The large intestine or the colon is the place where water, minerals and most of the nutrients are absorbed. As part of the digestive system, its health is responsible for the good elimination of the waste materials from the body. It is vital for the overall health that all the waste is taken out on a regular basis as if that is not happening, it is the colon where the toxins are reabsorbed again in the bloodstream. Due to stress, lifestyle habits and nutrition, the health of the colon might be compromised which will lead to a chain reaction in the other systems. In order to keep your colon clean and healthy, you will need to drink a good amount of water daily, to eat high-fiber foods, also if needed to take probiotics or herbal teas. However, what can you do at home if you suffer from colon disease? Have you heard how effective cold lasers are?

The Difference Between Colitis, Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s disease

Colitis occurs when there is an inflammation of the colon as a result of various causes like viruses, nutritional deficiency, bacteria infections, etc. On the other hand, ulcerative colitis is a long-term inflammation of the colon which is an autoimmune condition and often is chronic. The difference with Crohn’s disease, which is also a chronic autoimmune disease, is that Crohn’s can occur anywhere in the digestive system while ulcerative colitis affects mainly the colon. 

Symptoms of Colitis and Ulcerative Colitis

While ulcerative colitis is one the many types of colitis, the symptoms are similar. However, as it was mentioned above the main difference is that ulcerative colitis is a chronic long-term condition which is known to be autoimmune too. Here is a list of the possible symptoms and signs that the colon is inflamed. 

Why is Cold Laser Therapy Effective for Acute and Chronic conditions?

The cold or low level lasers are known to be a great alternative to invasive procedures and treatments. The coMra therapy is a new generation of cold laser therapy as it combines the power of an infrared laser with the magnetic field and the light diodes therapy. This treatment method is totally safe and has no negative side effects whatsoever. The sensation on the skin is pleasant and actually, with a coMra device you might feel nothing while it is working. However, your cells will know the effect as this energy coming in the form of light to them by the laser will assist the healing and regeneration processes. The coMra devices work with the body and not against, in order to awaken and induce the inherent healing abilities of the cells and the body as a whole. Many patients have experienced great results with coMra treating all kinds of conditions and diseases. 

The coMra Treatment Protocol for Colitis 

All the coMra treatment protocols are described in detail in the coMra User Guide which is available online and also as a mobile app. The protocol that you need for colitis is found by the name Gastroenterology 6 with all the points, time and frequency that you need to apply. The whole treatment protocol is about 20 mins long but you can make it even longer if that feels good. You will need to apply it for at least two weeks and then rest, allowing time for the body to recover and regenerate. For this treatment protocol you can use coMra Palm or coMra Delta and you can apply it at home on your own as we provide all the needed information in the User Guide. 

The coMra Treatment Protocol for Ulcerative Colitis

This treatment is a bit longer and as it is described in the coMra User Guide, it will take about one hour. Most of the points can be treated both with coMra Palm and Delta, however in order to be able to execute the whole protocol you will need coMra Delta device. The recommended course is at least 3 weeks and then to take a rest, repeat if necessary. Ulcerative colitis is a chronic condition and it will take longer to recover from it, however you will see improvement even after the first course. In the coMra User Guide, this  treatment protocol is found by the name Gastroenterology 11 and as a part of it, you will need to apply Universal treatment 3 - Blood in order to strengthen the blood vessels and to improve the blood circulation.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

It all started with feeling tired all the time, irregular periods and weight gain. I didn’t know what was going on with me as I had moments of feeling anxious or depressed without any obvious reason. Something was not right with my body and being tired is not really a condition but a symptom that needed my attention. However, I was wondering what might be the reason for this.

My feeling and my own research

After reading some articles, I decided to do some blood tests to see how my thyroid was working. This decision came after following my feeling that maybe it was my thyroid making problems. It was no surprise for me to see that I actually had a subclinical hypothyroidism as it was confirmed by a doctor. Then I started my own research by reading several books on the subject and numerous articles. It turned out that the low functioning of the thyroid can cause hormonal imbalance in the reproductive hormones. My period was almost absent and without ovulation, progesterone levels were dropping very fast. 

Low progesterone and estrogen dominance

When there is not enough progesterone in the body, the levels of estrogen go very high and this leads to weight gain, mood swings and even infertility. The estrogen dominance is linked to several diseases in women like PSOS, insulin resistance, acne and hypothyroidism. So, it turns out that it is hard to tell which causes what as it all becomes a vicious circle. Once the normal hormone production is disturbed, one thing leads to the other and you cannot really say which was first.

Most women do not know that their estrogen is too high, not until they find out that some kind of a  health condition is already present in their body. I remember that I became sensitive to sugar and gluten, I could feel inflammation in my body all the time. The question that I had in my head was what actually causes hormonal imbalance. The more I was reading, the more I was realizing that the roots are to be found in stress and liver malfunction. 

Was my liver working properly?

I was noticing that I could not tolerate alcohol anymore, even after one glass of white wine, I happened to experience severe headache and hot flashes. Slowly, it was coming to my mind that maybe my liver was not working properly. Because of the hot flashes, I was thinking that maybe I was going through premature menopause although I am in my forties.  But then I found out that hypothyroidism often causes an absent monthly cycle in women. 

Was I in distress without noticing it?

And what about the main cause of hormonal imbalances, namely stress. I was not able to sleep well and for several months I was constantly tired and nervous. Weight gain, anxiety and hair loss made me feel even more in distress. I was confused, had mood swings that made me burst into tears and emotional drama on a regular basis and didn’t know what to do. What I knew for sure is that I do not want hormonal replacement therapy or synthetic thyroid hormones which would just cover up the symptoms and will worsen the cause underneath. 

