Are invasive drugs the answer for PMS?

Do you choose drugs - or do you choose something less invasive for you and/or your daughter(s)? I have found a lasting way of dealing with menstrual cramps - quickly, non-invasively and safely.  I no longer spend precious hours writhing in pain!

According to the in-depth study published by the journal "Statista"**

U.S. population: Have you had menstrual / period pain or pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) in the last 12 months?”

37.23 million women in the U.S. alone reported menstrual / period pain or pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) in 2017.

As the survey-based study says “the total prevalence of menstrual pain experience was very high with 84.1% of participants reporting pain at some point. Some 43.1% of participants reported having painful menstruation in every menstrual period, and 41% reported pain in some periods.”

The menstrual cramps we are talking about are the ones called a primary dysmenorrhea; this means they are not a result or symptoms of any gynaecological disease.

Based on my own personal experiences I must unfortunately say that from my teenage years up until 9 years ago I regularly used drugs for my severe menstrual cramps. I chose drugs instead of natural remedies because, as I perceived it at that time, drugs worked faster and with less hassle.

However, although I did take drugs, I still had to spend at least the first day of my period at home and in bed and I was experiencing other very unpleasant, but common symptoms such as irregular digestion and diarrhea, nausea, back pain, and headaches. The following days of my period were still with pain, coming and going, so I took drugs on those days too.

What I would not consider at the time are commonly taken drugs that are supposed to “solve” the problem of menstrual cramps, e.g. birth control pills. I was at least aware at that time that taking such drugs would often result in various side effects - and even the malfunction of other body functions!

Eventually I did try natural remedies for dealing with the cramps. These are various from avoiding some type of food before your period, to herbs, to keeping very warm or sleeping. Although these remedies are to be commended, what I personally found challenging was that many times they did not resolve my problem over the course of my periods. I needed to repeat them often and sometimes the remedy required either a long time of preparation - or I was meant to source the most unusual ingredients - and have them to hand!

Is there a different solution available?

Then one day, serendipitously, I found my lasting solution! Once I started using “coMra-Therapy” I discovered that treating myself up to 45 minutes on the first day of my period – or any time menstrual cramps occurred -  not only resolved the pain during that day, but I did not experience any more pain over the next few days.

Today similar experiences are reported by my female friends - and now my female clients. Over the past years of my using coMra-Therapy as a method to relieve my menstrual cramps, the mothers amongst my clients are now also treating their teenage daughters, who have now also become my clients.

The wonderful outcome is that by using coMra-Therapy their results are the same as mine – fast pain relief, a positive side effect of help with other symptoms too, and above all without any negative side effects on my body.

Treatments applied are very simple. For the pain itself it is 5 Hz per a point on a lower abdomen and the minimum suggested number of points is four. For other symptoms, for example nausea and the same can be applied too.

In addition, I travel a lot and having my magic “wand” in my handbag or at hand at any time is not only hugely useful, but also brings me a feeling of safety and comfort for these challenging days. I have an instant solution for any discomfort.

**“The recent statistics from 2017 shows the number of women with menstrual / period pain or pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) in the United States in 2017. The data has been calculated by Statista based on the United Nations data and Simmons National Consumer Survey (NHCS). According to this statistic, 37.23 million women in the U.S. reported menstrual / period pain or pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) in 2017.”

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

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