In the cold months, cough is one of the usual symptoms of a common cold, also known as upper respiratory infection. Depending on how strong the immune system is, it can take three days to two weeks to recover from it. Sometimes, after the common cold, bronchitis is developed and it is a condition that can be quite stubborn. 

Bronchitis is a condition which occurs when there is an infection in the lungs. The major airways of the lung - the bronchi, are inflamed and irritated. Most common types of bronchitis are acute or chronic, there are other types too. Although the symptoms of acute bronchitis, which is sometimes referred as chest cold, usually last for about 2 weeks, the cough might stay for up to two months.

Which Are the Most Common Symptoms and Signs of Bronchitis?

What Might Trigger Bronchitis?

As it was mentioned above, bronchitis could develop after a common cold. It could be caused by a virus or bacteria infection, it could be triggered by breathing in irritant particles or substances. Smoking can be a trigger too for some people however, it is not the main cause of bronchitis as non-smokers can suffer too. Toxic or polluted air environments should be avoided or protective gear must be used to protect the lungs. Sometimes, emotional stress can be a trigger too as it compromises the immune system. 

Cold Laser Home Treatments for Cough and Bronchitis

How quickly you will recover from bronchitis depends on how strong your immune system is. While it is often developed after a common cold, the immune system is often compromised and the cough syrups are not even working to give a relief from the cough. In that case, you might think that you need stronger medication but there is another way to treat acute and chronic conditions - cold laser therapy. It is known that cold lasers are very effective to help the natural healing abilities of the body, totally safe and non-invasive. On the other hand, coMra is an improved cold laser therapy, as in the coMra devices the power of the laser is combined with the healing properties of magnets, light diodes and ( in Delta) ultrasound. 

The coMra treatment protocol for Bronchitis is Pulmonology 1 and all the details of it can be found in the coMra User Guide. You will need to apply the protocol until you see some improvement or at least for two weeks. It is a totally safe way to treat yourself or your family without any side effects as all the protocols are thoroughly described in the User Guide. The cold laser therapy is suitable for everyone including children, elderly people and pregnant women, you can even treat your pet with the devices. There are coMra protocols for various conditions and diseases, as bronchitis is merely one of them. 

Natural Remedies for Cough and Bronchitis

The herbs and other natural healing methods are very well combined with coMra therapy as soon as they are gentle and non-invasive too. In order to assist the recovery from bronchitis, first you will need to apply the coMra protocol daily and then you can include some additional remedies: 

​​How to prevent coughing

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us

This article is written for men... sorry ladies... though the P.S. at the end  may be helpful to you. 🙂

In our day to day lives there are so many seemingly insignificant little things that end up being pains in one way or another. Pains we simply have no easy, practical solutions for. So what do we do?

As men, we just put up with them and keep moving as best we can. However, a mentor once said to me, Garrett, it is not the big things in life you have to worry about because you will always find the resources to tackle those, looking after yourself and your family. Instead, it is all the seemingly small and insignificant things, like pebbles in your shoe, that end up causing so much grief, which inevitably impacts everyone around you too.

I asked myself, could I corroborate this with my own life experience? If yes, then why is this so? I found my own life experience proves this out, but before I go further please allow me to clarify my focus with respect to the seemingly insignificant little things I am referring to in this article.

I am referring specifically to everyday pains such as:

Pretty much universal experiences for us all in our day to day lives.

So what impact do these pains have?

No doubt we could all make a long list of impacts , which could include things such as;


The overarching theme that emerges from all of these things

that I want to focus on, at least respecting my experience, is wishing I had a simple solution because all the conventional so called “solutions” just did not work for me. For instance, there would be no way I would go to the doctor for anything, and I did not want the hassle of any of, what I perceived as elaborate self care that my wife suggested.

Perhaps it is different for a woman than a man, I do not know, but as a man, I would just keep moving when these pains came up. Compensating for them and trying to manage everything going on in my life as best I could. I did this until they passed or for as long as I could until there was absolutely no choice but to deal with them. Like getting pain killers, or getting a prescription for some codeine cough syrup. I mean seriously what man wants the hassle or expense of looking after these little pains? So I just carried on.

Then in 2009 I started using coMra-Therapy.

It took a while to sink in, but the more of the above kind of day to day pains I successfully treated, the more a light bulb was slowly starting to turn on. Then one day it dawned on me! I am looking after my own health and the health of my family simply and practically without all the hassle, bother and expense of having to depend on some system, which is something I resist anyway. All at my own convenience.

So how does all of this relate to my experiential corroboration of my mentors words? Well, it was not until after some of time using coMra-Therapy and the experience I gained through that that I could compare to my life before it. That's when I realised I took a huge step forward in my life in terms of feeling self sufficient knowing, through first had experience, that I can and I am  looking after my health and that of my family's. This is of course a very uplifting feeling compared to the frustration of having to put up with “one damn thing after another”.

So no more just putting up with such pains for my family and I

My before and after life experience has made all the difference.

P.S. Ladies, if you have a man who fits the above profile then you may just surreptitiously get him to give himself the care you want to see him give himself, simply and easily.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

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