Cellulite is a condition which affects the derma and the fat cells situated underneath which causes the effect of the “orange skin”. It is common among women of all ages,  very stubborn and hard to get rid of. Most of the women at one point of their life are seeing this in the mirror and being honest, it is not pleasant at all. However, let us go through the different causes of this condition and how to deal with them. Cellulite is the result of many factors which combined will cause loose skin and visible fat cells. 

1.Weak lymphatic system, dehydration and water retention

If you have noticed that you have cellulite since your teenage years and it goes worse in the summer or when you sit for a long time, this means that your lymphatic system does not function optimally. The lymph is the liquid that runs around the body taking the toxins out of the bloodstream. If the lymphatic vessels are weak, some of these toxins may leak back in the blood being stored in different parts of the body in the form of fat cells. Actually, the fat cells sometimes are formed around the toxins in the form of a small ball with the purpose to protect the body from it. You need enough water in order for the lymphatic system to function optimally and if the body is dehydrated, it will store all the water between the fat cells, this is known as water retention. So, drinking enough pure water daily is the first step to improve the work of the lymphatic system. There is more, but we will discuss that later on. 

2.Sugar sensitivity and insulin resistance

If the cellulite is visible or not, depends on how strong are the collagen bundles. If the collagen is constantly destroyed, it will result in saggy skin, wrinkles and more visible cellulite. One thing which breaks the collagen in the body is sugar. If you cannot metabolize the sugar fast enough it will be turned into fat and it will attach to the collagen bundles making them break. The insulin spikes will make your body turn all the glucose in the blood into fat as a strategy to store and use it later on. The fat will be burned only if there is no glucose in the blood, then the hormone glucagon will be released which will tell your cells to use fat as a source of energy. 

You need to support your liver and pancreas in order to normalize their functioning and to speed up your metabolism. The first step will be to limit your refined sugar intake but it is best if you combine it with low level laser therapy. And no, we do not talk about going to a beauty salon for cold laser procedures every week. In fact, with coMra you can have your own portable device and you can do the treatments everywhere. Start with coMra Universal treatment protocol 3, 5 and the Liver Treatment.  

3.Hormonal Imbalance

What is the name of the group of hormones which cause excessive growth in the female body? That is right, cellulite is often a sign of estrogen dominance. The thing is that estrogens can be formed in the fat cells and this makes everything even worse. The cycle goes like this -  excessive estrogen makes you gain weight  and slows down the metabolism, more fat cells are formed and then these fat cells produce even more estrogen that has to be eliminated by the liver. The hormones that can regulate the estrogen is progesterone but nowadays, many women actually have progesterone deficiency from early teenage age. Check our other articles on how to address that with the coMra - a cold laser therapy and more. A gentle laser works in coherence with magnetic fields and light diodes to provide additional energy to your cells and to induce the healing process in your body. 

4.High percentage of body fat

As it was already explained, the fat cells themselves produce more and more estrogen in the body which has to be eliminated by the liver. On top of that, if you have several kilos more, the cellulite will be more and more visible. The way to fight this is to change your diet and to reduce the sugar intake together with alcohol, soft drinks, pasta and bread, tobacco and all other substances which are full of toxins. It does not matter how much you eat but what you eat, if eighty percent of your food is vegetables, fruits and greens, there is not much room left for processed foods full of trans fats and additives of unknown origin. 

5.Inactive lifestyle

In summary, you need to assist your body into cleansing the tissues from toxins, excessive fat and metabolic waste. Of course, it will be hard to do this only with diets, no matter how good they are, you will need to be more active. In order to support the lymphatic system, you will need to incorporate a regular moving routine in the form of moderate exercise, walking, running, swimming, yoga or whatever you really enjoy to do. In that way, your body will burn all the glucose in the blood and then it will start burning the fat. Being active will help your body into losing weight, eliminating the excessive estrogen from the body, reducing body fat and the intracellular water. The coMra therapy is a great way to support your body and to heal various health conditions but it will be even more effective if you combine it with lifestyle, diet and mindset changes.

Get your coMra device today and have it always with you. A small and portable device to rely on in any situation linked to your health. Find out how to apply the coMra Therapy on every member in your family as a safe way to heal and prevent. We have great results with a number of conditions, so you will use your coMra device many years after as it can be used for pain relief, chronic conditions and injuries.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..

by Michail Tzvetanov

There are many factors that determine how long an athlete will stay at the top of their game and will be able to deliver great performances. Genetics, the environment their body and organism were formed in, the method of training and regeneration, diet and several others play a role. In this article, I have focused only on the factors that can be reliably influenced by coMra-Therapy. Let’s take a look…

Fatigue and depletion of energy reserves

When it comes to over-training, every athlete who works hard on themselves and tries to constantly improve is balancing on a very thin edge. We will not rest until we see that we’re better, faster, stronger and have more endurance. And once we achieve those, we want to go even further. It frequently happens that we don’t give our bodies enough time or space to breathe and draw new life force. Stress and fatigue accumulate, and the body’s regeneration processes slow down. This poorly chosen path only leads to further injury or to illness caused by seasonal viruses because our bodies have deficient immunity.
CoMra therapy accelerates regeneration, recharges the body’s energy reserves and thus reduces the risks due to over-training. To put it simply, thanks to the regular use of coMra in their routine, athletes recover faster and can train more often. In addition, coMra also supports the normal function of the immune system and helps the body to defend against pathogens.

