Thyroid issues are getting more and more common these days and one of the main factors for that is stress. The thyroid gland is very small but it is quite crucial for the whole metabolism in the body and the hormonal balance. When the energy is not used properly by the cells in the body, the whole organism suffers. When the thyroid's function is too low, it is called hypothyroidism and then it is overactive, it is hyperthyroidism. There are also several autoimmune conditions affecting the thyroid like Hashimoto’s disease and Graves’ disease.

Can stress damage your thyroid?

The cause of thyroid disorders is complex and definitely one of the factors which is making it worse, it stress. The high levels of stress hormones would suppress the metabolism even more and by slowing it down, you might gain weight. People with thyroid issues usually are experiencing prolonged periods of emotional stress which is either slowing the thyroid down or on the opposite can make it too active causing increased heartbeat, hair loss and anxiety. 

The effect of stress on your thyroid

Chronic stress will lead to a continuous production of cortisol and other stress hormones, which will affect the hormonal balance in the body, decreasing the thyroid and reproductive hormones, triggering insulin resistance and causing sleeping problems. When the cortisol levels are too high, the thyroid gland has to work even harder in order to produce enough thyroid hormones. 

How sleep deprivation can damage the thyroid?

When you are not able to have a good sleep at night, you will experience ups and downs of energy during the day and would not be feeling at your best. The adrenal glands are producing either too much or not enough cortisol which makes you feel tired all the time. Chronic fatigue, sleep deprivation and stress are all interconnected - the less you sleep in the night, the more stressed and tired you will feel in the day and that cycle would repeat itself. So, sleep deprivation would affect your thyroid just the same as high levels of stress and it can cause emotional stress, anxiety and depression. 

Can physical stress cause hyperthyroidism?

It is known that physical stress can cause thyroid storm or hyperthyroidism as your body is trying to speed up all the processes in order to handle the physical challenges coming from the outside. If you have Graves’ disease or hyperthyroidism, being hyperactive on the physical level would make things worse. It can also cause anxiety, anger issues, sleep problems and increased heartbeat. 

Can stress make hypothyroidism worse?

When you are stressed and your thyroid is hypoactive, the condition can become worse. Stress negatively affects the immune system, the hormonal balance of many hormones like estrogen, prolactin, insulin, etc. When you are stressed, a huge amount of adrenaline and cortisol is produced which suppress many functions in the body, the stress reaction is an attempt of your body to help you move away as fast as possible from the danger. However, if you feel stressed all the time, then this would deplete your body from resources as everything is used to the maximum and some functions would be literally shut down until you have more vital energy. Stress and sleep deprivation would actually increase the levels of TSH ( thyroid stimulating hormone) produced by the pituitary gland in an attempt to make the thyroid work better. 

How to support your thyroid and nervous system in a gentle but effective way

There is a very effective way to support your thyroid and the nervous system without the use of too many medications and that is to apply cold laser therapy. It is non-invasive, totally safe and gentle. The cold lasers like the one used in coMra devices are known to provide the additional energy needed by the cells in order for them to recover and regenerate. The laser in coMra is additionally supported by magnets, light diodes and even ultrasound (in Delta) in order to provide even more free energy which can be used for healing. The recommended coMra treatment protocols can be found in the coMra User Guide - Universal Treatment 5  for the nervous system and Autoimmune 4 to support the thyroid. Of course, you can apply additional protocols according to your conditions and your needs in order to have even better results with improving your health.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us

In the cold months, cough is one of the usual symptoms of a common cold, also known as upper respiratory infection. Depending on how strong the immune system is, it can take three days to two weeks to recover from it. Sometimes, after the common cold, bronchitis is developed and it is a condition that can be quite stubborn. 

Bronchitis is a condition which occurs when there is an infection in the lungs. The major airways of the lung - the bronchi, are inflamed and irritated. Most common types of bronchitis are acute or chronic, there are other types too. Although the symptoms of acute bronchitis, which is sometimes referred as chest cold, usually last for about 2 weeks, the cough might stay for up to two months.

Which Are the Most Common Symptoms and Signs of Bronchitis?

What Might Trigger Bronchitis?

As it was mentioned above, bronchitis could develop after a common cold. It could be caused by a virus or bacteria infection, it could be triggered by breathing in irritant particles or substances. Smoking can be a trigger too for some people however, it is not the main cause of bronchitis as non-smokers can suffer too. Toxic or polluted air environments should be avoided or protective gear must be used to protect the lungs. Sometimes, emotional stress can be a trigger too as it compromises the immune system. 

