universal treatment 3 – Blood, your whole body blood circulation will be improved and will make the massage even more beneficial.

Better flexibility

The range motion is highly increased when the deep tissue massage is done often as the flexibility could be something quite tricky for any bodybuilder. The therapist will help you with the stretching in a way that your own weight is not used. You just relax and breathe during the massage and you get properly stretched. It reduces the tightness of the muscles that could be painful and could prevent the grow which is the ultimate goal when practicing bodybuilding.

Defined muscles

If you want to have a well-defined bodybuilder physique, the circulation of the blood is very important and the tight muscles are simply not able to store enough blood. Using the pumping technique which moves the lymph around, the muscles are toned due to the improved fluid circulation in your body. The tension is easily released and the result is a beautiful and a well-built body with good mobility.

Injury recovery

Sometimes due to overtraining, a poor diet or just wrong exercises, sport injuries occur and it takes precious time to just wait for the body to recover and get well again. The deep tissue massage will reduce this time for you. A professional therapist will examine your muscles and could identify tight and scar muscles which will prevent the future injury. That is a major reason for most of the professional bodybuilders to have this type of massage done regularly in order to prevent and heal sport traumas.


When regularly done, the deep tissue massage will have a good psychological effect and is recommended before each event or competition. When the bodybuilder is in good condition and mood, it shows and a strong and motivated mind is as much important as the physical characteristics. The massage will increase your confidence and will heal the stress that might be kept in your body and mind during the training process. This will improve your performance and help you reach and show your full potential.

Inner cleanse

The deep tissues massage will help you to get rid of the waste products from the muscles such as the lactic acid, will increase the elasticity of the muscles and will define them. With special movements, the toxins accumulated during the training process will be taken out of the tissues and the body and thus helping you feel more energy and power.

The hard training and injuries could stand in your way to develop the shape that you want and this type of massage will reduce a great deal of this negative side effect from your dedicated work in the gym. If you want to have a proportional and symmetrical physique with well-defined muscles, the proper care is needed especially if you plan to take it on a professional level and do competitions. The professional bodybuilders often share that the deep tissue massage is an important part of their training program especially before an event and when they need quick results with minimum risk of injury.

The deep tissue massage is a great way to obtain the flexibility that is needed for the muscles to work properly and to look well. Applied together with regular coMra treatments, will result in faster body conditioning and better health. As both methods are healing your body on a deeper level, it will allow you to continue with the training for a longer period of time and to keep the good shape for years.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

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