Ageing and slowing down the regeneration process

“It’s not what it used to be …” We’ve all heard this, and we may have even said it. I myself am convinced that a slowdown of the body’s regeneration due to ageing isn’t caused by physiological changes alone. Lifestyle is also to blame. When you are young, you can focus mainly on yourself and your own interests but age brings other responsibilities. At one point, you begin to invest a great deal of energy into areas of life that previously didn’t bother you. As the years go by, the body’s ability to regenerate gradually decreases; it is a natural process taking place at a cellular level. A combination of these factors leads to an increase in the amount of time required for the body to recover after exercise. A few hours or a day isn’t enough to regenerate any more. Suddenly, you need two, three and often more days at a time to be able to deliver top performance again.

The fuel of all processes in the body, including regenerative processes, is ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is produced and stored in our cells (specifically in mitochondria). The higher the levels of ATP in our cells, the better our bodies are able to function and defend themselves. Therefore, coMra with its four components effectively stimulates the creation of ATP in mitochondria. As a result, cells are able to restore their function much faster and then all of the regenerative or defensive systems and mechanisms in the body function optimally.

Chronic injuries

Sports with a focus on top performance may not always be healthy for the body. Even recreational athletes know that injuries appearing here and there simply persist, do not subside and sometimes have the tendency to reoccur. This is the reason why many people end their sports careers for good or in better cases they change disciplines but give up their dreams of peak performance.

Actually, coMra has a very successful case history in the treatment of long-term and persistent chronic injuries. Its primary added value in this regard is in the support of the tissue regeneration through a holistic approach. In practice, this means that in addition to the direct treatment of the wound site, regeneration can be accelerated by supporting the optimal function of the body’s control systems involved in the regeneration process. Additionally, coMra can be applied to stimulate the lymphatic or nervous system in combination with the treatment of selected organs, such as the heart or adrenal glands. This stimulates and intensifies the process of tissue regeneration and initiates the treatment of persistent injuries and problems.

Regenerating nerve fibers after injury

A frequent reason why professional athletes end their careers early is the accumulation of untreated injuries. This is due, for example, to a sped-up return to activity after an injury. Unfortunately, it usually happens because an athlete feels good and, at first glance, has no external signs of injury after rehabilitation (such as pain and other discomfort during exercise). But many delicate processes in the body have not yet been completely restored. These are mainly processes that are taken care of by delicate tissues such as nerve fibers. With tissue injuries, such as a ruptured ligament, nerve signalling disorders – the process of transmitting information from the brain to the body and back – can also occur. Interrupting the flow of information between the locomotor system and the brain can lead to cognitive dysfunction. In simple words, this may negatively affect the speed and fluidity of the musculoskeletal system response. Unlike muscle fibers, tendons or bones, nerve fibers regenerate much more slowly and the time it takes to fully recover is much longer.

Impairment of cognitive functions as a result of injuries to the musculoskeletal system do not usually pose a great danger for people in everyday life. But for professional athletes in a competitive environment, where everything often takes place within hundredths of a second, the situation is different. All it takes is one slower reaction and the original injury is renewed or a completely new one occurs. It is therefore not out of the ordinary for athletes go from one injury to the next and to practically never be able to recover fully.

In a very gentle and effective way, coMra supports the natural healing process in every cell of the body and also contributes to the accelerated recovery of damaged nerve fibers. Thanks to coMra, not only can an athlete speed up their return to activity after an injury, but at the same time they can ensure a high-quality recovery. All of that while lowering the risk of an incomplete healing of nerve fibers and a restored cognitive function of the musculoskeletal system.


Pain is an everyday part of athletes’ lives. Top-level performances in top-level sport simply hurt. Many athletes turn to painkillers to deal with the pain. It’s quite common for athletes to take analgesics before a match, race or competition just to prevent any pain that might put them out of the action. As a result of long-term abuse of analgesics, internal organs are damaged (liver, kidneys, heart) and athletes are shut out of active competition.

In that sense, coMra can be used both for the control of acute pain (rapid analgesic effect) and for the treatment of chronic pain. The application of coMra in cases of acute pain leads from partial to complete relief, and the repeated application of coMra can keep pain under control. At the same time, some of the comprehensive coMra treatment protocols can be begun (according to the type and origin of the pain) to support and stimulate natural healing processes and to treat injuries and infections. While coMra is non-invasive and gentle on the body it can be a good alternative to the various pain pills.