Cold Laser Home Treatments for Cough and Bronchitis

How quickly you will recover from bronchitis depends on how strong your immune system is. While it is often developed after a common cold, the immune system is often compromised and the cough syrups are not even working to give a relief from the cough. In that case, you might think that you need stronger medication but there is another way to treat acute and chronic conditions - cold laser therapy. It is known that cold lasers are very effective to help the natural healing abilities of the body, totally safe and non-invasive. On the other hand, coMra is an improved cold laser therapy, as in the coMra devices the power of the laser is combined with the healing properties of magnets, light diodes and ( in Delta) ultrasound. 

The coMra treatment protocol for Bronchitis is Pulmonology 1 and all the details of it can be found in the coMra User Guide. You will need to apply the protocol until you see some improvement or at least for two weeks. It is a totally safe way to treat yourself or your family without any side effects as all the protocols are thoroughly described in the User Guide. The cold laser therapy is suitable for everyone including children, elderly people and pregnant women, you can even treat your pet with the devices. There are coMra protocols for various conditions and diseases, as bronchitis is merely one of them. 

Natural Remedies for Cough and Bronchitis

The herbs and other natural healing methods are very well combined with coMra therapy as soon as they are gentle and non-invasive too. In order to assist the recovery from bronchitis, first you will need to apply the coMra protocol daily and then you can include some additional remedies: 

​​How to prevent coughing

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us

Cervical erosion is a common health issue however not an extremely serious one, it is not linked to cervical cancer as many people might think. It occurs when cells from the cervix start growing outside of it and this looks like a red, inflamed patch on the neck of the cervix. Although, the condition usually goes without symptoms, some pain or bleeding during sex might be felt and vaginal discharge or spotting between periods might occur. These could be a sign for a different condition though, so even if you experience them, it is not a reliable way to diagnose yourself with cervical erosion.

Causes of Cervical Erosion (Cervical Ectropion)

The most common reason is a hormonal Imbalance of the reproductive hormones in the female body due to birth control pills, pregnancy or other. The cervical erosion is linked to elevated levels of estrogen. The high levels of estrogen can cause abnormal growth of cells outside the cervical canal, usually on the neck of the cervix. It might be a fluctuation of the estrogen levels or a permanent estrogen dominance, however the cervical erosion occurs when the hormones are out of balance in the body and this is what needs to be addressed in the first place. The conventional methods of removing the cervical erosion with cryotherapy or silver nitrate will not work on the root cause of the condition but will only remove the result of the hormonal imbalance. The reason why the birth control pill causes not only these issues but many others too is that it consists of estrogen or synthetic progestin, both of which completely disrupt the fine hormonal balance in the female body. 

Cold Laser Therapy for Hormonal Imbalances

Choosing a non-invasive treatment like cold laser therapy is a way to address and heal the root cause of the condition which is the hormonal imbalance. In coMra, the cold infrared laser is combined with magnets and light diodes to create even better support to the cells, providing them with the additional energy they need in order to heal. It is totally safe, non-invasive and highly effective. The high levels of estrogen are linked to PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, migraines, water retention, weight gain, etc. Estrogen is the reproductive hormone that you really need to be kept in balance by the relevant levels of progesterone, low levels of prolactin and stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. 

The recommended coMra treatment protocol in that case would be Universal Treatment 5 - Nervous system from the coMra User Guide and the Gastroenterology 1 treatment protocol which will address problems in the liver. The liver is the organ which is responsible for eliminating the excess estrogen from the body, so you need to support its work with a proper diet and regular coMra treatments. Even if you are not doing the whole protocol, you can still treat it daily on 5Hz for at least 10 minutes to support its normal functioning. These protocols can be done with coMra Palm as you also add the points from Gynecology 1 which do not require the Delta Probe Terminal. 

coMra Treatment Protocol for Cervical Erosion

The specific coMra treatment protocol designed to address cervical erosion will require Delta Probe Terminal in order to execute the whole treatment. In the coMra User Guide, you will find it under the name Gynecology 1 and you need to apply for it for at least two weeks. The cold laser therapy will induce the healing and regenerating process of the tissues without any negative side effects and without any pain involved. However, it is still a good strategy to combine this protocol with the treatments mentioned above - Universal 5 and Liver. Additionally, you might want to treat the adrenal glands a bit more, especially if you feel under stress or have troubles sleeping. 