There is so much information on the internet about low progesterone, estrogen dominance and thyroid issues which causes even more confusion. The organ which eliminates the excessive amounts from the body is the liver. So, this was such a big insight for me as now I knew wny I could not drink even a glass of wine anymore. 

What did I do to feel better? 

Well, what I had in mind by that time is that I need to relax more and to manage the stress reaction in my body. In addition, I understood that I had to completely cut off sugar and gluten from my diet as they both made me feel bloated and caused me increased heart rate in the evenings. But most of all, I had to heal my liver. Herbs and supplements could be effective but it takes time to see the results. However, I had a tool by my side that I knew could help me and I started treatments immediately. 

Embracing low level laser therapy

The tool I am talking about is coMra therapy. I started the Thyroid treatment course from the User Guide but I was adding ten or twenty minutes on my liver on 5Hz. Needless to say that I was very consistent with my treatment and every day I was doing coMra for an hour or more. Applying coMra I combined with lifestyle changes as I was doing yoga on a regular basis, some meditation, I was eating lots of fruits and vegetables and was avoiding sugar, gluten, alcohol (even vinegar) and caffeine. 

What was the message?

The message for me was to take care of myself and my body as obviously the balance was destroyed. I was taking slow walks in nature, going to massage therapy, spending time in a swimming pool or the sea but most of all I was searching for all the patterns in my mind which made me feel distressed all the time. I remember how tense I was feeling emotionally but also in my body, like all my muscles were tight all the time. I was taking some supplements like selenium, magnesium and vitamin C to help my body recover. However, my main tool was coMra and I was relying on my knowledge that when I support my body, it will find a way to recover. 

My recovery and feeling well again

After a month and a half I started to feel better. I was not tired all the time, I lost some weight, I had no increased heart rate in the evening and the anxiety was gone. I was feeling emotionally well and my body was showing me that balance had returned there too. I know that we are a whole being and everything is part of us - our mind, soul, body and emotions. If there is an imbalance in one of them, the others will feel it too. 

I remember I was surprised to notice that I was feeling joy and happiness again, I was feeling healthy and strong. In my yoga class, I could sense that I really had power in my body and I even felt better than ten years ago. It was amazing to realise that even after this condition I was feeling stronger than my younger self. I do not know for how many years I have been living with my hormonal imbalance and what really caused it as it is more important  that now I feel healthy and young from the inside. What I found out in my research is that every fifth woman nowadays has hypofunction of the thyroid but some women live with this condition all their lives without even knowing it. I am now grateful for all the knowledge and clarity I gained from my experience and that my body now is healthy, strong and relaxed.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us..

Watch another story shared with an open heart and a smile:

Meret has been using coMra therapy for many years. As many other coMra users, she found that coMra therapy is not only very safe but also that coMra is effective for various cases and conditions. She used it for her daughter's herpes, her own thyroid issues and migraines with great results.

Millions of people suffer from diabetes which is a very serious condition but it could be reversed and cured if you embrace a holistic approach to it and make some changes in your life. There are two types of diabetes and both lead to high blood sugar levels which is dangerous for the normal functioning of the body. Type 1 is an autoimmune disease that occurs at young age and as a result of it, the pancreas cannot produce insulin. This disease is hard to be reversed but you can control the symptoms and get some relief. Type 2 is a condition following insulin resistance and it usually happens later on in life. In that case, the insulin is produced and released but the cells do not respond properly to it which is a condition called insulin resistance.

Type 2 Diabetes

As Type 2 diabetes is a result of the lifestyle, diet, mindset and stress, it could be successfully healed. The best approach is a prevention or to start when you are prediabetic. High levels of stress, poor diet and excess weight are among the causes for diabetes, so you need to focus on that for a start. If untreated insulin resistance is could quite challenging for the body to handle and is often linked to high blood pressure, liver inflammation, increased abdominal fat, constipation, neurological damage and many others. You can exclude gluten and casein from your diet to reduce inflammation, you can avoid sugar and take some supplements too. However, there is a another very powerful way to help your body healing diabetes and insulin resistance.

coMra Therapy

You can support the inner healing abilities of your cells in a very gentle and natural way with coMra therapy. This method will provide the needed energy for each cell, organ and system in your body for their regeneration and rejuvenation. The lasers are well-known these days with their potential to heal various diseases and conditions. So, with coMra Palm you have a small cold laser, magnets and colorful light diodes on your side fighting the disease. The device is small, portable and very easy to use. All the details you need to know before applying coMra therapy are in the coMra user guide. However, while there are no side effects from the therapy, you can easily create your own treatment course or just treat the places where you feel pain. It will reduce the stress response in the body and is used to treat depression and anxiety, which could be very beneficial if you have diabetes.

Complimentary supplements and diet

The coMra therapy is a non-invasive method to heal and restore health in your body. It has shown great results with insulin resistance, diabetes, heart diseases, nerve damage and many more. The best way would be to apply coMra therapy together with diet changes, supplements therapy and moderate activity as everything is connected. Exercising is very important for the cardiovascular system which could be supported with coMra Universal Treatment 3 - Blood as well. The recommended supplements for diabetes are chromium, alfa-lipoic acid, magnesium, omega 3 fatty acids and clean proteins or collagen. You need to avoid sugar, grains, dairy products, alcohol, hydrogenated fats and genetically modified foods are all of them trigger inflammation in the body. Spending more time in nature, eating clean food, taking care of your well-being and managing emotional stress together with coMra therapy will have huge and positive impact on your health.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

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