Mental balance

For athletes, psychology plays a huge part. It can turn around the best-played match or help the greatest outsider win a race. This is why nearly every top athlete nowadays has their own personal psychologist or life coach. The goal is to get to the optimal mental state to deliver maximum performance, to manage pre-start stress and jitters as well as to maintain mental balance during the long months of preparation. Even if you can’t afford to hire a personal sports psychologist, there’s still hope …

Applying coMra therapy will help you to induce a state of calm and mental composure thus overcoming feelings of anxiety and pre-start jitters. There’s nothing miraculous about it. Stress is the body’s reaction to a person’s emotional state, in which the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline flood the body. Our bodies react to situations that the brain perceives of as dangerous. Thanks to cortisol and adrenaline, the body awakens our hidden energy reserves and prepares to deal with situations that require either fight or flight. This state is influenced by various emotional perceptions. It can be very beneficial to use coMra in these situations because it will harmonize the hormone levels in the body and thus will contribute to the induction of a state of inner calm and mental balance.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..

Millions of people suffer from diabetes and more to that many of them develop other health conditions. The high levels of blood sugar are not only creating discomfort, extreme fatigue and muscle pain but can be even more dangerous for the overall health. The diseases linked to diabetes are stroke and heart disease, kidney issues, eye diseases, dental and foot problems, nerve damage or neuropathy. This means that when you try to manage and reverse diabetes, you also need to heal the other systems in your body which are affected by it. While coMra therapy is used to support the body in healing any health condition, you need to apply not only the Diabetes treatment protocol from the Endocrinology section but also to treat other occurring conditions.

So, in this article we will find out how home laser therapy can help you deal with all the health conditions linked to diabetes. But where to start form? Which treatment protocols from the coMra User Guide can you apply to support your body if you have diabetes or insulin resistance?

Treating Heart Disease

In the coMra User Guide there is a section called Universal Treatments. You can apply these courses as a healing support program or use them as a prevention. The Universal Treatment 2 - Heart was created to provide more energy to the heart and support its work. Additionally you can apply Cardiology 2 for conditions like ischemia, arrhythmia, valvular disease etc. It will be even more beneficial if you combine it with Universal Treatment 3 - Blood. In fact, the last treatment protocol is quite versatile as it supports the blood circulation, the quality of the blood and the condition of the red blood cells. While blood reaches every cell in the body, this treatment is great for the overall health and especially for the heart condition. Applying coMra therapy on the heart according to Universal Treatment 2 - Heart, will give the heart an additional boost and energy to regenerate in cases like a weak heart, insufficient coronary blood flow, low immunity and high cholesterol. Always use 5Hz when treating the heart and include several minutes daily to support its work. 

Dealing with Kidney Issues

To support the work of the kidneys with coMra therapy, you can apply the treatments found in the Nephrology section of the coMra User Guide. Nephrology 6 is a course designed for chronic kidney disorder or diabetic nephropathy as well as renal failure. You can apply Nephrology 4 protocol for pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis. In addition to these courses, you may find it very beneficial to apply Universal treatment 6 - Vitality for physical exhaustion and recovery from surgery or illness. Also, Universal treatment 5 - Somatic biostimulation for emotional exhaustion, depression, insomnia and in general to support the nervous system and the adrenal glands.

Pain relief for Nerve Damage and Eye Problems

If you experience blurry vision and other eye problems, you can apply Neurology 3 which is for neuropathy of the ophthalmic nerve. Cardiology 3 treatment can help for any eye pain related to hypertension or cervical migraine. Often the nerve damage in the cervical area of the spine can cause eye problems and headaches. For other neuropathic pains check the Neurology and Traumatology sections to find the specific condition or cause of the pain and how to address it with coMra. You will need to apply treatments for two weeks, then rest and repeat. Even if you experience improvement, you might still need to continue with regular coMra treatments maybe not daily but several times per week which will serve as a prevention method and will help you manage diabetes as the main health condition that you want to address naturally.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..

Here is a successful story of a woman with pain in her eyes and sinuses which she treated with coMra:

How a woman recovered from her optic nerve inflammation? Optic neuropathy is a painful condition as every other nerve condition. When the nerves are damaged or inflamed, people experience mild to severe pain and reduced mobility or as in this case reduced vision and color sensitivity. Although the cause of neuropathy may vary from injury to trauma or a reaction to a stressful situation, the main goal is to stop the inflammation of the nerves. Often medications do not provide the needed results and people spend years in pain and in great discomfort. The good news is that low laser therapies like coMra are very effective in supporting the healing process and in reducing the pain itself.

Find out what is coMra therapy and how it works

Here is a case report from Dr. Larry Wallace, OD, Phd. on how coMra therapy helped a woman in her fifties who reported a sudden loss of vision in her right eye. It was accompanied by severe headaches with blind spots and loss of a color sensitivity. She described it as “a curtain came over my vision”. When she came to visit Dr. Wallace, she was very nervous and tense and shared that she had tried many different things but nothing was helping. 

The woman was very confused on why this condition appeared all of a sudden without any obvious reason.There was no trauma or injury involved and all the conventional tests came negative. She didn’t know what the cause of the condition was, however the doctor suggested that it was most probably some kind of a stress reaction. 

