How to Recover After Sport Activities

Sports are a great way to keep the body fit, to lose or gain weight and to maintain your health with many benefits for the circulation, the heart, the digestion system etc. Another important part is the recovery phase as then the body regenerates or creates new muscles and tissues. What can you do to help your body in that phase and how to organize it properly?

Stretch and breath

Stretching is very important for the muscles not to become stiff and shorten after the workout and in order to avoid the muscle fever. Also it will cool you down, will make the blood and the lymphatic liquid reach each and every cell in your body, will reduce the adrenaline and the stress in your body. Your breathing returns to its normal rhythm so your body and mind can enter the relaxation phase after the good work.

Intake good nutrients

The proper nutrition is vital for the whole organism as during the sport activity many nutrients could be depleted and you need to cover the losses. The intake of food depends very much on the intensity of your training program, maybe you use weights or you do long cardios etc. however the rich in  protein sources, fruits and vegetables and good fats will supply your body with the amino acids and minerals you need after the workout.

Give it some time

Some training programs or sports are very intensive and then your body would require a longer period to recover, something like 2 days. If your exercises are not so hard then even 24h could be enough. In any case you need to consider the time as a major factor in your program as your body needs it for regeneration. Some people workout two times per day and others once in two days but everything depends on the intensity and the type of sport.

Sleep enough

The good sleep will provide low levels of your stress hormones in the body and the energy could be used to build new muscles or to burn fat. In case you don’t sleep enough, you will not have enough energy to keep up with your training program, many minerals depot would be depleted and it is potentially harmful for your health to keep on working out in that case.

Regeneration and conditioning

The conditioning of the muscles and the tissue regeneration could be boosted in a very natural and gentle way, without any medication or supplements. The non-invasive laser therapy that you can make at home with the coMra Palm will support your body in its recovery giving it the extra energy it needs. The laser will harmonize and will improve the functions in the cells which is highly beneficial during the recovery phase.

Stay hydrated

Your body needs water in order to function properly so drinking pure water during most of the workouts is highly recommended however do not forget to drink enough water after that too. Water is needed in the creation of new proteins that will become muscles and also for the waste products to be taken out of the cells. Dehydration should be avoided in any case as it could affect your performance and is dangerous for your health.

Shower or sauna

The water in the shower will clean your skin from the toxins, sweat and other elements that your body wants to get rid of so never skip it after your workouts. In order to prevent your muscles from pain, tightness and fever, going to the sauna also could be a good idea but only in case you have a bottle of water with you. After a very intensive workout or sport routine your body could be a little dehydrated so staying in the sauna should be done with attention and awareness.


A nice way to recover your muscles and tissues is going to a massage expert who have to be informed if you had worked out prior to the visit. The massage is good for the circulation, detoxification, healing of the tissues and the joints. If your training program is highly intensive having a recovery massage is recommended at least once a week in order to support your body in the building of the new muscles.

It is a good way to understand what are the needs of your body after the different types of exercises if you observe how do you feel, what are the results and how is your level of energy. The after workout habits are vital for your health, they help you to avoid injuries and to accomplish your training goals.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.