Natural Ways to Prevent and Heal Anemia

If you have pale skin and low blood pressure, you feel tired very often and experience shortness of breath and rapid heart rate, if your feet and hands are often cold and you feel your muscles weak, then there is a chance that you have anemia. This is the condition of the blood when the red blood cells are suffering and do not distribute enough oxygen to the tissues. The causes for this condition might vary from losing a lot of blood during menstruation, to poor diet, leaky gut or chronic diseases. So, let us look at the ways to support your body and heal anemia naturally.

Improve digestion

The low stomach acid, the leaky cut problems and infections of the intestines or the colon, may lead to poor absorption of the nutrients and especially of the iron and the folate from the food. You could try drinking apple cider vinegar and lemon water to normalize the stomach acid. Healing leaky gut and the digestive system naturally has many benefits for your health like losing weight, having more energy and producing more “happy” hormones to fight depression and anxiety.

Fermented Foods and Anti-Inflammatory Diet

The good bacteria in the gut is important for the immune system as without them, all kinds of viruses and bacteria could harm the whole body. Fermented foods provide the prebiotics and probiotics needed especially if you have inflammatory processes and infections going on in the gastrointestinal tract. You need to avoid sugar as it feeds the “bad” bacteria and causes bloating, high blood sugar levels, hormonal imbalance and weight gain. You body would produce more red blood cells if it doesn’t have to lose all its energy to fight various inflammations throughout the organs. Some people are very reactive to dairy products or gluten which could cause allergies and food intolerance, so if you are like this, restricting them from your diet will improve a lot your gut health. Always choose good fats like coconut and olive oil, avocado and grass-fed butter instead of saturated or trans fast which will cause pain and swelling in the tissues.

Food Sources of Iron and Folate

When your digestive system is healthy and could absorb all the needed nutrients and minerals from the food, you have to make sure that you eat enough foods that provide iron and folate for healthy blood. Good sources of iron are grass fed meat, nuts like cashews, almonds, hazelnuts and pumpkin seeds. Make sure that you also have enough organic eggs in your diet, green leaves vegetables, lentils, quinoa and dark chocolate as both iron and folate sources. For more folate supply you will need to eat broccoli, brussel sprouts, avocados, spinach, cabbage etc.

coMra Universal Treatment 3 - Blood

As the blood reaches every cell in your body, its health is vital for the whole organism. By applying coMra therapy on your own, you could support your body into awakening its hidden healing abilities. The coMra Universal Treatment 3 - Blood is designed especially to give your red and white blood cells the additional energy they need in order to move more fluidly through the blood vessels, bringing oxygen to every organ. All the details of the treatment are in the coMra user guide as it could be combined with other treatments for better results. Moderate exercising is also recommended in cases like anemia as it is good for the blood circulation and the cardiovascular system.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

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