The doctors in the hospital came with the following diagnosis - Ischemic optic neuropathy, Optic neuritis in her right eye. They offered her to start a medication course. However, the prescribed medications didn’t work and there was no change in her condition. That is the reason why she started searching for a second opinion from an expert in vision. Dr. Wallace is a behaviour optometrist who is dedicated to education and research in the field of color and laser therapy. He is a certified low vision specialist and has worked extensively in the field of visual rehabilitation for head trauma and brain injury. 

Do you want to know how coMra can be used to treat neuropathic pain?

After her visit, Dr. Wallace suggested that she start with coMra therapy. He created a special coMra treatment protocol for her based on Neurology 3 treatment from the coMra User Guide. She did 18 coMra treatments over 10 weeks with coMra Delta 905. As a complimentary procedure, a weekly acupuncture session was included in her program. The results after these 18 coMra treatments were: 

While she felt much better after applying coMra therapy, she decided to continue. After one month of follow up all of the above improved even more. With coMra helps the regeneration of the nerves and improves the overall well-being. The coMra therapy can be successfully applied for a long list of health conditions and even used as a prevention method. Thousands of people use coMra as a pain relief and as a first option for all types of medical conditions and injuries. It is very effective for neuropathy cases and you can treat also the main cause of the inflammation.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..

Watch the video that we made on the particular case described in the article above:

Here is a another story of a woman with pain in her eyes and sinuses:

The colon is the name used for the large intestine at the end of the digestive tract. It is the place where the stool is stored and then released from the body. While prevention is the best cure, improving your colon health is a must if you have any autoimmune disease, chronic fatigue or constant constipation. The sad news is that each year thousands of people are diagnosed with colon disorders or other linked conditions. Some of these are irritable bowel movement, Crohn’s diseases, ulcerative colitis and colon cancer. The symptoms, if there are any, are pain in the abdominal area, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, blood in the stool, weight loss or weight gain, gas, bloating and colon polyps. The inflammation of the colon is a painful condition which affects the overall health and could turn into a more serious disease.

1. Start Cold Laser Therapy As Soon As Possible

When the disease or condition is already there, it will be hard to manage it with medications or diet changes, you need to heal the inflammation first. With coMra Therapy, you gently support the body into its process of healing the condition. The method is totally safe but very effective at the same time. The harmonious work of the low level laser with magnets and light diodes provide additional energy and information to the cell, inducing the healing process. When the metabolism in the cell is improved and there is additional energy and information to the cell, inducing the healing process. Once metabolism in the cell is improved and there is additional energy available, it could be used for regeneration and healing. Although you may not know the science behind coMra Therapy, you can still use the devices as it was made simple enough for everyone to apply coMra on their own, at the comfort of their home. However, for best results you might need to execute lifestyle and diet changes, and surely to do some inner work. 

2. Change Your Diet and Drink More Water to Improve Colon Health

As diet is often at the root of the condition, you will need to revise the foods and eating habits that you have done for years. A diet that is rich in animal products like red meat and dairy without enough fresh vegetables, fruits and fibre will lead to problems in the large intestine sooner or later. Also, you need to take care of the hydration of your body as the dry stool moves very slowly in the colon and causes inflammation and constipation. It is recommended to avoid processed food, sugar and saturated fats if you want your colon to be healthy.

3. Get Moving and Change Your Habits

In order to restore the normal bowel movements , you need to have toned abdominal muscles and to stop counting on laxatives if you experience constipation. Try to incorporate some moderate activity in your routine to ease the bowel movement. While it is very harmful in case of colon inflammation, you will need to stop drinking alcohol and quit smoking. On the emotional level you have to manage your stress and to experience more joy in your life. Try to worry less as overthinking causes tightness and restriction in your body. If you cannot let go of your emotions and memories, your body will show it on the physical level as inability to release the toxins and metabolic waste material. So, if all that unnecessary substance stays in the colon for too long, it will start intoxicating the blood and will cause inflammation and health issues. The inner work with the emotions is as important as the lifestyle changes and the laser therapy. 

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..

Watch a video:

You see the story of a male with chronic long term ulcerative colitis (painful and bleeding open sores throughout his large intestine and colon). He successfully treated himself at home applying coMra Gastroenterology 6 treatment from the coMra user Guide.

There is an epidemic nobody is talking about and that is estrogen dominance in women which can be quite dangerous. It is linked to several types of cancer, autoimmune diseases, weight gain, infertility and depression. After the age of 35 many women start going through some changes in their hormonal balance but nowadays even younger women suffer from excessive estrogen. The reproductive hormones in the female body are in a very fine balance and they regulate not only the monthly period but also the metabolism, the energy balance and overall health condition of the woman. The endocrine system is quite affected by the estrogen as an imbalance there can disturb the insulin levels, thyroid hormones production, weight proportions and the functioning of the major organs like the liver, pancreas, stomach, intestines and others.

What are the symptoms of estrogen dominance?