More Ways to Support Your Reproductive Health

If you experience hormonal imbalance you will need to keep your stress hormones in a good range by managing your stress response, your sleep, diet and exercise routine. Any additional stress will add to the imbalance. Following a balanced diet is crucial as if your body is underfed, it will be perceived as stress by it, the same goes with intensive training or the lack of sleep. Avoid foods which decrease your progesterone and might add more estrogen into the system lie dairy products, soy and certain herbs.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

The pancreas is a gland located behind the stomach which participates in the digestion process by producing enzymes, insulin and more. Pancreatitis is the inflammation of the pancreas which occurs when the digestive enzymes are activated while still in the pancreas, irritating its cells and causing inflammation. It is caused by high alcohol consumption, gallstones, some drugs, injury, high blood lipids and extreme stress. However, there could be an underlying disease which causes the inflammation of the pancreas too. There are different severity of the condition and in moderate to severe cases, you will need to see a doctor. In mild and chronic cases, you can follow a strict diet and do cold laser treatments at home.

Symptoms of Pancreatitis

What Diet will Help with Pancreatitis

When there is an inflammation of the pancreas, the organ itself fails to function properly. It cannot produce enough enzymes and the most difficult to digest food at that period is any form of fat, plant-based or animal. Avoid fat in any form for at least two weeks and then introduce fat in the form of olive oil, for example, in very limited quantities. This means that you cannot eat any deserts, fried foods, sauces, cooked dishes with oil, nuts, oily meat and fish, dressings, dairy products, etc. You have to drink a lot of water in order to avoid dehydration and to cut off alcohol consumption completely. 

In terms of medications, you might need medical advice on painkillers and antibiotics, however if you can avoid taking them it will be even better. In cases of chronic pancreatitis, because of digestive issues, the body is usually malnourished and the nutrients are not absorbed efficiently. In that case, it is recommended to take vitamins and antioxidants as supplements. While fresh fruits and vegetables are a major part of each balanced diet, you might find it difficult to eat fruits as they contain sugars, and the vegetables are better digested when slightly boiled or steamed. You will have to avoid spicy meals, crunchy foods like nuts or crackers as they usually contain fats and are hard to digest. Basically, stick to easy to digest and simple foods like cooked potatoes and rice, boiled root vegetables and bread, lean meat and cucumbers, etc. 

Pancreatitis Home Treatment

Although severe cases might require hospitalization or at least a doctor’s visit, when you get back home you will need to treat the condition yourself. Even if your pancreatitis is not chronic, it will take quite some time on a diet plan and treatment to be able to manage and control the condition. The best alternative to painkillers is low level laser therapy (cold lasers) as it is non-invasive, totally safe and you do load the pancreas, the stomach and the liver with more medication to deal with. 

When there is acute pain, you can use the coMra cold laser device to get some relief. However, there is a coMra treatment protocol created to treat and heal pancreatitis. In the coMra User Guide, you will find it by the name Gastroenterology 3. This treatment protocol will take around 16-20 mins. However, you can combine it with Universal Treat 3 - Blood to improve the blood circulation and the quality of the blood, and with Universal Treatment 5 - Nervous system, if you experience extreme stress and feel down emotionally. Here is how the treatment protocol is described in the coMra User Guide. 

pancreatitis 1

Why Does coMra Laser Therapy Work? 

Cold lasers have been used for many years now with all kinds of conditions and diseases. The healing effect is a result of the coherent work of a laser, magnets and light diodes, which are specifically modulated to create a field of energy entering the cells. This additional energy is used by the cell to secure the vital processes going on like daily metabolism, regeneration and elimination. Because when there is an inflammation, it costs a lot of vital energy to the cell or the organ, some functions are put on hold and the energy is used where it is most needed. When you provide additional energy though, the cells will not cut some functions but will use this energy to regenerate and heal. 

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us

Acid reflux or GERD is the condition when the acid from the stomach is returning into the esophagus causing a burning sensation and chest pain. It is a condition which shows that there is a problem in the digestive system that is why you will need a complex approach to it, assisting your body into restoring its normal functioning. Some foods and actions might trigger the response however the causes are deep into your body, emotions and mind. So, the best way to approach any medical issue is to search for the reasons which are beyond the physical. What causes acid reflux and how to treat the condition holistically.

What Causes Acid Reflux?

First of all, each issue with the physical body has its roots in the emotions and your way of thinking, that is why acid reflux like many other conditions is linked to stress and anxiety. Some daily habits will trigger those symptoms, however it is not normal for your digestive system to experience acid reflux after having a meal, so try to manage your stress response to daily situations and events. Here is the list of the most common things which might trigger the acid reflux: 

Signs and Symptoms of Acid Reflux

Heartburn is the main symptom which is felt like burning in the chest when the acid from the stomach is returning to the esophagus. Other symptoms might include sore throat, difficulty swallowing, unpleasant sour taste in your mouth caused by the excess acid, regurgitation, bad breath, etc. Coughs or hiccups which occur after eating might also be a sign of acid reflux, the symptoms get worse if you bend over or lie down. 

