Get Rid of Your Muscle Cramps Naturally

Muscle cramps are painful and can hit at any time but what would be the reasons for them to appear? How to get rid of that unpleasant condition at home without medications? Which foods and habits we need to include in our daily routine in order to prevent the muscle cramps from happening?

When the muscles are tight or they don’t have proper circulation, or they lack some minerals, or they are dehydrated, or due to some medical conditions the cramps may appear as sudden pain that lasts for several seconds or more. What can we do for healing and prevention?

Minerals from the food

The deficiency of magnesium and potassium may cause the muscles to get very tight and some cramps to be experienced many times per day. In order to fix the deficiency you can eat the foods that will supply the body with the needed minerals. Rich in magnesium are spinach, cocoa, almonds, pumpkin seeds, black beans, dried figs etc. To increase the potassium in your body, you will need to eat more bananas, avocados, sweet potatoes, apricots, pomegranate, wild salmon, coconut water etc.

 Improve circulation

If you suffer from cold feet and hands or you have muscle cramps very often, one of the reasons could be the poor blood circulation. The muscles need the nutrients coming from the blood in order to work properly. To improve it you can massage the legs and other areas where you have pains, you can use hot or cold compresses on the places of the cramps, the sauna and the steaming bath would be proper if you don’t have problems with the blood pressure. Enough movement each day will be also great for your body and will help your blood to rich each organ and cell.

Heal your spine

Each organ is connected to the spine and sometimes the nerves can get pinched which will cause pains and cramps all along the nerve. The good posture will be very beneficial for the spine as the unnatural curves may cause a lot of problems to the inner organs. You can use laser therapy to improve the movement in the spine and to support its healing. The portable device can be used at your home, office or wherever you need some pain relief. The laser will gently help your body to heal the inflammations, the damaged nerves and muscles. The details about the different treatments are in the coMra user guide provided.

Stay hydrated

Depending on the season and the temperature, the body has different need of water however dehydration may cause many problems in the organs, the skin, in the muscles and will affect the overall health after a period of time. Make sure you keep your body well hydrated as water takes part in too many processes and reactions.


The natural opposite movement of the tight muscles that experience cramps and pains would be the slow and gentle stretching. While you are stretching the muscles get lean, strong and have the opportunity to take out the toxins and waste materials from the metabolism. Always warm up before exercises or working out. This will prevent from the injuries in your muscles and joints.

If you continue to experience muscle cramps after applying these methods for some time, you may need to see a doctor as some medical conditions as diabetes, liver or thyroid disorder could be the cause of the cramps. The coMra laser therapy will be beneficial for you in this case too and will give your body the extra energy it needs to heal and recover.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

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