Estrogen dominance is the condition when the hormones from the group of estrogen become the prevailing ones dominating over other reproductive hormones like progesterone, follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. The liver is the organ where the elimination of the excessive estrogen takes place and when its functioning is compromised, the levels of the estrogen start to increase. The symptoms of estrogen dominance may vary from mild to severe and can become worse if you experience too much stress in your life. If you are in your thirties or older, you probably already see some signs of high estrogen levels. Here is a list of some of the symptoms:

Why do you have estrogen dominance?

Nowadays, women experience estrogen dominance much more than in the past and this is linked to the pollution that is now everywhere. All the chemicals in the water, air and food affect the female body and its delicate hormonal balance. There are more factors which can have their role in the hormonal imbalance and stress is huge one too. Intense workouts, extreme diets, emotional distress, excessive body fat and ageing are also among the causes of estrogen dominance.

Additionally, a poor diet without enough protein, fiber, fresh fruits and vegetables but rich in processed foods, sweet things and alcohol on a regular basis, can make things even worse. In your middle thirties, the ovaries start producing less progesterone which is the hormone which naturally balances the increased levels of estrogen. Stress is another major factor when we speak about hormonal imbalances as the body gives priority to the cortisol production and progesterone levels drop really fast. Additionally, all the plastic that we all use in our daily life is full of xenoestrogens, they mimic the estrogen molecules and are really hard to eliminate from the body.

What is the secret of the menstrual cycle and how to follow the natural rhythms in your life as a woman? You can now watch the webinar that our team has put together exploring on how to heal and restore this fine balance in your body:

Why do you need to support your liver?

Now, let us talk a bot about the liver. This organ which is trying to cleanse the body from all the toxins, waste material left from the metabolism, excessive fat and hormones, and anything else that is not supposed to stay inside. Moreover, the liver is also responsible for the elimination of the excessive estrogen. If the liver is not working properly, the estrogen stays in the body. So, if you experience estrogen dominance, it is highly recommended to change your diet in a way to support the liver by limiting sugar consumption, alcohol intake and processed foods. All these artificial ingredients and chemicals in the processed foods load the liver with additional work.

On the other hand, many women experience sugar sensitivity or early stages of insulin resistance without even knowing it. This results in increased visceral or belly fat which hardens the normal functioning of the inner organs and shows a liver malfunction. How to heal the liver without adding more chemicals in the form of pills in the bloodstream? A great way to support and heal your liver is to apply a low level laser therapy like coMra. This gentle but highly effective method will increase the energy levels in the cells supporting their healing and recovery. Several minutes per day are enough to give a little boost to your liver. While It is a major organ which detoxifies the body constantly, this cold laser will significantly improve its condition and will induce its recovery and regeneration. 

What else can you do to decrease estrogen dominance?

First of all, you need some stress management and to see in which areas in your life you use more male qualities than female. Do you work too much, are you too active, do you train intensively, are you focused on your career or your children? In other words, you need to find your own way to relax and slow everything down a bit. Again, laser therapy like coMra can help you treat your adrenal glands and your nervous system as a way to calm yourself down and enjoy life. Instead of intensive training, choose yoga, dancing or swimming, eat lots of fresh foods with enough protein and vitamins. Additionally, work towards developing your female qualities and awakening your femininity as this is also vital when we speak about hormonal balance in women. 

Why should you choose laser therapy?

There are some benefits of the low level laser therapy like coMra - it is effective, painless and safe. You have to be very careful with any kind of hormone replacement therapy as adding synthetic hormones to the picture will definitely not cure the cause. With coMra, you can support the work of each organ and system in your body like liver, heart, thyroid, ovaries etc. If you have thyroid hypofunction, you can apply the treatment protocol for hypothyroidism found in the coMra user guide. If you experience symptoms of sugar sensitivity or insulin resistance, start the diabetes protocol and see how your condition will improve. The coMra therapy is totally safe, there are no negative side effects, it is easy to use, a pleasant painless procedure and it does not take too much time. The devices are small and portable and you can take them with you everywhere. 

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..

Reproductive hormones are very important for the life of a woman. In this article we will look closely at estrogen and progesterone and what can cause low levels of progesterone. Nowadays more and more women find themselves with symptoms of low progesterone from PMS to weight gain and infertility. Menopause is now happening earlier than before, sometimes women in their forties are going through a premature menopause due to the low levels of progesterone.

How does your body produce reproductive hormones?

While progesterone is mainly produced by the ovaries, except there estrogen can be produced also in the corpus luteum and some organs like the liver, heart and even the fat cells under the skin. The main cause for low progesterone is estrogen dominance. So, when we talk about progesterone deficiency, we need to understand why the levels of estrogen become too high. 

Do you live a stressful life?

So, here is the truth about hormonal imbalance in women - stress. The main stress hormone called cortisol leads to the increased production of estrogen. It suppresses the thyroid hormones and the high levels of estrogen will increase the production of cortisol. Looks like a vicious circle? Well, it is. That is the reason why so many women find it extremely hard to balance their hormones back once the imbalance is already there. 

Is there hidden stress in your life?