Acid Reflux Quick Relief 

When you experience acid reflux, you will need a quick way to soothe the burning sensation in your chest by taking some alkaline food or liquid. However, you need to know that only soothing the symptoms will not address the root cause of the condition, so you will need to work also for that having a long term strategy on how to restore the normal functioning of the digestive system. Here are some things which you can do on the spot: 

Long term treatment to cure 

Instead of relying only on short term ways to soothe the symptoms, you might consider long term treatment protocols like coMra cold laser therapy which is totally safe, non-invasive and highly effective for all kinds of medical conditions and diseases. From the coMra User Guide find Gastroenterology 4 and Universal 5 treatment protocols and apply them for at least two weeks daily in order to support your body into healing and regenerating. The infrared laser together with the magnets and light diodes will gently but firmly support the functioning of the cells and organs, assisting and inducing the healing process.  

Diet and Daily Habits to Reduce Acid Reflux

Implement the following tips into your daily routine and your diet in order to control the acid reflux from becoming a chronic condition or to keep it in its mild range and not letting it become a severe response occurring after each and every meal that you have. 

Herbs and supplements for Acid Reflux Relief

You can add the following herbs in the form of herbal infusion tea or tincture for internal use and even essential oil for topical use. The herbs will work but they need time, so you have to give them several months to do their work and strengthen the digestive system. It is highly recommended to combine coMra treatments with the use of the following herbs and foods:

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact uss.

As you age, your body changes and so is the brain. There are certain things which will help you to improve your brain health and slow the memory decline, lowering the risk of brain diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. Maintaining good health of the brain is crucial for the overall well-being, to prevent mental illness, endocrine disorders and other medical conditions.

1. Stay well hydrated and breathe

In order to support your brain, you need to stay well hydrated. If you experience headaches, brain fog or dizziness in the afternoon, it could be a sign that you didn’t get enough water during the day. You need even more water if you work on a computer and sit all day in an office. Breathing is also important as if your breathing is too shallow, the oxygen reaching the brain might not be enough, try to breathe in a calm manner or do some breathing exercises for several minutes daily. 

2. Get enough sleep 

The body is recovering when you sleep and that applies for the brain even more. This is the only time when the brain should have some rest from processing all this information coming from the outside world. Also all the toxins and cellular metabolic waste is taken out of the brain and into the bloodstream to get rid off later on. In order to feel energized and motivated in the morning, you need to have enough and quality sleep during the night. There are ways to set a sleeping routine and improve the quality of your sleep. Seven to eight hours of consecutive sleep will give your brain the time to recover and to store your memories properly. 

3.Exercise regularly 

Staying active and exercising regularly is very beneficial for the brain. The moderate movements like low intensity exercises, walking, swimming etc., will improve the blood flow to the brain, will tone all the muscles in the body and will support cardiovascular health. Research shows that regular exercising keeps good coordination and improves cognitive health in patients, lowering the risks of mental and brain diseases. It will boost your mood and induce the production of some hormones which will prevent depression and anxiety. 

4. Learn new things - stay mentally active

Never stop learning new things if you want your brain to be healthy and young. In most cases, the mentally active people are protected from dementia as the brain is engaged in learning new skills and creating new neural pathways. Even reading books is a hobby that will keep your brain engaged and will improve your brain health. It is not necessary to go to school or university in order to learn and study, you can always find a way to read and practice new things and skills. Dancing, cooking, drawing and playing a musical instrument are activities which engage many parts of your brain, practicing them will literally tone your brain and they are fun too.

5. Stronger blood vessels and balanced hormones - cold laser therapy

The blood vessels of young people are clean and flexible and the condition of the blood vessels in the body is directly connected to your brain health. There is a way to support the cardiovascular system without taking medications by applying cold laser therapy like coMra. This method of alternative treatment is totally safe and can be used as a pain relief, a healing method or prevention. In the coMra user guide, you will see Universal Treatment Protocol 1 - Head which is designed to directly support the brain and Universal Treatment 3 - Blood for the cardiovascular system. Applying them 3 times per week as a prevention or daily if you experience a medical condition, will induce the healing processes in your brain. 