We all know how hard it is these days - career, children, projects etc. But where is your stress actually hiding? Well, there are some factors that might cause stress in your mind and body. Ask yourself several questions and if the answer is yes, then your body experiences more stress than you know. Do you often find yourself reacting with the fight, flight or freeze mode? Do you have troubles sleeping at night? Do you eat processed food full of artificial ingredients? Have you recently gained weight in the form of belly fat? Do you spend a lot of time on social networks causing your brain to process tons of information? Do you find yourself competing all the time at work or in your personal life? In fact, all of these doings are causing your mind to experience stress which you see then manifesting in your body as inflammation, pain and hormonal imbalances. 

Can I increase my progesterone naturally?

Firstly, you need to observe yourself and to manage your perception in life and how you react to everyday situations. This is the step towards living a less stressful life. However, there is more to it - find time to rest, to unwind and to relax. You can start a yoga or meditation course, listen to calm music or walk in nature, whatever is your thing to lessen the stress. On the other hand, you need to support your body and especially your adrenal glands, the liver and the ovaries. A great tool to do this is low level laser therapy. This method called coMra can be applied on each of these organs daily for several minutes without any negative side effects. The laser supplies your cells with additional energy which can be used for regeneration and healing. It is very effective as you can see if you do your own research on the subject, so why not give it a try. I found it extremely helpful when I was treating my thyroid and managed to take the condition to remission. 

Is your mind tricking you into feeling stressed? 

Well, there is a deeper level than is equally important, actually it is the root cause of stress, depression, anxiety and all kinds of disorders. Namely, that is your mind and how it tricks you to think that your mind is you. But is that true? Who are you? Are you your mind only? Or your body? Or your soul? Each of these is part of you, but who are you? This is a question that might take a lifetime to answer but there is a part of you that is behind all that, your inner true being. If you manage to stop the total identification with your mind, then you can experience the inner peace. As the inner peace is very natural to us, you can experience it while creating a painting, dancing, meditating, watching the sunset… Basically, anything that helps you to stop the thinking process and just be. All the stress is produced in the mind as a resistance to life as it is. 

Estrogen dominance is linked to many diseases

The thing is that estrogen is very easily produced by the body but is hard to eliminate when the levels are too high. On top of that, phytoestrogens enter the body through plant-based food and synthetic estrogen can enter with farmed meat like chicken, pork and even fish. Some herbs can increase the estrogen but another main factor is the plastic as a source of xenoestrogens. As you can see, all of this can become a significant amount of estrogen hormones coming from the outside. The pressure on the liver increases while it is the organ responsible for the elimination of the excessive hormones. 

So, here is a tip - when you apply your coMra protocol, leave the device for ten minutes on the liver 5Hz to support its work. Restoring the hormonal balance in your body can take some time but the most important part is that every experience will teach you something new. There is a new knowledge waiting for you, it will bring change and more understanding in your life. If you have any questions, we are here for you, coMra is our mission to bring more health and balance in the people’s lives.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..

Watch another story shared with an open heart and a smile:

Meret has been using coMra therapy for many years. As many other coMra users, she found that coMra therapy is not only very safe but also that coMra is effective for various cases and conditions. She used it for her daughter's herpes, her own thyroid issues and migraines with great results.

How the levels of progesterone affect the hormonal balance in the body of a woman? What is the main cause of low levels of progesterone and how to increase its production? Can you improve your hormonal balance with food? If yes, which foods to eat to increase your progesterone levels? Why do thyroid issues occur more and more often and how they are linked to the levels of the reproductive hormones like estrogen and progesterone? What other methods can you use that are safe and effective?

The Importance of Progesterone

The production of progesterone plays a key role for the health of a female body. It is an essential hormone regulating the cycle of the woman. If you want to get pregnant, progesterone will prepare the wall of the uterus for the fertilized egg to embed. After the ovulation, if conception did not occur, the progesterone levels drop and menstruation begins. Low levels of progesterone are linked to symptoms like irregular and heavy periods, severe PMS, cellulite, mood swings, water retention and problems conceiving. While the main cause for low progesterone is estrogen dominance, it leads to other hormonal issues like thyroid problems, low levels of luteinizing and follicle stimulating hormones.

Why my progesterone is too low?

The cause of low progesterone is complex. It happens slowly but then is hard to restore the balance. Nowadays more and more women of different ages experience low progesterone. The main factor is estrogen dominance.There are two main causes of high estrogen and these are stress and liver malfunction. Too many stressful situation and you might find yourself in distress. This means that your body constantly produces cortisol. The production of any hormone takes energy, so when the body prioritizes cortisol, the reproductive hormones like progesterone are put on hold. Unlike progesterone which is mainly produced in the ovaries, estrogen is produced also by other organs and even in the fat cells. Great quantities of it are coming also from the outside with food and water - meat with hormones, hormone replacement therapy and plastic. Plastic containers, especially the one-time-use ones contain xenoestrogens. They mimic the estrogen but it is even harder for the liver to eliminate them, so they are stay in the body. When the liver cannot keep up with the estrogen elimination, the condition called estrogen dominance is formed.