6. A balanced diet 

Of course, in order to be healthy, you will need a balanced and nutritious diet. All the processed foods, sweets, deep fried foods and trans fats are not good for your brain. The more additives and preservatives your food has, the more your brain will be affected by all these various chemicals coming from outside. Your brain needs good fats, enough proteins, lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, lots of water and fresh air. 

7. Stay connected to friends and social support groups

It is known that people who live alone are more prone to develop brain disease and mental illnesses. That is why it is very beneficial for your brain to stay socially involved, to keep the communication with close friends and loved ones, to turn towards social support groups. The more connected to people you are, the less depressed and stressed you will feel. The most important thing here, the communicate with them to bring joy and peace to your mind and not stress and worry. Enjoy life and laugh more as that is the best remedy.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

In order to be healthy, you need a strong immune system because each disease or condition can be tracked down to immunodeficiency or weak immunity. There are many factors like stress, hormonal imbalance, viral infections, toxins exposure, etc. which affect the immune system negatively. However, there is one more factor which is often overlooked and that is the consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). You can even come across articles saying the opposite - that these fatty acids are good for your health but let us see why that is not correct. Which foods contain polyunsaturated fats and why do you need to avoid them or limit their consumption?

What are the PUFAs?

These polyunsaturated fatty acids are specific lipids which do not contain a hydrogen atom at the end of their molecular structure. For example, the saturated fatty acids molecules have all their hydrogen atoms in place. The absence of a hydrogen atom makes the molecule prone to free radicals, that is why these fats are easily oxidized by air and temperature. They are very unstable and the temperature at which they oxidize is really low. When these unsaturated lipids are in the cells, they increase the oxidative stress contributing to the damage and aging of the cell. 

Why Should You Avoid them?

Although there is a big controversy around polyunsaturated fats as some experts advise people to increase their consumption for better health, they actually have inflammatory properties due to their highly reactive nature. While they suppress the thyroid function, their consumption will lead not only to slow metabolism but also to weight gain and hormonal imbalances. They also put a great deal of load on the liver which is the main eliminating organ in the body. Following a PUFAs-free diet will have many benefits for your health such as stable blood sugar levels, improved metabolism, better skin, improved digestion and easier detoxification. 

A List of the Foods Which Contain PUFAs

Although there are traces of PUFAs in most of the vegetables and oils, a small amount of them is very unlikely to cause any trouble. However, most of the liquid cooking oils extracted from nuts and seeds contain mostly polyunsaturated fats. Also, all of the commercially grown animal products like beef, poultry and eggs contain them as the animals have been fed with corn and soy. Here is the list of the oils and foods that you need to avoid:

How to Avoid PUFAs and What to Use Instead? 

First of all, try to use mostly saturated fats for cooking like coconut oil, butter, tallow, ghee and olive oil. Limit the times when you eat out and consume nuts and seeds very moderately. If there are days when you have eaten a lot of PUFAs, try to balance this with the consumption of more saturated fats as it is known that saturated fats diminish the negative effects from the polyunsaturated fats. If you consume animal products, choose grass-fed and organic whenever that is possible. If you are vegan or vegetarian, try to eat more coconut oil, avocados and olive as your main source of fat. Taking a supplement of vitamin E is beneficial when dealing with the effects of PUFAs and it is a powerful antioxidant. 

Support Your Liver

Including antioxidants in your diet like fresh berries and fruits, ashwagandha, rhodiola, etc. will support the function of the liver in eliminating all the toxins from the free radicals. Such herbs and supplements are protecting the cells from the oxidative stress caused by the polyunsaturated fats. Starting your day with lemon water is a small step but it can change the metabolism of fats in your body and will also support your liver. 

Use a cold laser daily for at least two weeks. Cold laser therapy is known to have many benefits and it is highly effective when dealing with various conditions. While it is non-invasive, it is a great alternative to medications and is a huge support to every detoxification. You can apply coMra on your liver to support its function every evening on 5Hz for two week for ten to twenty minutes. This can be combined with other treatment protocols. Cold laser therapy is providing additional energy on a cellular level, inducing the inherent healing abilities of the body and assisting it in the elimination of the free radicals which cause aging, diseases and cell damage.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

These days, when refined sugar is in almost every packaged food on the market, more and more people become sugar sensitive, or in other words they develop insulin resistance. Insulin is the hormone produced by the pancreas in order to regulate the blood sugar levels and to make the cells use the glucose as fuel. However, due to some factors, the cells would not respond to the insulin and they “refuse” to use the glucose coming to them. This blood sugar then will keep circulating in the body, so the levels will stay high causing symptoms like headaches, increased heart beat and could have serious long term effects on the overall health.

What is the obvious cause of insulin resistance?

A diet with too many calories in each meal, with lots of sweets and carbohydrates would cause insulin spikes throughout the day. The obvious cause for insulin resistance is obesity, inactive lifestyle, too much processed and junk food, soft drinks with too much sugar and eating a lot of sugar in any form, even not the obvious one like pasta, white rice, potatoes, etc. Each meal will cause insulin to rise in order for all these calories to be used by the cells. However, some foods will cause insulin spikes and some will cause a continuous insulin rise keeping it in moderate range. Above all, do not to forget that your brain and your liver need carbs in order to function, the consumption of carbohydrates is not the real cause of insulin resistance.

What is the main cause of insulin resistance though?

If we look under the face value though, the main cause is now proved to be stress. High levels of stress will disrupt the hormonal balance in the body and can lead to insulin resistance. There is a connection between stress and the “refusal” of the cells to use all that glucose. The “fast” calories coming from a candy, for example, have to be used very quickly by the cells and if we are not exercising in order to burn these calories, they in fact will “burn” the cell itself, causing oxidative stress, cell death and lots of free radicals. At one point, the cell will refuse to use this excess fuel anymore in order to preserve its own health. 

This whole process has to be taken in awareness, especially if you are an emotional eater. A lot of people like to relax themselves by eating food, and it is not a surprise that they usually choose sweets. So we have stress, emotional imbalance and the habit of eating a lot of sweets like cakes, chocolates, soft drinks, candies and so on. And there is more, the word “resistance” is the key. When you resist something in your life, this causes high levels of stress. The constant inner conflict, resistance to the process of life and negative thinking will at one point affect your physical health. This all looks like a vicious circle and it has to be broken, otherwise insulin resistance can become diabetes when the pancreas cannot keep up and stops the insulin production.

A holistic way how to deal with insulin resistance

First of all, if you suffer from this condition and you are aware that your body is sending you a message that you need to change something, then it is time to take the responsibility for your own health. Change your diet, include exercising and activities, work on your inner response to life and stressful situations. Related to the physical body - your liver, pancreas and other organs you will need to turn towards non-invasive therapies without aggressive medications, you do not want to get addicted to medications which make you feel good but destroy your liver or kidneys. Cold laser therapy is very effective when treating the liver, the pancreas and endocrine disorders. The coMra cold laser devices are even more powerful but still gentle to your cells, as they use not only an infrared laser but also magnets and light diodes. 

Hundreds of case studies have proved great results on conditions like insulin resistance and diabetes. However, the earlier you address the cause, the better. Good news is that you can apply it on your own at home, without going to a medical center and you can combine cold laser therapy with yoga, walks in nature, massage therapy, art classes or anything that makes you feel good. When you take the responsibility for your health back in your hands and have your own strategy on how to enjoy life more rather than resisting it, then it will all come to its place.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

Everyone wants to have strong and healthy hair but there is more to it. The health of your hair is  showing if there is an issue in your body as it reacts to every change of the inner balance. Hormonal problems, digestive issues, stress and emotional imbalances will affect your hair and will change the appearance, the thickness and the scalp of the head. That is why it is very important to observe the condition of the hair and to know how to support its health from the inside out, not relying so much on hair products for external use.

Why are we losing hair?

The main thing about hair is that it is not crucial for the survival of the body, so there would be no priority to it if the major organs like the heart or the lungs need support or healing. There is a limited energy in the body and it has to be organized in such a way that it covers all its needs to maintain life. When there is constant stress or a chronic disease, for example, most of the energy resources of the body are spent on dealing with the consequences of the health condition. 

Which means that if you are experiencing stress, your body will have to give priority to some functions and put others on hold. Hair growth is one of the things that is affected by stress shortly after the situation itself as all the energy is redirected to the more important organs and systems. If you experience a long term stress, then the reproductive hormones would be affected too as in times of stress and malnutrition, the reproduction is put on hold. 

There are certain hormones which are linked to the health of the hair. High levels of prolactin will induce hair loss, and high levels of estrogen will cause the prolactin to increase. Low thyroid function can also result in hair loss and bad hair health like dryness and breakage. And the low thyroid hormone production is usually going together with high estrogen. 

How to Improve Your Hair Health and to Avoid Hair Loss?

You will need to restore the hormonal balance in your body, change your diet, maybe even take some supplements like zinc and vitamins B. It is highly recommended to include cold laser therapy as a complementary treatment or to use it as a main healing strategy. The laser will provide an additional energy source to your body which can be used for healing and regeneration. Here are some of the things which you can do in order to support your hair from the inside out.