How to Boost the Levels of Progesterone

So, how to increase the levels of progesterone? First of all, try managing the feeling of distress as it disrupts the hormonal balance. Then check your diet and make the necessary changes. Support the work of your liver and start a healing protocol as it is the place where the excess estrogen is eliminated. A very effective way to do this is to apply a low level laser therapy like coMra. The coMra therapy is an effective and pleasant way to restore the hormonal balance if you experience health issues like estrogen dominance, thyroid issues or diabetes. It is also very important when we speak about progesterone, to avoid over-exercising, sleepless nights and drastic diets and fasting. Every extreme is perceived by the body as stress and the cortisol production becomes a priority. This may result in cutting the production of reproductive hormones like progesterone.

Foods That Increase Progesterone

Changing your diet is a great way to increase your progesterone levels. While foods themselves do not contain progesterone, some vitamins, minerals, herb and foods can promote the production of it.

There are some foods and herbs that you need to avoid as they either decrease progesterone or block its production. Find out more here:

Have you tried other ways to restore hormonal balance?

As it was mentioned above there is a very effective way to support your body healing from a hormonal imbalance. The coMra therapy combined with the diet and lifestyle changes can be quite beneficial. Even used on its own, coMra is very effective in restoring overall health. It provides the needed energy for the body to start a healing process. In many health cases, when using medications is not appropriate, low level laser therapy shows great results. The hormonal imbalance is one of these cases, as the more synthetic hormones you put into the system of your body, the more the inner balance is thrown off. To start using coMra, first search your health issue coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal Treatment 5 and the other Universal treatment protocols depending on your specific case.

We have put together some major points regarding the secret of the female menstrual cycle and how she can use for heal herself. If you are interested on how to overcome the imbalance in your reproductive hormones, you can watch the video below:

Do you know that you can apply coMra therapy at home on your own? The procedure itself is very pleasant, there is no burning or any other sensation while the device is on your skin. After a week or two of daily treatments, you will start seeing the improvement. However, every case is different and how much time it will take for your body to recover depends to what is your health condition right now. Overall, hundreds of people have achieved great health results after using coMra even with serious cases like diabetes, chronic illnesses, thyroid issues and many more. In addition, coMra can be used as a pain relief, a great prevention method and every time when you need to induce the healing abilities of your body.

If you are reading this article because you want to get pregnant soon but your progesterone levels are too low, we feel you. And we really want you to experience the joy of having a baby. We have good news for you - coMra therapy can be used by pregnant women and is safe for their babies as well. Below you can watch a short video on how coMra is used before and after birth.

Natasha Stadler has been a midwife for 30 years, and an independent midwife for 13 of those years. She was introduced to coMra therapy 7 years ago and has found it to be an invaluable tool for her clients.

We did also a webinar on the how to support and restore general hormonal balance with coMra therapy and the recording is below:

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..

We all live in very interesting times as the situation worldwide is new and uncertain. Borders are closed, people are advised to stay home, countries are in a lock-down, the media is streaming news and numbers all the time. Many people tap into panic and fear but at the same time they want to boost the immune system. However, staying calm and balanced in this stressful situation will have a great impact on your health and immunity. This might mean to do some inner work and to use the tools you have to preserve your mental health in order to be able to support the people around you.

Why Stress Is Dangerous?

Stress is a normal reaction of the body and has its role in survival. When you are in danger, the signals from your brain will start a chain-reaction to engage your muscles in order for you to escape. But chronic stress is a totally different story, the levels of hormones like cortisol and adrenaline are constantly high which will deplete the body from resources. When the nervous system is triggered like that all the time, it actually suppresses the immune system. The body literally lacks the energy to maintain all its functions while the cortisol production is a priority. In other words, if the stressful situations occur too often, the body will soon be affected. Nowadays, we speak more often about emotional stress which has its negative impact on the body as it affects the hormonal balance, the quality of your sleep, the mental health and leads to illnesses like diabetes, autoimmune diseases and heart issues.

How to Use coMra?

In order to manage the stress-response on a physical level, your body needs more energy and well-functioning adrenal glands. On the other hand, if you suffer from an illness or a chronic disease, you may find yourself in distress even more often. To induce the healing process in a non-invasive way is key to better immunity. For this purpose, you can use coMra therapy as its low level laser is specially modulated to work in harmony with a magnetic field and LED diodes. They all work together with the body intelligence to increase its energy resources and to awake its inner healing abilities. There are many coMra protocols designed to heal, support and prevent diseases. Additionally, you can apply coMra as a pain relief, to support the nervous system and to boost your immunity.

What Does Well-Being Mean?

The harmony on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level results in the experience of well-being. When all your parts are working and living together as one, you are healthy. The root of well-being or health, is the coherence of everything that is you and it is more than just the physical body, it is beyond your emotions too. Any disharmony between your parts will create some kind of a response. That is why, it is more obvious than ever, that all diseases are first created on an emotional or mental level, before they manifest as a disease on the physical one.