1.Manage your stress

The stress hormones like cortisol, adrenaline, etc., are a priority for your body as they are produced to help you get out of the stressful situation. Or that is how it used to be. Nowadays, research shows that an average woman experiences 50 to 100 stress reactions in a single day and that is affecting her hormonal balance. It is well known that hair reacts very quickly to excessive stress and the next morning you wake up with dry, breaking and falling hair, or you find new white hairs. Stress is affecting the blood vessels of the scalp and they literally shrink which causes falling hair and dryness. How to manage your stress? First of all, work on your perception and observe your reaction to the stressful situation. Then you will need to cut off stimulants like caffeine and calm down your nervous system. Cold lasers are a great non-invasive option to medications and can be used to support both your nervous system and the major organs in your body. 

2.Support your reproductive and thyroid hormones production

Falling hair is linked to low thyroid hormones, high prolactin and estrogen, low progesterone and high levels of cortisol. So, it is very often a sign for a hormonal imbalance that is unaddressed. Restoring the hormonal balance will take time as it is a very complicated inner system of chemicals and connections. If you feel that your body has its own intelligence and that it knows how to stay healthy, the best way is to support its own healing. That is why you need to be very careful with hormone replacement therapies of any kind as you can hardly manage all these processes. That is why cold laser therapies like coMra are more and more recommended, they provide the missing energy for the body to heal itself. You can start with Universal treatment protocol 5 which is good for the nervous system too, then apply the Hypothyroidism treatment protocol if needed. 

3.Maintain healthy blood sugar levels

Whenever you eat something, your blood sugar levels will rise but if you eat a great amount of sugar all at once, your blood sugar will rise so quickly that it will need an insulin spike too in order to fix it. These insulin spikes are very dangerous, especially if you suffer from hypoglycemia, insulin resistance, etc. The glucose levels in your blood are connected to the stress hormones, the health of the liver and the pancreas, your blood pressure name it - they affect the whole body as glucose is the fuel for the cell and its metabolism is crucial. Including more fruits in your diet will help you minimize the quantity of refined sugar. 

4.Support your liver 

An organ responsible for so many things in your body, your liver deserves special attention. The health of your hair also depends on its work as if all these toxins remain unprocessed, it will show. How to support your liver? Eat enough quality protein as that will help the elimination of the excessive estrogen from the body, consume alcohol moderately or avoid it, limit the amount of refined sugar in your diet, work with your emotions. Yes, the liver is affected by emotions like fear and anger, so containing your emotions will support its function as good as cutting off all the processed foods. Use coMra cold lasers directly on the liver on 5Hz for ten to twenty minutes every evening, before going to bed, for two weeks. This will improve your metabolism and can help with weight loss if the glucose is not stored in the body in the form of fat cells. Add more vitamins B to your diet or take them as supplements and eat raw carrots daily to support estrogen elimination.

5.Improve your gut health

A major part of digestion is happening in the gut and if there is a problem it will affect the whole body. If you experience gut problems for some time, your hair will be dry, dull and thinning.  Have you heard of the gut brain? Yes, there are nerve cells in your gut and any issue there will show in your emotions and energy levels. This is the link to the stress reactions, poor gut health might even cause anxiety or depression. Depending on your condition, check the available treatment protocols in the coMra User Guide as cold laser therapy is highly effective when treating digestive issues. Combine the treatments with a change in your diet according to your personal food intolerances. Some people feel better when they limit the consumption of gluten, others have to stay away from all the dairy products.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

The quality of our sleep is so important for the overall health, the hormonal balance, the health of the brain, of the heart and more. You know how you feel when you can't sleep well, how your productivity and mood during the day is affected. But that is just the tip of the iceberg - with time poor sleep can lead to anxiety, weight gain, chronic fatigue, thyroid issues, depression and even a burn out. That is why it is good to have a sleeping routine which will support the quality of your sleep at night and here are some tips on how to create one that will work for you.

Having a light meal at least 2 hours before going to bed

Your body needs to rest during the night and also most of the negative and healing processes are happening while you are sleeping. So, you definitely do not want to load your body with heavy meals right before going to bed. Instead of resting and cleansing the tissues, it will be busy with digestion and the horizontal position is not supporting the digestive system at all. If you eat heavy in the evening and then there is not enough time for the food to be digested, it will affect the quality of your sleep, not allowing you to reach the deep sleep phase, can cause bloating, gas and abdominal pain, it can even cause bad dreams and nightmares. So, try to have a light meal at least 2-3 hours before going to bed and if you like to snack late in the evening, have a fresh vegetable or fruit instead of chocolate or sweets. 

Going to bed at the same time each night

Although it could be hard to do this every single night, it is very beneficial if you could set a time to go to bed each evening and stay with it. If you go to bed and wake up at a particular time, your body will adjust and will start producing the hormones regulating your energy expenditure on a regular basis. In the evening, it will decrease the levels of cortisol and will produce melatonin which will make you fall asleep faster. In the morning, the levels of cortisol will rise up at the same time each day, waking you up. If you travel and experience jet lag, try to get back to your normal sleeping hours as soon as possible. Sleeping during the dark hours is highly beneficial for your health, so try not to stay too late and then wake up before 9 am in the morning for an optimal health condition. 

Reducing screen time in the evening

In order for your body to start the melatonin production, which will help you fall asleep, it is better to avoid looking at screens at least 2 hours before going to bed. Screens are known to emit blue light which is waking up the brain and causing troubles sleeping. Also when you are checking your social media in the evening, it actually clutters your mind with too much information which has to be processed and will keep you wide awake. Diminishing the light in the room where you stay in the evening reading a book or listening to calm music will help your body to prepare for a good rest. 

Calming down your nervous system

As mentioned you can listen to calm music or read a book in the evening. In order to calm the nervous system down, you can also take a shower, do some slow stretching, drink a calming cup of herbal tea or make a cold laser treatment. Universal treatment protocol 5 from coMra user guide, for example, is supporting your nervous system and will help you calm down. It can be applied to balance your hormones and to support neuropathic healing too. As a non-invasive procedure, coMra is very beneficial for a wide range of conditions but can also be used as a way to fall asleep faster and to support your immune system. Combining it with a cup of warm milk with cardamom and nutmeg will help you fall asleep even faster. 

Breathwork and essential oils

Imagine having your diffuser with the favourite aromas of lavender or sandalwood essential oils on, you are sitting or lying down still, diving deep in your calm and ever existing presence. Setting up a meditation or breathing practice each evening is proven to help with falling asleep and having a good night sleep. If you are new to meditation, you can listen to a recorded meditation or just focus on your breath for several minutes, trying not to think about anything else. When you are observing your breath, it helps you stay in the moment and all the distracting thoughts will slowly disappear, leaving in the tranquility of your own presence. 

Oil massage

There is an ancient ayurvedic practice to do a self-massage in the evening with warm sesame oil in order to promote better health and sleep. You can slowly spread the oil on your body being mindful and full presented, giving your cells some extra love. If you are in a hurry, you can massage only the feet and your scalp as there are thousands of nerve endings there connected to each organ in your body. This procedure is like a ritual for a better sleep as it will help your tissue regeneration and will calm down your nervous system even more. 

Letting it all go 

The day is over and you need to leave all the worries of the day behind in order to fall asleep. Avoid thinking about the next day tasks or the problems that you have at the moment. Whatever is there to be done, you can do it tomorrow. If you are overthinking all the things that trouble you, you will end up spending the night worrying instead of sleeping and the next day, you will have zero energy to actually deal with what is urgent. The art of letting go in something that we all practice each evening when we are already in bed. Breathe out all your worries and troubles, preparing yourself to have a good and relaxing sleep. This will give you the energy and maybe even new ideas on how to tackle your challenges in the morning. Practicing gratitude for all the great things in your life is an inspiring way to end your day on a good note.

Avoiding stimulating activities 

Having a dynamic work out just before going to bed or watching a movie with some disturbing images, will not help with your sleep. If the levels of adrenaline rise, it will take some time to calm down again. All the really stimulating activities should be left for the day time and in the evening you can concentrate on very slow and soothing practices like Yin yoga, slow stretching, drawing or your favourite quiet hobby. The less is there for your mind to process, the better your sleep will be. That is why you need to be very mindful of what type of content you are watching or listening to before going to bed. Disturbing images and sounds will affect your sleep and might even cause nightmares. 

Sleep is the time of the day when we regain our energy and rest. On the physical level, the body is recovering, healing, cleansing and regenerating. On the emotional level, we get some peace and quiet away from the madness of the world outside. That is why, we need to be mindful about these moments just before going to bed and be aware of what thoughts occupy the mind. These are the moments when we can really observe deep inside and embrace the depth of our own being, when we can cherish the true nature of life, when we can experience deep and soothing inner peace. 

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.