Monitor Your Thoughts

In order to manage your stress response, you will need to start from the roots - your thoughts. It might not be that easy to become aware of every thinking pattern in your mind overnight, but just start where you are. Try to limit your exposure to the media and monitor your thoughts. It is important to catch what you are thinking as the stress response starts there. If you assume that you are in danger, your body will follow that thought and the whole chain-reaction will start. Any resistance to what is creates suffering, so find a way to shift your perception of the situation. Instead of thinking about the uncertain future, look for opportunities and try to see the good things that will come out of the situation.

Being Detached

If you detect negative thoughts crossing your mind all the time, you still have a choice and can decide not to attach to them. If you react automatically to the worst scenarios projected in your mind, the body will respond with emotions. Even if fear and panic prevail around you, you still can stay detached and not take these on yourself. Recognize your emotions but do not let them drown you into anxiety or despair. The tools you can use is to focus on the present moment, not to worry, to connect with the calmness and to choose your mood. Try to focus on the things that you can experience gratitude about.


The most important connection in your life is the one with your inner being. With this magical and huge being that is you. Try to be fully present, to experience here and now with an open mind and heart. Accept and embrace yourself and welcome the time you have being alone. Dive deep into your feelings and listen to the silent voice of your heart. Go deep into yourself and spend some quality time to do your retrospection. Nourish yourself with things that are good for you and which give you joy and peace like nice books or your hobby. Be creative and get busy with your hands in order to explore and express yourself in your unique way.

Relaxation And Meditation

In order to stay calm and balanced in stressful situations, you need to learn how to relax. Breathe deeply and try to let go, relax the muscles with stretching or lying on the bed without moving while listening to music or natural sounds. You can also try practicing yoga nidra, doing yourself slow massage, lighting some candles and filling a hot bath with essential oils. Relax your body but also relax your mind. Stay in the silence left after you stop the internal narrative, look for the gaps between your thoughts and tap into the silence of your presence. Observe what is going on without judgement. Maybe it will not happen on your first try or as you imagine it but keep going. If the intention is there and you take action on it, then all you need is to make the next step and stay open to learning and growing.

Communication And Support

Although, we are all advised to stay home and to physically isolate ourselves from others, we can do our best to stay connected to people who are important to us. Reach out to your friends and family to offer and accept support. Make the effort to keep the communication with people even if you cannot go out. However, do not gossip and avoid speaking negatively about the situation in order to preserve your energy and to protect the emotional well-being of others. The last thing you want is to feed the fear in the people around you. Although the situation is hard, it can be a great opportunity to work on the communication with your closest family members and the people you live with. In stressful situations, the support of others is very much needed and appreciated.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Can Emotional Stress Cause Chronic Pain?

The Results of Emotional Stress On Your Health

Watch a Video:

Meret has been using coMra therapy for many years. As many other coMra users, she found that coMra therapy is not only very safe, but also that coMra is effective for various cases and conditions.She used it for her daughter's herpes, her own thyroid issues and migraines with great results.

Have you noticed changes in your monthly period with increased premenstrual symptoms, brown spotting and shorter luteal phase. Progesterone is vital for a healthy pregnancy and many women have problems with conception due to decreased levels of this hormone. If there is not enough progesterone produced by the corpus luteum, the chances for pregnancy are very low. Usually, with age there is a more notable change in the hormonal balance in women leading to fertility issues, painful periods and irregular menstruation.

Symptoms and body signs

Your menstrual cycle is an indicator to your overall health and if there is something wrong with it, could be a sign that a hormonal imbalance is going on unnoticed. Headaches, migraines, mood swings, hot flashes, anxiety and depression are linked to estrogen dominance. Some other signs could be excessive bleeding, weight gain, fibrocystic breasts, fibroids, endometriosis, gall bladder issues and even thyroid dysfunction. So, the combination of all the above symptoms basically shows that it is almost impossible for you to get pregnant. At least, not until you fix the hormones production and restore the natural balance of your body.

coMra therapy for reproductive issues

As your body has its own inner intelligence you need to avoid aggressive chemicals and procedures. Focus instead on therapies that will gently support it. A great way to do this is to apply coMra therapy for two weeks then rest and repeat if needed. In the Gynaecology section of the coMra user guide, you will find different treatment courses which address the reproductive problems. As the high stress levels are one of the most common causes for hormonal issues, the Universal Treatments 5 and 7 will also be very beneficial to treat reproductive issues. All of the coMra protocols could be applied as a prevention too.

Zinc and vitex

If you experience hormonal imbalance, then you need to fill in the depots in your body of zinc. Before taking it as a supplement, you can try natural sources like beans, legumes, nuts, seeds and oats. These foods are also rich in proteins and other vital for your health substances like vitamins, omega fatty acids and other minerals. Vitex is a very powerful herb that can help you regulate the menstrual cycle by stimulating the production of luteinizing hormone and to lengthen the luteal phase.


Magnesium is also essential for your body and its deficiency will disturb the production of follicle stimulating, luteinizing and thyroid hormones. It also regulates your blood sugar levels, cortisol production and acts as a sleep aid. The high levels of cortisol can cause various issues while your body produces it as a priority when you experience stress. The natural sources of magnesium are bananas, avocados, dried fruits, whole grains, dark leafy greens, seeds and even dark chocolate.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.